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With rapid development of Internet, the number of Internet users is increasing gradually. The number in China was over 400 million at the end of 2009, ranked No.l in the world. Internet activities are getting more and more, so the requirements to the website are getting stricter. Many websites are increasing their popularity through search engine. They ignored that contents and functions are essential of a website. Many website technicians made website rich and special with their skills. But some questions are out:how do users think about these designs? Do they recognize the functions of website? What items are affecting their decision?
     This paper, taking the most popular network technology and web-interactive technology as research background, deeply interpret the web-interactive technology and select research objects according to the most authoritative identification methods. Web-interactive technology embodied in three aspects:synchronization, activity control and two-way communications. These three aspects are reflected through High-speed and stable network bandwidth, virtual model to try on watches for users, specialist for two-way communications.
     This research analyses the acceptance of web-interactive technology with UTAUT model, the newest, most comprehensive and explanatory method. The impacts on behavior intention from performance expectancy, effect expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions are the very point of this research. Actual use of the existing model is not discussed in the paper. Besides, all the control variables of the original model have been omitted here. Personality is chosen as research variables. We have chosen the five items of personality for independent measurement and test. There are a few current researches on personality and the conclusions have not been uniform. So research on personality, the main factor that individual differences, can let us understand how human factors influence their acceptance of technology further, and provide theoretical basis for customer segmentation marketing.
     In the model, we mainly focused on testing moderator to personality. We test the impact of the five items with hierarchy regression analysis. We also test the main impact in the original UTAUT model with hierarchy regression analysis. The conclusion is that, performance expectancy and effect expectancy have positive impact on behavior intention, social influence and facilitating conditions have no significant effect on the background of acceptance of Web-interactive technology. Besides, moderator has no significant effect in our test.
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