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     The paper aims to analyze the roles of autophagy protein Beclin1 and the apoptotic protein P53 in the process of lung cancer by detecting the expression levels of Beclinl and P53 in the lung tissue quantitatively. And the paper researches the relationship between Beclinl and P53 and the pathological stages of lung cancer, in order to provide new ideas and experimental evidence for the early diagnosis of lung cancer.
     Fifty-six cases of lung tissue which underwent surgery or fiberoptic bronchoscope were enrolled in the study. According to staging standards of the lung cancer TNM published in 2003 by UICC and the clinical manifestations, CT on the chest, X-ray examination, bronchoscopy, abdominal CT, and type-B ultrasonic diagnosis, we divided the cases into many groups among the selected 50 cases:there are 5 cases of in Stage 1,10 cases in Stage II,26 cases in StageⅢ(ⅢA+ⅢB),9 cases in StageⅣ. The age, gender and other conditions in each group were basically matched. The histopathological classification was based on the criteria of 2003 UICC:7 instances of G1,19 instances of G2,24 instances of G3. And then, selecting other six cases of the cancer tissue which are diagnosed as normal tissue for comparison. By detecting and analyzing the expression levels of Beclinl and P53 of the lung cancer tissues in different pathological and clinical stages with flow cytometry, the present research tries to analyze the samples statistically and compare the results with the normal lung tissue.
     The percentage ofP53 protein expression of the cancer patients (63.96±9.43) %was significantly higher than the normal control group (24.90±4.68)%, t= 49.46, p<0.05; tumor metastasis were significantly higher than those without metastasis, p<0.05; and P53 protein expression is gradually increasing with the clinical stage and the pathological grade (p<0.05). Beclin1 protein detection rate was opposite to P53 protein detection rate:Beclinl protein of the cancer patients was (31.72±20.53)%, which was significantly lower than the normal control group (92.26±4.51)%, t=35.84,;p<0.05; the index was gradually reducing with the clinical stage and the pathological grade (p<0.05). Beclin1 protein was correlated toP53 protein, and the expression of Beclin1 and that of P53 was negatively correlated, r=-0.848,p<0.05.
     The combined detection of Beclin1 andP53 can be used as indicators to the lung cancer and provide the evidence for prognosis of malignant efficacy and prognosis of the lung cancer. The expression levels of Beclin1 and P53 is closely related to the development of the lung cancer, the declining of the autophagy effect and the antiapoptotic enhancement of the cells coexist in the process of the tumor cell, thus, raising the macrophages ability becomes another alternative for the cancer therapy.
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