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     第二至五章讨论异域情调。第二章对中国形象制作史上一首划时代的诗歌、美国作家布勒特·哈特(Bret Harte)的《异教徒中国佬》("The Heathen Chinee")进行了全面而细致的解读,分析了这首艺术水准差强人意的诙谐短诗风靡全美并影响后世的深层社会根源。第三章分析了萨克斯·罗默的“傅满洲”系列小说,剖析了“黄祸”套话的生成原因、演变过程和主要内涵。第四章对赛珍珠的小说《大地》进行了重新解读,分析了小说展现的中国形象之特殊性和历史地位。第五章对约翰·赫塞的小说《孤石》和《召唤》进行了详细的文本分析,从科技殖民者和美国来华传教士的角度剖析他们的中国经验之于其制作的中国形象的关键作用。这四章中探讨的美国作家观察中国时所采取的角度各不相同,在写作时代上也大致构成了一种延续关系,他们的作品分别展示了异域情调中鄙视、恐惧、同情、沟通这四种对待中国的心理与行为模式。
The American literature of the past one and a half centuries has witnessed a steady flow of works of China-related subject matters, making itself one of the main sources in the framing of the China image in USA. Considering the different cultural identities of the writers of these works, which may supposedly have major impacts upon the making of certain China image in relevant works, the China-related works in question are thus classified into three groups, including works respectively written by Caucasian, Chinese-American and Chinese immigrant writers. This dissertation is designed to trace the development of the China image within each group, the mutual impacts of the China images among different groups and the motivation as well as the dynamics behind the making of a specific China image.
     The dissertation is divided into three parts, respectively dealing with works written by Caucasian, Chinese-American and Chinese immigrant writers.
     In "Introduction", the author gives a detailed retrospection of the history concerning studies in the fields of the China image of the West, the USA and the American literature. In doing so, the author makes clear the major issues that this dissertation is to tackle and the approaches it is to take.
     Part One (Chapter 1-5) explores the China image in literature of Caucasian American writers. After a general survey in Chapter 1 of the evolution of the China image in Caucasian writings, a joking poem by Bret Harte titled "The Plain Language of Truthful James"(more widely known as "The Heathen Chinee") is given detailed analysis in Chapter 2, so that the reader may have a better understanding of the social-political context of the forming of the famous "Heathen Chinee" stereotype and its long-standing legacy. Then, with the discussion of the Fu Manchu stories by Sax Rohmer in Chapter 3, the author tries to trace the origin and development of the popular "Yellow Peril" discourse. In Chapter 4 and 5, efforts are made to analyze the China image in the novel The Good Earth by Nobel laureate Pearl S. Buck and the work of the China-born American writer John Hersey, in order to provide the reader with an all-around inspection of images of both immigrant and domestic Chinese people.
     Part Two (Chapter 6-9) centers on works by Chinese-American writers. A gain, Chapter 6 is a general survey of China image in such writings. Chapter 7 discussed the realistic representation of the Chinatown life in the works of the Eurasian female writer Sui Sin Far (Edith Eaton) and the Chinese America n writer Louis Hing Chu. Chapter 8 explores the significance of a widely-adop ted genre, ethno-autobiography, in Chinese-American literature. The last chapter of this part, Chapter 9, is about the function and image of the omnipresent Chinese cultural elements in Chinese-American writings.
     Part Three (Chapter 10-16) lists chronologically the China image in immigrant writings of different ages. There are works with the aim of cultural communication by intellectuals such as Lee Yan Phou, Yung Wing and Lin Yutang; there are also market-oriented writings aiming to exoticism-fascinated western readers such as the novels by Princess Der-ling and C. Y. Lee. Special attention is given in Chapter 13 to render a much-forgotten leftist immigrant writer H. T. Tsiang and his works into spotlight for a delayed evaluation. The next two chapters are centered on the China image in Cultural Revolution narratives by New Immigrant writers. Chapter 16 focuses on the writings of Ha Jin, the most influential new immigrant writers in recent years.
     In Chapter 17 (Conclusion), the author believes that writing language and the corresponding choice of target reader, the social-political context of a certain work and the cultural and other identities of the writer, are the three most important factors in the making of a certain China image. In American cultural context, identity of the writer mainly refers to his/her racial, ethnic and gender role, though factors such as the writer's social position, political tendency, profession and his/her Chinese experience may also play a part in the fomulation of the China image.
     The author of this dessertation believes that a China image mainly mirrors the internal dynamics of the American culture, yet it also carries more or less some factual information of China. Therefore, the evolution of the China image in American literature could neither be solely attributed to the change of the Chinese society, nor that of the American society, rather, it is the joint functioning of the complicated interation of both societies. In this sense, the China image could be regarded as a mirror from which the desire of the American culture is reflected; and it is also a piece of rough glass from which one might view some of the real aspects of the Chinese culture and society.
    2 Goldworthy Lowes Dickinson, Letters from John Chinaman. London:J. M. Dent & Sons, LTD.,1913:13.
    2 Suzanne Wilson and John King Fairbank eds. Christianity in China:Early Protestant Missionary Writings. Cambridge, MA:Harvard University Press,1985:2.
    1例如,通常认为,华裔文学是指那些母语为英语的作家用英语写作的作品,但是国内学术界往往将所有在美华人的英语创作都纳入华裔文学范畴,如林语堂、哈金(Jin Ha)等人的创作,可参看北京外国语大学美国华裔文学研究中心网站的相关资料,http://calrc.bfsu.edu.cn/content.asp?newsid=1683821368,2009-5-25;而另一些学者的定义则更为宽泛,比如,在尹晓煌的《美国华裔文学史》中,“华裔文学”外延很大,实际上包含了所有在美国生活的华人用中英文两种语言写成的文学作品,既包括了水仙花(Sui Sin Far, Edith Maude Eaton,1865-1914)、汤亭亭和谭恩美,也包括容闳、林语堂;既有对早期华文作品天使岛诗歌的分析,也有对於梨华、白先勇、聂华苓等人的评论,其概念基本上相当于“美国华人文学”。见尹晓煌(Xiao-huangYin),《美国华裔文学史》,徐颖果译,天津:南开大学出版社,2006年。
    1 M. G. Mason, Western Concepts of China and the Chinese,1840-1876. New York:Russell & Russell,1939.
    2 J. A. G.Roberts, China Through Western Eyes:The Nineteenth Century-A Reader in History. Phoenix Mill: Alan Sutton Publishing,1991.
    3 J. A. G Roberts, China Through Western Eyes:The Twentieth Century-A Reader in History. Phoenix Mill:Alan Sutton Publishing,1992.
    1 Raymond Dawson, ChineseChameleon:An Analysis of European Conceptions of Chinese Civilization. London: Oxford University Press,1967.
    4 Colin Mackerras, Western Images of China. Hong Kong:Oxford University Press,1989.
    5 Mackerras,263.
    2 Jonathan Spence, The Chan's Great Continent:China in Western Minds. New York:W. W. Norton & Company, 1998.
    1哈罗德·伊罗生(Harold R. Isaacs),1910年生,毕业于哥伦比亚大学,后来任职于上海《大晚报》和《大陆报》,又主办《中国论坛报》,兼“哈瓦斯通讯社”驻沪通讯员。1933年参加中国民权保障同盟,任执行委员。1950年任《新闻周刊》副主编。
    2 Scratches on Our Minds:American Views of China and India. New York:The John Day Company,1958.
    4 Stuart Creighton Miller, The Unwelcome Immigrant:The American Image of the Chinese,1785-1882. Berkeley and Los Angeles:University of California Press,1969.
    11784年,第一艘美国快速帆船“中国皇后”(Empress of China)自新英格兰驶向中国海岸,开启了中美贸易的篇章。这是美国人与中国真正意义上的第一次接触。
    2 Robert McClellan, The Heathen Chinese, A Study of American Attitudes Towards China,1890-1905. Ohio:Ohio State University Press,1971.
    3 Benson Lee Grason ed., The American Image of China. New York:Frederick Ungar Publishing Co.,1979.
    4 Blaine T. Browne, A Common Thread:American Images of the Chinese and the Japanese,1930-1960. Ph. D. diss., The University of Oklahoma,1985.
    5 Browne,424.
    6 Jonathan Goldstein, Jerry Israel, and Hilary Conroy, eds., American Views China:American Images of China Then and Now. Bethlehem:Lehigh University Press,1991.
    1 Goldstein et al,11.
    2 Ibid.,13.
    3 Ibid.
    4 Paul Cohen, Discovering History in China:American Historical Writing on the Recent Chinese Past. New York: Columbia University Press,1984.
    1 Suzanne Wilson Barnett and John King Fairbank eds., Christianity in China:Early Protestant Missionary Writings. Cambridge, MA:Harvard University Press,1985:2.
    3 Liu, Kwang-Ching, American Misssionaries in China:Papers from Harvard Seminars. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press,1966.
    4 John King Fairbank ed., The Missionary Enterprise in China and America. Cambridge, MA:Harvard University Press,1974.
    5 Suzanne Wilson Barnett and John King Fairbank eds., Christianity in China:Early Protestant Missionary Writings. Cambridge, MA:Harvard University Press,1985.
    6 Paul Cohen, China and Christianity:The Missionary Movement and the Growth of the Chinese Anti-foreignism, 1860-1870. Cambridge, MA:Harvard University Press,1963.
    7 Valentin H. Rabe, The Home Base of American China Missions,1880-1920. Cambridge, MA:Harvard University Press,1978.
    8 Elizabeth Vanderzell Anderson, Images of China for Americans,1927-1950:The Missionaries'Dilemma. Ph. D. diss., Carnegie Mellon University,1990.
    1 T. Christopher Jesperson,American Images of China,1931-1949. Stanford, CA:Stanford University Press, 1996.
    2 Patricia Neils, China Images in the Life and Times of Henry Luce. Savage, MD:Rowman & Littlefield,1990.
    3 John Burt Foster, China and the Chinese in American Literature,1850-1950. Ph.D. diss., University of Illinois, 1952.
    1 William F. Wu, The Yellow Peril:Chinese Americans in American Fiction,1850-1940. Ph. D. diss., The University of Michigan,1979.另见 William F. Wu, The Yellow Peril:Chinese Americans in American Fiction, 1850-1940. Hamden, Conn:Archon Books,1982.
    3 See Robert G. Lee, Orientals:Asian American in Popular Culture. Philadelphia:Temple University Press,1999: 28-29.
    1 Carl L. Crossman, The China Trade. Princeton:Pyne Press,1972.
    2 See Jonathan Goldstein, "Cantonese Artifacts, Chinoiserie", in Jonathan Goldstein, Jerry Israel and Hilary Conroy eds., American Views China:American Images of China Then and Now. Bethlehem:Lehigh University Press,1991:45.
    3 Caleb Cushing (1800-1879),美国外交官,众议院议员,签订《中美望厦条约》的美国专使。
    1 "California As It Was and Is", Put's Original California Songster, see Robert G. Lee, Orientals:Asian American in Popular Culture. Philadelphia:Temple University Press,1999:16.
    2 Benson Lee Grason ed., The American Image of China. New York:Frederick Ungar Publishing Co.,1979:77.
    3 Luke Schoolcraft, Shine on:Rememberances of the South, arranged by John Braham, music by Luke Schoolcraft. Boston:Louis P. Goullaud,1874.
    1 Billy Rice's Chinese Ball and Other Songs. New York:New York Popular Publishing Co., n.d. See Robert G. Lee, Orientals:Asian American in Popular Culture. Philadelphia:Temple University Press,1999:39.
    1 Robert G. Lee, Orientals:Asian American in Popular Culture. Philadelphia:Temple University Press,1999: 61-62.
    1 Report of the Joint Special Committee to Investigate Chinese Immigration. Washington:Government Printing House,1877见《“黄祸论”历史资料选辑》,吕浦、张振鲲等译,中国社会科学出版社,1979年,第60-77页。
    1 Lucie Cheng Hirata, "Free, Indentured, Enslaved:Chinese Prostitutes in Nineteenth Century America," Signs 5:1(1979),3-29.
    2 Helen Campbell, Darkness and Daylight:Lights and Shadows of New York Life, A Pictorial Record. Hartford, Conn.:The Hartford Publishing Company,1898.
    3 Robert G Lee, Orientals:Asian American in Popular Culture. Philadelphia:Temple University Press,1999:90.
    1 Sandra Howley, "The Imortance of Being Charlie Chan", in Jonathan Goldstein, Jerry Israel, and Hilary Conroy, eds., American Views China:American Images of China Then and Now. Bethlehem:Lehigh University Press,1991: 133.
    1 Frank Chin, Jeffery Paul Chan (1972). "Racist Love". in Richard Kostelanetz. Seeing Through Shunk. New York: Ballantine Books, p.65.
    2 Jonathan Goldstein, "Cantonese Artifacts, Chinoiserie", in Jonathan Goldstein, Jerry Israel and Hilary Conroy eds., American Views China:American Images of China Then and Now. Bethlehem:Lehigh University Press,1991: 51.
    1 The Chinese Repository, Vol.20 list of articles, xxv-xxxviii.
    1 Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., "The Missionary Enterprise and Theories of Imperialism", in John King Fairbank ed., The Missionary Enterprise in China and America. Cambridge, MA:Harvard University Press,1974.
    3 Chinese Repository 3:363 (Dec.1834)
    4 Stuart Creighton Miller, "Ends and Means:Missionary Justification of Force in Nineteenth Century China", in John King Fairbank ed., The Missionary Enterprise in China and America. Cambridge, MA:Harvard University Press,1974:252.
    5 Ibid,257.
    1 Rev. D. Z. Sheffield, "The Relation of Christian Education to the Present Condition and Needs of China," in Records of the General Conference of the Protestant Missionaries of China held at Shanghai, May 7-20,1890, p.474. Shanghai,1890.
    3 Colin Mackerras, Western Images of China. Hong Kong:Oxford University Press,1989:49.
    2 See Colin Mackerras, Western Images of China. Hong Kong:Oxford University Press,1989:53-58.
    3 Paul Cohen, China and Christianity-The Missionary Movement and the Growth of Chinese Antiforeignism, 1860-1870. Cambridge, MA:Harvard University Press,1963:4.
    5 Jonathan Utley, "American Views of China,1900-1915:The Unwelcome but Inevitable Awakening", in Jonathan Goldstein, Jerry Israel and Hilary Conroy eds., American Views China:American Images of China Then and Now. Bethlehem:Lehigh University Press,1991:115.
    6 Benson Lee Grason ed., The American Image of China. New York:Frederick Ungar Publishing Co.,1979:14.
    1 Ibid,15.
    2 Harold R. Isaacs, Images of Asia, American Views of China and India. Harper Torchbooks, New York:1972: 142-3.
    3 Clifton J. Phillips, "The Student Volunteer Movement and Its Role in China Missions,1886-1920", in John King Fairbank ed., The Misionary Enterprise in China and America. Cambridge, MA:Harvard University Press,1974: 105.
    4 Edwin Harvey, The Mind of China. Yale University Press, New Haven,1933.
    1 T. Christopher Jesperson, American Images of China,1931-1949. Stanford, CA:Stanford University Press, 1996.
    1《消失的地平线》(Lost Horizon)是美籍英国作家詹姆斯·希尔顿(James Hilton)出版于1933年的一部幻想小说,描写一群西方人偶然进入中国西南边陲一个与世隔绝的藏区后的奇特经历。这个名叫香格里拉(Sh-angri-la)的地方居住着各个民族和教派的数千居民,大家和平相处,整个社会充满宁静祥和。小说出版后风靡西方,香格里拉在西方也成为“世外桃源”的代名词。不过需要注意的是,香格里拉是一个杂糅了藏、汉、西方各人种以及儒、道、佛、喇嘛教和基督教元素的混杂型的理想社会,里面的确有不少的中国元素,但对香格里拉的描绘并不能完全等同于对中国的描述,在这一点上这部小说与《大地》还是有着明显的对象上的区别。
    2“蓝蚂蚁”是法国新闻记者罗贝尔·纪延(Robert Guillain)的用语,见Mervin Savill (trans.), The Blue Ants,600 Million Chinese under the Red Flag. London:Secker and Warburg,1957.
    1 Pearl S. Buck, Theodore F. Harris (comp. and ed.), China as I See It. London:Methuen,1971, p. xi.
    2 Pearl S. Buck, My Several Worlds, A Personal Record. New York:John Day,1954, p.382.
    1 Gary Scharnhorst, "Ways That Are Dark":Appropriations of Bret Harte's "Plain Language from Truthful James", Nineteenth Century Literature, Vol.51, No.3 (Dec.,1996), p.377.
    3 Stereotype原来是一个印刷用语,意为“铅版”,后广泛应用于心理学、文学评论等各个领域。Stereotype是形象学最关键的用语之一,孟华将它译为“套话”,按照上下文的不同,也可译为“滞定型”、“定型化偏见”、“刻板印象”等。
    1 Gary Scharnhorst, "Ways That Are Dark":Appropriations of Bret Harte's "Plain Language from Truthful James", Nineteenth Century Literature,1996,51(3):387.
    3据有关学者统计,1880年旧金山地区的华人总人口是21745,其中女性仅有1781人。见Marlon K. Hom(谭雅伦(?), Songs of Gold Mountain:Cantonese Rhymes from Sanfrancisco Chinatown. Berkeley and Los Angeles, CA: University of California Press,1987:20.
    1 "The Consequence of Coolieism", The Wasp,7 November,1885:16. Also see Robert G. Lee, Orientals:Asian American in Popular Culture. Philadelphia:Temple University Press,1999:52.
    1 See Sherwood, An Epistle to Posterity:Being Rambling Recollections of Many Years of My Life. New York: Harper and Brothers,1897:192.
    2 Quoted in Patrick Morrow, Bret Harte. Boise, Idaho:Boise State College,1972:26.
    3 Margaret Duckett, "Plain Language from Bret Harte". Nineteenth-Century Fiction 1957(11):242.
    4 "John Chinaman", in "The Luck of Roaring Camp", "Susy:A Story of the Plains", Vol.7 of The Works of Bret Harte. New York:Collier,1892,1899:245,246-247.
    5 "John Chinaman"是当时美国社会对华人移民的一般称呼,因为在他们看来,中国人面貌与个性几无分别,据说此词为哈特首创,通常译为中国佬、中国佬约翰、中国佬张三;Bridget和Patrick分别是爱尔兰女性和男性最常用的名字,用于指代爱尔兰人。
    6 Gary Schamhorst ed., Bret Harte's California:Letters to the "Springfield Republican"and "Christian Register" 1866-1867. Albuquerque:University of New Mexico Press,1990:114.
    1 "The Chinese in California", Boston Advertiser,14 March,1871,1:7.
    2 Milton Meltzer, The Chinese American. New York:Thomas Y. Crowell,1980:148.
    3 Jeffrey Mason, Melodrama and the Myth of America. Bloomington:Indiana University Press,1993:150.
    4 Woodhull & Chaflin's Weekly,13 May,1871:16.
    5 London Fun,10 February,1871:57.
    6 E. g., "Chinese Cheap Labor" in Sanfrancisco Chronicle,4 April,1873,3:3; "Ruined by Chinese Cheap Labor" in New York Tribune,1 October,1870,6:3; "The Heathen Chinee" in New York Tribune,3 October,1870,4:5; "For Ways That Are Dark" in Cincinnati Commercial,21 March,1871,4:4; "Tricks That Are vain" in New York Tribune, 5 December,1870 4:5; etc.
    1 "Amusements", New York Commercial Advertiser,29 August 1876,1:3.
    2 "Amusements", New York World,29 August 1876,5:2.
    3 G A. Cevasco and Richard Harmond, "Bret Harte to Robert Roosevelt on Two Men of Sandy Bar. A Newly Discovered Letter," American Literary Realism,1988,21(1):58-62.
    4 Ah Sin:A Dramatic Work, ed. Frederick Anderson. San Francisco:Book Club of California,1961:11.
    5 Margaret Duckett, Mark Twain and Bret Harte. Norman:University of Oklahoma Press,1964:151.
    6 Gary Scharnhorst,"'Ways That Are Dark':Appropriations of Bret Harte's'Plain Language from Truthful James'", Nineteenth Century Literature,1996,51(3):391.
    1 Horatio Alger Jr., The Young Miner; or, Tom Nelson in California. Boston:Loring,1879:65-75.
    2 See Tien-Lu Li, Congressional Policy of Chinese Immigration, or Legislation Relating to Chinese Immigration to the United States. Nashville, Tenn.:Methodist Episcopal Church,1916:124.
    3 Mark Twain's Library of Humor. New York:Charles L. Webster & Co.,1888:332.
    4 See Gary Scharnhorst, Bret Harte:A Bibliography. Lanham, MD.:Scarecrow Press,1995:42-43.
    5 Overland Monthly, n.s.40 (1902),237.
    1 Ralph Townsend, Ways That Are Dark:The Truth About China.New York:Putnam's,1933:vii,88.
    1根据画中“欧洲国家联合起来”的题词,也有意见认为除了六个欧洲国家外,第七个应为西班牙而非美国。关于“黄祸图”及其内涵的分析,参见Gary Okihiro, "Perils of Mind and Body" in Margins and Mainstreams, Seattle and London:University of Washington Press,1994:118-147.
    2《康顿白烈报》疑即期刊《当代评论》(Contemporary Review),原文不可考,译文载《外交报》甲辰年第25号,第14-15页。见吕浦、张振鲲等译《“黄祸论”历史资料选辑》,中国社会科学出版社,1979年,第324页。
    3《显屈烈报》疑即期刊《19世纪以来》(The Nineteenth Century and After),原文不可考,译文载《外交报》乙巳年第22号(第122期),第7-11页,见吕浦、张振鲲等译《“黄祸论”历史资料选辑》,中国社会科学出版社,1979年,第337页。
    4 These from the Land of Sinim, London:Chapman and Hall, Ld.1903见吕浦、张振鲲等译,《“黄祸论”历史资料选辑》,中国社会科学出版社,1979年,第148页。
    1 Benson Lee Grason ed., The American Image of China. New York:Frederick Ungar Publishing Co.,1979:131.
    2 "What then is the American, this new man? He is either a European, or the decendents of a European(斜体为笔者所加),hence that strange mixture of blood, which you will find in no other country. I could point out to you a family whose grandfather was an Englishman, whose wife was Dutch, whose son married a French woman, and whose present four sons have now four wives of different nations. He is an American, who leaving behind him all his ancient prejudices and manners, receives new ones from the new mode of lifehe has embraced, the new government he obeys, and the new rank he holds.…Here individuals of all nations are melted into a new race of men, whose labors and posterity will one day cause great changes in the world.……"引文见朱永涛,《英语国家社会与文化入门》(下册),高等教育出版社,1998年,第2页。
    4 David Starr Jordan, "Colonial Expansion", Imperial Democracy. New York:D. Appleton and Co.,1899:35.
    2 Ben Tillman, "The White Man's Burden", http://www.maxwell.syr.edu/unofficial/student/gzwick/ailtexts/tillman.html, accessed 2009/07/15, in Jim Zwick ed.,Anti-Imperiliam in the United States.
    3 Lothrop Stoddard, The Rising Tide of Color against White World-Supremacy, New York:Scribner's Sons,1920: 20.
    1 William F. Wu, The Yellow Peril:Chinese Americans in American Fiction,1850-1940, Hamden, Conn.:Archon Books,1982:32.
    1 William F. Wu, The Yellow Peril:Chinese Americans in American Fiction,1850-1940. Hamden, Conn:Archon Books,1982:31.
    1 William F. Wu, The Yellow Peril:Chinese Americans in American Fiction,1850-1940. Ph. D. diss., The University of Michigan,1979:84-85.
    2 Gary Hoppenstand, "Yellow Devil Doctors and Opium Dens:A Survey of the Yellow Peril Stereotype in Mass Media Entertainment", in The Popular Culture Reader,3rd ed., Christopher D. Geist, and Jack Nachbar, Bowling Green eds., Ohio:Bowling Green University Popular Press,1983:174.
    1 Dr. C. W. Doyle, The Shadow of Quong Lung. Philadelphia:Lippincott,1900:7.
    1 John Burt Foster, China and Chinese in American Literature,1850-1950. Ph. D. diss., University of Illinois, 1952, p.215.
    1 Cay Van Ash and Elizabeth Rohmer, Master of Villainy:A Biography of Sax Rohmer. Ohio:Bowling Green, 1972:27.
    1 Master of Villainy,73.
    2 Master of Villainy,77.
    3 Sax Rohmer, The Insidious Dr. Fu Manchu, New York:McBride,1913:25-26.
    4英国版的书名为《傅满洲博士之谜》 (The Mystery of Dr. Fu-Manchu).
    5英国版的书名为《魔鬼博士》(The Devil Doctor).
    6英国版的书名为《西蕃谜影》(The Si-Fan Mysteries).
    2英国版的书名为《傅满洲的新娘》(Fu Manchu's Bride).
    3英国版的书名为《傅满洲重现江湖》(Re-Enter Fu Manchu).
    4 Scotland Yard,伦敦警察局的俗称。
    2 Sax Rohmer, The Insidious Dr. Fu Manchu, New York:Pyramid Books,1913:37.
    3 Robert G Lee, Orientals:Asian American in Popular Culture. Philadelphia:Temple University Press,1999:115.
    1 http://www.pagebypagebooks.com/Sax Rohmer/The Insidious Dr Fu Manchu/Chapter Ⅱ p5.html,accessed 2009-09-10.
    2 Jonathan Utley, "American Views of China,1900-1915:The Unwelcome but Inevitable Awakening", in Jonathan Goldstein, Jerry Israel and Hilary Conroy eds., American Views China:American Images of China Then and Now. Bethlehem:Lehigh University Press,1991:129.
    3 Michael J. Broadhead, "'But-He is a Chinaman!'Charlie Chan's Literary Image", Halcyon, Reno:Nevada Humanities Committee,1984:56.
    1 Master of Villainy,214.
    3 Arthur Judson Brown,美国来华传教士;Edward Alsworth Ross,美国社会学家;Paul Reinsch,威斯康星大学政治学家。这三人是乌特利在论文中重点论述的美国精英人士及中国观察家。
    4 The Nation,美国的一本著名的时事政治杂志。
    s Jonathan G Utley, "American Views of China,1900-1915", in Jonathan Goldstein, Jerry Israel, and Hilary Conroy, eds., American Views China:American Images of China Then and Now. Bethlehem:Lehigh University Press,1991:126括号内的词句为笔者所加。
    6 Master of Villainy,1.
    2 Cevasco, G A. "Pearl Buck and the Chinese Novel". Asian Studies,1967(5):437-450.
    3 Sharton R. Gunton ed., Contemporary Literary Criticism. Gale Research Company, Detroit Michigan,1981:32.
    5 Michael Hunt. "Pearl Buck-Popular Expert on China 1931-1949," Modern China,3.1(1977):34.
    1 Michael Hunt. "Pearl Buck-Popular Expert on China 1931-1949," Modern China,3.1(1977):34.
    2美国小说家格丽丝·查灵·丝彤(Grace Zaring Stone)出版于1930年的一部小说,描述一位美国姑娘在上海对一位中国将军(军阀)的近距离观察和交往,出版后颇受好评。
    3 Nathaniel Peffer, Rev. on The Good Earth, by Pearl Buck. Books.1 March,1931:1.
    4 H. C. Harwood, Rev. of The Good Earth, by Pearl Buck. Saturday Review.16 May (1931) 151:722.
    5 Reviewer of The Good Earth. New Statesman and Nation.16 May (1931)1:430.
    2原文载英文刊物《太平洋时事》(Pacific Affairs)1931年第4卷第10期第914-915页,由郭英剑译为中文。见郭英剑,《赛珍珠评论集》,桂林:漓江出版社,1999年,第10-11页。
    1约翰·斯坦贝克(1902-1968),美国著名小说家,1962年获得诺贝尔文学奖。在《愤怒的葡萄》(The Grapes of Wrath)等小说中描写了普通劳动者在农场生活中的艰辛与抗争。
    3 E. g. see Karen J. Leong. The Chinese Mystique. Berkeley:University of California Press,2005:25.
    3参见http://nobelprize.org/nobel prizes/literature/laureates/1938/, accessed on 2009/12/19=另,有些杂志将授奖词翻译成“因其对中国农民生活的丰富的、真实的、史诗般的描写……”,不确。
    4参见The Concise Oxford Dictionary, Eighth Edition, edited by R. E. Allen, Oxford:ClarendonPress,1990:393.
    1见江亢虎,《一位中国学者对布克夫人小说的观察》,原载The Chinese Christian Student Vol. XXIV No.2-3。由庄心在译为中文发表在(上海)《茅盾月刊》(1933年)第2卷第1期。
    5 Old Testament:Genesis:3:19, authorized version.
    1 John Hersey, A single Pebble, New York:Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.1968:5.
    2 A single Pebble,74.
    1 A single Pebble,2.
    2 John Hersey, The Call. New York:Alfred A. Knopf,1985.
    3主要原因是以下几点:(1)大萧条导致了传教经费来源大幅度减少;(2)国内基要派与社会福音派日益加深的分歧影响到了SVM的组织和活动;(3)美国高等教育逐渐走向世俗化,等等。参见Clifton J. Phillips, The Student Volunteer Movement and Its Role in China Missions,1886-1920, in John King Fairbank ed., The Missionary Enterprise in China and America. Cambridge, MA:Harvard University Press,1974:109.
    4 "Introduction", John King Fairbank ed., The Missionary Enterprise in China and America. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press,1974:1.
    5 Ibid,2.
    6 The Call,654.
    2 Clifton J. Phillips, "The Student Volunteer Movement and Its Role in China Missions,1886-1920", in John King Fairbank ed., The Missionary Enterprise in China and America. Cambridge, MA:Harvard University Press,1974: 91-109.
    1赫塞自语,见The Call,693.
    2原文为英译:MY THOUGHTS ARE FIXED ON MY SAGE PARENT. THEY SAY THE GOOD LIVE LONG THEN WHY WAS HE NOT SPARED?赫塞在摘录时未说明译者是谁。曹丕原诗由汉魏六朝文学专家龚斌教授查证核实。见张弘,《跨越太平洋的雨虹:美国作家与中国文化》,银川:宁夏人民出版社,2002年,第251页。
    1 Paul Cohen, China and Christianity-The Missionary Movement and the Growth of Chinese Antiforeignism, 1860-1870. Cambridge, MA:Harvard University Press,1963, p.264.
    2 The Call,405.
    1 Rosemary Marargoly George. The Politics of Home:Postcolonial Relocations and Twentieth-Century Fiction. New York:Cambridge University Press,1996:2.
    2 Margaret Mead. And Keep Your Powder Dry:An Anthropologist Looks at America. New York:William Morrow and Company,1942:47-48.
    1 Mead,31.
    2见Robert Dunn Wu. "Does My Future Lie in China or America?" Chinese Digest (May 15,1936)
    3见Kaye Hong. "Does My Future Lie in China or America?" Chinese Digest (May 22,1936)
    4 Gloria He-Yung Chun. "Of Orphans and Warriors:The Construction of Chinese American and Identity,1930s to the 1990s," diss., UC Berkeley,1993:50.
    1参见Ling-chi Wang. "Roots and the Changing Identity of the Chinese in the United States," in Tu Wei-ming ed., The Living Tree:The Changing Meaning of Being Chinese Today. Stanford, CA:Stanford University Press,1994: 185-212.
    1 Jeffrey Paul Chan et al. eds., The BigAiiieeeee!:An Anthology of Chinese American and Japanese American Literature. New York:Meridian,1991.
    2 Wong Sam and Assistants. An English Chinese Phrase Book, in The Big Aiiieeeee!,96-97.
    1 Marlon K. Horn. Songs of Gold Mountains:Cantonese Rhymes from San Francisco Chinatown. Berkeley and Los Angeles, CA:University of California Press,1992:77.
    2 Hom.81.
    3 Ibid.
    4 Horn.86.
    5 Ibid,183.
    1 Jeffrey Leong (Frank Chin). "Song of the Monogram Warner Bros. Chink:News to Raise the Dead," Yardbird Reader (vol.1). ed. Ishmael Reed. Berkeley, CA:Yardbied Publishing Co.,1971:133.
    2 Marlon K. Hom. Songs of Gold Mountains:Cantonese Rhymes from San Francisco Chinatown. Berkeley and Los Angeles, CA:University of California Press,1992:77.
    1 Maxine Hong Kingston. "Cultural-misreadings by American Reviewers." Asian and Western Writers in Dialogue: New Cultural Identities.ed. Guy Amirthanayagam. Hong Kong:MacMillan Press Ltd.,1982:58.
    1 See http://www.lisasee.com/FAQ/accessed on 2010-08-27.
    2 Sui Sin Far. "Leaves from the Mental Portfolio of an Euroasian" (1909), Mrs. Spring Fragrance and Other Writings, eds., Amy Ling and Annette White Parks. Urbana:University of Illinois Press,1995:230.
    3 Amy Ling. "Creating One's Self:The Eaton Sisters," Reading the Literatures of Asian America.eds., Shirley Geok-lin Lim and Amy Ling. Philadelphia:Temple University Press,1992:307.
    1 Joan N. Radner and Susan S. Lanser. "The Feminist Voice:Strategies of Coding in Folklore and Literature," Journal of American Folklore 100 (Oct.-Dec.1987):421.
    1 Frank Chin et al eds.Aiiieeeee!:An Anthology of Asian American Writers. Washington, D. C.:Howard University Press,1974, xxxviii.
    2 Elaine Kim, Asian American Literature:An Introduction to the Writings and their Social Context. Philadelphia: Temple University Press,1982:175.
    2以上关于移民的历史数据参见David Shih. "Eat a Bowl of Tea by Louis Chu", in Sau-ling Cynthia Wong and Stephen H. Sumida eds., A Resource Guide to Asian American Literature. New York:The Modern Language Association of America,2001:45-53.
    Helena Kuo. I've Come a Long Way. New York:D. Appleton-Century,1944:4.
    1 James Olney. "Autobiography and the Cultural Movement:A Thematic, Historical, and Bibliographical Introduction." In James Olney ed. Autobiography:Essays Theoretical and Critical. Princeton, N.J.:Princeton University Press,1980:15.
    1 Pardee Lowe. Father and Glorious Descendant. Boston:Little, Brown and Company,1943:142.
    2 Elaine H. Kim. Asian American Literature:An Introduction to the Writings and Their Social Context. Philadelphia:Temple University Press,1982:62.
    1 Pardee Lowe. Father and Glorious Descendant. Boston:Little, Brown and Company,1943:3.
    2 Father and Glorious Descendant,4.
    1 Father and Glorious Descendant,146-147.
    1 Father and Glorious Descendant,297.
    21853年,美国华侨中三邑、四邑、阳和、人和四个会馆成立后,联合组成中华会馆。到了1862年又有宁阳、合和会馆加入,遂向当地政府注册登记为“华人六大公司”(Chinese Six Companies),对内称“中华会馆”。1878年肇庆会馆成立后也随即加入。详见李明欢,《当代海外华人社团研究》,厦门:厦门大学出版社,1995年,第33页。“六大公司”(或称“六大会馆”)充当了华人移民内部的最高仲裁机构。我们在上文讨论的雷庭招的《吃碗茶》中处理美爱偷情事件的过程中,就可以看到会馆在唐人街事务中的影响力。
    1 Frank Chin et al eds., Aiiieeeee!:An Anthology of Asian American Writers. Washington, D. C:Howard University Press,1974:ⅹⅹⅹ.
    2《女勇士》获得1976年美国国家书评界奖(The National Book Critics Award)的非虚构类奖。除了文学系以外,许多其它的研究领域,如美国研究、人类学、民族学、历史、黑人研究等,都将《女勇十》作为讲授的材料。
    1 Maxine Hong Kingston. The Woman Warrior:Memoires of a Girlhood Among Ghosts. New York:Vintage Books.1977:3.
    2 The Woman Warrior:7.
    3 The Woman Warrior:8.
    1 King-Kok Cheung."'Don't Tell':Imposed Silences in The Color Purple and The Woman Worrior", in Shirley Geok-lin Lim and Amy Ling eds., Reading the Literatures of Asian America. Philadelphia:Temple University Press,1992:164.
    1以上关于班飞的介绍参见http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben Fee, accessed on 2010-9-13.
    2 Frank Chin. "Confessions of the Chinatown Cowboy," Bulletin of Concerned Asian Schlors 4 (Fall 1972):60.
    1 Dorothy Ritsuko McDonald. "Introduction." The Chickencoop Chinaman and The Year of the Dragon. By Frank Chin. Seattle:University of Washington Press,1981:ix.
    1 Frank Chin et al eds. Aiiieeeee!:An Anthology of Asian-American Writers. Washington D. C:Howard University Press,1983:xlvii-xlviii.
    1 William Boelhower. "The Making of Ethnic Autobiography in the United States," American Autobiography: Retrospect and Prospect.ed. Paul John Eakin. Madison, Wisconsin:The University of Wisconsin Press,1991: 133-134.
    2 Sau-ling Cynthia Wong. "Immigrant Autobiography:Some Questions of Definition and Approach," American Autobiography:Retrospect and Prospect:158.
    1 Rose Hum Lee. The Chinese in the United States of America. Hong Kong:Hong Kong University Press,1960: 39.
    1 Ling-chi Wang. "The Structure of Dual Domination:Toward a Paradigm for the Study of the Chinese Diaspora in the United States," Amerasia Journal,21(1995):152.
    2 Ibid:164.
    1 Frank Chin et al eds.,Aiiieeeee!:An Anthology of Asian American Writers. Washington, D. C:Howard University Press,1974:ⅷ.
    2转引自Frank Chin. "Confessions of the Chinatown Cowboy," Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars 4:3 (1972): 59.
    1 Frank Chin and Frank Ching. "Who's Afraid of Frank Chin, or Is It Ching?" Bridge:The Asian American Magazine 2.2 (Dec.1972):30.
    2 Chin and Ching,30.
    1 Jeffrey Paul Chan. "The Chinese in Haifa," Aiiieeeee!:An Anthology of Asian American Writers.eds., Frank Chin et al. Washington, D. C.:Howard University Press,1974:14.
    2《人鼠之间》(Of Mice and Men)是约翰·斯坦贝克的著名小说,描述一对表兄弟乔治和莱尼的故事。乔治精明能干,莱尼则有轻度智障,因为社会适应能力差,总是不合时宜地犯错,以致兄弟俩被迫不停地换工作。两人来到富人奥谢的牧场,乔治答应莱尼,如果他听话不犯错,将来就可以替他照顾一窝兔子。眼看梦想就要成真,莱尼却受到奥谢儿子科里的太太梅的引诱,在拥抱时太用力而失手勒死了后者。为避免莱尼被抓住后受辱而死,乔治自己将莱尼射杀。
    3 David Henry Hwang. FOB and Other Plays. New York:A Plume Book,1990:6.
    4 Maxine Hong Kingston. The Woman Warrior:Memoires of a Girlhood Among Ghosts. New York:Vintage Books,1977:225.
    1 Fran Chin et al. eds. Aiiieeeee!:An Anthology of Asian-American Writers. Seattle:University of Washington Press,1974:ⅹⅹⅳ.
    2 Dorothy Ritsuko McDonald, "Introduction", The Chickencoop Chinaman and The Year of Dragon:Two Plays, by Frank Chin. Seattle:University of Washington Press,1981:ⅹⅰⅹ.
    1 King-kok Cheung ed., Words Matter:Conversations with Asian American Writers. Honolulu:University of Hawaii Press,2000:248.
    2 Paul Scenery. "Kingston at the University," Conversation with Maxine Hong Kingston, eds. Paul Scenery and Tear Martin. Jackson:University Press of Mississipi,1998:131.
    3 King-kok Cheung. Words Matter,222.
    1 Maxine Hong Kingston. The Woman Warrior:Memoires of a Girlhood Among Ghosts. New York:Vintage Books,1977:106.
    1 Shawn Wong, ed. Asian American Literature:A Brief Introduction and Anthology. New York:HarperCollins College Publishers,1996:4.
    2 Amy Tan. "In the Canon, for All the Wrong Reasons," Harper's 293(1996):29.
    1 Marianne Hirsch and Valerie Smith, "Feminism and Cultural Memory:An Introduction". Signs:Journal of Women in Culture and Society,2002,28(1):1-19.
    2 Elizabeth Tokin, Narrating Our Past:The Social Construction of Oral History. New York:Cambridge University Press,1992:11.
    1 Northrop Frye, Anatomy of Criticism. Princeton, NJ:Princeton University Press,1957:245.
    2 Roy Pascal, Design and Truth in Autobiography, Cambridge, MA:Harvard University Press,1951:16.
    3 Betrand Russel,An Inquiry into Meaning and Truth. London:Unwin Paperbacks,1980:289.
    1 Virginia Woolf, "The New Biography," New York Herald Tribune Books, October 30,1927:1-6.
    3 Virginia Woolf, "The New Biography",1-6.
    1华裔学者尹晓煌(Xiao-huang Yin)语,见尹晓煌《美国华裔文学史》,徐颖果主译,天津:南开大学出版社,2006年,第50页。
    1 Yan Phou Lee, When I Was a Boy in China, Boston, MA:D. Lothrop Company,1887:41.
    2 Ibid,20.
    1 When I Was a Boy in China,39.
    1黎锦扬, 《跃登百老汇——黎锦扬自传》,穆晓澄译,黄山书社,2008年,第149-150页。
    Frank Chin et al eds. Aiiieeeee!:ⅹⅹⅹⅰ.
    2 Elaine Kim. Asian American Literature:An Introduction to the Writings and Their Social Context. Philadelphia: Temple University Press,1982:107.
    3 King-kok Cheung. "Re-viewing Asian American Literary Studies," An Interethnic Companion to Asian American Literature.ed. King-kok Cheung. New York:Cambridge University Press,1997:48.
    2好莱坞著名的音乐剧,改编自玛格丽特·兰登(Margaret Landon)的小说《安娜与暹罗王》(Anna and The King of Siam),描写英国女教师安娜应邀担任暹罗王的家庭教师期间发生的一系列事件,表达了不同文化的冲突与和解。该剧登上舞台后屡演不衰,成为好莱坞的经典保留剧目。
    1参见Christopher R. Vials, "We're the People":Realism, Mass Culture and Popular Front Pluralism,1935-1946. PhD. Diss. University of Massachusetts, Amherst,2006:176.
    2 Daily Worker, Augusr 15,1928诗歌全文请见《附录二》。
    3 Daily Worker, Augusr 20,1928.
    1方维保, 《红色意义的生成——20世纪中国左翼文学研究》,合肥:安徽教育出版社,2004年,第54页。
    3 Richard Pells,《激进的理想与美国之梦——大萧条岁月中的文化和社会理想》,卢允中等译,上海:上海外语教育出版社,1997年,第73-74页。
    1 Colina MacDougall, "The Maoist Mould", Far Eastern Economic Review, LXVIII,14 (April 2,1970):17.
    2 Stanley Karnow, John K. Fairbank, Mao and China:from Revolution to Revolution. New York:The Viking Press, 1972.
    1 John K. Fairbank, "A Nation Imprisoned by Her History", Life International, XLI, 11(November 28,1966):60.
    2 Harold Isaacs, Images of Asia, American Views of China and India, New York:Harper Torchbooks,1972:ⅹⅴ.
    1 Committee of Concerned Asian Scholars, China! Inside the People's Republic, New York:Bantam Books,1972: 2.
    2 Ibid,102-3.
    3 Edgar Snow, China's Long Revolution, Harmondsworth:Penguin,1974:29.
    4 Ibid,31.
    1 Ken Ling, The Revenge of Heaven:Journal of a Young Chinese. New York:Ballantine Books,1972, "Preface".
    1 See Anchee Min, Red Azalea. New York:Berkley Books,1994.
    2 Ken Ling, The Revenge of Heaven:Journal of a Young Chinese. New York:Ballantine Books, Inc.1972:1.
    1 Ken Ling, The Revenge of Heaven:Journal of a Young Chinese. New York:Ballantine Books,1972, "Preface".
    2 The Revenge of Heaven,53.
    3 Ibid,403.
    1 Liang Heng and Judith Shapiro, Son of the Revolution, New York:Alfred A. Knopf,1983,:;ⅸ-ⅹ.
    1 Wild Swan:Three Daughters of China. New York:Simon & Schuster,1991:392.
    2 Ibid,612.
    1 Yan Li, Daughters of the Red Land. Toronto, Ontario:Sister Vision,1995:315.
    1 Nien Cheng, Life and Death in Shanghai. New York:Grove Press Inc.,1986:29.
    2 Ibid,71.
    3 Ibid,140.
    2 Lift and Death in Shanghai,121-122.
    1 A Single Tear.:A Family's Persecution, Love and Endurance in Communist China. Boston, New York and Toronto:Little, Brown and Company,1993:348.
    1 Anchee Min, Red Azalea. New York:Berkley Books,1994:56.
    1 RedAzalea,封底。
    2“(作品的)前半部分像是一个沿袭了安妮·弗兰克传统的成长故事,毫不矫揉造作,具有敏锐的观察力,又是如此脆弱”(谭恩美,见Red Azalea正文前的书评);“一本读上去象小说的自传。拥有坦率而简朴的美……让人想起《安妮日记》”(《辛辛那提邮报》,见Anchee Min, Katherine. New York:River Books,1995年版封底关于《红杜鹃》的书评)。
    3彼得·麦迪叶森:“闵对强有力的对话独具只眼,耳力惊人。最重要的是,她应当为其诚实和坦率受到表扬,不管做到诚实和坦率是多么痛苦。”见Red Azalea正文前的书评。
    4“灼热的…强有力的…这是闵的第一本书,但极少老练的作家能够像她那样精确地传达人心的回环曲折…一本拥有深沉的诚实性和道德感的书……[一个]不同凡响的故事。”(《芝加哥太阳时报》,见Red Azale正文前的书评。
    5 Judy Polumbaum, "The Cultural Contridictions of Communism", Rev. of Red Azalea by Anchee Min. Women's Review of Books 11.8(1994):1-3.
    6 Emily Cheng, "Melodramatic Identifications:Performance and the Writing of the Feeling Subject in Anchee Min's Red Azalea"。《中外文化与文论》(16),第51页。
    1 Wild Ginger. New York:Houghton Mifflin Company:149.
    2 Wild Ginger,149-151另,本段所引语录参考《毛主席语录》,北京:中国人民解放军总政治部1967年版
    2王一川,“‘伤痕文学’的三种体验类型”,《文艺研究》2005年第1期,第12页。 那些事实。见柯文,《历史三调:作为事件、经历和神话的义和团》,杜继东译,南京:江苏人民出版社,2000年,正文第5页。
    1 Anchee Min, Red Azalea, New York:Berkeley Books,1994:49.
    3确实,哈金在《战争垃圾》之后出版的长篇小说《自由的生活》(A Free Life)和短篇小说集《美丽的堕落》(A Good Fall)写的是华人新移民的生活,场景都已移到了美国。
    1 Ken Ling, The Revenge of Heaven:Journal of a Young Chinese. New York:Ballantine Books,1972, "Preface"
    1 Jung Chang, Wild Swan:Three Daughters of China. New York:Simon & Schuster,1991, "Introduction", xxiii.
    2 A Single Tear.:A Family's Persecution, Love and Endurance in Communist China. Boston, New York and Toronto:Little, Brown and Company,1993:ix.
    1 A Singxlle Tear,ⅹ.
    2 Ibid. xi.
    3 Da Chen, Colors of the Mountain, New York:Anchor Books,2001, "Acknowledgments".
    4 Nien Cheng, Life and Death in Shanghai. New York:Grove Press Inc.,1986:538.
    6 Karen Angel, "Reading the East Wind," South China Morning Post,21Mar.2004:1.
    7 Ji-li Jiang, Red Scarf Girl:A Memoir of the Cultural Revolution, New York:Harper Collins,1998.
    8 Richard T. Li, The Golden Lotus:The Life of a Bound-Feet Peasant Mother in the Chinese Cultural Revolution, Richard T. Li.2004.
    9 Shu Jiang Lu, When Huai Flowers Bloom:Stories of the Cultural Revolution, Albany:State University of New York Press,2007.
    10 Moying Li, Snow Falling in Spring:Coming of Age in China During the Cultural Revolution, New York: Melanie Kroupa Books/Farrar Straus and Giroux,2008.
    1 Nien Cheng, Life and Death in Shanghai. New York:Grove Press Inc.,1986:538.
    2 Ibid,539.
    1 Jim Cullen, The American Dream:A Short History of an Idea That Shaped a Nation. New York:Oxford University Press,2003, Back Cover.
    2以上关于《红杜鹃》的评论均见Anchee Min, Red Azalea. New York:Berkley Books,1994,扉页书评摘录。
    1见Anchee Min, Wild Ginger, New York:Houghton Mifflin Company,2002,封底简介。
    2 Da Chen, Colors of the Mountain, New York:Anchor Books,2001,封面。
    3 Colors of the Mountain,扉页书评摘录。
    1 Ken Ling, The Revenge of Heaven:Journal of a Young Chinese. New York:Ballantine Books,1972, p.150.
    1 Ha Jin, "The Past", Facing Shadows, Brooklyn, New York:Hanging Loose Press:63以下引文仅标注诗歌名称与页码。
    1 Ha Jin, The Crazed, London:Vintage Books,2002:315.
    2 Ha Jin, "Yu the Great", Wreckage. New York:Hanging Loose Press,2001:11-12以下引用自该诗集的诗句不再专门做注,仅在相关引文后标注诗歌名称和页码。
    1 Ha Jin, Between Silences, Chicago and London:University of Chicago Press,1990:1.
    2 Ibid,2.
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    2 Ibid,96.
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