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     1 11种药剂对巴氏钝绥螨的毒力测定
     采用叶片残毒法在室内进行了哒螨灵等11种药剂对巴氏钝绥螨雌成螨的毒力测定试验。结果表明,菊酯类的甲氰菊酯对巴氏钝绥螨具有最高的毒力,大于一同参试的有机磷类药剂,其LC_(50)为0.3923 mg/L,阿维菌素对其毒力最小,LC_(50)为173.6564 mg/L。11种供试药剂对巴氏钝绥螨的毒力大小依次为:甲氰菊酯>辛硫磷>果圣>对硫磷>马拉硫磷>氧乐果>甲氨基阿维菌素苯甲酸盐>水胺硫磷>三氯杀螨醇>哒螨灵>阿维菌素。
     采用微量滴度酶标板法测定了哒螨灵亚致死剂量对巴氏钝绥螨谷胱甘肽-S-转移酶活性的影响。用亚致死剂量的哒螨灵处理巴氏钝绥螨24 h后,药剂处理组的比活力比对照组有所增大,其中LC_(40)显著增高。从GSTs的动力学研究表明,巴氏钝绥螨经药剂处理后GSTs的K_m比对照降低,但差异不显著;LC_(20)处理其不同时间后,对其体内的谷胱甘肽-S-转移酶具有一定的时间效应。
Amblyseius barkeri is a common natural enemy in citrus orchard and it plays an important role in control ofPanonychus citri McGregor.The study on the susceptibility of Amblyseius barkeri to 11 insecticides,effects of sublethal doses(LC_(20) of pyridaben,abamectin and fenpropathrin,LC_(20),LC_(30) and LC_(40) of pyridaben ) on predation of Amblyseius barkeri,influence of sublethal doses of pyridaben on population dynamics and GSTs of Amblyseius barkeri were conducted at the laboratory. The major results are as follows:
     1 Toxicity of 11 insecticides to Amblyseius barkeri
     Toxicity of pyridaben and ten other insecticides to Amblyseius barkeri was determined using leaf residue method in the laboratory.The results showed that fenpropatbrin of pyrethroid pesticide had the highest toxicity to Amblyseius barkeri with LC_(50) 0.3923 mg/L.Organophosphorus insecticides had the higher toxicity.And abamectin was safe to adult,with LC_(50) 173.6564 mg/L.The order of toxicities of the 11 pesticides from high to low against the adult females of Amblyseius barkeri was fenpropathrin > phoxim > guosheng(Tobacco,Matrine) > parathion > malathion > omethoate > emamectin benzoate > isocarbophos > dicofol> pyridaben > abamectin.
     2 Assessment of the impact of abamectin,pyridaben and fenpropathrin on Amblyseius barkeri
     Leaf disc bioassay was employed in the laboratory to investigate the effect of sublethal doses of selected pesticides,including abamectin,pyridaben and fenpropathrin,on the functional response of Amblyseius barkeri in preaying the Panonychus citri.Results revealed that,fenpropathrin showed a rather strong influence on the predation function of Amblyseius barkeri in contrast to abamectin and pyridaben.Except some changes of the parameters e.g,the functional response model of Amblyseius barkeri preaying on the Panonychus citri were all conformed to Holling's typeⅡcurve in spite of pretreated with sublethal doses of these insecticides.The maximal predatory capacities of Amblyseius barkeri that pretreated by the three sublethal of pesticides were reduced.They were changed with prolonged handing time,declined predatory rates and the searching efficiencies than untreated.The E-values of fenpropathrin were severer than the other pesticides,and the fecundity of Amblyseius barkeri was significantly influenced.Therefore,abamectin was a relatively safe pesticide to Amblyseius barkeri and its affects were small to lethality and predation function. 3 Influence of sublethal doses of pyridaben on the function response of Amblyseius barkeri prisoner to Panonychus citri
     Influence of the sublethal dose treatment of pyridaben to predatory response of Amblyseius barkeri was studied.The results showed that there were some changes in the parameters of the model and the predatory capacities and the searching capability of Amblyseius barkeri that pretreated by sublethal dose were significantly reduced.The predatory capacities of AmbIyseius barkeri were obviously enhanced when we treated the panonychus citri with sublethal dose.
     4 Impact of sublethal doses of pyridaben on experimental population of Amblyseius barkeri
     The lifetable method was employed under the suitable comprehensive laboratory conditions to study the development and the fecundity of experimental population of Amblyseius barkeri treated by sulethal doses of pyridaben on.The results revealed that there were no significant difference in the life span and the fecundity per female between the treated population and the control.The growth duration of the larve and the total were lengthened after the mites in the nymph were treated with pyridaben.LC30 had obviously stimulated effects on the fecundity per femal,the fecundity per female per day and prolonged oviposition period.The parameters of the laboratory population were different in all treatments,namely intrinsic rate of increase(r_m) and finite rate of increase(2) decreased while the average generation time(T) and population double time(t) increased under the effects of the pesticide.The treatment at LC_(40) could significantly decrease r_m,Rn andλ,so pyridaben may interfere with the F_1 of Amblyseius barkeri and population growth rate.
     5 Effects of sublethal doses of pyridaben on the specific activity in Amblyseius barkeri
     The effects of sublethal doses of pyridaben on GSTs of Amblyseius barkeri were studied using microplate reader.The specific activity of GSTs of the Amblyseius barkeri were all increased while that of treated by LC_(40) showed significant change after treated with sublethal doses about 24 hours. On the kinetic study,we found that the K_m value of GSTs decreased indistinctively in Amblyseius barkeri treated with pyridaben compared with that of the control.The GSTs activities were changed with time by LC_(20) of pyridaben and had an obvious time effect.
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