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There are abundance products and flourishing economy in Postwar American, however, under lively representation lays dormant profound crisis. It mainly appeared as economic advance absented standing power, the racial segregation and the discrimination which caused the race resistance intensively, the opportunity of education and the employment was not equality, the gap of the rich and the poor had been enlarged, the community service was lacunae, and so on. The conservative Eisenhower had not effectively taken advantage of his own prestige and power to carry on the essential reform. The unpenetrable social crisis was containing the power of reform.
    After interim of the 50's, the liberals well unscrambled the era characteristic, the Democratic such as Stevenson, John Kenneth Galbraith, Arthur M. Schlesinger, Hubert Humphrey, who explained, propagandized, and practiced the spirit of liberalism ,and attacked the conservatism in the 50's, had made people find everything new and fresh. The spirit of liberalism reform is reviving.
    In November, 1960, Kennedy became the youngest president in American history, Under the slogan of New Frontier, the liberal actionist gathered around Kennedy. They carried through the massive attemptive reform in the economic policy, the civil rights, the education, the medical service and counter-poverty and so on. But the conservatives are still formidable in the government interior. Many reforms plan of Kennedy government are put aside in Congress.
    On November 22, 1963, Kennedy is assassinated in Dallas; Lyndon Johnson succeeded the president, received the liberalism reform flag. He has inherited the Kennedy liberalism reform inheritance, and carries it forward. On May 22, 1964, Johnson gave the lecture about Great Society in the University of Michigan. Johnson explicitly expressed the goal of Great Society in the important speeches and legislation to the Congress in later 18 months. The first is to perish the poverty by whole-heartedly; the second is to eliminate the racial discrimination, and pursue the society equality; the third is to improve the quality of life. Johnson hoped to end the poverty and unfair through the reform which enable everyone have the equal opportunity to enter the American mainstream politics economic life, have the opportunity to share the American wealth, to enjoy enrich, abundant, and serene life. Surrounding these goals, Johnson launched the comprehensive reform in the field of
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