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In this research, by using the poly lactic acid (PLA) as carrier, Ivermectin poly lactic acid nanoparticles (IVM-PLA-NPs) were prepared by modified spontaneous emulsification solvent diffusion (modified-SESD).The aim is to develop a new kind drug that is more stable, safe and effective. On the basis of the establishment of analytical method and choosing of nanoparticles prescription, the preparation of IVM-PLA-NPs was optimized by equality design. And the stability, safety, pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics were systemically studied.
     Part 1: The preparation of Ivermectin poly lactic acid nanoparticles (IVM-PLA-NPs).The content of IVM is an index to the drug content of IVM-PLA-NPs, and the Ultraviolet analytical method on IVM-PLA-NPs was established to study recovery and accuracy and so on. Results show that IVM has the maximal absorption in 245 nm. The good linear range was 10~80μg/mL. The mean recovery is 97.87%. RSD of the recovery is 1.98%, the accuracies with-day and between-day are respectively lesss than 5% and 7%. There is high recovery, accuracy and repeatability by using the analysis method we established in this study and this method can be used in quality control research.
     Part 2: The stability and quality evaluation on IVM-PLA-NPs. The characters were detected by electron microscope, photon correlation spectroscope, the viscosity statement, refraction and electric conductivity. Results show that the IVM-PLA-NPs was transparent spherical liquid, and its average diameter is (67.9±2.7) nm. Its term of validity can be predicted to be 25 months by long-term and the classical constant temperature experiment. The quality of IVM-PLA-NPs was stable. It conforms to the request of nanoparticles drug delivery system.
     Part 3: The safety evaluation on IVM-PLA-NPs. Evaluate the safety of IVM-PLA-NPs by acute toxicity and cell toxicity experiment. Results show that the accumulation LD50 of mice by using IVM-PLA-NPs is 62.675mg/kg; The cell toxicity is level 1, not obviously toxic. IVM-PLA-NPs are safe and non-toxic.
     Part 4: The pharmacodynamics evaluation on IVM-PLA-NPs.By using IVM-PLA-NPs of 5% and 10% especially, the effects of curing acarus on rabbits were evaluated. Results show that both IVM-PLA-NPs of 5% and 10% were good at curing curing acarus on rabbits Above all, the preparation of IVM-PLA-NPs is simple .And IVM-PLA-NPs are stable, safe and effective, according to the standards of nanoparticles and drug delivery.
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