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本文主要探索近红外光谱技术在帕金森病射频毁损术中实时监控技术,为将来帕金森病临床治疗射频手术精确监控打下基础,达到减少手术盲目性和提高手术治愈率的目的。论文详细描述了帕金森病射频毁损治疗术近红外光谱技术实时监测实验的具体方法与步骤,在大量大鼠实验基础上,建立了帕金森病射频毁损手术靶点近红外光谱光学参数(约化散射系数'μs,吸收系数μa)及血氧参数(总血红蛋白浓度Ct Hb、含氧血红蛋白浓度C HbO2、还原血红蛋白浓度C Hb和血氧饱和度SO2 )与射频参数(射频温度(T)及射频持续时间(t))的数学模型。这些数学模型表明治疗靶点的脑组织近红外光谱参数确实能够反映术中治疗效果,并且光学参数μs'可以比较准确地作为帕金森治疗射频毁损手术实时监控因子,论文通过大鼠实验充分证明了近红外光谱技术在帕金森病治疗射频术中实时在位监控中的可行性。
     论文主要创新点:(1)提出了一种基于近红外光谱的帕金森病射频毁损术中实时监控技术; (2)利用微创近红外光谱组织参数实时在位监测系统进行了的动物实验,得出能够反映毁损手术疗效的近红外评估因子;(3)建立了疗效评估数学模型,实现了近红外光谱技术进行射频毁损实时监控过程。
Main goal of this study is to explor the application of Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) technique for realtime monitoring technique in Radiofrequency (RF) surgery for Parkinson’s disease (PD), it can help to reduce the blindness of surgery and improve the cure rate. Methods and procedures of the RF surgery experiment for PD are expounded. Based on the great amount of rats experiments, the relationships models between the optical parameters ( reduced scattering coefficient:μs', absorption coefficient :μa) and hemoglobin oxygen parameters(total hemoglobin concentration: Ct Hb,oxy-hemoglobin concentration: C HbO2, de-oxy-hemoglobin concentration: C Hb and hemoglobin oxygen saturation: SO2 ) of target brain tissue and radiofrequency parameters(temperature :T and lasting time:t ) are established. These models show that the NIRS parameters of the target brain tissue can indeed reflect the effects of RF surgery, and relatively, the parametersμs' can accurately be used as evaluating factors in NIRS realtime monitor. The feasibility of using NIRS in realtime monitoring technique during RF surgery for Parkinson’s disease is confirmed by means of these rats experiments.
     The creativeness of this study is as follows: (1) put forward the idea of applying Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) technique in realtime monitoring technique in RF surgery for Parkinson’s disease, (2) obtain the NIRS evaluating factors which can reflect the change of brain tissue during RF surgery by rats experiments using the minimally invasive NIRS in vivo realtime monitoring system, (3) establish the effects evaluating mathematical models and fulfill the RF surgery monitoring using NIRS.
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