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So far, there are many studies on chicken semen extender, but the study on the methodology of design and riddling of it is a gap. There is not integrated and applied system on this field, so that the pH,osmotic pressure (OP), buffer capacity (BC) and material of semen extender were controlled , riddled and valued, for example, there is not idiographic parameter on the BC used for reference and there is not measure method, too. So the index system and measure method of chicken semen extender design and riddling were researched in present study on the methodology point of view, in order to confect semen extender that lead to high fertility and adapt the need of modern chicken production.
     The present study was divided to three parts. The first part included designing of chick semen extender and ascertaining, controlling and measuring the solution quality. The pH, OP and buffer capacity grads (BCA) of semen extender were controlled theoretically, and then exam the nicety rate according the result measured actually. The second part of the study was determining the composition of extender in lab by sperm quality and morphology in it in vitro. The sperm was stored in extenders which their pH,OP,BCA were different for varied time and temperature, and observed the effect on sperm, in order to determine the optimal parameter of the optimized semen extender. The third part was the research of application of AI using diluted semen. According to AI in practically production and the fertility rate of eggs,the extenders were valued objectively.
     The results showed that:
     ①The nicety rate of the pH was 98.69% and the osmotic pressure was 95.99%–99.1%, the grads of buffer index of extenders were more than 97.6%.
     ②The buffer index (BI) did not affect the motility of sperm, but did the abnormality ratio. The abnormality ratio was lower significantly when the buffer index was 348 than 119.6~228.8 and 461.6~1147.6.In order to keep the normal shape of sperm, the pH and osmotic pressure should be suitable, at the same time, the buffer index also be moderate. The effect of buffer index on abnormality ratio was greater than sperm motility.
     ③First, sodium citrate, glucose play an important role in chick semen extender, but the Potassium chloride (PCH) is not necessary. Second, compound extender is better than the simple one. Third, at low temperature, the osmotic pressure should be equal the osmotic pressure of cock semen or be close to it, what is more, the optimum osmotic pressure is related with the material that compose extender and their proportion in it. Fourth, the pH should be litmusless or be same with semen. Fifth, when buffer index range from 3.894 to 7.257, there are significant negative correlation between buffer index and the two index of semen storage.
     ④The tiptop survival index of sperm showed in three kinds of organic salt extenders; the longest survival time appears in two inorganic extenders, but the monstrous sperm is more; in the extender containing sucrose and monosodium glutamate (MG), the abnormality sperm only 5.29% and 5.40%; there are high correlation between osmotic pressure and monstrous sperm head (p<0.01), the correlation coefficient was -0.93 with flexural and bulgy sperm head , and 0.94 with only flexural one. When the concentration was 300mmol/L, sperm survival index (SSI) and time (SST) were better; and monstrous sperm was the lowest when 500mmol/L. The effect of osmotic pressure on
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