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Environmental quality assessment is a scientific method of realization and research the environmental quality , Ambient air quality assessment is one of the important branches of the environmental quality assessment. In this paper, The rational and the methods of city ambient air quality assessment was summarized. Air Pollution index(API), Fuzzy mathematics integration judge, was used in this paper to estimate the air quality of xi'an from 2000 to 2007. The characteristics of the methods were contrasted.
     API was used in air quality daily .the result was definitude .But in the process of choose the max value ,the information of other pollutants was leaved out . Fuzzy mathematics integration judge considered the fuzzy character of environment quality assessment based on the nearness degree of pollutants consistence to judge the pollution level .The assessment results of fuzzy mathematics integration judge was the level of air quality ,the result were clear.
     The analysis shows that the air quality pollution has been controlled primarily and the environmental air quality has been improved obviously through more investment on environmental protection. Enhancement of environment management .And work on air pollution prevention and cure including controlling use of hi-sulufr-coal, eliminating coal-boiler ,controlling motor vehicles gas pollution and optimizing energy sources configuration.
     However, together with the fast development of city economy, the gross letting amount of air contamination presents increase trend potentially which brings about tremendous pressure on maintaining good cantonal air quality, PM_(10) is the main factors affecting xi'an environmental air quality. In the future. The main challenge of air pollution prevention and cure is that letting quantity of SO_2 is large, granule pollution impacts widely and NO_x pollution is in uptrend gradually.
     Directed by advanced theory of developing cycle economy and constructing ecotypic city and meanwhile referring to domestic and international experience, the research makes proposal on methods of improving environmental air quality. It includes reasonable adjustment on city industrial layout and structure, developing recycling economy, optimizing energy resources configuration , pushing depurative producing, reducing letting quantity of air contamination. With these methods xi'an will improve environmental air quality persistently while maintaining fast economic increasing.
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