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Currently, the Migrants Relocation of the Three Gorges Reservoir has Intensely Continued. The Immigrant spirit has become one of the National spirits with practical significance in our country. The commerce propagated situation has been inextricably linked with development of migrant county seat, and has become the common concerns of both government and local people. However, compared with regional commercial market in general, there are some obvious features of its own in the commerce development of migrant county seat. For the degree of land market and real estate commercialization far below the other counties of the same level and this leads the commercial land over supply when planning. It breaches the normal regulation of commerce development, seriously impacts the regional commerce development and economic growth, and brings some hidden danger to regional economic development.
     In a city or a country, the trade industry, as the leading industry to develop the national economy, plays an important part of social reproduction, which links the production and consumption, constantly activating the market and promoting the growth of consumer demand. It also reflects the level of economic development. The prosperity of the business circulation is an important feature in modern economy now. So, business enterprises, the vehicle of commerce Circulation, have become a significant component of the national economy and this kind of industry clusters has a decisive influence in the national economy. In a city or a country, the trade industry, as the leading industry to develop the national economy, plays an important part of social reproduction, which links the production and consumption, constantly activating the market and promoting the growth of consumer demand. It also reflects the level of economic development. The prosperity of the business circulation is an important feature in modern economy now. So, business enterprises, the vehicle of commerce Circulation, have become a significant component of the national economy and this kind of industry clusters has a decisive influence in the national economy.
     This article firstly introduced the relevant research results of commerce development features and structure theory of commercial trade organization and spatial structure of commercial activities at home and abroad. Then, the author makes the study of the migrant county seat in Three Gorges Reservoir; from the commerce development own characteristics, problems and relations between business development and sustainable development, process a positioning vision of migrant county seat business development. And in accordance with commercial outlets theory system and strategic layout, this paper gives a specific network planning of the migrant county seat commerce industry. Then in Kaixian example, according to the supply of land constructs the commerce industry forecast model of migrant county seat for the commerce land demand forecast. Finally, with the actual situation of migrant county seat from macro, mid and micro level, it gives the countermeasures of commerce development of migrant county seat.
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