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形如的方程被称为倒向随机微分方程(简记为BSDE),其线性形式由Bismut [14]在1973年引入,其一般形式由Pardoux和Peng [73]于1990年首次研究.
     在过去的近二十年中,BSDE理论受到了广泛的关注(参见[1],[2],[4],[20],[21],[22],[28],[54],[62],[63],[64],[68],[83],[90],[91],等等).特别地,比较定理是这一理论的一大重要结果,这归因于Peng [79],然后由Pardoux和Peng [74], El Karoui et al.[39],Hu和Peng [55]做了推广.比较定理告诉我们这样一个事实:当我们可以比较两个BSDE的终端条件和生成元时,那么我们也可以对其解做出比较.反过来,我们也有逆比较定理,即当可以比较解时那也可以比较生成元,参见Briand et al. [19], Coquetet a1.[30],Hu和Peng [55], Jiang [59]等.
     在无违约市场中,这些结果被得到了广泛的应用.准确地讲,BSDE在金融数学中有广泛的应用,如在定价和对冲理论中的应用(参见El Karoui et al. [39]等),在随机控制和对策理论中的应用(参见Buckdahn和Li [23], El Karoui et al. [39], El Karoui和Hamadene [36], Hamadene [44], Hamadene和Lepeltier [45]及[46], Hamadene et al. [47], Hamadene et al. [48]及[49], Peng [80], Quenez [85], Peng和Wu[81],等等),在偏微分方程(简记为PDE)中的应用(参见Barles et al. [5], Barles和Lesigne [6], Briand [18], Pardoux和Peng [74], Pardoux和Tang [76], Pardoux和Veretennikov [77], Peng[78]及[79],Wu和Yu[88],等等).
     同时,人们也对BSDE的反射解做了大量研究.单边界反射BSDE由El Karoui et al. [37]首次提出,其解被保持在一个给定的随机过程(称为边界或者障碍)的上方.双边界反射BSDE也随之被引入(见Cvitanic和Karatzas [32], Hamadene et al. [47]等).事实上反射BSDE是一个非常热门的课题,因为它在金融,对策,控制问题,偏微分方程等各方面都有重要的应用(参见Bally et al. [3], El Karoui et al. [38], Hamadene和Lepeltier [46], Lepeltier et al. [61], Matoussi [70])后来这些结果被推广到不连续障碍的情况(参见Hamadene [43], Lepeltier和Xu [65], Peng和Xu [82]). Hamadene和Ouknine [50](也可参见Hamadene和Wang [51])研究了由布朗运动和一个与布朗运动独立的泊松随机测度所驱动的反射BSDE.
     定理2.2.2. (存在唯一性定理)假设g满足(a2.1)和(a2.2),那么对于任意给定的终端条件,上述BSDE存在唯一解
     假设Isaacs' condition成立.记(u*,υ*)(t,x,z,ζ)为函数H的鞍点,并记
Backward stochastic differential equations (BSDEs in short) of the following gen-eral form were introduced, in the linear case, by Bismut [14] in 1973 and considered the general form the first time by Pardoux-Peng [73] in 1990.
     In the last twenty years, the theory of BSDEs has been studied with great interest (see e.g. [1], [2], [4], [20], [21], [22], [28], [54], [62], [63], [64], [68], [83], [90], [91], etc.). Particularly, the comparison theorem turns out to be one of the achievements of this theory. It is due to Peng [79] and then generalized by Pardoux-Peng [74], El Karoui et al. [39], Hu-Peng [55]. It allows to compare the solutions of two BSDEs whenever we can compare the terminal conditions and the generators. Conversely, we can also compare the generators if we can compare the solutions, see e.g. Briand et al. [19], Coquet et al. [30], Hu-Peng [55], Jiang [59].
     These results are applied widely to default-free markets. Precisely, BSDE was applied widely in financial mathematics, such as the pricing/hedging problem (see e.g. El Karoui et al. [39], etc.), in the stochastic control and game theory (see e.g. Buckdahn-Li [23], El Karoui et al. [39], El Karoui-Hamadene [36], Hamadene [44], Hamadene-Lepeltier [45] and [46], Hamadene et al. [47], Hamadene et al. [48] and [49], Peng [80], Quenez [85], Peng-Wu [81], etc.), and in the theory of partial differential equations (PDEs in short) (see e.g. Barles et al. [5], Barles-Lesigne [6], Briand [18], Pardoux-Peng [74], Pardoux-Tang [76], Pardoux-Veretennikov [77], Peng [78] and [79], Wu-Yu [88], etc.).
     In the meantime, people also have a good study of the reflected solutions to BS-DEs, that is, the solution is forced to stay above a given stochastic process which is called the obstacle. More precisely, reflected BSDE, with one barrier introduced by El Karoui et al. [37], with double barrier studied by, e.g., Cvitanic-Karatzas [32] and Hamadene et al. [47], is also a hot topic due to its wide applications to finance, the game or control problems and partial differential equations (see e.g. Bally et al. [3], El Karoui et al. [38], Hamadene-Lepeltier [46], Lepeltier et al. [61], Matoussi [70]). These results were then generalized to the case where the obstacle is discontinuous (see e.g. Hamadene [43], Lepeltier-Xu [65], Peng-Xu [82]), and then by Hamadene-Ouknine [50] (see also Hamadene-Wang [51]) to the discontinuous case where the reflected BSDE is driven by a Brownian motion and an independent Poisson random measure.
     The objective of this thesis is to enrich and improve the theory of BSDEs. In the following, we list the main results of this thesis.
     Chapter 1:In this chapter, we present the motivations of our work and list the main problems studied from Chapter 2 to Chapter 4.
     Chapter 2:In this chapter, we introduce a new type of BSDE in a defaultable set-up, called BSDE with random default time, which is driven by Brownian motion as well as a mutually independent martingale appearing in a defaultable setting. These equations are of the following general form: whereγsds is a G-martingale independent of B,τis the random default time and G is the enlarged filtration.
     For these equations, we have the following result. It should be mentioned here that the comparison theorem requires more conditions than the existence and uniqueness theorem.
     Theorem 2.2.2. (Existence and Uniqueness Theorem) Assume that g satis-fies (a2.1) and (a2.2), then for any fixed terminal conditionξ∈L2(GT;Rm), the above BSDE has a unique solution
     Theorem 2.2.7. (Comparison Theorem) Let (Y, Z,ζ), (Y, Z,ζ) be the unique solu-tions of the following two 1-dimensional BSDEs with random default time, respectively: whereξ,ξsatisfy the same assumptions as in Theorem 2.2.2, g satisfies (a2.1)-(a2.3), gs∈LG2(0,T;R).If then
     Besides, the following holds true (the strict comparison theorem):
     Then we deal with a particular case where More generally, we introduce the PDE approach to default risk via BSDE with random default time. For this, we have
     Theorem 2.4.3. Assume that the function u, defined by satisfies, for any given (t, x)∈[0, T]×Rm,
     Then u has the following probabilistic representation:
     Moreover, the following hold: where (Yt,x, Zt,x,ζt,x) is determined uniquely by and
     As one application, we deal with an application in zero-sum stochastic differential games in a defaultable setting. Assume that two players J1 and J2 intervene on a system with antagonistic advantages. The dynamics of the controlled system is The cost functional corresponding to u∈U andυ∈V is given by which is a cost (resp. reward) for J1 (resp. J2).The conditional expected remaining cost from time
     In order to tackle this problem, we define the Hamilton function associated with this game problem as following: Assume that Isaacs'condition is fulfilled. Denote by (u*,υ*)(t,x,z,ζ) the saddle point for the function H. Write
     The main result is
     Theorem 2.5.3. The BSDE with random default time has a unique solution which satisfies where Moreover, the pair (u*,v*) is a saddle point for the game.
     Chapter 3:In this chapter, we consider the anticipated BSDEs (ABSDEs) of the following form: whereδ(·):[0,T]→R+ andζ(·):[0, T]→R+ are continuous functions satisfying certain conditions.
     We establish the following comparison theorem for multidimensional ABSDEs with generators independent of the anticipated term of Z and possibly not increasing in the anticipated term of Y:
     Theorem 3.3.5. The following are equivalent: (i) for all the unique solutions to the following ABSDE: satisfy where c> 0 is a constant.
     Chapter 4:In this chapter, we study the generalized ABSDE (GABSDE) of the following form:
     For the 1-dimensional GABSDEs, we give a more general comparison theorem as follows:
     Theorem 4.2.3. Let (j= 1,2) be the unique solutions to GABSDEs respectively: where j= 1,2, fj satisfies C;Rd). If uous semimartingale and then Yt(1)≥Yt(2),a.e.,a.s..
     Moreover, we are also concerned with the real-valued reflected GABSDE with one continuous barrier S.
     Theorem 4.3.3. Assume that (A4.1)-(A4.3) hold, then the reflected GABSDE has a unique solution
     Fortunately, the above result can be applied to deal with a particular case when the obstacle is of functional form For this, we have Theorem 4.4.5. Assume that (a4.1)-(a4.3) hold and moreover that the obstacle S is a semimartingale of the form where (μt)t∈[0,T] and (σt)t∈[0,T] are progressively measurable processes, with values in R and Rd respectively, satisfying
     Then the reflected GABSDE has at least a solution and the pair is uniquely determined.
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