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Through the analysis of the condition of financial crises, financial crisis stage of development of the spin-off of several small, be controlled from industrial level to establish a composed by several cycles, the choice of economic circle by dynamic economy, (the manufacturing and real estate, for example), the financial intermediaries (for example) for banking and government macro economic policies, international financial capital market and asset pricing etc crisis conditions of industrial analysis, research and balanced development of the financial crisis.
     The theory of financial crisis and economic system in the industry development, the level of industry, banking, real estate and manufacturing of market structure, market behavior and industrial performance. From the market structure, market behavior and market performance of different features, analysis and balanced industrial interaction mechanism.
     By the banking, real estate and manufacturing rate structure, credit capital structure, the price structure, the investment structure, realize the balance between economic entity of the industrial structure. Through the credit structure and industrial structure of the balance between interactive relationship with the analysis, find in asset prices change, change under the conditions of the banking industry, manufacturing industry and real estate industry of equilibrium between the interaction, i.e. banking credit capital structure change, represented in manufacturing industrial structure in the economic entity changes and characteristic of real estate industry of virtual economy exists between the equilibrium and the interactive relationship.
     Our empirical study shows that, in banking, real estate and manufacturing industries interaction process, the equilibrium within the industry of market structure, market behavior and market performance between the law of development. At the same time, the interaction between industrial interaction relationship. Through the industry association effect, the price mechanism, to coordinate and structure change, the price of the change of industrial structure and the investment structure, and the interaction between structure change interest rates, credit structure changes and investment structure change of interaction. Banking, real estate development and manufacturing formation equilibrium interaction. Bank credit short-term can promote GDP growth, the real estate industry and increase of bank credit for manufacturing in the short term, with subsequent inhibition of GDP, promote manufacturing and real estate has lasting stimulate utility. Banks loan may also increase driven manufacturing and real estate mortgage loan growth. Real estate industry to GDP and manufacturing, real estate has increased the amount of credit credit and manufacturing of bank credit, but has some alternative utility. The development of the manufacturing industry will accelerate the development of real estate industry, credit growth and housing credit.
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