Ad Hoc网络可证明安全的群组密钥协商协议研究
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Ad Hoc网络是自组织(Self-organizing)、高度动态(Highly Dynam-ic)的网络,无须基站或者中心控制器等基础设施,即可自主建立并维护群组节点之间的通信。Ad Hoc网络最初应用于军事领域,但随着无线通信和终端技术的发展,逐渐在其他很多领域找到应用场景,包括:用于在无有线通信基础设施或者其遭到破坏时的灾难拯救;用于恶劣环境下状态监测,如无线传感器网络(Wireless Sensor Networks, WSN);需要分布式特性的应用网络通信环境,如群组会议、分布式计算等;其它有线通信设施不足,需要快速建立通信的环境。Ad Hoc网络灵活的组网特点使其有越来越多的应用场景,但同时也带来很多安全问题,而通信安全在需要防止窃听、破坏和入侵的军事领域或者商业应用中尤为重要。一种最通用和有效的方式就是利用群组中所有节点共享的密钥对网络中交互的消息进行加密,而这个群组密钥建立的过程即为群组密钥协商(Group Key Agreement, GKA)。基于广播网络的传统群组密钥协商已经得到很广泛深入的研究,但这些协议并不能直接应用在无线Ad Hoc网络中,因为它们大都基于广播并假设节点间可以直接通信,同时需要较高的通信带宽和大量的计算资源,而Ad Hoc网络节点间距离为多跳,而且节点的能量和计算、存储资源都有限。因此Ad Hoc网络的群组密钥协商面临巨大的挑战,有时甚至是不可能实现的任务。分簇算法将Ad Hoc网络分为若干分簇,簇内的节点可以直接通信或者通过簇头的转发通信,簇头节点形成更高的层级结构,并转发分簇间节点的通信,为网络中节点高效的通信和灵活管理提供基础。基于分簇的群组密钥协商成为研究热点,一般包括两个阶段:簇内密钥协商,在所有簇内节点间共享簇密钥;簇间密钥协商,实现群组密钥的分发。本文研究Ad Hoc网络基于分簇的群组密钥协商协议并对设计的协议进行了安全性和效率分析,主要工作和创新点如下:
     1.基于广播网络中传统群组密钥协商协议,提出了一种执行轮数和计算效率优化的用于Ad Hoc网络簇内密钥协商的子协议。与同类型的基于环结构的群组密钥协商协议相比,提出的协议大大降低了执行轮数,仅约为原来的一半,并且在计算效率和通信效率上都有所提升。对协议的语义安全性做了证明,并将其作为子协议应用到其它已经存在的Ad Hoc网络基于分簇的群组密钥协商协议HKAP和CGDH中,对比结果表明,除了协议执行轮数大幅减少,提出的协议在其他参数相当的情况下,大大减少了HKAP协议中消息交互的总数量,并大幅度减少了CGDH协议的指数运算量。另外协议使用C-MACON转换器实现显示认证和贡献性,能抵抗未知密钥共享攻击和内部恶意参与者的密钥控制攻击。
     2.针对现有协议在网络规模变大时,簇内密钥协商的通信复杂度和计算复杂度都急剧增加的缺陷,提出了一种适用于大规模Ad Hoc网络的认证群组密钥协商算法,与大部分基于分簇的算法将网络分成单跳分簇不同,设计的算法将网络中的节点采用2跳分簇算法分成若干分簇,所有簇头形成最小生成树的结构。为了更大程度减小协议执行过程中,消息交互的通信负载,采用BSL短签名算法去实现消息认证。采用2跳分簇的网络,同等网络规模下可以产生更少的分簇数,并使节点成员关系的变化以更大的概率发生在分簇内,从而使网络保持更大的稳定性,更容易实现群组密钥更新。协议使用改进的IC-GKA协议实现簇内密钥协商,AT-GDH协议实现簇间密钥协商及群组密钥分发。首次证明了AT-GDH协议的安全性,并在此基础上,证明了所提出协议的安全性。提出的协议支持节点加入、退出等成员关系的变化。使用的簇内密钥协商协议不基于广播,因而需要更少的消息交互,另外协议的计算效率也有明显提高(与比较协议对比,由O(n2)降低到O(n))。通信复杂度和计算复杂度分析的结果表明(包括加入通信延迟的考虑),提出的协议是一种适用于大规模Ad Hoc网络的通信和计算高效的群组密钥协商协议。
     3.提出一种适用于Ad Hoc网络的基于Clique的计算高效的群组密钥协商协议,网络中的节点按照地理位置邻近关系划分若干分簇(Clique,簇内节点间可直接通信),所有簇头节点组成最小生成树的结构。协议采用数字签名算法对执行过程中交互的消息进行认证,从而转化为认证密钥协商协议。每个分簇内的节点采用DB协议协商簇密钥,使用PCKA协议形成簇间密钥,并通过对称加密算法实现会话密钥在生成树上的层层分发,最后所有节点计算出群组密钥。协议实现了贡献性(Contributiveness),即最终的群组密钥由网络中所有节点的私密值共同决定,任何簇头节点无法决定群组密钥的值。协议还对网络中成员关系的动态变化,比如成员加入、成员退出等提供支持,加入了相应的密钥更新算法。除了对协议进行安全性证明,还对协议的执行效率包含通信复杂度和计算复杂度进行分析。基于相同硬件平台下的能量分析表明,提出的协议是计算高效的群组密钥协商协议,在任何的网络规模下,与对比协议相比,具有最少的总能量消耗。
     4.针对采用数字签名的认证协议需要公钥基础设施或者能存储高熵密钥的硬件的局限性,提出了一种基于便于记忆的低熵共享口令的群组加密密钥协商协议,协议可用于Ad Hoc网络中,为每一个分簇产生簇密钥,与适当的簇间密钥协商协议相结合,便可为整个网络中所有节点计算全局共享密钥。在DDH假设下,借助随机预言模型和理想加密模型对协议进行了安全性证明。安全证明结论表明,提出的协议能抵抗离线字典攻击,即借助于窃听协议执行过程中交互的消息,只能获得可忽略的优势,而仅有的办法就是猜测协议参与者共享的口令仿冒诚实的参与者执行协议。效率对比表明,提出的协议具有适中的通信轮数,最少的计算量,因而适合应用于资源受限的Ad Hoc网络中进行群组密钥协商。
     综上所述,本文研究了Ad Hoc网络基于分簇的群组密钥协商协议,提出了优化的簇内密钥协商协议,并分别实现了用于大规模网络和基于Clique的群组密钥协商协议,设计的协议或者具有较高的通信和计算效率,或者具有最少的能量消耗,因此适合为Ad Hoc网络所有节点协商共享密钥,为后续建立安全信道提供保障。
Ad hoc networks is self-organizing, highly dynamic networks which can autonomously establish and maintain the communication among a group of the nodes without the requirement of centralized administration or fixed infrastruc-ture such as base stations or access points. The study and applications for ad hoc networks firstly come from the requirements of military field, but with the development of wireless communication and terminal technology, ad hoc net-works has more and more applications in other sceneries which include:disaster rescuing with no wire communication infrastructure or its being destroyed; the condition monitoring of severe environment using Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN); distributive and cooperative communications such as conference meet-ing and distributive computing and so on; other environments which need to set up communication quickly, but have no wire communication infrastructure. In these applications, secure communication is a critical problem. An effective way to achieve secure communication is to encrypt all the messages exchanged among network users with a common key computed before any communication starts. But establishing a common key shared by the whole group nodes is a difficulty and sometimes impossible work because of the characteristics in ad hoc networks, such as dynamic topology and multi-hops distance. Many effi-cient group key agreement (GKA) protocols proposed for wired networks are however not adaptable directly for wireless ad hoc networks because all of them are based on broadcasting or one-hop distance assumption among all the nodes. Clustering, which partitions the whole network into subgroups, provides con-venience and high efficiency for routing and other network management work. Many clustering-based GKA protocols for ad hoc networks have been proposed which always consist of two phases:intra-cluster key agreement generating a cluster key among the nodes within each cluster and group key agreement gen-erating group key among the cluster-heads (representatives of the cluster) and then sharing the group key among entire group members by some broadcasting or distributing methods. Our work mainly focus on clustering-based group key agreement. The main contribution and innovations of our thesis are as follows.
     1. We propose an authenticated group key agreement protocol which needs less communication rounds and also provides more computation efficien-cy than other ring-based protocols. Our scheme is suitable for resource-constraint environments such as Ad-hoc Network. We prove the semantic security of our scheme and make analysis in two aspects:communication and computation. At last, we make the proposed protocol to be adopted as sub protocol in the existing GKA protocols(HKAP and CGDH) for ad hoc networks and the comparison results show that our protocol promotes the efficiency apparently not only on communication for HKAP but also on computation for CGDH. Besides, Our protocol uses the compiler C-MACON to achieve mutual authentication and contributiveness which can resist the unknown-key share attack and the key control attack of malicious participants/insiders.
     2. We propose an authenticated group key agreement for large ad hoc net-works which solves the drawback, that is, the complexity of both commu-nication and computation increases sharply when the size of the network-s becomes large. Our scheme adopts BSL short signature algorithm to achieve message authentication and reduce the message overhead during the protocol execution. Using the2-hop clustering algorithm, our protocol is more suitable for large ad hoc networks, because it can generate less number of clusters and make the group more stable. We adopts AT-GDH to get the group key among the cluster-heads, uses IC-GKA to get cluster key among members in a cluster, and for the first time we make a secu-rity proof for the AT-GDH protocol by which we hence prove our whole protocol's semantic security combining the IC-GKA's security proof. Our protocol also handles the dynamic membership changes of the group nodes and makes complexity comparison with other protocols. The intra-cluster key agreement used in our protocol is not based on broadcasting, so need-s less exchange of message. Besides, the computation efficiency of our protocol is obviously improved which is reduced from O(n2) to O(n) compared with the referenced protocol. The analysis results of communi-cation complexity and computation complexity which also considers the delay of communication show that the proposed group key agreement pro-tocol has high efficiency both on communication and computation, and is suitable for large ad hoc networks.
     3. We propose an authenticated clique-based group key agreement for ad hoc networks which has high computational efficiency, partitions the whole group nodes into clusters and arranges the cluster heads in a spanning tree. Our protocol uses digital signature algorithm to authenticate all the mes-sages exchanged during the execution of the protocol. Our scheme com-putes the cluster key of each cluster using DB and finally gets the group key by executing moderate rounds of PCKA combining the symmetric en-cryption and decryption algorithms. The contributiveness and handling of membership changes such as member join and member leave are imple-mented in our algorithm. We prove the semantic security of our protocol and make complexity analysis consisting of communicational and compu-tational complexity. The energy analysis results based on the same hard-ware platform show that the proposed protocol has high efficiency on com-putation and has the least total energy consumption in any network scale compared with other referenced protocols.
     4. We propose a password-based encrypted group key agreement protocol which generates cluster key for each cluster of the whole group and can be used as a sub-protocol to finally generate the group session key combining with inter-cluster key agreement protocol. We prove the security in the ran-dom oracle and ideal cipher models under the Decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption. The security result shows that the adversary can get negligible advantage by eavesdropping the messages exchanged during the execution of protocol and that the only way for the adversary to attack the security of protocol is to impersonate a user by guessing the password shared by all the users. So the protocol can resist both offline and online dictionary attacks. Efficiency comparison results show that our protocol is efficient and suitable for ad hoc networks.
     The paper makes study on clustering-based group key agreement for Ad Hoc Networks, proposes more efficient intra-cluster key agreement protocols and group key agreement protocols for large and cliques-based Ad Hoc Net-works respectively. Comparisons show that our proposed protocols have high efficiency both on communication and computation and have less energy cost, so are suitable to be applied to the resource-limited Ad Hoc Networks and sup- ply indemnification for subsequently establishing secure channel.
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