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     总之, C吸附剂在效果最好,而果壳活性炭次之;而A吸附剂和B吸附剂几乎在各个实验中均表现不出明显的效果。
In recent years, with the continuous improvement of living standards and the rapid development of industrial production, whether it is domestic or in foreign countries, the size and number of urban sewage treatment plant have a rapid growth and the sludge of treatment process in the volume also grow rapidly, the corresponding amount of sludge treatment continued to grow. At the same time, the problem of eutrophication is a major environmental problem facing one of the terms.In relation to nitrogen, phosphorus is a controlling factor in a body of water that , especially freshwater lake eutrophication ; reducing the phosphorus content of the water as much as possible is a urgent environmental issues to be resolved. Based on these two major issues to resolve, through the sewage sludge adsorbing phosphorus, not only it solved the whereabouts of sewage sludge and water can effectively remove phosphorus.
     In this paper, I researched on sewage sludge adsorbing phosphorus and its application performance. Using activated carbon as a comparative adsorbent, after acid-soluble oscillation, adsorption oscillation, centrifugal process, we abserve the phenomenon that sludge-derived adsorbent adsorb phosphorus (potassium dihydrogen phosphate, sodium tripolyphosphate, sodium glycerol) .
     First of all, do the impact of the adoption of a single factor experiments to determine the optimal adsorption time, dosage, pH range, the initial phosphorus concentration, the speed of oscillation and so on. This re-focus on the adsorption kinetics and adsorption isotherm described in detail. Therefore it provides more choices to the people of the conditions of reaction, reaction in control of the initiative, at the same time to understand the reaction mechanism also helps to understand the adsorption mechanism; understanding of adsorbate adsorbent adsorption capacity.
     Then, this paper investigated the impact on three types of phosphorus removal in the existence of humic acid, protein, amylase , Cr6 +, sulfate, carbonate, nitrate, bicarbonate. At the same time, four types of adsorbents have also been carried out on the actual wastewater phosphorus removal experiment.
     Finally, I made the phosphorus-desorption experiments. They are focused on the use of the acid desorption. At the same time, a adsorbent regeneration has been made.
     All in all,C in the best adsorbent, followed by activated carbon; and A and B adsorbent adsorbent in almost all experiments have shown no significant results.
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