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中药注射剂(Traditional Chinese Medicine Injection, TCMI)突破了中药传统给药方式,是我国自主创新研制的独有中药剂型,具有生物利用度高、作用迅速等特点,克服了传统中医药不能用于治疗危急重症的弱点,在心脑血管疾病、呼吸系统疾病和肿瘤治疗中发挥重要、甚至是不可替代的作用,是中药现代化的发展方向之一。然而随着TCMI临床应用的日益广泛,其诱发不良反应的相关报道日益增多。速发型超敏反应(immediate hypersensitivity reaction, IHR)通常被认为是TCMI出现最多、危害较大的不良反应,严重时可引起患者发生过敏性休克而死亡。使得人们越来越质疑TCMI使用的安全性,进而诱发了对TCMI乃至整个中药产业的“信任危机”。如何全面、客观、科学评价TCMI存在的不良反应和风险,保证其临床用药的安全性,成为解决此次“信任危机”的重中之重。解决这个问题的关键则需要明确TCMI不良反应发生的原因和机制。TCMI通常含有3~7种原料药,多时甚至可达12种。由于成分复杂,引起致敏反应的原因和机制尚不清楚。尽管临床上使用的TCMI均是通过了严格的临床前药理毒理研究的产品,但由于使用的实验模型不能准确预测TCMI的致敏潜能,动物实验结果与临床不良反应之间缺乏相关性。现广泛应用的动物模型如,主动皮肤过敏试验(the active cutaneous anaphylaxis assay, ACA)、被动皮肤过敏试验(the passive cutaneous anaphylaxis assay, PCA)和主动全身过敏试验(the active systemic anaphylaxis assay, ASA),主要用于大分子蛋白质类抗原的致敏性检测。对小分子药物(low molecular weight compound, LMWC)而言,ASA、ACA和PCA反应阳性,提示LMWC具有致敏潜能;但PCA等反应阴性并不确定其没有致敏能力,因此容易出现假阴性结果。综上可知,限制TCMI机制研究的瓶颈是缺乏适合的实验模型,即应用新的模型探讨TCMI不良反应发生的原因和机制是解决TCMI安全性的首要问题。
     腘窝淋巴结试验(popliteal lymph node assay, PLNA)是目前唯一可靠的LMWC致敏性筛选方法。它具有简单、省时、灵敏、特异性高,实验动物用量少、样品使用量低的特点。依据动物足趾部接受处理因素的方式不同,PLNA可以分为直接法PLNA(Direct PLNA or Primary PLNA,d-PLNA),间接法PLNA (Secondary PLNA,s-PLNA)、过继法PLNA (Adoptive PLNA)、报告抗原PLNA (Modified PLNA or Reporter Antigen PLNA, RA-PLNA)和佐剂PLNA (Adjuvant PLNA)。其中d-PLNA和RA-PLNA最常用于药物的致敏性研究。迄今为止,不同实验室已经应用PLNA检测了130余个LMWC,研究结果获得了很好的一致性和可重复性。但已有PLNA研究的样品均是成分单一的LMWC,PLNA可否用于成分复杂的TCMI的致敏性研究尚未见报道。此外,国内目前尚未建立起PLNA方法的标准体系,亦未见PLNA方法检测化学药物或中药致敏性研究的报道。而国外文献报道所用的实验动物种属如CBA小鼠、C57BL小鼠、F344大鼠、BN大鼠等,在国内价格昂贵且不容易获得,缺乏这些动物的饲养经验和实验背景资料。鉴于此,本研究拟结合我国实际情况,首先建立d-PLNA和RA-PLNA实验模型;在国内常用的实验动物种属中选择确定敏感动物,建立一套规范、简便、可行的PLNA实验操作程序;并利用建立的d-PLNA和RA-PLNA模型研究TCMI的潜在致敏性;建立一个适于TCMI致敏性试验研究的特异、灵敏的新方法,以期明确其不良反应的发生机制,确定引起过敏反应的物质(致敏原);这将为TCMI的安全性评价提供新的思路和实验依据,促进我国药物致敏性实验研究与国际接轨,对于我国新药的研发有重大的经济和实用价值。
     双黄连注射剂是最具代表性的清热解毒类TCMI之一,临床应用广泛,疗效肯定。2009年7月注射用双黄连(冻干)针剂被列入到2005年中华人民共和国药典增补本,这不仅是我国惟一进入药典的一种TCMI,也是首个采用指纹图谱控制产品质量的TCMI。但是和其他类型的TCMI一样,双黄连注射剂引起的临床不良反应病例日趋增多。根据文献报道,双黄连注射剂与鱼腥草注射液是不良反应报道最多的TCMI。双黄连注射剂引起的不良反应以Ⅰ型超敏反应为主,绝大多数表现为轻度的皮肤红斑、皮疹等;严重不良反应以全身性损害、呼吸系统损害为主,致死原因为过敏性休克或过敏样反应。国家药品不良反应监测中心已在2001年和2009年2次通报了双黄连注射剂的超敏反应,说明双黄连注射剂也同样面临被市场淘汰的危险。双黄连注射剂包括注射用双黄连灭菌粉末及双黄连注射液。双黄连注射液是最早开发成功的TCMI品种。注射用双黄连(Shuanghuanglian Injection, SHLI)是在双黄连注射液基础上发展起来的新剂型。SHLI由黄芩、金银花和连翘三种中药材精制而成,绿原酸含量较为丰富,而绿原酸被高度怀疑是一种半抗原。此外,SHLI不含任何辅料,所含的主要成分均为分子量小于1000u的小分子化合物(low molecular weight compound, LMWC)。故以SHLI为代表,通过d-PLNA和RA-PLNA研究其诱导超反应的发生机制,确定致敏原,对于保证SHLI乃至所有TCMI的临床用药安全具有重要的意义。
     雌性成年SPF级雌性昆明小鼠、BALB/c小鼠、C57BL/6J小鼠、Wistar大鼠、BN大鼠随机分为空白对照组、阴性对照组和模型组。模型组右侧后肢足趾部皮下分别注射已知致敏物氯化汞(Mercury chloride, HgCl2)、双氯芬酸(Diclofenac sodium salt, DF)、D-盐酸青霉胺(D-Penicillamine, D-pen)、苯妥英钠(Diphenylhydantoin, DP)、链脲佐菌素(Streptozotocin, STZ),小鼠给药体积25μl或50μl;大鼠为50μl或100μl;苯巴比妥(Phenobarbital, PB)或溶媒为阴性对照,左侧不做处理。给药7 d,吸入CO2处死动物,迅速取出左、右侧胭窝淋巴结,放入置于冰上盛有PBS (含1%BSA)的培养皿中,去除脂肪组织,吸干水分后称重,制备单细胞悬液,计算淋巴结重量指数(weight index,WI)和细胞指数(cellullarity index, CI),比较胭窝淋巴结(popliteal lymph node,PLN)反应,WI>2或CI>5为阳性反应。报告抗原胭窝淋巴结试验时则将受试物分别与TNP-OVA或TNP-Ficoll一起注入右侧后肢足趾部皮下,给药7 d,处死动物,迅速取出PLN,制备单细胞悬液,Elispot检测AFCs数量,TNP特异性AFCs增多为阳性反应。结果表明:C57BL/6J小鼠、BALB/c小鼠和BN大鼠均对阳性化合物反应敏感,提示成功构建了d-PLNA动物模型。小鼠后肢每侧均只有一个胭窝淋巴结,位置固定,容易摘出,大鼠PLN存有变异,操作不如小鼠方便,建议C57BL/6J小鼠和BALB/c小鼠可作为PLNA的首选敏感动物。在此基础上,利用工具药D-pen成功构建了BALB/c小鼠RA-PLNA模型。应用这两种模型进行下面的SHLI实验研究。
     雌性C57BL/6J小鼠随机分为空白对照(Veh)组、PB组(1 mg/只)、HgCl2组(50μg/只)和D-pen组(2 mg/只)、SHLI亻氐剂量组(L组,1 mg/只)和高剂量组(H组,5 mg/只),每组10只。小鼠一侧足趾部皮下给予受试物,第7d天处死动物,摘取两侧PLN,称重,计算WI;每组将4只小鼠的PLN以4%中性多聚甲醛固定用于病理学检查,其余6只制备单细胞悬液,计算CI。比较SHLI和致敏物引起的PLN反应,探讨SHLI的致敏潜能。结果表明:H组WI、CI较Veh组升高(P<0.05),WI>2和CI>5。病理检查,PLN体积变大,生发中心明显,HEV横断面增多。结果发现高剂量SHLI可诱导C57BL/6J小鼠产生明显的PLN反应,提示它具有一定的致敏潜能。但诱导PLN阳性反应需要较高的剂量,表明可能是SHLI中的微量成分发挥作用,这提示我们下一步需要对SHLI含有的不同成分进行研究,以确定致敏原存在的范围。此外,d-PLNA并未能揭示SHLI诱导PLNA反应的确切机制,这有待于下一步的RA-PLNA研究证实。
     按照药典经典工艺制备SHLI及其中间提取物,并用大孔树脂对其进行精制,共获得10个样品。BALB/c小鼠随机分组,右侧后肢足趾部酒精消毒,用胰岛素注射器或1 ml注射器皮下注射已知致敏物D-pen、供试品、以溶媒为阴性对照。小鼠给药体积均为50μl;利用d-PLNA研究5 mg/只剂量时的反应;对5mg/只出现PLNA阳性反应的样品,降低剂量为2.5mg/只给药;阴性反应的样品则提高剂量为10mg/只进行给药,以研究剂量-效应关系。结果发现,按药典原工艺制备的SHLI在高剂量下获得阳性反应,精制品PLNA反应降低,提示现有SHLI的药典工艺标准需要改进。另外,精制品水溶性较好,即使提高剂量也不易诱导PLNA阳性反应,表明有害物质可能是水溶性较差的成分,提示我们研究SHLI的致敏成分需用新方法分离提取三味药材的成分。
     利用d-PLNA研究采用新工艺提取制备的16个样品的致敏潜能。BALB/c小鼠随机分组,右侧后肢足趾部酒精消毒,用胰岛素注射器皮下注射。给药体积均为50μl;给药剂量均为10 mg/只;难溶于0.9%生理盐水的组分,先以10μl/只的纯DMSO溶解,然后再用0.9%生理盐水稀释为相应的浓度后给药。对出现PLNA阳性反应的化合物,进一步降低至5 mg/只、2.5 mg/只或0.25mg/只的剂量给药,直至发现无反应剂量,以研究剂量-效应关系。7/16个组分在10 mg/只出现明显的PLNA反应,提示这些部位中可能存有有害成分。引起PLNA阳性反应的组分分布于三种药材的提取物中,其中来源于双花提取物的2种,连翘提取物3种,黄芩提取物2种,说明有害成分在三种原药材中均可能存在。降低剂量至2.5 mg/只时阳性反应消失。表明反应存在剂量-效应关系,可对这些成分进一步提纯、分离其中的有害成分。但为了排除非特异性炎症刺激导致的d-PLNA假阳性反应,尚需进一步通过机制研究才能最终确定这些成分的致敏性。
Traditional Chinese medicine injection (TCMI), as a unique Chinese Medical formulation invented by our country and a developmental direction of the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine, has broken down the limitations of Traditional Chinese Medicine regiments. With features like high bioavailability and fast-acting, TCMI has already overcome the weakness of traditional Chinese medicine (cannot be used to cure the severe diseases) and played an important or even irreplaceable role in the treatment of conditions ranging from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, respiratory diseases and cancer. However, with the wide application of TCMI, the prevalence of adverse reactions related to TCMI appears to have increased significantly in China over the past ten years. Immediate hypersensitivity reactions (IHR), generally being considered as the most frequent and severe adverse reactions induced by TCMI, may cause anaphylactic shock or even be life-threatening. Those safety concerns caused a reduced use of TCMI and increasingly questioned its rationality, and thus ultimately lead to the "crisis of confidence" to the whole traditional Chinese medicine industry. In order to solve this crisis, the adverse reactions and risks induced by TCMI must be comprehensively, objectively and scientifically evaluated and the safety of clinical use should be ensured. Among those, the key point which needs to be further elucidated is to understand the cause and mechanisms of adverse reactions induced by TCMI. TCMI usually contains 3 to 7, sometimes even up to 12, kinds of raw material medicines. Thus TCMI does contain complex mixtures with a number of unknown constituent. Moreover the constituent that induced the adverse reactions and what mechanisms to be involved are poorly understood yet. Notably, all TCMIs approved for sale in the market and used in clinical are products which have been performed pre-clinical safety evaluations well. The results from safety evaluations showed that TCMIs did not induce any adverse reactions in animals. For this reason TCMIs were regarded as safe drugs in human, In fact, since it remains difficult for regulatory safety studies to predict the immunosensitizing potential of TCMI, there is poorly correlation between animal experiments results and clinical adverse reactions. Traditionally the animal model used to predict hypersensitivity reaction are the active cutaneous anaphylaxis assay (ACA), the passive cutaneous anaphylaxis assay (PCA) and the active systemic anaphylaxis assay (ASA), which are mainly used to detect the sensitization of macromolecular protein antigen. As far as low molecular weight compound(LMWC) is concerned, ASA, ACA, and PCA's positive results suggests that LMWC has immunosensitizing potential, but it is not always true for the negative results because of the possibility of false negative results in the test. In brief, the lack of suitable experimental models is the bottleneck that restricts the study on mechanism. Therefore, there is a great need for new animal models to study adverse reactions and mechanisms caused by TCMI prior to crisis of TCMI to be resolved.
     Popliteal lymph node assay (PLNA) is regarded as a unique reliable and promising screening methods to indicate immunosensitization by LMWC. It is simple, time-saving, sensitive, high specific and with less uses of laboratory animals and samples. Five different versions of the PLNA have been proposed according to the different local treatments factors:the direct, secondary, adoptive, reporter antigen (RA) and Adjuvant PLNA. The direct PLNA (d-PLNA) and RA-PLNA are the most commonly used in drug immunosensitizing studies. Up to now, more than 130 LMWCs have been detected by PLNA in different laboratories and the findings showed good correlation, consistency and repeatability. However, existing research results are all about single-component LMWCs. it has not been reported that whether PLNA could be used to study the immunosensitizing potential of complex TCMI components. In addition, the standard system of PLNA has not been established at present, and there is no research report on the immunosesentizhing potential of chemicals or Chinese medicine allergens detected by PLNA in China. Moreover, animal species used in experiment reported in the foreign literatures, such as CBA mice, C57BL mice, F344 rats, and BN rats, were so expensive in China and not easily obtained. What's more, both the experience of animal's husbandry and the information of experimental background are scarce. For these reasons and combining the actual situation in our country, the aims of this study were to establish d-PLNA and RA-PLNA experimental model firstly; choose and define sensitive and appropriate animals from widely used laboratory animal species in China to define; secondly, establish a standardized, simple and feasible PLNA Experimental Operation procedures; thirdly, use d-PLNA and RA-PLNA methods that have been established to evaluate the immunosensitizing potential of TCMI and its single-components. We are trying to establish a special and sensitive method to evaluate the immunosensitizing potential of TCMI, and to clarify its mechanism and determine the allergen, which will provide new ideas and experimental evidences for TCMI safety evaluation, promote our immunosensitizing studies on drugs with international standards and have great economic and practical values on new drugs' R&D.
     Shuanghuanglian injection (SHLI) is a representative of heat-clearing and detoxifying TCMI with a wide range of applications and good efficacy in clinical use. SHLI (lyophilized) was included in The People's Republic of China Pharmacopoeia Supplement (2005) in July,2009. It is the only TCMI that was put into the Pharmacopoeia and the first one to use fingerprint atlas to control its quality. However, just like other types of TCMIs, the reports of clinical adverse reactions related to SHLI are increasing. Analysis of data from the existing literatures report confirmed that IHR induced by SHLI or Houttuynia injection accounted for the most adverse reactions of all TCMI and came in the forefront. The adverse reaction induced by SHLI is allergy-based and the common symptoms are mild skin etthema and rash, etc.; serious adverse reactions include systemic damage, respiratory damage as the main ones. The main causes to death are anaphylactic shock and anaphylactoid reactions. National Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring Center reported the hypersensitivity reactions related to SHLI twice in 2001 and 2009. This means that SHLI is also facing the danger of being eliminated from the market. SHLI was the first successful development of TCMI and was made up of three kinds of Chinese herbal medicines, including skullcap, honeysuckle and forsythia. Chlorogenic acid (CGA), which was highly suspected as a hapten, was rich in SHLI. In addition, the injection does not contain any excipient and the main component is LMWC. Therefore, allergens can be determined by studying the mechanisms of SHLI-induced allergic reactions through d-PLNA and RA-PLNA. This has great significance for SHLI as well as all TCMI in clinical drug safety.
     1 Construction of animal models for popliteal lymph node assay
     Specific pathogen-free female adult KM mice, BABL/c mice, C57BL/6J mice, Wistar rats and BN rats were randomly divided into Group Veh, negetive control group and model group. Animals were injected subcutaneously on the right hind footpad with Mercury chloride (HgCl2), Diclofenac sodium salt (DF), D-Penicillamine (D-pen), Diphenylhydantoin (DP) and Streptozotocin (STZ) in saline or 20%DMSO/saline. A volume of 25μl or 50μl was used for mice while 50μl or 100μl for rats. Phenobarbital (PB) was used for negative control. Normal animal were only injected on the right hind footpad with saline. After being injected for seven days, mice were sacrificed by inhalating CO2. Popliteal lymph node (PLN) was extracted and placed on ice in PBS-BSA (1%). Weighted PLN after the rid of adherent adipose tissues and being dried. Took preparation of single-cell suspension and got the weight index (WI= weight PLN treated side/weight PLN untreated side) and cellullarity index (CI). WI>2 or CI>5 is considered as a positive response. During the study, do the hypodermic on the toes of right hind leg with test material and TNP-OVA or TNP-Ficoll together for 7 days. After the administration, executed the animals and extracted the PLN for single cell susponsion. Use the Elispot method for testing the number of AFCs. The increase of AFCs is considered as a positive reaction. The study results showed that the C57BL/6J mice, BALB/c mice as well as BN rats could structure the d-PLNA models successfully. We found that mice only have one PLN on each side. PLN of mouse is easy to be located and removed than rat. So BABL/c mice and C57BL/6J are the preferred animals for PLNA. Based on those, we chose BABL/c mice to structure the RA-PLNA models and used on the following two SHLI studies.
     2 Assessment of Immunosensitizing Potential of Shuanghuanglian Injection Using Direct Popliteal Lymph Node Assay in C57BL/6J Mice
     Sixty C57BL/6J mice were randomly divided into 6 groups:vehicle (Veh), PB (1 mg/mouse), HgCl2 (50μg/mouse), D-pen(2 mg/mouse), SHLI low dose (1 mg/mouse) and high dose(5 mg/mouse),10 mice/group. Articles were injected subcutaneously into one hind foot pad of SPF female mice. On day 8 after injection, animals were sacrificed, the left (untreated side) and right (treated side) PLN were isolated, weighed respectively, and then PLN mass index (MI) was calculated. PLNs of 4 mice in each group were fixed in 4%paraformaldehyde solution, routinely stained with HE for histopathologic examination. The others (n=6) were prepared into single-cell suspensions, and then PLN cells index (CI) was calculated. PLN changes after administration of SHLI were observed and compared. We founded that MI and CI of SHLI treated group increased with the average MI≥2 and the average CI≥5,and the difference was significant when compared with group Veh (P<0.05) in C57BL/6J mice. Pathological examination showed that the volume of the right PLNs treated with SHLI became larger than those in left. Germinal center of PLN lymph was evident and vice cortex HEV cross-section increased. The results suggested that SHLI could induce significant PLN response that suggests it has the immuosensitizing potential.
     3 Assessment of Immunosensitizing Potential of Shuanghuanglian Injection and its Refined products Prepared according to Chinese Pharmacopoeia Using Direct Popliteal Lymph Node Assay
     Test articles, including 10 different pharmaceutical samples, were obtained from SHLI and its extracts after being refined by macroporous resin (D101).Randomly grouped the BALB/c mice and sterilized the right hind toes by alcohol. Use the insulin syringe or 1 ml syringe for injecting the sensitizer (D-pen), test material and dissolvent as the negative control. The treated volume of mice was 50μl. We used d-PLNA method to study on the reactions of the dose of 5 mg/mouse at first. At this moment, cut down the dose to 2.5mg/mouse when the sample had the PLNA positive reaction. When the negative reaction occurred, raise the dose to 10 mg/mouse. Dose-responses relationship could be studied through these methods. We found that SHLI prepared according to Pharmacopoeia procedure obtained positive results at high-dose, the rest did not respond; the refined products'PLNA reactions reduced. This suggested that the Pharmacopoeia procedure of SHLI was badly needed an improvement. What's more, the refined products were good in water-solubility and even the increase of dose wouldn't lead to positive reactions. This suggested that the adverse reactions may be induced by poor water-soluble components, In this sense, in order to study on the sensitized components of SHLI, new production procedure should be used for the separation of three medicinal compositions.
     4 Assessment of Immunosensitizing Potential of Shuanghuanglian Injection Prepared by new Production Procedure Using Direct Popliteal Lymph Node Assay
     d-PLNA was used for the assessment of immunosensitizing potential of 16 samples separated by new production procedure. The BALB/c mice were randomly grouped and the right hind toes were sterilized by 70%alcohol. The insulin syringe was used for injecting. The treated volume of mice was 50μl. The dose was 10 mg/mouse. For those constituents that were insoluble in 0.9%saline, were dissolved by pure DMSO of 10μl per mouse, and then diluted to the corresponding concentration with 0.9%saline for administration. For those compounds with PLNA positive results, kept on further reduction from 5 mg/mouse,2.5 mg/mouse or 0.25 mg/mouse to 0 mg/mouse for administration to get the dose-effect relationship. We found that 7/16 samples induced PLNA positive reactions at high dose (10 mg/animal); those suggested that those samples maybe contain harmful components. PLNA positive reactions caused by those components were found in the extracts of three herbs, including 2 extracts from honeysuckle,3 extract from Forsythia, and 2 extracts from skullcap, indicating that there may exist harmful components in all the 3 medicinal plants. Low dose (2.5 mg/animal) failed to induce the positive PLN reactions. Non-specific inflammatory stimulate may lead to d-PLNA false positive results, so further study on mechanism should be done for defining the sensitization of these compositions.
     5 Evaluation of the Immunosensitizing Potential of Shuanghuanglian injection Using a Reporter Antigen Popliteal Lymph Node Assay in mice
     The immunosensitizing mechanisms of SHLI were investigated using RA-PLNA in mice. The results showed that high-dose of SHLI combined with TNP-OVA (T cell dependent antigen) or TNP-Ficoll (T cell independent antigen) could induce PLN positive response (WI>2 or CI>5), but the intense of positive reaction were similar to those induced by high-dose of SHLI alone. Mixed with TNP-OVA, high-dose of SHLI could significantly increase the number of the TNP-specific antibody-forming cells (AFCs), but with TNP-Ficoll and while Low-dose of SHLI with 2 RA failed to do so. Those results suggested that high-dose-SHLI provided costimulatory signals which could induce inflammatory reaction and this effect would disappear at low dose. Moreover, it has been demonstrated via flow cytometry that high-dose-SHLI co-injected with TNP-OVA could activate macrophages in vivo. Activated macrophages could release cytokines which played an important role in induction of inflammation. However, the results did not support that SHLI activated neoantigen-specific T cells in BALB/c mice, which indicated that SHLI by itself do not have immunosesensitizing potential. Thus SHLI did not induced immune response resulting from specific antigen. As a result we postulated that adverse reactions of SHLI may be due to anaphylactoid reaction rather than IgE-mediated hypersensitivity reactions, which is congruent with conclusions obtained by other researchers in our laboratory.
     6 Evaluation of the immunosensitizing potential of Monomer constituents in Shanghuanglian Injection
     6.1 Evaluation of the immunosensitizing potential of Chlorogenic acid, Baicalin and Phillyrin Using Direct Popliteal Lymph Node Assay
     The great value of d-PLNA has been proved by several labs in predicting the immunosensitizing potential of pure LMWC. However, the value of d-PLNA has not been adequately validated in predicting TCMI which contain complex mixtures with a number of unknown constituents. Therefore, it is more reliable to evaluate the monomer constituents contained in SHLI by using d-PLNA. CGA, Baicalin and phillyrin are main constituents of honeysuckle, skullcap and forsythia respectively, which are composed crude drug of SHLI. Most researchers thought that those monomer constituents are the basis of pharmacodynamics of SHLI. The others thought that they are related to ADR induced by SHLI. To determine whether the CGA, Baicalin and phillyrin are associated with ADR, we detected their immunosensitizing potential using d-PLNA firstly. The results found that a dose of 1 mg CGA, baicalin and phillyrin per animal failed to induce BALB/c mice d-PLNA positive reaction, suggesting that they do not have immunosensitizing potential.
     6.2 Evaluation of the immunosensitizing potential of chlorogenic acid using a popliteal lymph node assay in BALB/c mice
     It has yet to be established whether CGA, a common xenobiotic with potential exposure risk to humans, is associated with immune-mediated hypersensitivity reactions (HRs).Previous results from the d-PLNA demonstrated that CGA failed to induce positive response. To further determine whether CGA may possess an intrinsic capacity to stimulate or dysregulate immune responses, and if so, what mechanisms may be involved, we characterized the popliteal lymph node reaction induced by CGA in naive female BALB/c mice using both PLNA combined with flow cytomtry and RA-PLNA method. CGA was selected since many investigators postulated that it is a hapten. Another aim of present study is to validate the accuracy and the reliability of results using d-PLNA to predict the immunosensitizing potential of CGA, baicalin and phillyrin.Our results show that CGA failed to induce immunoreactivity following a single subcutaneous injection either alone or when combined with TNP-OVA or TNP-Ficoll. These results indicated that CGA lacks the intrinsic capacity to sensitize or stimulate immune responses in BALB/c mice. The results form RA-PLNA confirmed those from d-PLNA. Moreover, these results suggest that exposure to CGA may not represent a safety concern for humans and that removal of CGA from Traditional Chinese Medicine Injections may not significantly decrease the prevalence of HRs.
     In conclusion, we successfully established models of d-PLNA and RA-PLNA, and confirmed BALB/c mice and C57 BL/6J mice as the preferred sensitive animals of both methods in our laboratory; d-PLNA and RA-PLNA are suitable methods to determine the immunosensitizing potential of SHLI and its constituents, which could also reveal the primary mechanism involved in adverse reaction related to SHLI. Our results showed that high-dose-SHLI could provide costimulatory signals to induce inflammatory reactions, but could not activate antigen-specific T-lymphocytes. Those results indicated that SHLI or its constituents do not have the immunosensitizing potential. Form the results, we concluded that SHLI by itself can not directly stimulate BALB/c mice to produce IgE-mediated hypersensitivity reactions. As a result we propose that ADR related to SHLI may be due to anaphylactoid reaction rather than IgE-mediated hypersensitivity reactions, which is congruent with conclusions obtained by other researchers in our laboratory. The release of other active mediators from basophils or mast cells directly stimulated by SHLI may also be the primary mechanism of ADR in human.
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