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     (1) 比较国内外几种主要规范中钢筋混凝土圆管涵的土压力、基础反力和内力计算方法,并进行分析评价。
     (2) 对离心机制一次成型、两次成型和人工立式浇筑三类钢筋混凝土涵管的内外壁混凝土的抗拉强度和抗压强度进行试验研究,提出了离心机制工艺制作的涵管内、外壁混凝土抗拉和抗压强度的合理取值,确定了相应混凝土强度的折算系数。
     (3) 对离心机制一次成型、两次成型和人工立式浇筑三类钢筋混凝土涵管进行了“三点法”加载试验,测试了涵管从开始加载至最终破坏这一全过程内的受力性能,如涵管的抗裂能力、裂缝宽度、极限承载能力、破坏形态、管内钢筋和混凝土的应力、应变以及涵管的径向变形等方面的试验研究,并从理论上进行分析评价。
     (4) 将涵管与其周围土体作为整体研究对象,考虑土与结构的共同作用,采用有限元程序ANSYS进行弹性静力有限元分析。结合现场试验数据及计算结果,按面积等效法对管周土压力进行分析,确定了涵管的垂直土压力系数和水平土压力系数。建立了钢筋混凝土圆管涵在填土和车辆荷载静力作用下的内力计算模型,提出了合理的涵管内力计算公式和车辆荷载产生的附加土压力计算公式。
     (5) 考虑土与结构的共同作用,采用有限元程序ANSYS对影响上埋式涵管受力性能的主要因素进行弹性静力分析,提出了管底土基的合理施工方法、混凝土座垫的合理型式和尺寸大小、高填土作用下涵管周边土压力的减荷措施。
Because of frequent cracking and shift in RC circular pipes applied in the freeways presently, mechanical behaviors of RC circular pipes are deeply and systematically studied by means of theory and experiments. The following major contents are included.
    (l)The calculating methods of soil pressure above pipe, reaction of rigid support and internal forces in pipe wall relating to several codes at home and abroad, are compared and analyzed.
    (2)The tensile strength and compressive strength of inner and outer RC circular pipe walls are tested, which are made by centrifugal and automatical technics with once or twice shaping or made by artificial and upstanding technics. Reasonable results of tensile strength and compressive strength of inner and outer pipe wall made by centrifugal and automatical technics are put forward, and the revised factors of concrete strength are also proposed.
    (3)3-edge bearing tests are carried out on RC circular pipes, which are made by centrifugal and automatical technics with once or twice shaping , or made by artificial and upstanding technics. Mechanical behaviors of RC circular pipes, for example, capacity of resisting cracking, width of cracking, ultimate bearing capacity, failure mode, stress and strain of steel and concrete, and radial displacement, are measured during full loading range. Furthermore, these mechanical behaviors are also theoretically analyzed and evaluated.
    (4)Regarding RC circular pipe and the soil around as a integral structure, and considering the interaction of soil and structure, the elastic and static finite element analysis is conducted by use of the finite element program-ANSYS. Based on field test and analysis, the earth pressure is analyzed with equal area equivalent method, and coefficients of vertical and horizontal earth pressure are put forward. Internal force calculating model of RC circular pipe under the action of soil fillings and vehicle loading is established, and reasonable calculating formulas of internal force and additional earth pressure caused by vehicle loading are presented.
    (5)Considering the interaction of soil and structure, major factors of affecting buried type of RC circular pipes' static mechanical behaviors are analyzed by use of
    the finite element program-ANSYS. Reasonable construction method of soil foundation under pipes, reasonable pattern and dimension of concrete support, and reducing load method of pipes' peripheral earth pressure under high soil fillings are put forward.
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