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With the rapid development of the Internet technology and urgent need of the Internet users’communication, E-mail increasingly becomes one of important ways of communication, and the scale of its data has the trend to expand fast. But the traditional file systems are difficult to meet the performance requirement of massive data. Meanwhile, current general distributed file systems don’t give a good support to massive E-mails. In such context, this paper presents the research of distributed file system dedicated to massive E-mails’storage.
     Distributed file system is a virtual file system formed of multiple connected computers. This paper mainly studies and implements a distributed file system dedicated to massive E-mails’storage. Besides its excellent fault tolerance, availabity and scalabity, the system is of high I/O performance. As the speciality of Email’s source, the system must support writing several protocols’data source into the file system directly. Therefore, this paper focuses on the following research and implements the system according the research result.
     Firstly, according to the project’s need on the file system, based on reasonably analyzing the architecture that has been proposed, we design the architecture of the distributed file system. In accordance with the architecture, we design and implement each components of the system.
     Secondly, the system introducs read-write lock and lease at the start of designing the reading and writing algorithms of the file system. While in the process of designing and implementing, the paper studies the load balance on reading and wiring operation of the system. The core of the system’s fault tolerance is block replicas. With replicas we design special fault tolerance of each system’s component.
     Thirdly, there are many E-mail data sources. Generally, we have data source: FTP, HTTP and FILE (Local File System). Specailly, E-mail has its own data source: POP3, IMAP and SMTP. This paper studies the multiple protocols’common interface and implements the system’s writing support according the interface. For raising the system’s I/O performance and data integraty, the file format of the system adds compression and sync info.
     Finally, we evaluate the system’s I/O performance. Under the circumstance of limited number of machines, we try to make the result evaluated on smaller cluster fit to larger cluster’s evaluation. This paper proposes the test of speed stability. In the evaluation of speed test, writing speed is above 20MB/s while reading speed is about 40MB/s. The evaluation proves that the system is high of I/O performance.
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