刺参(Apostichopus Japonicus Selenka)的池塘养殖结构及其优化研究
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本研究以刺参(Apostichopus japonicas Selenka)、栉孔扇贝(Chlamys Farreri Jones & Preston)、中国明对虾(Fenneropenaeus chinensis Osbeck)等为实验材料,通过一系列野外围隔实验,初步确定了刺参池塘养殖的最佳放养密度,探讨了刺参与栉孔扇贝、中国明对虾混养的可行性,并利用经济及能值分析的方法对刺参池塘养殖业进行了评价。主要研究结果如下:
     附着基是刺参池塘或围堰养殖水体中设置的专用养殖设施,其功能主要是为刺参提供避光场所和培养刺参的天然饵料。本实验比较研究了石头、瓦片、塑料管、空心砖和水泥管5种不同附着基处理对刺参(规格为5.0±2.0 g)生长和存活的影响。结果表明,不同附着基上异养菌含量差异显著(P < 0.05),5月份附着基上异养菌含量显著的低于11月份(P < 0.05);石头附着基刺参的成活率最高,但其生长速度较慢;空心砖刺参的生长速度最快,成活率略低于石头;空心砖和石头附着基处理刺参产量显著高于其他附着基(P < 0.05),瓦片、塑料管和水泥管之间海参产量之间差异不显著(P > 0.05)。从养殖效果上看,目前较为流行的5种刺参附着基以空心砖较好。
     我国刺参养殖多采用粗放式养殖,仅有少数养殖户采用补充饵料的方式提高产量,但目前海参放养密度的确定缺乏科学根据,具有很大的随意性。本实验于2007年5月20日到2008年4月20日在山东荣成好当家公司内池塘内利用8m×8m网式围隔研究了投饵与不投饵两种模式下规格5.0±2.0g的海参在密度5, 10, 15, 25, 35 ind m-2下的生长与存活。研究结果表明,海参夏眠期间体重减少较大,冬季海参生长缓慢,春秋季节刺参生长迅速。投饵可以显著地提高刺参的生长(43.9±0.9g ind.-1,投饵;34.6±0.9 g ind.-1,不投饵)与存活率(30.4±0.8%,投饵;27.3±0.8%,不投饵)。放养密度对于海参生长具有显著影响,随放养密度上升刺参平均体重减少。通过对净产量和密度之间的数据拟合得到了刺参(5.0 g左右)最佳的放养密度,在投饵模式下为22.3 ind m-2,不投饵模式下为14.1 ind. m-2。
     刺参生长缓慢,小规格的刺参需要两年到三年才能达到商品规格。因此在生产中如何通过轮捕轮放持续地获取刺参产品增加刺参养殖的经济收益是目前的研究热点。本实验通过室内小规模实验和野外围隔实验相结合,研究了不同规格刺参在一起养殖的可行性。实验结果表明,套养海参的生长速度低于单养刺参的生长速度,但套养的产量显著高于单养模式下的产量(P<0.05)。第一年投放1g ind-1和30g ind-1刺参进行搭配,经过一年的养殖后规格为30g的刺参大部分达到商品规格,而1g ind-1此时的规格也已经在10g-30g左右,再补放规格为1g的刺参到池塘中,不仅降低了苗种的投入费用,也可以保证每年都有达到商品规格的刺参捕出。
     本实验采用网式围隔在为期330d的试验中,研究了刺参与中国明对虾的池塘混养效果。实验结果表明,中国明对虾密度的变化对刺参的生长存活影响不显著(P > 0.05);随着中国明对虾密度上升中国明对虾的个体规格、成活率下降(P < 0.05),但产量随密度上升有所上升;结合刺参的产量和中国明对虾的产量与规格,刺参和中国明对虾池塘混养的最佳搭配比例为15:(4刺参5 g左右15 ind m-2;中国名对虾0.8 g左右4 ind m-2)。
     16个网围隔内分别放养栉孔扇贝的密度为0,3.75 ind. m-2,刺参的放养密度为10,15 ind. m-2,研究了栉孔扇贝和刺参混养的有效性。实验结果表明,刺参密度对刺参的生长和存活影响不显著(P > 0.05),栉孔扇贝密度显著影响刺参的生长(P < 0.05)。采用春季和秋季混养栉孔扇贝的混养技术可以显著提高刺参养殖产量,在本实验条件下参贝混养的最佳密度为:海参(5g左右)15ind.m-2,栉孔扇贝(壳径3cm左右)3.75ind.m-2。
     利用EMERGY理论对我国北方仿刺参养殖池塘的经济收益和环境可持续性进行分析。利用能量系统模型符号构建了仿刺参池塘的能值图,并对仿刺参池塘能值的各部分分布进行了分析。通过比较仿刺参养殖池塘和几种集约化鱼类养殖池塘的能值产生率(Emergy Yield Ratio, EYR)、环境负载率(Emergy Loading Ratio, ELR)和能值可持续发展指标(Emergy Sustainable Index, ESI)指标,表明仿刺参养殖池塘单位能值投入的收益明显高于鱼类的集约化养殖模式,其可持续性和环境容纳量均较高。
A series of outdoor experiments were conducted to investigate the optimal culture model of sea cucumber (Apostichopus japonicus selenka) in earthen ponds. We investigated optimal shelters, optimal stocking densities, polyculture with different sea cucumber sizes, experimental studies on polyculture of sea cucumber with shrimp (Fenneropenaeus chinensis Osbeck), and the effect on polyculture of sea cucumber with scallop (Chlamys Farreri Jones & Preston). The main results were presented as the followings:
     1、Effects of Shelter Types on the Growth and Survival Rate of Sea Cucumber, Apostichopus japonicus, in Earthen Pond
     Shelter is a type of farming equipment especially used in sea cucumber pond and sea ranching, and it could provide habit and natural food for sea cucumber. This study was conducted in twenty 8m (L)×8m (W)×2m (H) net enclosures to investigate the optimal shelter through measuring the growth, survivorship and yields of sea cucumber (Apostichopus japonicus Selenka) with initial size of 5.0±2.0 g at different shelter types of stone (ST), cement pipe (CP), earthenware (EA), brick (BR), and plastic pipe (PL) from 20th May 2007 to 20th April 2008. Results showed that the numbers of bacteria on the shelters were significantly different among shelter types and were higher in Nov. 2007 than in May 2008. The highest survival rate and growth rate of sea cucumber were gained in ST and BR respectively; the yields of sea cucumber in BR and ST were significantly higher than in the other shelters. Based on these results, it could be concluded that BR shelter was the best one for the sea cucumber culture among the five popular shelter types.
     2、Optimal stocking density of farmed sea cucumber, Apostichopus japonicus Selenka, under the conditions of supplement feeding and unfed
     The study was conducted in thirty 8m (L)×8m (W)×2m (H) net enclosures to investigate the optimal stocking density for growth, survival and production of the sea cucumber. The initial weight was 5.0±2.0 g and the stocking densities were 5, 10, 15, 25 and 35 ind m-2 under the conditions of supplement feeding and unfed from 20th May 2007 to 20th April 2008. The results showed that a large weight loss in the aestivation phase (AE) occurred, and sea cucumbers grew slowly during the winter phase (WT), and grew rapidly during the spring phase (SP) and the autumn phase (AU). Supplement feeding could promote growth of sea cucumber (P < 0.05). However, there was no significant difference in survival rates between different feeding regimes, though average survival rates of sea cucumber with supplement feeding was slightly higher than those unfed. With the increase of stocking densities, specific growth rate decreased from 3.4 to 1.1 % day-1. The optimal stocking density was 22.3 and 14.1 inds. m-2 for the supplement feeding condition and the unfed condition, respectively.
     3、The experimental studies on polyculture of different size of sea cucumbers
     In present study, the available of polyculture different sizes sea cucumbers together was investigated with indoor and outdoor experiment to achieve commercial size sea cucumbers every year. The results showed that the specific growth rate of sea cucumber in polyculture was lower than those in monoculture; however, the total yield in polyculture was higher than in monoculture. Sea cucumber with 1g ind-1and 30g ind-1 body weight could polycultured together, and individuals with initial body weight of 30g ind-1 got to commercial size and 1g ind-1 gtowth to 30g after one year rearing, and then juvenile sea cucumber with initial body weight of 1g could be added again. Supplement 1g ind-1 juvenile sea cucumber was stocked. With this method, commercial size sea cucumbers could be harvested every year.
     4、The experimental studies on polyculture sea cucumber with shrimp (Fenneropenaeus chinensis Osbeck)
     The study investigated the polyculture of sea cucumber with shrimp in net enclosure during 330d culture period. The result showed that there was nosignificant difference in survival rate and growth of sea cucumber among different stock densities of shrimp. However, the size and survival rate of shrimp with stocking densities increasing decreased significantly. The optimal stocking density of sea cucumber (about 5g) and shrimp (about 0.8) is 15ind. m-2 and 4ind. m-2 which could gain the maximum production and economic income of sea cucumber.
     5、The experimental studies on polyculture sea cucumber with scallop (Chlamys Farreri Jones & Preston)
     The effect of polyculture sea cucumber with scallop was studied. Sixteen net enclosures were stocked randomly at densities of 0 and 3.75 ind. m-2 scallop and 10 and 15 ind. m-2. The result showed there was no significant difference in growth and survival rate of among different densities of sea cucumbers (P > 0.05). However, sea cucumbers which polyculture with scallop grew faster than mono culture of sea cucumbers significantly (P < 0.05). Polyculture scallops in spring and autumn with sea cucumbers increased the production significantly (P < 0.05). The optimal stocking densities of sea cucumber and scallop are 15 ind.m-2 and 3.75 ind.m-2, respectively.
     6、Analysis of sustainability of sea cucumber culturing in earthen pond of China using the EMERGY approach
     The economic income and environmental sustainability of sea cucumber culture in northern China was analyzed using EMERGY approach. Schematic diagram of sea cucumber ponds with EMERGY symbols was built to analysis the EMERGY of different part in sea cucumber earthen ponds. EMERGY Yield Ratio (EYR), EMERGY Loading Ratio (ELR) and EMERGY Sustainable Index (ESI) was selected to evaluate the sustainability and carrying capacity of sea cucumber ponds and several integrated fish and shrimp culture model, the results showed that EYR in sea cucumber culture was higher than integrated fish and shrimp culture, and sea cucumber culture gained higher sustainability and carrying capacity.
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