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     (1)提出了一种基于P2P思想的融合语义信息的网络结构一—SAN(Semantic Addressable Network),SAN中每个结点都维护了一定的语义信息,从而可以使语义相近的服务注册在SAN空间中相近的结点之上,从而为实现语义路由提供基础。
     (3)提出了一种基于通用余弦相似度度量GCSM(GeneralizedCosine-Similarity Measure)的服务相似度计算方法,与一般的对每个概念分别寻找和它相似度最大的概念的多概念匹配方法相比,本文的方法通过服务向量来计算服务相似度,可以提高计算的速度,降低系统的开销。
With the growing of Service-oriented computing and Web Services, more and more Web Services are becoming available on the Internet. The increasing number of Web Services demands for a scalable, flexible and reliable solution to discover the most appropriate services. Traditional web services discovery mechanisms, which publish WSDL-described Web Services in UDDIs , can not support queries that seek neer matches to a Web Service according to their semantic information, and UDDI has became the bottleneck of the whole system and would cause single node failure problems, A distributed and dynamic service discovery mechanism becomes a key requirement for service requestors.
     According to the research trends in this area, the thesis is focused on distributed Web Services discovery problem and makes an in-depth study on how to find a service on internet by distributed infrastructure and semantic information. The main contributions of this thesis are summarized as follows:
     First, We proposed a Semantic Addressable Network(SAN) that replace the traditional centralized web service discovery model, by distributing the semantic information among all the peers in the P2P network , which provide fundamental basis for semantic routing.
     At the same time, In view of Web Service Discovery's lack of semantic oriented support, a mapping mechanism is proposed based on ontology, so as to ensure that every service be registered on the specific node that in charge of corresponding semantic information,
     Then a semantic Web service matching algorithm is proposed to calculate the semantic similarity between services based on their semantic description such as IOPE. Comparing with the traditional method, this method has lower time complexity, because it does not need to traverse all the concepts recursively.
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