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Trichinosis is a globalized zoonotic parasitic disease.Trichinella spiralis that is the most frequent and food-transmitted helminth zoonosis can infect the human and 150 kinds of animals,what is more,cause people’s death.In the previous study ,some scholars discovered that when the hosts are infected with Trichinella spiralis their immunity can be enhanced,however,when hosts are infected with other nematodes,the host’s immunity is not remarkblely improved. It is suggested that Trichinella spiralis can activate the host’s immune system,moreover,it can contain some antitumor components.In order to study antitumor mechanism of Trichinella spiralis,the experiments were designed to investigate the anti-tumor mechanism of Trichinella spiralis and Hela cell related antigens-antibodies,furthermore,pave the way for inventing some new anti-tumor biological agent.
     MTT assay and cell apoptosis experiments showed that the soluble antigen of Trichinella spiralis on the proliferation of Hela cells inhibit the antigen concentration was 177μg/μl, apoptosis rate was 48.2%, inhibition was the best.ELISA method proved soluble antigen of Trichinella spiralis and Hela cells produce soluble antigen antibody cross-reactivity, Hela cells with soluble antigen soluble antigen of Trichinella antibodies produced by cross-reaction, initially identified Trichinella Hela cells with immune cross-reaction between the Common antigen.SDS-PAGE electrophoresis showed that the soluble antigen of Trichinella and Hela cells the same size as the soluble antigen is present antigen are 83KDa, 55KDa, 40KDa, 28.5KDa, 20KDa, 17.6KDa and 14.4KDa. Western-blot showed that protein in the immune response occurs, the size of 40 KDa. Hela cells at exponential phase of growth were collected and spreaded uniformly on POLY-L-LYSINE treated glass slide. Experimental anti-tumor-associated antigen research: experiments on tumor-bearing mice to observe the anti-tumor effects.The related antigens could be the basis to study the anti-tumor mechanism of Trichinella spiralis.The results show that Trichinella -associated antigen is located on the digestive tract and the Hell cell surface. The model of Hela cells in nude mice is successfully established. Trichinella antibodies and soluble antigen Hela cell-associated antigen antibody can reduce tumor xenografts in nude mice, tumor inhibition rates were 52.2% and 82.3%.
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