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     再次,在改进已有检验方法的基础上,采用沪市A股从2002年1月4日到2002年12月31日的高频交易数据对中国股市的磁铁效应及其所伴随的流动性模式进行了进一步的实证研究。研究结果表明,至少存在一个正向的力量将价格拉向涨跌停,从而正式确认了中国股市磁铁效应的存在性。通过分析涨、跌停前买卖价差以及交易量和交易规模的动态特征发现了涨跌停板磁铁效应所伴随流动性模式的不对称性,中国股市特有的卖空约束机制是导致此不对称性的重要原因。基于事件研究法对涨跌停后股价表现的分析发现了显著的涨停后价格持续和跌停后价格反转,表明个人投资者(或散户)恐慌性地非理性卖出推动了跌停前的磁铁效应以及流动性模式的不对称性,并支持了Wong et al.(2009)关于磁铁效应主要是由个人投资者引起的相关实证研究结论。
     最后,基于带噪声的理性预期均衡(noisy rational expectation equilibrium)框架建立了市场微观结构模型,研究了卖空约束对市场质量(包括流动性、私人信息的揭示程度以及波动性)的影响,并对涨跌幅限制的磁铁效应所伴随流动性模式的不对称性进行进一步解释。研究结论表明,与卖空约束不起作用时相比,卖空约束起作用时进入市场的私人信息总量更少,信噪比更低,因而价格的信息含量(或信息效率)更低,这将使得风险资产供给量的不确定性对价格的冲击更大,即相同数量的指令对其价格变化的影响更大,并且均衡价格对私人信息的反应程度更弱,因而卖空约束起作用时的流动性更差、私人信息揭示程度更低、波动率更高。而随着不受卖空约束而进入市场的知情交易者比例增大,市场质量会逐渐转好。
Continuous Double Auction trading mechanism has been widely used in globalfinancial markets.Based on the systematic review of the literatures relevant to thefinancial market microstructure,we find that the existing literatures in the financialmarket microstructure study under continuous double auction trading mechanism hascarried out some useful results,but has not achieved substantial headway in this area yetand the entire theoretical framework has been awaiting the improvement.Thus,according to the uniqueness of the institutional constraints and investor structure inChina security market,we synthetically adopt the market microstructure theory,stochastic process and simulation,and optimization theory to extend and improve theexisting literatures.Our methodology mainly relies on the theoretical methods,butcombines the empirical methods as well.Taking the liquidity supply and demand andtheir dynamics as the central topics,we follow the technical routes that are from generalto specific short-term price behavior,analyzing the market dynamics from puremicrostructure and trading mechanism effects to their interactions with the asymmetricinformation,from the situation of without to with short-sale constraints,to further studythe financial market microstructure based on continuous double auction tradingmechanism.
     Firstly,we examine the dynamics and statistical properties of the generalshort-term price and trading volume from the viewpoint of the interaction between orderflows and limit order book,and explicitly get the mathematical expressions of executionprobability,best bid and ask,bid-ask spread,transaction price,the mean and variance ofbuy-side and sell-side trading volumes and total trading volume and also theirinfluencing factors.We further analyze the equilibrium properties of continuous doubleauction including the competitive equilibrium price it converges to and correspondingelapsed time and do comparative statics with respect to their influencing factors.Theresults demonstrate that the execution probability of the new incoming limit orders isaffected by current bid-ask spread,tick size and its aggressiveness.Three tradingvolumes aforementioned are jointly affected by order arrival rates from liquidity demanders,average order size,proportional structure between buy and sell orders,execution probability and the time interval we focus on.The uncertainties of threetrading volumes come from that of order flows.Transaction price evolves with themid-point of best bid and ask,which is regarded as the best estimation of the true assetvalue in common,and is the outcome of the adjustments to the mid-point according tothe order-type-weighted execution probability and current bid-ask spread.Moreover,theresults regarding the equilibrium analysis indicate that the transaction price whenbid-ask spread reaching zero is the competitive equilibrium price,and if the depth oflimit order book is deeper or/and the tick size is smaller,then the competition uponliquidity providing is stronger,as a result,price converges to competitive equilibriumfaster thus the price discovery efficiency is higher.
     Secondly,we extend Sand(?)s(2001) by introducing information process and tradingprocess and then focus on the impact of short-sale constraints and comparatively studythe optimal quote price and depth relationship and strategic behavior of liquidityproviding and their influencing factors between with and without short-sale constraints.The results imply that for liquidity provider on limit order book,if the probability ofinformation event occurs is higher or/and the proportion of the informed trader isgreater or/and the accumulated depth of limit order book is deeper or/and the order sizeof liquidity demander is larger,then the adverse selection risk and cost they face ishigher,therefore their pricing strategy is less aggressive,which means the buy side willlower their bids and the sell side will raise their asks,ceteris puribus.Furthermore,it isseemingly surprising but actually reasonable that the impact of short-sale constraintsupon liquidity providers on the buy side of limit order book merely relates to therelative proportions not absolute magnitude of unconstrained informed traders andnon-discretionary uninformed traders.Meanwhile,if this relative proportion is greater,the adverse selection risks the liquidity providers on the buy side face are higher,hencetheir pricing strategy is less aggressive and bid prices are lowered.
     Thirdly,based on improving the prevailing empirical methods,we furtherempirically study the magnet effect and liquidity dynamics it accompanies byemploying the high-frequency transaction data from January 4,2002 to December 31,2002 on Shanghai stock market.We find significant evidence of magnet effect.Byexploring the dynamics of bid-ask spread,trading volume and order size prior to limit-hits,we find asymmetric liquidity pattern between ceiling and floor magnet effects,that is,compared to ceiling magnet effect,liquidity in floor magnet effect is worse.Theunique short-sale constraints may be one of the most important reasons for this liquidityasymmetry.The post-limit-hit analysis of stock price performance based on event studymethod shows significant price continuation after ceiling hits and price reversal afterfloor hits,which reflects that it is the irrational and panic selling psychology ofindividual investors that promote the floor magnet effect and the liquidity asymmetry.This supports the results by Wong et al.(2009) that the magnet effect is mainly causedby the individual investors.
     Finally,we develop a theoretical mierostructure model based on the noisy rationalequilibrium expectation framework to explore the effects of short-sale constraints uponmarket quality including market liquidity,information revelation and volatility,andfurther give a formal theoretical explanation to the liquidity asymmetry that the magneteffect accompanies aforementioned.The results indicate that compared to the case thatshort-sale constraints are non-binding,the total private information and signal-to-noiseratio are less in the case that the short-sale constraints are binding,which leads to a lessinformative price,a larger price impact from the uncertainty of random supply and aweaker reponse from price to private information thus a worse liquidity,a lowerinformation revelation and a higher volatility.With the increase of the informed tradersthat are not short-sale constrained,the market quality would turn better.
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