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     1.低温溶剂热合成条件对SrF_2-LaF_3体系反应产物的相组成、晶粒尺寸及形貌的影响,纳米晶发光性能的调控。研究结果表明:采用低温溶剂热合成法制备的产物的相组成取决于SrF_2-LaF_3体系的成分,名义成分为Sr_(1-x)La_xF_(2+x)(原子百分数,at.%,以下相同)的产物,在0≤x<0.35、0.35≤x≤0.9和0.9     2.低温溶剂热合成条件对BaF_2-LuF_3体系反应产物的相组成、晶粒尺寸及形貌的影响,纳米晶发光性能的调控。研究结果表明:以NH_4F为氟源时,可得立方相的BaF2和Ba_(1-x)Lu_xF_(2+x)、单斜相的BaLu2F8和立方相NH_4Lu2F8,其中得到纯立方Ba_(1-x)Lu_xF_(2+x)相的体系成分范围很窄,在x=0.40左右;当反应体系中加入NaOH后,反应产物包括立方相的BaF2和Ba_(1-x)Lu_xF_(2+x)、单斜相的BaLu4F14、六方相的Ba7F12Cl2和NaLuF4,其中获得纯立方相Ba_(1-x)Lu_xF_(2+x)的体系成分范围扩大,在0.30     3.低温溶剂热合成条件对SrF_2-LuF_3体系反应产物的相组成、晶粒尺寸及形貌的影响,纳米晶发光性能的调控及其表面改性。研究结果表明:以HF为氟源、不加NaOH时,名义组成为Sr_(1-x)La_xF_(2+x)的产物在0     4. BaF_2-GdF_3体系超细单分散碱土-稀土氟化物纳米晶的成核生长机制研究。研究结果表明:采用低温溶剂热合成法,可制备出名义为Ba_(1-x)Gd_xF_(2+x)的纳米晶,该纳米晶在0.5≤x≤0.8成分范围内具有纯立方相结构,并通过优化合成条件,其晶粒尺寸可以控制在10nm以下;由于在溶剂热反应体系中,GdF3的溶度积常数极低,导致含有Gd的Ba_(1-x)Gd_xF_(2+x)在结晶过程中更易均匀形核,同时,Ba_(1-x)Gd_xF_(2+x)固溶体中还存在大量缺陷能阻碍晶粒生长,因而Ba_(1-x)Gd_xF_(2+x)在溶剂热合成时更易获得超细单分散的纳米晶。
Due to their unique luminescent and magnetic properties, upercopnversionluminescent nanomaterials doped with rare-earth have a lot of potential applications inthe fileds of luminescence, laser anti-counterfeit, display, detection of biologicalmacromolecules, biological fluorescence imaging and bioseparation and magneticresonance imaging. Therefore, seeking new photoluminescent materials anddeveloping new ways to realize the controlled synthesis of the nanomaterial are veryimportant to meet various requirements of their applications. According to the phasediagram of alkaline earth-rare earth fluoride systems, there exisit aboundance phasesat high temperature in these systems. However, up to date, the systematic work on thephase consititions and the controlled synthesis of these systems at low temperature islacking. Therefore, in the thesis, several typical alkaline earth-rare earth fluorideswere synthesized using solvothermal method at low temperature. The influences of Lncontent and reaction conditons on the phase structure, grain size and morphology ofthe products were studied systematicly, and the upconversion emission properties ofthe synthesized ultra-fine monodisperse nanocrystals were also investigated. The maincontents and results are as follows:
     1. The study on the effects of the reaction conditions on the phase consitutions,grain size and morphology of the reaction products in SrF_2-LaF_3system by usingsolvothermal method, and the multicolor upconversion emission behaviors of thenanosized SrF_2-LaF_3products. It is found that, the phase consititutions of the reactionproducts of Sr_(1-x)La_xF_(2+x)obtained by solvothermal method are strongly dependent onthe fluorides, the cubic phase, mixtures of cubic and hexagonal phases, and hexagonalphase can be obtained in Sr_(1-x)La_xF_(2+x)as its composition is in the range of0≤x<0.35,0.35≤x≤0.9, and0.9pectively. By adding of NaOH into the SrF_2-LaF_3solvothermal system, the NaLaF4nano-particles doped can be produced dure thepresence of Sr2+. Moreover, with the La content increasing, the average grain size ofpure cubic Sr_(1-x)La_xF_(2+x)(x<0.35) nanocrystals (NCs) decreases, and ultrafinemonodisperse nanocrystals can be obtained through the additon of NaOH in thereaction systems. By doping with a proper amount of the lanthanide ions (Yb3+, Er3+,and Tm3+), the intense blue, yellow, and white-color upconversion (UC) emission canbe realized in the Sr0.67La0.33F2.67NCs under the excitation of a980nm laser. Inaddition, intense near-infrared UC can also be obtained in the Yb/Tm codoped NCs.
     2. The study on the effects of the reaction conditions on the phase consitutions,grain size and morphology of the reaction products in BaF_2-LuF_3system by usingsolvothermal method, the multicolor upconversion emission behaviors of thenanosized BaF_2-LuF_3products. By using NH_4F as fluorine source in the solvothermalreaction sytem of BaF_2-LuF_3, the products containing cubic BaF2and Ba_(1-x)Lu_xF_(2+x)phases, monoclinic BaLu2F8and cubic NH_4Lu2F8phases were succefully synthesized.However, to obtain the Ba_(1-x)Lu_xF_(2+x)with pure cubic structure, the compostion of theflorides should be controlled around x=0.40. By addiing NaOH into the reactionsystems, the products containing cubic BaF2and Ba_(1-x)Lu_xF_(2+x)phases, monoclinicBaLu4F14phase, and hexagonal Ba7F12Cl2and NaLuF4phase can be obtained, and thecompostion of the fluorides to obtain pure cubic Ba_(1-x)Lu_xF_(2+x)phase is expended to bein the range of0.30ptimizing conditions, the ultrafine pure Ba_(1-x)Lu_xF_(2+x)(x=0.33) phase with cubic structure and average grain size less than10nm can besynthesized, and the multicolor UC emission can be realized through a proper amountof lanthanide ion (Yb3+, Er3+, and Tm3+) doping.
     3. The study on the effects of the reaction conditions on the phase consitutions,grain size and morphology of the reaction products in SrF_2-LuF_3system by usingsolvothermal method, the multicolor upconversion emission behaviors of thenanosized SrF_2-LuF_3products, and surface modifaction of the products. By usingsolvothermal method under low temperature in the SrF_2-LuF_3reaction systemswithout NaOH containing, the products of Sr_(1-x)Lu_xF_(2+x)contain the mixtures of cubicSrF2and Sr_(1-x)Lu_xF_(2+x)phases, the pure cubic Sr_(1-x)Lu_xF_(2+x)phase, and the mixtures ofcubic Sr_(1-x)Lu_xF_(2+x)and orthogonal LuF3phase as its composition is in the range of0pectively. Under the same synthesis conditions,the average grain size of the pure Sr_(1-x)Lu_xF_(2+x)(0.2≤x≤0.45) phase with cubic structuregradually decreases with the increase of Lu content, and which can be further reducedby adding NaOH in the reaction system. By doping with a proper amount of rare-earth(Yb3+, Er3+, and Tm3+), the Sr_(1-x)Lu_xF_(2+x)nanocrystals can emit the multicolorupconversion fluorescence. Moreover, by using the inverse emulsion method, theultrasmall monodisperse Sr_(1-x)La_xF_(2+x)nanocrystals coated with a thin SiO_2layer can beobtained, which exhibit hydrophilicity and enhanced luminescent properties.
     4. The study on the nucleation and growth mechanism of the ultrasmllmonodisperse alkaline earth-rare earth fluoride nanocrystals in BaF_2-GdF_3system. Byusing solvothermal method, the products of Ba_(1-x)Gd_xF_(2+x)with pure cubic structure canbe synthesized at190C as its composition is in the range of0.5≤x≤0.8, and the grain size of the products is less than10nm. Under the same conditions, the Ba_(1-x)Gd_xF_(2+x)products with the composiotn in the range of0.5≤x≤0.8show a grain size far smallerthan that of pure phase BaF2and GdF3. It is found that GdF3has an extremely lowsolubility product constant in H2O solution in comparison with BaF2and there exist alarge amount of defects in cubic Ba_(1-x)Gd_xF_(2+x)non-stoichiometric phase, which may beresponsible for the ultrafine grain size of Ba_(1-x)Gd_xF_(2+x).
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