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There was a vigorous development of British publishing in the 18th century due to the peoples'pursuits of knowledge and culture.The flourish also result from the overall development of the society. The British Industrial Revolution broke out in the second half of 18th century. There is no doubt that the Revolution bring a lot of changes. Meanwhile it also has privided a rare opportunity for the booming of British publishing industry. Until now, Britain is a world-famous media power as well. Researching on the 18th century British publishing industry will help to not only be more comprehensive and detailed understanding of the social circumstances of Britain at that time, but also contribute to a deeper understanding of British culture.
     The text is divided into three parts, including prologue, main body and concluding remarks.
     The first chapter focuses on the prosperity of the British publishing industry. The section discusses the type and quantity of the publications, the distribution and circulation and the booksellers'wealths and their changes in the management. Through detailed datum and a series of specific examples, the part attempts to prove that there was an active publishing market in the 18th century. It is worth mentioning that booksellers have played an important role in the development of publishing industry. Even today, many publishing companies they established continue making a significant impact on the world.
     The second chapter is the main part of the study which discusses the reasons through three aspects related to the flourishing of publishing industry. They are the improvements on publishing technology, the changes of publishing circumstances and the increase in the number of the people who engaging in reading. The technology could't promote without the overall developments of social productive forces and the strengthening of creative awareness. Furthermore, the elimination of the institutional barriers provided a guarantee to the spread of different ideas and thoughts. More and more people are enable to access to books and periodicals and then a more mature and increasing expanding publishing market has been built up.
     The third chapter summarizes the impact of the publishing industry's prosperity. The birth of the circulating libraries and subscription libraries, the appearance of the independent newspapers and the spread of new ideas are the three main outcome of the flourishing. The text also emphasis on the publishing industry's effect on the society currently and on the future in terms of culture.
1 K.K.Weed, R.P.Bond, Studies of British Newspapers and Periodicals from Their Beginning to 1800:A Bibliography, University of North Carolina Press,1946.
    1 John Feather, A History of British Publishing, Croom Helm,1988.
    2 A.Aspinal, "The Circulation of Newspapers in the Early Nineteenth Century", The Review of English Studies, Vol.22, No.85 (1946), pp.29-43.
    3 A.Aspinal, "Statistical Accounts of London Newspaper", The English Historical Review, Vol.65, No.255 (1950), pp.222-234.
    4 W. J.Couper, The Edinburgh Periodical Press:Being a Bibliographical Account of the Newspapers, Journals and Magazines Issued in Edinburgh from the Earliest Times to 1800, E. Mackay,1908.
    3 K.G.Burton, The Early Newspaper Press in Berkshire (1723-1855), University of Michigan,1954.
    6 M.E.Craig, The Scottish Periodical Press,1750-1789, Oliver and Boyd,1931.
    7 G.A.Cranfield, The Development of the Provincial Newspaper 1700-1760, Cambridge University,1962.
    8 Michael Harris, London Newspapers in the Age of Walpole:A Study of the Origins of the Modern English Press, Fairleigh Dickinson University Press,1987.
    9 James Raven, "The Book Trade", Books and Their Readers in Eighteenth-Century England, Leicester University Press,2001, p.2.
    1 伊恩.P.瓦特:《小说的兴起》,三联书店,1992年,第34页。
    2 D.R. Woolf, Reading History in Early Modern England, Cambridge University Press,2000.
    3 Robin Myers, Michael Harrs, Development of the English Book Trade,1700-1899, Oxford Polytechnic Press, 1981.
    4 Robin Myers, Michael Harris, Sale and Distribution of Books from 1700, Oxford Polytechnic Press,1982.
    5 Stationers' Company,多数著作译作皇家出版公司,由于英国并不存在皇帝,故本文中一律翻译为王室特许出版公司。
    6 Robin Myers, Michael Harris, Economics of the British Booktrade 1605-1939, Chadwyck-Healey,1985.
    Michael Harris, London Newspapers in the Age of Walpole:A Study of the Origins of the Modern English Press.
    8 James Raven, "The Book Trade", Books and Their Readers in Eighteenth-Century England, p.8.
    9 Bob Harris, Politics and the Rise of the Press:Britain and France,1620-1800, Routledge,1996,
    1 Neil Mckendrick, John Brewer, J.H, Plumb, The Birth of a Consumer Society, the Commercialization of Eighteenth-Century England, Europa,1982.pp.28-29.
    2 伊恩.P.瓦特:《小说的兴起》, 第51-53页
    3 Michael Harris, Booksellers and Bookselling from the 16th to the 20th Century, St Paul's Bibliographies. 1995.
    4 L.Stone, "Literacy and Education in England 1640-1900", Past & Present, No.42 (Feb.1969), pp.69-139.
    5 Tim Harris, Popular Culture in England C.1500-1800, Macmillan Press,1995.
    6 Barry Reay, Popular Culture in England 1550-1750, Longman,1998. Leonore Davidoff, Catherine Hall, Family Fortunes:Men and Women of the English Middle Class,1780-1850, University of Chicago Press,1987.
    1 Rosemary Sweet, Penelope Lane, Women and Urban Life in Eighteenth-Century England:"on theTown", Ashgate Publishing Ltd,2003.
    2 Jan.S.Fergus, Provincial Readers in Eighteenth-Century England, Oxford University Press,2006.
    3 伊恩.P.瓦特:《小说的兴起》, 第45页。
    4 Raymond Williams, The Long Revolution, Broadview Press,2001.
    5 James Raven, Helen Small, Naomi Tadmor, The Practice and Representation of Reading in England, Cambridge University Press,2007
    6 John Brewer, English Culture in the Eighteenth-Century, Farrar Straus Cirous,1997
    'Robin Myers, Libraries and the Book Trade:The Formation of Collections from 16 to 20 Century, Longman, 1995.
    8 Bob Harris,Politics and the Rise of the Press:Britain and France.
    9 A. Aspinal, Politics and the Press, c1780-1850, Home&Van Thal,1949
    1 Jeremy Black, Jeremy Gregory, Culture, Politics and Society in Britain,1660-1800, Manchester University Press,1991.
    2 舒小昀:《18世纪英国个人消费》,《淮阴师范学院学报》,2007年5月。
    3 杨豫:《英国工业革命与民众文化水平》,《南京大学学报》,1994年第4期。
    4 李斌:《18世纪英国民众阅读的兴起》,《历史教学》,2004年第7期。
    1 伊恩.P.瓦特:《小说的兴起》,第59页。
    2 Jeremy Black, Culture and Society in Britain 1660—1800, Manchester University Press.1997, p.51.
    3 伊恩.P.瓦特:《小说的兴起》,第48页。
    4 同上,第34页。
    1 凯文·威廉姆斯:《一天给我一桩谋杀案:英国大众传播史》,上海人民出版社,2008年,第35页。
    2 Hannah Barker, Newspapers, Politics and English Society 1695-1855, Langman,2000, pp.30-31.
    3 Michael Harris, Booksellers and Bookselling from the 16th to the 20th Century, p.293.
    4 Hannah Barker, Newspapers, Politics and English Society 1695-1855, p.30.
    5 艾迪生等:《伦敦的叫卖声》,三联书店,1997年,第19页。
    1 伊恩.P.瓦特:《小说的兴起》,第48页。
    2 John Feather, A History of British Publishing, Second Edition, Routledge,2006, p.57.
    3 李斌:《18世纪英国民众阅读的兴起》,《历史教学》,2004年第7期,第30页。
    4 弗尔南德·莫塞:《英语简史》,外语教学与研究出版社,1990年,第125-126页。
    5 John Feather, A Histoiy of British Publishing, Second Edition, p.61.
    1 凯文·威廉姆斯:《一天给我一桩谋杀案:英国大众传播史》,第36页。
    2 John Feather, A History of British Publishing, Second Edition, p.75.
    3 James Raven, "The book Trade", Books and Their Readers in Eighteenth-Century England, ed. Isabel Rivers, p.15.
    1 James Raven, Judging New Wealth:Popular Publishing and Responses to Commence in England,1750-1800, Oxford University Press,1992, p.43.
    2 John Feather, A History of British Publishing, Second Edition, p.53.
    1 John Feather,A History of british publishing,Second Edition,p.53.
    2 李斌:《18世纪英国民众阅读的兴起》,第31页。
    1 James Raven, Judging New Wealth:Popular Publishing and Responses to Commence in England,1750-1800, p.50.
    2 James Raven, "The book Trade", Books and Their Readers in Eighteenth-Century England, ed. Isabel Rivers, p.24.
    1 James Raven, "The book Trade", Books and Their Readers in Eighteenth-Century England, ed. Isabel Rivers,. p.24.
    2 Ibid., p.28.
    3 Ibid.
    4 James Raven, Judging New Wealth:Popular Publishing and Responses to Commence in England,1750-1800, p.49.
    5 James Raven, "The book Trade", Books and Their Readers in Eighteenth-Century England, ed. Isabel Rivers, p.29.
    1 James Raven, Judging New Wealth:Popular Publishing and Responses to Commence in England,1750-1800, p.49.
    2 James Raven, "The book Trade", Books and Their Readers in Eighteenth-Century England, ed. Isabel Rivers, p.28.
    3 John Feather, A History of British Publishing, Second Edition, p.77.
    John Feather, A History of British Publishing, Second Edition, p.77-78.
    1 John Feather, A History of British Publishing, Second Edition, p.87.
    2 Ibid.
    1 James Raven, "The book Trade", Books and Their Readers in Eighteenth-Century England, ed. Isabel Rivers, p.7.
    2 Ibid.,p.6.
    3 James Raven, "The book Trade", Books and Their Readers in Eighteenth-Century England, ed. Isabel Rivers, p.7.
    1 皮卡,欧洲版面设计传统度量单位。每一个皮卡尺寸为12点,大小为4.21毫米或3/16英寸。
    2 James Raven, "The book Trade", Books and Their Readers in Eighteenth-Century England, ed. Isabel Rivers, p.8.
    1 Raymond Williams, The Long Revolution,p.182.
    2 John Feather, A History of British Publishing, Second Edition, p.89.
    3 李磊:《外国新闻史教程》,中国传媒大学出版社,2008年,第15页。
    1 约翰·密尔顿:《论出版自由》, 商务印书馆,1989年,第14页。
    2 同上,第26页。
    3 Frederick Siebert, Freedom of the Press in England 1476-1976:the Rise and Decline of Government Control, University of Illinois Press,1965, p.197另见凯文·威廉姆斯:《一天给我一桩谋杀案:英国大众传播史》,第32页。
    1 李磊:《外国新闻史教程》,第83页。
    1 沈固朝:《欧洲书报检查制度的兴哀》,南京大学出版社,1999年,第122页
    1 这种研究方法的代表人物:劳伦斯·斯通、米歇尔·桑德森、罗格·斯科菲尔德等,详见Lawrence Stone, "Literacy and Education in England 1640-1900", Past& Present, No.42, pp.69-139此文受到学界广泛的支持,成为研究英国民众读写能力的奠基之作。Michael Sanderson, "Literacy and Social Mobility in the Industrial Revolution in England", Past & Present,No.56,.75-104; R.S. Schofield, "Dimensions of Illiteracy,1750-1850." Explorations in Economic History,1973, vol.10.pp.410-469.
    2 Lawrence Stone, "The Educational Revolution in England,1560-1640", Past & Present, No.28, pp.41-80另见许洁明:《十七世纪的英国社会》,中国社会科学出版社,2004年,第166页。
    1 Spufford Margaret, Contrasting Communities:English Villagers in the 16th and 17th Centuries, Cambridge Press, 1974, p.196.
    2 约曼,yeoman,上层富裕农民。
    3 转引自陈宇:《近代英国民众的读写能力研究》,《学习与探索》,2006年第5期,第163页。
    4 Barry Reay, Popular Culture in England 1550-1750, pp.39-40.
    5 R.S. Schofield, "Dimensions of Illiteracy,1750-1850." Explorations in Economic History,1973, vol.10, p.437.另见杨豫:《英国工业革命与民众文化水平》,《南京大学学报》,1994年第4期,第92页。
    6 转引自杨豫:《英国工业革命与民众文化水平》,《南京大学学报》,1994年第4期,第92页。
    1 Lawrence Stone, "Literacy and Education in England 1640-1900", Past & Present, No.42, p.104.
    2 详见杨豫:《英国工业革命与民众文化水平》,《南京大学学报》,1994年第4期。
    3 Lawrence Stone, The Family, Sex and Marriage in England 1500-1800, Weidenfeld & Nicolson,1977, pp.396-397.
    4 Alice Clark, The Working Life of Women in the Seventeenth Century, Routledge,1968, p.14.
    5 伊恩.P.瓦特:《小说的兴起》,第42页。
    6 同上。
    1 最为经典的概述可参看Leonore Davidoff, Catherine Hall, Family Fortunes:Men and Women of the English Middle Class,1780-1850, pp.13-35.
    2 格雷戈里·金(1648-1712),英国家谱学家,政府官员。
    3 伊恩.P.瓦特:《小说的兴起》,第38页。
    4 Raymond Williams, The Long Revolution, p.183.1畿尼等于21先令。
    5 Ibid.
    6 保尔·芒图:《十八世纪产业革命——英国近代大工业初期的概况》,商务印书馆,1991年,第342页。
    7 伊恩.P.瓦特:《小说的兴起》,第40页。
    1 L.D. Schwarz "the Standard of Living in the Long Run,1700-1860", TheEconomic History Review, New Series, Vol.38, No.1,pp.27-28.
    2 Raymond Williams, The Long Revolution, p.183.
    1 James Raven, "From Promotion to Proscription:Arrangements for Reading and Eighteenth-Century Library." James Raven, Helen Small, Naomi Tadmor, The Practice and Representation of Reading in England, Cambridge University Press, p.175.
    2 伊恩.P.瓦特:《小说的兴起》,第40页。
    1 Edward Jacob, "Anonymous Signatures:Circulating Libraries, Conventionality, and the Production of Gothic Romances", ELH, Vol.62, No.3, p.611.
    2 伊思.P.瓦特:《小说的兴起》,第41页
    3 同上,第37页。
    James Raven, "From Promotion to Proscription:Arrangements for Reading and Eighteenth-Century Library.", James Raven, Helen Small, Naomi Tadmor, The Practice and Representation of Reading in England, p.179.
    1 Lawrence Stone, The Family, Sex and Marriage in England 1500-1800, pp.396-397. James Raven, "From Promotion to Proscription:Arrangements for Reading and Eighteenth-Century Library."
    James Raven, Helen Small, Naomi Tadmor, The Practice and Representation of Reading in England, p.175.
    3 杨威理:《西方图书馆史》,商务印书馆,1988年,第191页。
    4 John Brewer, English Culture in the Eighteenth-Century, Farrar Straus Girous,1997, pp.180-181转引自李斌:《18世纪英国民众阅读的兴起》,第32页。
    5 杨威理:《西方图书馆史》,第191页。
    6 同上,第190-191页。
    2 James Raven, "The book Trade", Books and Their Readers in Eighteenth-Century England, ed. Isabel Rivers, p.16.
    1 李磊:《外国新闻史教程》,第83页。
    2 James Raven, "The book Trade", Books and Their Readers in Eighteenth-Century England, ed. Isabel Rivers,
    (?) Ibid.
    4 李磊:《外国新闻史教程》,第90页。
    1 9th Dec.1786, pg.3, Issue 567, Col.B, The Times, www.Gale.c
    2 Ibid.,22th Feb. 1810, pg.3, Issue 7911, Col. A.
    3 Ibid.,5th Aug.1803, pg.3, Issue 5780,Col.B.
    4 Ibid.,M.St.Didier, Further Particulars Buonaparte After The Battle of Waterloo,15th Aug.,1815.
    5 Ibid.,10th Aug.1832, pg.4.
    1 伯纳德·曼德维尔:《蜜蜂的寓言》,中国社会科学出版社,2002年,第36页。
    2 伯纳德·曼德维尔:《蜜蜂的寓言》,第1页。
    1 伯纳德·曼德维尔:《蜜蜂的寓言》,中译本序言,第4页。
    2 同上,第1页。
    3 李非:《富与德亚当·斯密研究》,广东人民出版社,2009年,203页。
    4 伯纳德·曼德维尔:《蜜蜂的寓言》,中译本序言,第14页。
    5 同上,中译本序言,第12页。
    1 韩加明:《<蜜蜂的寓言>与18世纪英国文学》,《国外文学》,2005年第2期,第76-77页。
    2 舒小昀:《分化与整合:1688-1783年英国社会结构分析》,南京大学出版社,2003年,第391页。
    3 亚当·斯密:《国富论》(上卷),商务印书馆,1983年,第1页。
    4 同上,第3页。
    5 莱昂内尔·罗宾斯:《经济思想史:伦敦经济学院讲演录》,中国人民大学出版社,2008年,第154页。
    1 亚当·斯密:《国富论》(上卷),改订译本序言,ⅲ。
    2 同上,第14页。
    3 亚当·斯密:《国富论》(下卷),第27页。
    4 同上,第252-253页。
    1、 Alice Clark, The Working Life of Women in the Seventeenth Century, Routledge, 1968.
    2、Barry Reay, Popular Culture in England 1550-1750, Longman,1998.
    3、Bob Harris, Politics and the Rise of the Press, Routledge,1996.
    4、D.R. Woolf, Reading History in Early Modern England, Cambridge University Press,2000.
    5、 G.A.Cranfield, The Development of the Provincial Newspaper 1700-1760, Cambridge University,1962.
    6、Isabel Rivers, Books and Their Readers in Eighteenth-Century England, Leicester University Press,2001.
    7、Hannah Barker, Newspapers, Politics and English Society 1695-1855, Langman, 2000.
    8、 James Raven, Helen Small, Naomi Tadmor, The Practice and Representation of Reading in England, Cambridge University Press,2007.
    9、James Raven, Judging New Wealth:Popular Publishing and Responses to Ccommerce in England,1750-1800, Oxford University Press,1992.
    10、 Jan.S.Fergus, Provincial Readers in Eighteenth-Century England, Oxford University Press,2006.
    11、John Brewer, English Culture in the Eighteenth-Century, Farrar Straus Cirous, 1997.
    12、John Feather, A History of British Publishing, Croom Helm,1988.
    13、Lawrence Stone, The Family, Sex and Marriage in England 1500-1800, Weidenfeld & Nicolson,1977.
    14、Leonore Davidoff, Catherine Hall, Family Fortunes:Men and Women of the English Middle Class,1780-1850, University of Chicago Press,1987.
    15、 Michael Harris, London Newspapers in the Age of Walpole:A Study of the Origins of the Modern English Press, Fairleigh Dickinson University Press,1987.
    16、 Michael Harris, Booksellers and Bookselling from the 16th to the 20th Century, St Paul's Bibliographies.1995.
    17、Neil Mckendrick, John Brewer, J.H, Plumb, The Birth of a Consumer Society, the Commercialization of Eighteenth-Centruy England, Europa,1982.
    18、Raymond Williams, The Long Revolution, Broadview Press,2001.
    19、Robin Myers, Libraries and the Book Trade:The Formation of Collections from 16 to 20 century, Longman,1995.
    20、Robin Myers, Michael Harris, Sale and Distribution of Books from 1700, Oxford Polytechnic Press,1982.
    21、Rosemary Sweet, Penelope Lane, Women and Urban Life in Eighteenth-Century England:"on the town", Ashgate Publishing Ltd,2003.
    22、Spufford Margaret, Contrasting Communities:English Villagers in the 16th and 17th Centuries, Cambridge Press,1974.
    23、Tim Harris, Popular Culture in England C.1500-1800, Macmillan Press,1995.
    1、 A.Aspinall, "The Circulation of Newspapers in the Early Nineteenth Century", The Review of English Studies, Vol.22, No.85(1946).
    2、 A.Aspinal, "Statistical Accounts of London Newspaper", The English Historical Review, Vol.65, No.255 (1950).
    3、 Bertha Monica Stearns, "The First English Periodical for Women", Modern Philology, Vol.28, No.1(1930).
    4、Edward Jacob, "Anonymous Signatures:Circulating Libraries, Conventionality, and the Production of Gothic Romances", ELH, Vol.62, No.3.
    5、Edward H. Jocobs, "Buying into Classes:The Practice of Book Selection in Eighteenth-Century Britain", Eighteenth-Century Studies, Vol.33, No.1.
    6、L.D.Schwarz, "The Standard of Living in the Long Run:London,1700-1860", The Economic History Review, New Series, Vol.38, No.1(1985).
    7、L.Stone, "Literacy and Education in England 1640-1900", Past&Present, No.42 (Feb.1969).
    8、Michael Sanderson, "Literacy and Social Mobility in the Industrial Revolution in England", Past& Present, No.56.
    14、[法]保尔·芒图:《十八世纪产业革命》,杨人楩 陈希秦 吴绪译,商务印书馆,1991年

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