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Lack of integrated financial innovation space, China's industry is still mainly engaged in banking traditional banking business. The low competitiveness in high-end financial markets results to the great loss of China's financial resources. Unable to provide comprehensive financial products has hampered China's economy as a whole upgrade process. A huge gap between China's banks and the banking industry of developed countries shows that at different stages of development.China's banking industry positioning stage of development and upgrading of the path of research in economics is the question of this article.
     Scholars at home and abroad pay attention to the study cited the advanced theory and research methods of analysis and comparison of domestic banks and foreign bank-related data. They want the banking industry to lower barriers to entry, to raise small and medium-sized banks to increase or decrease the number of industry concentration and to take other measures to enhance the overall performance of China's banking industry. But only a particular aspect of analysis on China's banking industry, and there is no study on the level of China's banking industry, as well as the primary, intermediate and advanced stages of development of the positioning and on the reference to industrial upgrading. This paper provides an international comparative survey of trends in banking industry, and seeks to indentify the way of Chinese banking industry upgrade.
     In this paper, the theory of industrial organization, institutional economics and the theory of financial innovation are used in the overall analysis of the banking industry in China and developed countries, and the stage of industrial development banks in developed countries are divided into beginner, intermediate and advanced stages of development.A comparative indicator of the banking industry model is created. And in accordance with its market performance (the operating stability, profitability, operating efficiency indicators) and in the process of location of savings into investment, the level of China's banking industry is clear. This article demonstrats the inevitability of China's banking industry to upgrade through analysis of the external、internal factors and the pressure of international competition. In this paper, the empirical analysis of the process of developed banking industrial upgrading is used and a model of empirical analysis is builded to find the path of banking industrial upgrading. Enhance the level of corporate governance is the basis of banks;reconstruction of the organizational structure will allow more commercial banks to adapt to the requirements of marketing;business Process Reengineering the bank can effectively improve the operational efficiency of commercial banks;comprehensive risk management of banks is to increase the capacity of the bank for sustainable development. So the article believes to improve the level of integrated operations of China's commercial banks from the bank corporate governance, organizational structure, business processes and risk management.
     In this paper, the main conclusions are: First, the stage of industrial development in developed countries are divided into beginner, intermediate and advanced stage of development, China's banking industry is in the intermediate stage of development. In this paper, this is one of innovation. Second, the upgrade path of China's banking industry: to enlarge the space given to financial innovation in order to effectively promotes the upgrading of the banking industry; liberalization of financial mergers and reorganization of the enterprise market to the banking industry to set up the financial holding group. Third, it's the inevitable choice to promote the integrated financial management and to promote the upgrading of the banking industry. Fourth, it's important to enhance the operation of the level of China's commercial banks. Fifth, we should put the emphasis on investment banking in the banking industry in the process of upgrading a key role.
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