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中国小麦花叶病毒(Chinese wheat mosaic virus,CWMV)为真菌传杆状病毒属(genus Furovirus)的一个新成员,通常与大麦黄花叶病毒属(genus Bymovirus)的小麦黄花叶病毒(Wheat yellow mosaic virus, WYMV)复合侵染,引起我国山东胶东冬小麦地区发生严重的田间病害。该病毒由土壤中的禾谷多黏菌(Polymyxa graminis L.)传播,此菌在土壤中广泛分布,且抗逆性强,很难用化学药剂防治,而在生产上抗CWMV的小麦品种缺乏,急需进行抗病新种质的创新。研究CWMV致病机理,不仅为抗病种质资源的创制提供理论依据,并且丰富相关植物病毒的分子生物学知识。本研究主要内容分两部分:(1)构建CWMV侵染性cDNA克隆;(2)对CWMV RNA1编码的37K蛋白功能进行研究和分析。
     根据已报道的CWMVRNA1和RNA2序列(登录号:AJ271838和AJ271839)分段设计序列引物,扩增了CWMVRNA1和RNA2的cDNA片段并进行了拼接,对拼接产物进行亚克隆,获得CWMV全长cDNA克隆。以获得的克隆质粒为模板,线性化后,利用T7RNA聚合酶进行体外转录,体外转录产物摩擦接种烟草和小麦,17℃培养,Western blot未能检测到接种的烟草或小麦植株中CWMV外壳蛋白的表达。体外转录物转染拟南芥原生质体后,17℃培养,在原生质体内可检测到微量外壳蛋白的积累,表明此侵染性克隆具有活性,但效率较差,有待于摸索条件进一步提高其侵染活力。
     瞬时表达运动缺陷型PVX载体(含p19)与构建的CWMV编码的CP、19K CRP、37K3个基因共浸润农杆菌,共聚焦和长波紫外观察只有37K能够互补运动缺陷型PVX的运动功能,并在多个细胞间运动。含35S:37K载体的农杆菌与含35S:eGFP农杆菌高倍稀释后共浸润本氏烟,发现37K能与胞间连丝(PD)作用增大胞间连丝孔径限制(SEL)。将eGFP融合37K的N端和C端,高倍稀释后,在烟草表皮细胞内进行细胞间运动。通过亚细胞定位发现37K主要定位在细胞壁边缘,并形成不规则的运动聚集体颗粒,与TMV30K和胞间连丝定位蛋白(PDLP1a)分别共定位发现37K定位在PD,质壁分离后细胞边缘的绿色荧光斑点始终留在细胞壁,而荧光聚集体颗粒在收缩细胞膜的牵引下做无规则移动,可能与细胞内膜有关,通过提取表达37K的细胞膜蛋白,进而证实聚集体为37K细胞内膜蛋白。这些实验表明,37K蛋白的定位与细胞壁和细胞膜相关。37K融合蛋白(37K:eGFP或eGFP:37K)用布雷菲尔德菌素A(BFA)、微丝抑制剂(LatB)化学试剂处理,并与无标签的Sar1[H74L]以及带尾巴的Ⅷ-1和Ⅺ-F两种肌球蛋白共表达表明,37K利用内质网到高尔基体的分泌途径和肌动球蛋白动力系统定位和运输到胞间连丝。
     CWMV37K为包含两个跨膜结构域的膜蛋白,根据跨膜区结构域的氨基酸序列设计缺失掉不同的跨膜区、非跨膜区以及点突变跨膜区等一系列突变体,结果表明37K包含两个跨膜结构域的N端和C端对于互补运动缺陷型PVX进行细胞间转运都是必须的。缺失任何一个跨膜结构域导致丧失胞间连丝定位的能力,最终定位到内质网上。而同时缺失两个跨膜结构域时,导致蛋白改变了内质网的定位。同时具有两个跨膜结构域的突变体dCl能进行胞间运动,扩大PD SEL并能形成聚集体颗粒,表明完整的两个跨膜结构域对37K蛋白的运动功能起着重要作用。
     进而克隆了本氏烟果胶甲基酯酶(Pectin methylesterase,PME),通过双分子荧光互补和酵母双杂交两种方法对CWMV37K与PME的互作进行了验证,明确两者主要互作在细胞壁上。利用双分子荧光互补方法,确定37K与PME的互作区域,并构建了一系列的突变体,结果发现只有缺失N端的突变体dN2(145-328aa)与PME互作,从而初步确定CWMV37K的C端对PME与37K的互作起着关键作用。
Chinese wheat mosaic virus (CWMV) is a new member of the genus Furovirus, family Virgaviridae, which causes severe damage to winter wheat in eastern Shandong province in co-infections with Wheat yellow mosaic virus (WYMV, genus Bymovirus). The virus is transmitted by the plasmodiophoraceous'fungus'Polymyxa graminis Led., which is widely distributed in the soil and has durable resting spores that cannot easily be controlled by chemicals. Current wheat varieties appear to be susceptible to CWMV and there is an urgent need to discover and introduce disease resistance. A study of the pathogenesis of CWMV not only provides theoretical guidance for disease resistance breeding, but also enriches our knowledge of the molecular biology of plant viruses. This study has two main parts:Firstly, full-length infectious cDNA clones of the CWMV genomic components were constructed based on the published sequences. Secondly, the function of the37K protein encoded by CWMV RNA1was investigated.
     Primers were designed on the basis of published sequences (accession numbers AJ271838and AJ271839) to amplify fragments of CWMV RNA1and RNA2, respectively. Fragments were cloned into pGEM-T Easy vectors and sequencing confirmed that they were correct and without a frame shift. Then, the fragments of RNA1and RNA2were ligated to construct full-length cDNA clones, respectively. T7RNA polymerase was used for in vitro transcription after linearization. In vitro transcripts were used to inoculate tobacco and wheat at17℃, but no target protein was detected by Western blot analysis. In vitro transcripts were able to replicate and pack virions when transfected to protoplasts of Arabidopsis thaliana. This result indicates that replication of in vitro transcripts perhaps requires a low temperature (17℃), but the system lacks stability and needs further refinement.
     The37K gene of CWMV RNA1was expressed in Escherichia coli strain BL21(DE3) using the glutathione S-tranferase gene fusion vector pGEX-6P-1. The expressed protein was purified from the inclusion body, and a polyclonal antibody against37K was made in rabbit. This polyclonal antibody can be used to detect the relevant protein in CWMV-infected wheat leaves and after expression in tobacco. A Trans-complementation assay of the movement of PVX mutant (35S:PVX (P25fs)-GFP) was used to investigate the involvement of the CWMV37K gene in cell-to-cell movement. An agrobacterium strain harboring35S:PVX (P25fs)-GFP (+pl9) was diluted10,000fold and mixed (1:1) with agrobacterium harboring35S:CP,35S:19K CRP,35S:37K or35S:P25. The mixtures were co-infiltrated into leaves of N. benthamiana and GFP fluorescence was observed using confocal laser-scanning microscopy at5dpi. Only CWMV37K and P25were able to complement the cell-to-cell movement of movement-defective PVX. Other constructs appeared to be restricted to a single cell. When the plasmids containing35S:37K and35S:eGFP were co-agroinfiltrated into N. benthamiana leaves, eGFP spread between cells showing that37K enlarges the SEL. eGFP was then fused separately to the N-and C-termini of37K to construct the fusion plasmids37K-eGFP and eGFP-37K. These fusion proteins were able to move to the neighboring cells at high dilution (10,000fold). When fusion constructs were introduced to tobacco epidermal cells infiltrated with agrobacterium, GFP accumulated at cell walls in the form of punctuate spots, which may present plamodesmata (PD), and was also distributed in some irregular granule-like structures within cells. The location of the punctuate spots was confirmed by co-infiltrating separately with the PD markers TMV30K and PDLPla. Plasmolysis experiments showed that green punctuate spots were still attached to the cell wall with PDLP1a, while granule-like structures moved along the plasma membrane. These results confirmed that37K was associated with the plasma membrane and the cell wall. Using chemical drugs (BFA and LatB) and protein inhibitor (Sar1[H74L], Ⅷ-1and XI-F) treatments suggested that37K may utilize the ER-to-Golgi secretory pathway and the actomyosin motility system for its intracellular transport and targeting to PD.
     CWMV37K is intracellular membrane protein including two transmembrane domains predicted by the TMpred program. A series of mutations were designed based on these transmembrane domains. Mutants in which the N-terminus or C-terminus was deleted, or where either of the transmembrane domains (TM1or TM2) was disrupted or deleted could neither target to PD nor complement the cell-to-cell movement of movement-defective PVX. Expressed protein was not targeted to ER if both transmembrane domains were deleted. A mutant, dC1, which included both transmembrane domains was able to spread to neighbouring cells and form granule-like structures, and also had the ability to enlarge PD SEL. These results indicate that TMl and TM2have the ability to target ER although they could not together complete intercellular movement and target to PD, which further demonstrates that the N-terminus of37K, containing the two domains TM1and TM2, has a significant role for the function of the protein.
     PME cloned from N. benthamiana leaves interacted with CWMV37K, in both BiFC (in vivo) and YTHS (in vitro) assays; the in vivo interaction occurred at the cell wall. Further experiments using BiFC to investigate the interaction between PME and some37K mutants showed that only mutant dN2(N-terminus deletion expressing145-328aa) interacted with PME, showing that the C-terminal region of37K plays a key role for its interaction with PME.
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