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     第五章,T-网格,从本质上来说就是一个容许T结点的矩形网格,T样条,是定义在T网格上的PB样条(Point-Based Spline),邓建松等人在Sederberg等人引入的T样条的基础上,限制样条在T网格的每个剖腔上是一个张量积多项式并且内网线处满足一定的光滑性,提出了T网格上样条函数空间的概念,利用B网方法,他们得到当光滑阶小于多项式一半时规则T网格上样条空间维数公式。在本章中我们利用对内线的协调方程重新编序的技巧,使得协调方程组所对应的系数矩阵正好为一个准上三角矩阵,从而能够方便地给出任意规则T网格样条空间的维数公式,并且这个公式对一般T网格样条空间,诸如:T网格上的周期样条空间、组合T网格上样条空间和有洞T网格上样条空间的维数同样适用,因而我们的结论更具一般性。
It is well known that spline is an important approximation tool in computationalgeometry, and it is widely used in many engineering fields. Some special examples ofpolynomial functions appeared in mathematics researches already. For the complexityof object, the research of the multivariate spline has very important significance in thetheoretics and applications. Multivariate splines have connection with univariate splinesin some sense, but they are different in essence, it is not the simple extension of theunivariate splines. Hence, the research results of multivariate splines are not perfect asthose of univariate splines, it still need to be further studied. The thesis is organized asfollows:
     In Chapter 2, we define△_(MS)~μpartition is similar to△_(MS) partition. For anyμ, the algebraic singularity condition of S_(μ+1)~μ(△_(MS)~μ) is obtained by the Generator bases inmodules method presented by Professor Z. X. Luo. Wang transformed the structureof spline to corresponding algebraic problem in 1975. In 2001 a mechanical method isproposed to solve the generator bases in modules through the reduced rules by ProfessorZ. X. Luo. It becomes very convenient to study the multivariate spline spaces becausethe generator basis of the conformality equations over an inner vertex are composed ofsome vectors of degree 1 and 0 in general, which are obtained from this method. FromDu's paper, it is easy to find some equivalent relations between the singularity of splinespace over△_(MS)~μpartition and the intrinsic properties of algebraic curves. Whenμ=2, the geometric singularity condition of S_(μ+1)~μ(△_(MS)~μ) is proposed. Also, in order to illustrateour conclusions clearly, some examples are given out. All these results are very helpfulfor the further research on the classification and parametrization of algebraic curves andso on.
     In Chapter 3, using multivariate splines to interpolate scattered points is an important applied field. Bivariate spline spaces have many applications, such as numericalapproximation, surface fitting, scattered points interpolation, multivariate numerical integration, finite element method, numerical solution of partial differential equation, CAGDand computer graphic etc.. Obviously, in order to better understand rnultivariate spline space and to apply it, the first problem is to understand its algebraic structure. We alreadyget perfect results for the case of degree d is much larger corresponding to smoothness r, such as d>3r+2. However, splines with lower degree are more interested for people inapplications. For example, when r=1, the case of d=2, 3, 4 respectively. But the caseof S_3~1(△) is still unknown to us, people can not give its dimension and do not know itsdimension whether depends on the geometric condition of the partition. Hence, it is anopen problem to determine the dimension of S_3~1(△) spline space. But S_3~1(△) spline spaceis very important to us. Since its simple computation and stability, S_3~1(△) is the lowestdegree space in those spaces satisfying the dimensions excess the number of the verticesof triangulations until now. In other words, S_3~1(△) space is the lowest degree C~1 spacewhich can interpolate all the vertices in triangulations.
     For the difficulty of determining the dimension of S_3~1(△), people turn to considersome special triangulations. Obviously, it is more useful to find the dimension for general triangulation. In this chapter, we discuss a class of triangulations satisfying someconditions, and study S_3~1(△) space on it. First we decompose those triangulations, thenconstruct admissible sets and Lagrange sets recursively, hence their dimensions are determined clearly. Thus, we find these triangulations are nonsingular. In the last, we give amethod to construct triangulations on planar scattered points, such that the generatedtriangulations are exactly in our considered class of triangulations.
     In Chapter 4, the dimension of bivariate polynomial space P_d is (?) as known.Then what is the dimension of piecewise continuous polynomial space? This question hasimportant significance in studying posed interpolation of spline and so on. Comparingto multivariate polynomial spaces, the dimension of spline space is more difficult. Upto now, many related questions are still open. Triangulation is the common partition inpractical, so its dimension is followed more concern. The study of dimension of bivariatespline space is originated from the guess of dimension of spline space of Strang. Itsrepresentative is L.L. Schumaker who gave the upper bound and the lower bound ofdimension of arbitrary triangulation. It is diffcult to give a general dimension formulafor any triangulation. Because the dimension of spline space not only depends on thetopology property of triangulation, such as the number of vertices, edges and trianglesof triangulation, but also heavily depends on geometric property of the triangulation.In this chapter, we improved the upper bound of dimension for general triangulationby numbering vertices and Smoothing Cofactor method. Moreover, some corollaries areproposed for deciding the dimension of spline space.
     In Chapter 5, T-mesh is a rectangle mesh with T nodes in essence. T-spline is point based spline defined on T-mesh. Deng etc. presented the definition of T-mesh splinespace, on base of T-spline introduced by Sederberg etc.. T-spline is a tensor productpolynomial in every cell of T-mesh and satisfying smoothness in every interior edge. UsingB-net method, they derived the dimension of T-mesh confined that the smoothness is lessthan half of degree of the spline functions. In this chapter, we use Smoothing Cofactormethod and reordering skill to conformality equations of inner lines, then derive thedimension formula in regular T-mesh spline space. Moreover, the formula also holds forgeneral T-mesh spline space, such as periodic spline space on T-mesh, composite T-meshspline space and T-mesh with holes spline space. Thus our result is more general.
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