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In recent years, China's position on FDI inflows and outflows of migrants has been at the top of the list in the world. What's the effect of FDI inflow and outflow of migrants of China? Inspired by the answer to "Lucas paradox", the author seeks to study on the link of the two valuables in order to get the true answer. There is an obvious paradox of theoretical and empirical opinion on the relationship between migration (called MIG in the following text) and FDI. The classical economic theory suggests that migration and FDI substitute one another. However, emigrants had play a positive role in the process of drawing FDI into China; and the great majority of empirical literature suggest MIG and FDI complement one another. Schiff (2006, A) had pointed out that a good answer to this issue lie in the study of specific countries. What kind of relation exists between MIG outflow and FDI inflow in China? Especially, is there a different relationship with different skill levels of emigrants in China? Until now, there is little empirical research to answer this issue in China. Therefore, based on the above contraction of theory and experience, exploring the relationship of MIG outflow and FDI inflow in China is the subject of this dissertation.
     Specifically, the main contents and conclusions of this dissertation are the following:
     Chapter 1, "introduction", summarizes briefly the reason and significance to choose this subject, and provides the basic concept, the way of thinking, the main innovations, the fault, the structure of this dissertation.
     Chapter 2, "literature review", provides a comprehensive review of the literature of the relationship between MIG and FDI, and a review of the literature on MIG and the economic development of home countries, and the literature on FDI and the economic development of host countries since the study of the relationship of MIG and FDI are a sub topic of the two above literatures. In addition, this chapter describes possible sources of the data of migrants which is the cornerstone of the empirical study.
     Chapter 3, "the history and the present of international migration", provides a history background of the study of relationship of MIG and FDI by describing the evolution of MIG and FDI of many countries. Moreover, this chapter analyzes the present status of MIG of the world and China, focusing on the scale and the position of Chinese MIG in the world. This chapter also gives a data background by analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of all kinds of data of migrants.
     Chapter 4, "the theory analysis of MIG outflow and FDI inflow in China", introduces and expands a general equilibrium model studying MIG and FDI. Then this chapter deducts the mechanism of the interaction of MIG and FDI in China and draws a series of conclusions for China which are the guidelines of later econometrical analysis. The main conclusions are:the low-skilled emigrants have no obvious impact on FDI inflows; but the skilled emigrants promote FDI inflow, under the condition that consumption elasticity of substitution between domestic goods and imported goods is less than the production elasticity of substitution of domestic products.
     Chapter 5, "the assessments of the total relationship of MIG outflow and FDI inflow in china", constructs a variety of cross-sectional models and Panel model, and uses jointly various kinds of migrants data so that they complement each other, authenticate mutually. The main conclusions are as follows:In the same period MIG outflow and FDI inflow have a complementary relationship in China. Moreover, the degree of this kind of relationship has changed which strengthened from the 80's into 90's and tended to weaken after entering the 21st century. In the different period, the total relationship is consistent with contemporaneous and dynamic complementarity between MIG and FDI. However the latter relationship is not statistically significant. In other words, for China, the contemporaneous complementarity plays a critic role in the total relationship of MIG and FDI.
     Chapter 6, "the assessments of the stratified relationship of MIG outflow and FDI inflow in china", finds there are different relationship with different skill levels of emigrants, and this relationship is also different for the same period and different period just like chapter 5. The main conclusions are as follows:In the same period, the complementarity between skilled emigrants and FDI is very statistically significant while the complementarity between unskilled emigrants and FDI is not statistically significant. In the different period, there are a contemporaneous and dynamic complementarity relationship between.MIG and FDI, but the latter relationship is not statistically significant. More importantly, the contemporaneous complementarity is determined by the complementarity between skilled emigrants and FDI.
     Chapter 7, "the analysis of the dynamic path of the interaction of MIG outflow and FDI inflow in china", introduces and expands a continuous time dynamic model based on the experience of China. The main conclusions are as follows:the degree of complementarity is more strong for the temporary MIG; in the long run, there are a good interaction between MIG and FDI in China, i.e. MIG outflow promotes FDI inflow, then lead to less MIG outflow by increasing labor productivity, human capital; so in the end the interaction of MIG outflow and FDI inflow promote economic growth in China.
     Chapter 8, "the summary the relationship of MIG outflow and FDI inflow in china and the policy suggestion", summarizes the theoretical and empirical conclusions, the international experience of other countries in the history, which provides guidelines for the evolution of the interaction of MIG outflow and FDI inflow in china. In addition, this chapter put forwards a list of policy suggestions based on the conclusions of this dissertation and the literature.
     Eventually, the conclusions of this dissertation confirm each other, authenticate mutually, which are consistent with the conclusions of the related studies. This dissertation finds China's special conclusions which reflect the experience of China's fast economic growth.
1根据新古典理论,如果资本可以自由流动,那么在任何地方投资的期望收益都应相等,否则,资本应该从资本充裕的国家(收益率低)向资本稀缺(收益率高)的国家流动。事实上,更多的FDI却流向了发达国家,尤其是M&A投资,即使流向发展中国家的FDI,也表现出很强的集中趋势,多集中于拉美及亚太地区的部分国家。“为什么资本不从富国流向穷国?”,这就是著名的“卢卡斯迷题”(Lucas paradox)。Lucas (1990)对这一问题的解释是,答案在于纯数量意义上的资本价格之外,譬如政治的不稳定、产权保护的缺乏等导致的资本收益高风险的存在,使得资本的实际回报大打折扣。
    10 Groznik(2003)发现,直接投资和移民之间关系更密切。
    11 Wong(1986)重点研究了贸易和要素流动间的各种可替代性概念,Wong(2004)在分析劳动力和资本要素流动之间的关系的时候也应用了相同的概念。
    3 Lucas,2005指出,长期移民与短期移民对母国发展具有不同影响,因此,有必要单独研究短期移民与FDI流入之间的关系特点。
    4例如,20世纪早期迁移到巴西的德国人也引进了开始生产所需的机械(Sowell,1996)。在工业革命后,在英国和美国之间也发生了类似的机械资本和技能人员的转移(Landes,1998)。此外,跨国公司往往雇佣外籍人士,将管理活动转移至外国分公司(Harzing,2001)。 Barry(2004)报告称,英特尔公司决定在爱尔兰投资的一个重要因素就是,爱尔兰籍的工程师愿意从美国来到母国去工作。这些观察表明了FDI与移民之间应该存在互补关系。
    5负值表明内流的低技能移民与海外投资间可能出现“替代”效应,这与Kugler和Rapoport (2007)在对美国数据回归以及Girma和Yu(2002)对英国贸易进行回归时发现的结果一致(当分解为经合组织与非经合组织分别回归时,非技能移民的影响仍然不显著)。
    7德国凝聚指数(agglomeration index) 1单位的改变导致FDI几乎25%的增长。Foad(2009)预测,保持当地市场规模,劳动力和资本成本,以及移民社区某些特点等因素不变的情况下,德国的凝聚指数为1.82的科罗拉多州应比凝聚指数0.88的肯塔基州多出约20多个德国子公司(德国子公司 在各州每年的平均数目是82)。
    10 Rauch和Trindade(2002)指出,就服务贸易而言,由于部分服务(按照GATS的规定,这种服务贸易被归为Mode Ⅳ),需要专家到服务接受国提供长时间的服务,从这个角度看,移民和贸易也存在一定互补性。
    11另外,牛津大学目前正在评估未来全球和区域性移民趋势和他们对母国的影响——主要是指非洲、亚洲和中东地区,以及他们对东道国欧洲各国的影响。作为来自发展中世界的移民研究组织的代表,尼赫鲁大学的国际移民与种族网络研究项目(International Migration和Diaspora Studies (IMDS) Project)发布了印度移民报告,其创刊号预测称印度“人口红利”有助于满足全球对劳动力的需求。
    12 2000年,OECD地区高技能移民占同区域移民存量的34%。
    13 反事实假定测验法,即假定高教育人口的移出率(高教育对外移民占母国劳动力的比例、与低教育人口的移出率(低教育对外移民占母国劳动力的比例)相同,而不是比例更高(事实上的、,通过对比实际的母国高教育劳动力的比例,简称“移后高教育率”,和反事实假定下的母国高教育劳动力的比例,简称“反事实移后高教育率”,来看对高教育移民对母国的经济影响。
    15 Spilimbergo(2009)研究了国外受过教育的移民个人是否促进了本国民主发展。他发现,如果在民主国家获得国外教育,那么移民个人的确对本国民主起到了积极的影响。这就间接地提高了母国的经济发展。
    19 Hatton与Williamson(2002)估计,居住在经合组织国家的非法移民占移民总量的10%到15%。忽略非法移民,我们可能高估了移民人口的平均教育水平(可以合理假定,大多数非法移民是没有受过教育或仅受过初等教育),不过,这一限制应该不会明显扭曲本文对高技能工人移民率的估计。
    2这时,全球资本主义被视为一个自身不稳定的体系,易出现经济动荡和通货膨胀(如20世纪20年代),或者在衰退时期不能自我调节的用来保证充分就业的机制(如在20世纪30年代)。因此,为维护世界和平并促进世界欠发达地区经济的发展成立了联合国;一个新的全球金融体系在20世纪40年代中期出现,这就是人们所熟知的布雷顿森林体系;国际货币基金组织得以建立,其任务是,保证固定汇率系统下的正常支付;并为国家的贸易逆差提供外部融资(此时,私人资本的流动仍保持严格的限制);新成立了世界银行,其作用是提供经济建设和发展的长期融资;世界贸易组织被提议,但从未付诸实施(直至20世纪90年代中期,世界贸易组织才成立);国际劳工组织(TheInternational Labor Office),于1919年成立,至今仍然存在。
    8国家按国家大小,在总人口数据的基础上进行分类:超过两千五百万的是大型国家,一千万到两千五百万的是大中型国家uppermiddle countries,两百五十万到一千万的是中小型国家lower-middle countries,不到两百五十万的是小型国家。国家按国民人均收入分类:我们使用世界银行的分类方法,区分高收入,中高收入,中低收入和低收入国家。国家按地理区域划分:我们区分四个美国地区(北美,加勒比海,中美洲和南美洲),四个欧洲地区(北欧,西欧,东欧和南欧),五个非洲地区(非洲北部,中非,西非,东非和南非),四个亚洲地区(西亚,中南亚,东南亚和东亚)和四个大洋洲地区(澳大利亚和新西兰,美拉尼西亚,密克罗尼西亚和波利尼西亚)。根据政治利益划分的国家群组:中东和北非国家Northern African countries(MENA),转型经济体,欧盟15个成员国,撒 哈拉以南国家,伊斯兰教国家(伊斯兰教国家组织成员国,OIC),阿拉伯国家(阿拉伯联盟成员国),最不发达国家(联合国定义),内陆发展中国家landlocked developing countries(联合国定义)和发展中岛国small island developing countries(联合国的定义)。以上这些国家组所包括的国家名单参见Docquier和Marfouk(2006)附录6.2。
    1 Ricardo-Viner模型:David Ricardo在提到级差地租时用到了特定要素这一概念;Jacob Viner(1931)在其与Wong争论的著名论文中用到了这一模型;Gottfried Haberler(1936)在他关于国际贸易的经典文献中展示了这一模型的内在逻辑;后来,Paul Samuelson(1971)(?)将之总结称为Ricardo-Viner模型。在一般均衡条件下,对这一模型的正式阐述是由Samuelson和Ronald Jones(1971)做出的;尽管模型本身也可适用于封闭经济,他们二人都强调这一模型是阐释相关国际贸易理论的十分重要的模型。
    2 Ricardo-Viner模型、李嘉图模型与H-O-S模型的区别:Ricardo-Viner模型(特定要素模型)假定商品既需要特定要素投入,也需要流动要素投入。与此相反,Ricardo模型假设只有一个单一的生产要素,并可以在部门间自由流动。在Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson(HOS)模型,假设有两种或更多的生产要素,所有这些要素均可在部门间自由流动。因此,我们可以理解HOS为长期模型,Ricardo-Viner为中期模型。
    Armington假设:这种假设认为,在国际市场进行交易的产品因原产国不同而不同。Armington(1969)适用于国际宏观经济背景下,现在已经成为国际CGE模型的标准假设,与各国产品同质的 假定相比,Armington假设下的模型,贸易可以更细微、更实际地对产品价格做出回应。
    6具体原理参见De Melo and Robinson (1989), p.64。
    1 Poston(1990)指出:“没有哪个定义是准确而简洁的,因为一个人是不是海外华人,是由政府,由他们个人,中国定居者居住的社会,以及个人学者所决定的”
    5根据刘(2000,112页)“通过制定和维持适当的行为守则和支持中国文化价值观,华人社会组织已在促进商业信托的社会文化伦理方面起了重要作用。更重要的是,它们作为第三方执行机构促进商业往来(business trust)。"
    8 Singer(2006)针对1992-2003期间验证时发现:由1992-1997年转入1998-2003年时期,海外华人对中国FDI流入的促进作用在减弱。
    1 Baldwin和Venables基于新古典模型,他们将劳动力区分为低技能和高技能两种类型,并在模型中假定,高技能和资本之间存在互补关系;在此假定下,以欧盟扩大为背景,研究了不同要素流动之间的关系。由于高技能人群是否移民的决定,与现在和将来东西欧之间的工资差密切相关。Baldwin和Venables (1994)指出,资本的净流入会影响长期人力资本的存量,而高技能劳动力的存量变化会进一步影响外来FDI的回报。这就意味着,在高技能劳动力和资本之间存在一个循环。对新成员国来说,长期的要素禀赋变动很难确定。
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