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本论文以猫爪草(Ranunculus ternatus Thunb.)为试验材料,进行野外观测和采用ISSR分子标记对野生猫爪草变异类型进行研究,及大田试验研究密度处理对猫爪草生育进程、产量及化学成分的影响,控制生长和肥料处理对猫爪草产量与化学成分的影响,主要结论如下:
     1.猫爪草为毛茛科毛茛属小毛茛( Ranunculus ternatus Thunb. ),多年生草本植物。其生育期可划分为4个生育阶段,即苗期、蕾期、花期、成熟期。苗期从9月底至12月底,约80~90d,占全生育期的1/3~1/2。蕾期从1月初至2月底,为50~60d。花期从2月底至4月中下旬,约50~60d。成熟期从4月下旬至5月上旬,约15~20d。猫爪草整个生育期约为220d。
     3.在大田条件下,猫爪草单株干物质积累在整个生育时期内表现出“S”型曲线变化规律。密度处理对各器官的生长发育影响不同。高密度水平利于块根和叶片积累,低密度水平有利于茎和花果的积累。3~4月是块根增大的关键时期,单株块根积累的结果是M1(45万株/hm2)大于M3(37.5万株/ hm2)大于M2(30万株/ hm2),单位块根积累的结果是M1大于M2大于M3。密度处理对猫爪草果期光合特性的影响与气孔的作用联系密切。在高密度条件下非气孔因素影响净光合速率(Pn)的变化,在中低栽培密度条件下,气孔因素影响净光合速率(Pn)的变化。随着密度的增加,净光合速率和气孔导度先缓慢增加后显著降低,蒸腾速率呈现高-低-高趋势,胞间CO2浓度随密度增加显著升高。经过相关性分析,影响猫爪草光合蒸腾特性的主要因子为大气相对湿度(RH)、大气CO2浓度(Ca)、气孔导度(Gs)和叶温(Tl)。果期猫爪草的净光合速率与产量呈负相关。
     综合考虑单位产量和化学成分含量两个方面,M1处理(45万株/ hm2)是本试验条件下最佳种植密度。
     5.在本试验条件下,猫爪草产量随施肥量的增加逐渐提高。磷肥对产量的影响大于氮肥和钾肥,氮磷、磷钾互作对产量有促进作用。当施尿素326.1kg/ hm2,过磷酸钙666.6kg/ hm2,硫酸钾肥454kg/ hm2时,获得最大产量787.334kg/ hm2。
This research chose Ranunculus ternatus Thunb. as material studied the variations types of the wild type Ranunculus ternatus Thunb. using field observation and ISSR molecular markers, the effect of different planting density on the growth and development、production and the active contents of Ranunculus ternatus Thunb.,the effect of controlled growth and fertilizer treatments on the production and the contents under field conditions..The main conclusions were as follows:
     1.Ranunculus ternatus Thunb. is the perennial herb, and its growth period can be divided into four stages:seeding,bud stage,flowering and maturity. Seeding stage is from the end of September to the end of December, about 80-90d, it takes 1/3 of the total growth period.Bud stage is from the beginning of January to the end of Febrary,about 50-60d. Flowering stage is about about from the end of Febrary to the middle of April,about 50~60d. The maturity stage is from the first ten days of April to the last ten days of May,about 15~20d. Its total growth period takes about 220d..
     2.According to the ISSR analysis of DNA extracted from five leaf types Ranunculus ternatus Thunb., the UPGMA cluster analysis of the five leaf types Ranunculus ternatus Thunb.based on ISSR marked bands and integrated data, the result indicated that the five different leaf types Ranunculus ternatus Thunb. could be divided into two branchs at threshold 0.44.The first branch contains the second leaf type, and the second branch contains the other four types.The second Branch was divided into two groups at threshold 0.53: one group was leaf type 1 and 5 at threshold 0.61, and the other was leaf type 3 and 4 at threshold 0.54. The result indicated that leaf type 1 and 5 have a close phylogenetic relationship. Analyzes from the production and the active contents,the leaf type 2 was superior to other leaf types to be breeded.
     3.Under field conditions,the accumulation of dry matter per plant Renunculus ternatus Thunb shows“S”curve changes in its whole growth period. Different density treatments have different effects to the growth and development of organs. High-density is good for the accumulation of roots and leaves, low-density is conducive to the accumulation of stem and fruit. March and April is the crucial period for root increasing. The result of the accumulation of root for per plant is M1(450000 strain/ha), more than M3(375000 strain/ha) and more than M2(300000 strain/ha), but the result of the accumunation for units root is M1, greater than M2 and greater than M2.
     There was a close relationship between the stomatal function and the impact of the density treatment on the photosynthetic characters of Ranunculus ternatus Thunb. Non-stomatal factors affected net photosynthetic rate (Pn) changes in high-density conditions , Stomatal factors affected net photosynthetic rate (Pn) changes in low-density conditions. the net photosynthesis and stomatal conductance were significant dereased after the first slow increased with the increase of density, transpiration rate showed a high level of the trend, internal CO2 concentration significantly increased with the increase of density. Path coefficient analysis showed that the atmosphere relative humidity (Rhin) , CO2 concentration in field ,stomatal conductance (Gs) and leaf temperature (Tl)were main factors for the characteristics of photosynthesis and transpiration .The net photosynthetic rate and yield of Ranunculus ternatus Thunb. were negatively correlatedin in the fruit period .
     The difference of impacts in density treatment on the active contents was significant. By analysis of variance, the difference on total sugar and polysaccharide content was significant .the difference on flavone content was very significant,while protein content was not significant.The different of the root yields per plant in density treatment was not significant,but difference on the specific yield was significant (F=12.037,P=0.008).Planting treatment in high density could remarkably increase the yield per unit. Taking the two elements of specific yield and active ingredients into consideration, we could have a conclusion that M1(450000 strain/ha) was the best choice under field conditions.
     4.Difference of controlled growth on the root yields per plant was very significant,and the difference of the total sugar , polysaccharide and flavonoids content were very significant,while on the protein content is not significan(tF=8.223,P=0.061). Taking the two elements of both yield and active ingredient into consideration, had conclusion that removal of flower and fruit processing was the best production management.
     5.Under this experimental conditions, the yield Ranunculus ternatus Thunb.increased with the increase of fertilizer gradually. Compared with nitrogenous fertilizer and potash fertilizer , phosphate fertilizer had a greater impact on the output, the interaction effect of nitrogen and phosphorus, phosphorus and potassium to production were promotion. The maximum production was 787.334kg/ha when using urea fertilizer 326.1kg/ha, ordinary superphosphate fertilizer 666.6kg/ha ,and potassium sulfate fertilizer 454kg/ha.
     The regression relationship between fertilization and the content of the active ingredient was not clear. Nitrogen had the greatest impact on the total sugar and polysaccharide at the lower level, on the protein and flavonoids at the upper level. Phosphorin had the greatest impact on the sugar polysaccharide and flavonoids at the lower level, on the protein at the upper level. Potassium had the greatest impact on the total sugar and protein at the lower lever, on the polysaccharide and flavonoids at the upper level. The combination of nitrogen and phosphorin had a promoting effect on the component contents ,while the combination of nitrogen and potassium had an inhibiting effect. The combination of phosphorin and potassium had a promoting effect on the content of total sugar polysaccharide and protein, and had an inhibiting effect on the content of flavonoids.
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