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With the rapid development of economy and society, the servicisation tendency becomes obvious day by day. Enterprises face formidable pressure of competition in various fields of innovation. Based on today's historical background, enterprises, especially service industy, will relies more and more on service innovation to create core competitive advantage. However, internal staffs play an influential role in service innovation. It is mostly the employee service innovation behavior affect whole innovation potential and the innovation effectiveness of the enterprise. Since, employee service innovation behavior is the initial point and fountainhead of enterprise's service innovation.
     This research take insurance industry as the research subject, and takes the approach of literature reading, interview, case analysis and questionnaire, for the purpose of probing the connotation of employee service innovation behavior and the influencing factors such as human resource practice perception. The research draws several main conclusions as follows: (1) The concept of employee service innovation behavior has four dimensions, including sharing and collabolation, leaning and application of knowledge, approach of customer, and Initiative probe of information; (2) Human resources practice perception has both immediate effect and indirect influence on employee service innovation behavior, among which creativity and service commitment have a mediation effect.
     The creative points of this article are mainly reflected in: It deepened the understanding of the connotation of employee service innovation behavior. And it analyzed the function of human resource practice perception in this domain. It also studied this topic in the field of insurance industry. These creative points provide valuable reference to the expanding of service innovation study in the individual level and the management of employee service innovation behavior in enterprises. Thus, it further perfects the service innovation theories, and also lays certain foundation for the whole staff innovation in insurance industry.
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