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As industrial structure and unemployment problems have become increasingly severe, state and local governments are proactive to introduce series of encouraging policies and incentive measures, aimed to stimulate entrepreneurial activities to add new engine for the development of national economy. At the same time, according to previous study on entrepreneurs, we can find that there is no one stable and unified research framework to explain and predict entrepreneurial activity. However, Cognitive perspective can provide us with a basic and consistent research theory to analyze the mechanism between individual's cognitive factors and their entrepreneurial behaviors. Therefore, the in-depth research based on cognition perspective is of important practical and theoretical significance.
     Firstly, this study has reviewed the previous study works on entrepreneurs' traits and relevant entrepreneurial cognition research; and decided to divide entrepreneurs' cognition into two aspects: cognitive content and cognitive style. In order to explore the influence of cognitive factors on individual's entrepreneurial intention, this study has proposed an innovative construct, Entrepreneurial opportunity prototype, which reflects the individuals' cognitive framework relevant to key features of potential opportunity. And this notion can make the research in-depth through combining opportunity recognition, which is a basic and critical step of entrepreneurial activities. Secondly, this study has introduced two kinds of distinct cognitive bias, Entrepreneurial efficacy and Illusion of Control, as the cognitive style of entrepreneurs. Thirdly, this study has selected Entrepreneurial Intention as the indicator to explain and predict entrepreneurial behaviors. And the main research task is to explore the relationship between Entrepreneurial opportunity prototype, Entrepreneurial efficacy and Illusion of Control and Entrepreneurial Intention through Opportunity recognition. What's more, this study will further to explore the role of entrepreneurial policy in above mechanism.
     Through study review, case analysis and empirical study, this study obtained major findings: entrepreneurial opportunity prototype, entrepreneurial efficacy and Illusion of control can significantly promote the individual to identify potential opportunities and improve their entrepreneurial intention; Positive regional entrepreneurship policy can significantly improve opportunity recognition and entrepreneurial intentions, and moderate the relationship between entrepreneurial efficacy and opportunity identification.
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