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Since the modern,youth had become a very important power of the society,and play a relatively important role in the transtion of society,the development of nation,the change of state and the transform of culture.This dissertation selected the student movement of united states in 1960s as the the item . This dissertation employed a lot of jounals' papers and some of the doctor dissertations in the united states,borrow some results of the displine in history and youth,and borrow the analysis instruments of the three period of time,to sort out the pioneer and subsequence of the movement,the cause and the consequence of the movement and some characters and arguements of this movement.
     Chapter 1 The main content of the American student movement in 1960s
     The student movement and organizations based on the idealogical began at the beginning of the 20s century,However,there wasn't nearly any generation conflict in the movement before 1960s,and never have radical comments on their parents generation as well,what more ,the student movement before 1960s is confine in the range of education and acted in non-violent and indirect ways.Except in fifties,most of the student movement followed their adult's social political trend and radical movement.After 1970s,the students become apathy to the politicals .Though the counter-culture has disappeared from the attention of the media, it is still a very important power in the campus.It 's less influence may due to the less attetion of media and the location of the movement.The 1960s movement had experience of transformation from "port huron statement"to the "new era of the united states ",from east coast backgroud to the west grassland backgroud,from the political protest to the culture refuse,from the non-violent reform to the radical peace withstand,then to violent conflict,and finally to the terriosim,from mainly direct by new left to the postive Hippy.The tactics of the movement evoluted as the movement development.In 1960s,the impressed violent means just only a tiny part of the movement,the men who argue that the movement is entirely violent , is ,of course,incorrect.The participated Democracy,which derived from the experience of the SNCC,and developed by the SDS is significant.However,this institution has its faults which hardly be overcome,it is the important cause that many students participated SDS,while it is also the the significant cause that declined these organization.
     Chapter 2 Some characters of the American student movement in 1960s
     In this chapter,we describe and analysis some of the character and argument in the 1960s student movement.This character and argument include several raltions ,such as the relation between the movement and the facult,the relation between the movement and the university admistration ,the relation between the movement and different universites and colleges,the relation between the movement and the students' major,religion,ethnicity and status.Through the disscustion of these relaions ,we found:the attitude of the faculty varies to their different major ,statu,the time stayed in the campus,the religion inclination of the university and college.The faculty may let out their support if the movement moved from non-violent to the violent.There is no evidence that the rebel students has higher indentity to their mother.It is highly possible that what the students rebels is not their parents value,but their parents unconform in daily life to their value.The intersection of the power unit and the knowledge unit is one of the causes which lead to the intense between the admistraters of university and the faculty and students.Whatmore, the inability of university to deal with the crisis brought about the escalate of the conflict.Some university or college seems to morelikely to occur student rebels may due to their type(pulic or private),selective,scales and whether they have student movement in the history of the university or whether there is any sub-culture of youth in the university's tradition.There is no evidence to say that there is any postive or passive relation between the education quality and the occur possibility of student movement.It has been argued that the activist mainly come from the middle class family,with high-educated parents and high income.A large part of them are jews.Their major is usually in humanity and social science.They usually deal with the intellectual concepts and idealogy.Some researchers argue that the rebel students has no alienation ,while other researches argue that their analysis show that the rebel students has higher degree of alienation.
     Chapter 3 The causes of the 1960s student movement in the United States
     In this chapter ,the dissertation analysis and sort out the causes of the movement by borrowing the concepts of long period of time ,middle period of time ,and short period of time.The explanation of short period of time include:the multiply effect of the second world war and the cold war;the baby boom,the new way in educating child ;the more enrollment of the higher education;the affulence society;the disorder in culture;the technology improvement such as TV and condom .The middle period of time include:the legacy which the students movement in the united states before 1960s applied ;the transform of society( from the production society to the afflucence society);the disorder and transformation of culture .The explanation of long period of time include:the relation of youth and modernization;the special charater and life development of the youth.
     Chapter 4 The decline and the consequence of the movement
     In this chapter ,we analysis the decline of the movement and the social effect of the movement briefly,but describe and analysis the long sequence of the movement to the person life circle.The end of the vietnam,the flaw of the strategy and organization ,the less of the students in universities,the decline of the economic in united stated and world ,the change of the foreign police of America ,the less attentions of the media,the political enviroment change to the conservertism in the united states,the withstand of the labor and the activists,the success of sicence and technology (such as the success of the Apollo plan )beat the believe of anti-sience among the activists,ect,the fators list above(and maybe others as well)lead to the decline of the student movement.The research at this period did not support the view that 1960s generation politics has discontinued,however,it is not support the continue view as well.On the one hand,the student of the later 1970s and 1980s go to university for the purpose of finding a good job ,on the other hand ,some of the former activist endeavor to remain their life style of youth in a long run.Compared with the unactivists ,they have recieved higher education while less income,marriged later and incline to have less children ,they also experss more liberated in religion and politics.The movement also have great effect on the society and culture.It not only make the analysis to Maxism more activity in the United States and make a well base for the movement of momen and gay ,but also in some degree to make the goverment give more intention to the problem of enviroment.The sprit of 1960s ,the rebel concious and the counter-culture spirit ,not only permeate into the daily life of the united stated ,but also become the key transform from the modern to the post-modern.And perhaps ,it is a culture revolution which followed political and economical revolution as well.
    2 Bolinder,Calvin Holter,A theoretical analysis of student protest in modern America(1960-1972),[D] Wisconsin :The University of Wisconsin,1973:18-19
    3 Whalen, John James.Echoes of rebellion:The liberated generation grows up [D] .Santa Babara: University of California Santa Babara,1984:4
    4Tuner,Jeffrey Alan,Conscience and Conflict:Patterns in the history of student activism on southern college campus,1960-1970 [D]Louisiana: University of Tulane,2000:2
    5对于‘伯克利派研究’的名单,见Julian Foster,''student protest:what is know, what is said.'',in Protest student activism in American,ed Julian Forser and Durward Long(New York:William Morrow &co1970):27-58
    6 Tuner,Jeffrey Alan,Conscience and Conflict:Patterns in the history of student activism on southern college campus,1960-1970 [D]. Louisiana:University of Tulane,2000:2
    7 Tuner,Jeffrey Alan,Conscience and Conflict:Patterns in the history of student activism on southern college campus,1960-1970[D] .Louisiana:University of Tulane,2000:3
    8 Tuner,Jeffrey Alan,Conscience and Conflict:Patterns in the history of student activism on southern college campus,1960-1970 [D] .Louisiana:University of Tulane,2000:4-5
    9 Tuner,Jeffrey Alan,Conscience and Conflict:Patterns in the history of student activism on southern college campus,1960-1970 [D] .Louisiana:University of Tulane,2000:7
    10 Tuner,Jeffrey Alan,Conscience and Conflict:Patterns in the history of student activism on southern college campus,1960-1970 [D]. Louisiana:University of Tulane,2000:19
    11 Tuner,Jeffrey Alan,Conscience and Conflict:Patterns in the history of student activism on southern college campus,1960-1970 [D]. Louisiana:University of Tulane,2000:12
    12 Richard G. Braungart,Parental Identification and Student Politics [J] .Sociology of Education, 1971.44 ( 4 ):463-473
    13 Kenneth Keniston and Michael Lerner,Campus Characteristics and Campus Unrest[J] .Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1971,395: 49
    14 Kenneth Keniston and Michael Lerner,Campus Characteristics and Campus Unrest[J] .Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1971,395: 52-53
    15 Dean R. Hoge and Donald A. Luidens,Religion and Alienation as Factors in Student Activism, [J]Sociological Analysis, 1972,33(4):217-218
    16布鲁姆.美国的历程,下册,第二分册[M]北京:商务印书馆,1995: 614-615
    17Dean R. Hoge and Donald A. Luidens,Religion and Alienation as Factors in Student Activism [J].Sociological Analysis, 1972,33(4):228
    18 Arthur Levine and Deborah Hirsch,Undergraduates in Transition: A New Wave of Activism on American College Campus [J]. Higher Education, 1991,22(2): 119
    19 Philip G. Altbach,Students and Politics[J].Comparative Education Review, 1966,10(2):180
    20 Bolinder,Calvin Holter,A theoretical analysis of student protest in modern America(1960-1972)[D].Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin,1973:20
    21 Philip G. Altbach and Patti Peterson,Before Berkeley: Historical Perspectives on American Student Activism [J]. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1971, 395: 1-14
    22 James Prtick Biddix ,The power of“estudentprotest”: a study of electronically-enhanced sudent activisim [D]. St. Louis: University of Missouri– St. Louis, 2005 :39
    23 James Prtick Biddix ,The power of“estudentprotest”: a study of electronically-enhanced sudent activisim [D]. St. Louis: University of Missouri– St. Louis, 2005 :102
    24 James Prtick Biddix ,The power of“estudentprotest”: a study of electronically-enhanced sudent activisim [D] .St. Louis: University of Missouri– St. Louis, 2005 :39
    25 Philip G. Altbach and Patti Peterson,Before Berkeley: Historical Perspectives on American Student Activism [J]. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1971, 395: 13
    26 Philip G. Altbach,From Revolution to Apathy: American Student Activism in the 1970s,[J].Higher Education, 1979,8(6):611
    27 Philip G. Altbach and Patti Peterson,Before Berkeley: Historical Perspectives on American Student Activism [J]. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1971, 395: 13
    28 James Prtick Biddix ,The power of“estudentprotest”: a study of electronically-enhanced sudent activisim [D]. St. Louis: University of Missouri– St. Louis, 2005 :50
    29 Philip G. Altbach,From Revolution to Apathy: American Student Activism in the 1970s,[J].Higher Education, 1979,8(6):612
    30 James Prtick Biddix ,The power of“estudentprotest”: a study of electronically-enhanced sudent activisim [D] .St. Louis: University of Missouri– St. Louis, 2005 :53
    31 Philip G. Altbach,From Revolution to Apathy: American Student Activism in the 1970s,[J].Higher Education, 1979,8(6):613
    32 James Prtick Biddix ,The power of“estudentprotest”: a study of electronically-enhanced sudent activisim [D] .St. Louis: University of Missouri– St. Louis, 2005 :53
    33 Philip G. Altbach,From Revolution to Apathy: American Student Activism in the 1970s [J]. Higher Education, 1979,8(6):613
    34 Philip G. Altbach,From Revolution to Apathy: American Student Activism in the 1970s [J]. Higher Education, 1979,8(6):613
    35 Philip G. Altbach,From Revolution to Apathy: American Student Activism in the 1970s [J]. Higher Education, 1979,8(6):613-614
    36 Philip G. Altbach,From Revolution to Apathy: American Student Activism in the 1970s [J]. Higher Education, 1979,8(6):611
    37 Philip G. Altbach and Patti Peterson,Before Berkeley: Historical Perspectives on American Student Activism [J].Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1971, 395: 13
    38 Philip G. Altbach and Patti Peterson,Before Berkeley: Historical Perspectives on American Student Activism [J].Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1971, 395: 14
    39 Philip G. Altbach,From Revolution to Apathy: American Student Activism in the 1970s [J]. Higher Education, 1979,8(6):610
    40 Philip G. Altbach,From Revolution to Apathy: American Student Activism in the 1970s [J]. Higher Education, 1979,8(6):620
    41James Prtick Biddix ,The power of“estudentprotest”: a study of electronically-enhanced sudent activisim [D] .St. Louis: University of Missouri– St. Louis, 2005 :80
    45吕庆广.60年代美国学生运动[M]南京:江苏人民出版社, 2005:236
    46 Bret Eynon,Community in Motion: The Free Speech Movement, Civil Rights, and the Roots of the New Left[J]The Oral History Review, 1989,17(1):39-69
    47吕庆广.60年代美国学生运动[M]南京:江苏人民出版社, 2005:154
    48吕庆广.60年代美国学生运动[M]南京:江苏人民出版社, 2005:244
    49 Bolinder,Calvin Holter,A theoretical analysis of student protest in modern America(1960-1972) [D] Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin,1973:56
    50 Bolinder,Calvin Holter,A theoretical analysis of student protest in modern America(1960-1972) [D] Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin,1973
    52 Dean R. Hoge and Donald A. Luidens,Religion and Alienation as Factors in Student Activism[J].Sociological Analysis, 1972,33(4):223
    53 Gerd-Rainer Horn,The Spirit of '68-Rebellion in Western Europe and North America,1956-1976 [M]. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2008:153-154
    54 Gerd-Rainer Horn,The Spirit of '68-Rebellion in Western Europe and North America,1956-1976[M]. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2008:154
    55吕庆广.60年代美国学生运动[M]南京:江苏人民出版社, 2005:336
    56 Theodore Rozak,The Making Of Counterculture:Reflections on the Technocratic Society and its Youthful Opposition[D]New York :Doubleday & Company ,1969:56
    57吕庆广.60年代美国学生运动[M]南京:江苏人民出版社, 2005:271-272
    58 Bolinder,Calvin Holter,A theoretical analysis of student protest in modern America(1960-1972) [D]Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin,1973:102-103
    59 Tuner,Jeffrey Alan,Conscience and Conflict:Patterns in the history of student activism on southern college campus,1960-1970 [D] Louisiana:University of Tulane,2000:460
    60吕庆广.60年代美国学生运动[M]南京:江苏人民出版社, 2005:139
    61 Andrew Hunt.When Did the Sixties Happen?Searching for New Directions [J] Journal of Social History 1999 , 33(1)
    62 Gerd-Rainer Horn,The Spirit of '68-Rebellion in Western Europe and North America,1956-1976[M].Oxford: Oxford University Press 2008:195
    63 Gerd-Rainer Horn,The Spirit of '68-Rebellion in Western Europe and North America,1956-1976[M].Oxford: Oxford University Press 2008:196
    64 Gerd-Rainer Horn,The Spirit of '68-Rebellion in Western Europe and North America,1956-1976[M].Oxford: Oxford University Press 2008:196-197
    65指的是以美国人亨利·马丁·罗伯特撰写的《议事规则袖珍手册》(Pocket Manual of Rules of Order)为基础提出的开会规则。该书讨论的是关于开会的规则,该规则内容非常详细,包罗万象,并且处在不断改进之中。其中有专门讲主持会议的主席的规则,有针对会议秘书的规则,当然大量是有关普通与会者的规则,有针对不同意见的提出和表达的规则,有关辩论的规则,还有非常重要的、不同情况下的表决规则。
    66 Gerd-Rainer Horn,The Spirit of '68-Rebellion in Western Europe and North America,1956-1976[M].Oxford : Oxford University Press 2008:157
    67张友伦,李剑鸣.美国历史上的社会运动和政府改革[M]天津:天津教育出版社,1992, P325
    68 James Prtick Biddix. The power of“estudentprotest:”a study of electronically-enhanced sudent activisim [D] .St. Louis: University of Missouri– St. Louis, 2005:40
    69 Clarence E. Tygart, Norman Holt, Kenneth Walker,Examining the Weinberg and Walker Typology of Student Activists[J].The American Journal of Sociology,1972,77(5):963
    70 Clarence E. Tygart, Norman Holt, Kenneth Walker,Examining the Weinberg and Walker Typology of Student Activists[J].The American Journal of Sociology,1972,77(5):962
    71 James Prtick Biddix.The power of“estudentprotest”a study of electronically-enhanced sudent activisim[D] .St. Louis: University of Missouri– St. Louis, 2005:72
    72 James Prtick Biddix :The power of“estudentprotest:”a study of electronically-enhanced sudent activisim [D] .St. Louis: University of Missouri– St. Louis, 2005:41
    73 Gerd-Rainer Horn,The Spirit of '68-Rebellion in Western Europe and North America,1956-1976 [M] .Oxford: Oxford University Press 2008:64
    74 M. D. Pugh, Joseph B. Perry, Jr., Eldon E. Snyder, Elmer Spreitzer.Faculty Support of Student Dissent[J].The Sociological Quarterly,1972,13(4):531
    75 Alan E. Bayer.Institutional Correlates of Faculty Support of Campus Unrest[J]Sociology of Education 1972, 45 (1):76-94
    76 Kenneth Keniston and Michael Lerner.Campus Characteristics and Campus Unrest [J].Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1971,395:44-45
    77 Kenneth Keniston and Michael Lerner.Campus Characteristics and Campus Unrest [J].Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1971,395: 45
    80 M. D. Pugh, Joseph B. Perry, Jr., Eldon E. Snyder, Elmer Spreitzer.Faculty Support of Student Dissent[J]The Sociological Quarterly,1972,13(4):528
    81 Joseph R. Gusfield.Student Protest and University Response[J].Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1971,395:33
    82 Colitrane ,Williames Lee,Higher education and anti-vietnam war demostrations: Comparing occurence and administrative responses [D].Texas: University of Texas Tech,1992:235-236
    83 Joseph R. Gusfield.Student Protest and University Response[J].Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1971,395:34
    84 Kenneth Keniston and Michael Lerner.Campus Characteristics and Campus Unrest [J].Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1971, 395:44
    85 Kenneth Keniston and Michael Lerner.Campus Characteristics and Campus Unrest [J].Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1971, 395:43
    86 Kenneth Keniston and Michael Lerner.Campus Characteristics and Campus Unrest [J].Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1971, 395:44
    87 Colitrane ,Williames Lee.Higher education and anti-vietnam war demostrations: Comparing occurence and administrative responses [D].Texas: University of Texas Tech,1992:226
    88 Colitrane ,Williames Lee.Higher education and anti-vietnam war demostrations: Comparing occurence and administrative responses [D].Texas: University of Texas Tech,1992:227
    89 Colitrane ,Williames Lee.Higher education and anti-vietnam war demostrations: Comparing occurence and administrative responses [D].Texas: University of Texas Tech,1992:234
    90 Colitrane ,Williames Lee.Higher education and anti-vietnam war demostrations: Comparing occurence and administrative responses [D].Texas: University of Texas Tech,1992:247-248
    91 Nella van Dyke.Hot beds of Activism: Locations of Student Protest[J]Social Problems ,1998 , 45(2):209
    92 Nella van Dyke.Hot beds of Activism: Locations of Student Protest[J]Social Problems ,1998 , 45(2):205
    93 Nella van Dyke.Hot beds of Activism: Locations of Student Protest[J]Social Problems ,1998 , 45(2):208
    94 Colitrane ,Williames Lee.Higher education and anti-vietnam war demostrations: Comparing occurence and administrative responses [D] .Texas: University of Texas Tech,1992:231
    95 Colitrane ,Williames Lee.Higher education and anti-vietnam war demostrations: Comparing occurence and administrative responses [D] .Texas: University of Texas Tech,1992:231-232
    96 Kenneth Keniston and Michael Lerner.Campus Characteristics and Campus Unrest[J].Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1971,395:50
    97 Kenneth Keniston and Michael Lerner.Campus Characteristics and Campus Unrest[J].Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1971,395:51--52
    98 Dean R. Hoge and Donald A. Luidens.Religion and Alienation as Factors in Student Activism [J]. Sociological Analysis, 1972,33(4):218
    99 Dean R. Hoge and Donald A. Luidens.Religion and Alienation as Factors in Student Activism [J]. Sociological Analysis, 1972,33(4):217-229
    100吕庆广.60年代美国学生运动[M]南京:江苏人民出版社, 2005:155
    102 Richard Flacks. Social Bases of Activist Identity: Comment on Braungart Article[J].Political Psychology, 1990, 11(2):284
    103 Richard Flacks. Social Bases of Activist Identity: Comment on Braungart Article[J].Political Psychology, 1990,11(2):284
    104 Douglas Kirby.A counter-culture Explanation of student activism[J].social problems , 1971 , 19 (2) : 214
    105吕庆广.60年代美国学生运动[M]南京:江苏人民出版社, 2005:119
    106 Richard Flacks. Social and Cultural Meanings of Student Revolt: Some Informal Comparative Observations [J].Social Problems,1970,17(3):348
    107吕庆广.60年代美国学生运动[M]南京:江苏人民出版社, 2005
    108 Richard Flacks. Social and Cultural Meanings of Student Revolt: Some Informal Comparative Observations [J].Social Problems,1970,17(3):349
    109 Bolinder,Calvin Holter.A theoretical analysis of student protest in modern America(1960-1972) [D] Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin,1973:5
    110 Bolinder,Calvin Holter.A theoretical analysis of student protest in modern America(1960-1972)[D].Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin,1973:97
    111 Philip G. Altbach.Students and Politics[J].Comparative Education Review,1966,10(2):177
    112 Philip G. Altbach.Students and Politics[J].Comparative Education Review,1966,10(2):177
    113艾登·琼斯著、贾蔼美等译.美国坎坷的一代———生育高潮后的美国社会[M]北京:社会科学文献出版社, 1989:22。
    114艾登·琼斯著、贾蔼美等译:美国坎坷的一代———生育高潮后的美国社会[M]北京:社会科学文献出版社, 1989
    116 Bolinder,Calvin Holter.A theoretical analysis of student protest in modern America(1960-1972)[D].Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin,1973:76
    117 Bolinder,Calvin Holter.A theoretical analysis of student protest in modern America(1960-1972)[D].Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin,1973:84
    118吕庆广.60年代美国学生运动[M]南京:江苏人民出版社, 2005:23
    119吕庆广.60年代美国学生运动[M]南京:江苏人民出版社, 2005:42-43。
    122 Gerald M Schaflander.SDS in Newwark,Unpublished paper ,Harvard university ,1966:7//Philip G. Altbach.Students and Politics[J].Comparative Education Review,1966,10(2): 175-187
    124“He who is not radical at twenty does not have a heart , he who still is one at forty that does not have a head”。
    125 Bolinder,Calvin Holter.A theoretical analysis of student protest in modern America(1960-1972)[D].Wisconsin:The University of Wisconsin,1973:89
    126 Bolinder,Calvin Holter.A theoretical analysis of student protest in modern America(1960-1972)[D].Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin,1973:99-100
    127 Bolinder,Calvin Holter.A theoretical analysis of student protest in modern America(1960-1972)[D].Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin,1973:100
    128 Richard Flacks. Social Bases of Activist Identity: Comment on Braungart Article[J].Political Psychology, 1990,11(2):286-287
    129吴端.对日本青年研究之理论的探讨与借鉴——一个历史与思想文化的视角[J]当代青年研究,2007, 4
    130 [罗]F·马赫列尔.青年与青年问题[M]北京:社会科学文献出版社1986:39
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    133 [罗]F·马赫列尔.青年与青年问题[M]北京:社会科学文献出版社1986:67
    136吴小英.代际冲突与青年话语的变迁[J]青年研究,2006, 8:1-8
    138 Philip G. Altbach.From Revolution to Apathy: American Student Activism in the 1970s [J]. Higher Education ,1979,8(6):614
    139 Philip G. Altbach.From Revolution to Apathy: American Student Activism in the 1970s [J]. Higher Education ,1979,8(6):621
    140 James Prtick Biddix.The power of“estudentprotest”:a study of electronically-enhanced sudent activisim [D].St. Louis: University of Missouri– St. Louis, 2005:68
    141 James Prtick Biddix.The power of“estudentprotest”:a study of electronically-enhanced sudent activisim [D].St. Louis: University of Missouri– St. Louis, 2005:69
    142 Philip G. Altbach.From Revolution to Apathy: American Student Activism in the 1970s [J]. Higher Education,1979,8(6):623
    143 Philip G. Altbach and Robert Cohen.American Student Activism: The Post-Sixties Transformation [J] .The Journal of Higher Education, 1990,61(1):32-49
    144 MacDonald, Robert,edited.Youth, the 'underclass' and social exclusion [M]Routledge, c1997. 20
    145 MacDonald, Robert,edited.Youth, the 'underclass' and social exclusion[M] Routledge, c1997 .28
    146关于学生与工人之间的关系,这两个群体在60年代绝非简单的敌视,而是有着比较复杂的关系。具体参见Levy,Peter Barbin.The new left and labor:A misunderstood relationship [D] Columbia: University of Columbia,1986
    147 Bill Martin.Continuity and Discontinuity in the Politics of the Sixties Generation: A Reassessment[J]sociological Forum, 1994,9(3): 403-430
    148 Bill Martin.Continuity and Discontinuity in the Politics of the Sixties Generation: A Reassessment[J]sociological Forum, 1994,9(3): 403-430
    149 Bill Martin.Continuity and Discontinuity in the Politics of the Sixties Generation: A Reassessment[J] sociological Forum, 1994,9(3): 403-430
    150 Bill Martin.Continuity and Discontinuity in the Politics of the Sixties Generation: A Reassessment [J] sociological Forum, 1994,9(3): 403-430
    151 Bill Martin.Continuity and Discontinuity in the Politics of the Sixties Generation: A Reassessment [J] sociological Forum, 1994,9(3): 403-430
    152 Arthur Levine and Deborah Hirsch.Undergraduates in Transition: A New Wave of Activism on American College Campus[J].Higher Education,1991,22(2):119
    153 Arthur Levine and Deborah Hirsch.Undergraduates in Transition: A New Wave of Activism on American College Campus[J].Higher Education,1991,22(2):119-120
    154 James Prtick Biddix.The power of“estudentprotest”:a study of electronically-enhanced sudent activisim [D].St. Louis: University of Missouri– St. Louis, 2005:70-71
    155 Levine, A., & Wilson, K. Student activism in America: Transformation not decline. [J]. Higher Education, 8, 1979 : 627-640.
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    161 Robert A. Rhoads.Student Protest and Multicultural Reform: Making Sense of Campus Unrest in the 1990s [J]The Journal of Higher Education, 1998, 69 (6): 624-625
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    163 Whalen, John James: Echos of rebellion:the liberated generation grows up [D].Santa Babara:University of California Santa Babara ,1984:121
    164 Whalen, John James: Echos of rebellion:the liberated generation grows up [D].Santa Babara:University of California Santa Babara ,1984:123-124
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    176新阶层(new class,亦称educated labor ,or ,new working calss)指的是那些文化资本的控制者(controllers of cultural capital)
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