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目的:高强度聚焦超声(High Intensity Focused Ultrasound,HIFU)肿瘤治疗技术是超声换能器发出的超声波,在超声聚焦装置的作用下形成高强度超声能量的焦点区域,使肿瘤组织吸收焦点区域高强度超声能量,在短时间内温度升到60℃以上(60℃以上的焦点区域称为可治疗焦域)而发生凝固性坏死的治疗技术。该技术因具有有效、微创伤、能量深入深部组织等优点,成为众多研究者关注和研究的热点并应用于临床肿瘤治疗中。现有的HIFU肿瘤治疗系统对于焦点区域温度的监控以及治疗效果的实时检测问题都没有得到很好的解决,使HIFU肿瘤治疗系统的可靠性和安全性不能保障,临床治疗中常出现皮肤烧伤、神经损伤、靶区肿瘤组织残留等并发症,极大地限制了HIFU肿瘤治疗系统的应用。本论文通过数值仿真高强度聚焦超声传播过程中温度场的变化,研究不同换能器阵元激励函数、不同治疗剂量以及生物组织血流灌注对焦点区域温度场、焦点区域位置、形状和大小等的影响,为高强度聚焦超声肿瘤治疗临床治疗可靠性提高,治疗计划制定提供技术参数和技术方法。
Objective:High Intensity Focused Ultrasound(HIFU)tumor therapy is a promising technique that uses high intensity ultrasound to destroy tissues in a confined region which will avoid traditional invasive methods.It features the application of HIFU, high local temperatures of above 60℃and short treating time of a few seconds.It has been widely used due to its effective,micro-impassivity and deep into human tissues' advantages.Application of this technique may spare patients from ionizing radiation, chemical reactions and poison-minus effect.But it is difficult for existing HIFU tumor therapy system to monitor the focal region temperature in real-time accurately and objectively and predict the shape and size of the focal region.So complications such as skin burn,damage of overlying tissues and residual of target tumor may occur.In order to avoid these clinical complications,it is very necessary to investigate the focal region temperature in human tissues and predict different factors that effect on HIFU temperature field.
     Methods:In this work,FDTD method which was proposed by Nagayoshi Morita to simulate pressure,velocity of nonlinear propagation high intensity ultrasound, together with Pennes bio-heat transfer equation are applied to simulate temperature field in a 3-D cylinder coordinate which is established referring to human brests, temperature distribution of different propagation time is simulated.
     Result:The simulation results display that the temperature of focal region is in human tissues increase when heating time becomes longer.Then,it keeps invariab in a short time.The focal length produced by HIFU propagation is different with HIFU geometric focal length.The temperature distribution are the same in skin and slight fat with different excitation function,but different in focal area.Different choice of ultrsound dosage will lead to the changes of temperature field.Blood perfusion has an important influence on HIFU temperature field.
     Conclusion:This work simulate temperature field in HIFU.3-D cylinder coordinate is established referring to human brests and FDTD method is used to calculate temperature field numerically.The conclusion are as follow:
     (1)add integrated layer or not will take little influence on the distribution of HIFU temperature field.But without the integrated layer,the central temperature of focal region will be higher.
     (2)With the same ultrasound power densities and exposure time,When the frequency becomes higher,the skin temperature on the center becomes higher than slight fat,the area of focal region decreases,the focal length shortens,and a slightly increased skin temperature on the center is observed.
     (3)As the frequency and exposure time are the same,when ultrasound power densities becomes higher,the area of focal region increases but the focal length does not change very much.The temperature of skin increased dramatically due to higher ultrasound power densities.
     (4)With the same frequency and ultrasound power densities,when exposure time becomes higher,the area of focal region increases but the focal length does not change very much.The temperature of skin increased.
     (5)When the Ultrasound dosage are same,the area of focal region and focal lenth will decrease but central temperature will be higher with blood perfusion.
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