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     增殖细胞核抗原(Proliferating cell nuclear antigen,PCNA)已被证实
Malignant proliferation is one of the most fundamental biologic behavior of all tumors, and this proliferative process is correlated with cancer cell infiltration, metastatic potential, recurrence as well as prognosis. Recent investigations have shown that many kinds of oncogenes and suppresser genes are involved in gastric carcinogenesis, p53 mutation, c-myc, c-erbB-2 amplification and H-ras point mutation have been reported as having a relatively high occurrence. All these genetic alterations result in the cell malignant proliferation even though they play different roles incontrolling the growth of cancerous and normal cells. Consequently, effective suppression of cell proliferation is the crucial measure of tumor therapy.
    Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) was recently identified as an auxiliary protein of DNA polymerase. It is closely associated with sites of DNA replication and cell's proliferation states. PCNA is one of the intracellular factors and is common to all /pathways of DNA synthesis. Many previous studies have shown that high expression of PCNA is related to tumorigenesis, metastasis and recurrence.
    Gene therapy is one of the most important advance in medical biological field in nineties of this century. Antisense technology is regarded as the most promising procedure in gene therapy for cancer. Expression of oncogene may be blocked by antisense .
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