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Roland Barthes’s semiotic thoughts were composed of two branches, cultural semiotics and literarysemiotics. His literary semiotics laid emphasis on form and structure analysis of literature works in order toexplore meaning making process, and demonstrated his tendency of form determining meaning. Whilst hiscultural semiotics stressed what the meaning was. He concentrated on the mythic meaning exploration in all hiscultural semiotic works, and found out it was modern myth that manipulated mass culture and the way of signspresentation, which confirmed his standpoint of meaning determining form in his cultural semiotic thoughts andenabled him to surpass his denomination as a structuralist and become meaning-oriented. This thesis focuses onhis cultural semiotic thoughts analysis and mythic meaning exploration with the purpose of revising the traditiondomination of Barthes as a structuralist and to claim that he was a structuralist in his literary semiotics butmeaning-oriented in his cultural semiotic thoughts, which is illustrated with ads analyses. It concludes sixchapters:
     Chapter 1 traces the history of discussion on meaning and form in both western and Chinese culture, andproves that emphasizing form is a tradition in western culture. Barthes has inherited the thinking tendencywithout confining himself to it since he started from the form analyses of mass culture and ended with theconclusion that meaning—middle class ideology or modern myth was the gist of form.
     Chapter 2 surveys Barthes’s semiotics works in structuralism period and investigates his cultural semioticthoughts from its beginning to maturity. Meanwhile, western and Chinese studies on Barthes’s cultural semioticthoughts are dealt with respectively and confirmed that his viewpoints on mass culture has triggered out theflowering of mass media criticism since 1950s.
     Chapter 3 centers on Saussure’s linguistic concepts such as sign, signifier, signified, syntagm and paradigm.Sign is composed of signifier (form) and signified (content/meaning), both of them are psychological. Therelationship between signifier and signified is arbitrary and value comes into being from the differences betweensignifiers, so syntagmatic and paradigmatic analyses of signs are of great importance.
     Chapter 4 studies Barthes’s notions on cultural semiotics. Many signifiers in semiotics are“sign-function”,having a substance of expression. Three levels of signification indicate that signified is composed of denotation,connotation and myth. Denotation refers to literal meaning of a sign. Connotation is the rich and colorfulexhibition of fashion, values, living attitudes, life style and so on, and myth is the total of these connotativemeaning—middle class ideology. Myth is at once formal and historical, semiological and ideological. Rich and varied signifiers in mass culture are to express myth, which permeates everywhere in the society, attempts tomanipulate the ideological tendency of the whole society.
     In cultural semiotics, Syntagmatic relationships might be either sequential or spatial, which exist bothbetween signifiers and between signifieds, but mainly concentrate on signifiers with the purpose of testingwhether the change of a signifier would result in the corresponding changes of its signified. Paradigmis a systemin which opposition, neutralization and transgression are adopted as analyzing methodologies.
     Chapter 5 illustrates Barthes’s cultural semiotic thoughts with ads analyses from several aspects. Firstly,signs in ads are both functional and meaningful. Ads signs are padded with limitless meaning though there is nological relationship between product and world, but of arbitrary value. Meaning overwhelms utility nowadaysand it is the meaning that creates possessing desire and promotes sales.
     Secondly, meaning in ads refers to connotation and myth, which belong to the level of surface ideologythat is dominated by the deep ideology. Deep ideology in ads is consumerism, whilst surface ideology showsloving care for human beings. The contradiction is essentially the one between the final goal of ads and its meansof realization.
     Thirdly, structural analyses of two mobile phone ads by using syntagmatic and paradigmatic methodologiesclarify a fact that syntagmatic composition determines the paradigmatic association or form determines meaningsuperficially, but the truth is that mythic meaning is formed in ads designers’mind in advance and their work isto find suitable signifiers to express the meaning. The result is that ads are constructed in a subtle way to makethe mythic meaning seem automatic and natural, and common readers are expected to accept it doubtlessly. Someaning determines formeventually in ads.
     Finally, signifiers are rich and signifieds are relatively poor in ads, and the reveling of signifiers is just formeaning’s sake. Myth is the forever gist of ads though it veils and manipulates forms in an implicate way. Thefunction of ads is producing myth and persuading ads readers to participate in the ideological ways of judgingthe world and accept the consumption vieweventually even the ideological viewof the dominant class.
     Chapter 6 concludes that the process of dymystification in ads coincides the meaning-oriented gist inRoland Barthes’s cultural semiotic thoughts and it still strengthens his standpoint of meaning’s overwhelmingposition in mass culture.
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