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China is suffering from unbearable eco-environment problem and economy retention caused by extensive economic growth pattern that is marked by high-energy consumption, high-material consumption and high pollution. Thus, it is extraordinarily necessary to promote circular economy. It is useful to implement scientific development view, satisfy objective requirement of building resources save type society and construct an environmentally-friendly society. Developing circular economy has been added into the Outline of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development and become a long-term strategic task. However, the theory and practice on circular economy still have to face many difficulties. It needs to employ integrally administrative means, economic means and legal means in order to change this situation. Law is an irreplaceable and superlative mean for country macroscopic control, and must be seriously treated in developing circular economy.
     Developing circular economy is a significant reform involving economy, environmental protection and society. The reform of law is necessary and urgency in that process. Environment & source commission of national people's congress of PRC has passed the "Circular Economy Law (draft)", but comparing with the outstanding work that the developed countries have done in this area, many insufficient aspects still exit in China's legislation. As circular economy is a comprehensive and systemic brand-new economic development mode, it's absolutely necessary to construct a reason legal system in order to promote circular economy.
     For the reasons above, the thesis intends to how to build up the circular economy legal system, looking forward to improve and refine its theory and practice, and to promote the economy development by this law. Considering the practical situation of circular economy in China, the author uses the principles of economics and law to discuss how to build up a circular economy that is suitable to China and can direct our practices. At the same time, the author will analyze the problem from both micro and macro standpoint. This thesis includes three parts except the introduction and conclusion:
     Part 1: Introduction of circular economy law. The article firstly introduces the meaning of circular economy law, including the concept and theoretical origin of circular economy, the definition of circular economy law. Secondly, this law is analyzed from the standpoint of law and this thesis selects some typical countries such as Germany, Japan and US to introduce the development process of circular economy. Thirdly, the author demonstrates the necessity of legislation.
     Part 2: Analysis on the current situation of circular economy legal system in China. Firstly, relative legislation and the current situation of several provinces and cities are introduced. Based on the analysis of China and several foreign countries above, this thesis presents the summarization of China's circular economy legal system. Secondly, the plight of legislation in this area is introduced, including the dilemma of the whole society level, the defects of present law, and the internal flaws and external obstacles of "Circular Economy Law (draft)".
     Part 3: Construction of circular economy legal system in China. This part divided into three aspects:
     Firstly, the macro architecture of this law needs to be found from four steps: A. Add circular economy into the constitution of China in order to establish it as the fundamental law; B. Refine the "Circular Economy Law (draft)" and converting it into the basic law of circular economy legal system; C. Found a comprehensive auxiliary regulations system; D. Build up some specific regulations system according to concrete attributes and requirements of various industries.
     Secondly, this thesis designs an integral architecture for this law: A. Human-oriented and maneuverability should be established as the core and fundamental ideas of "circular economy law". B. Basing on "3R principle" and treating "reduce" as the primary legislative principal, the law should insist the principle of "government guiding, market promoting, public participating" and combine administrative compulsion with economic support. C. This thesis introduces some scholars' suggestions on this law, at the same time, the author design the legislation structure for this law included in seven chapters: including general rules, basic duty and management system, circular economy in the process of production and construction, circular economy in the process of circulation and consumption, encouragement measures, responsibility and supplementary provisions. Meanwhile, the article also uses the advanced experience of Germany environment legislation for reference.
     Thirdly, the thesis proposes some suggestions from three aspects including: government, enterprises and non-government organizations, general public. A. Government is responsible for establishing the strategy of circular economy. This law should be promoted, supervised, managed and directed by planning system, encouragement system, green national economy's calculating system, assessment and evaluation system and market access system. B. The institution from enterprises and non-government organizations includes extended producer responsibility, circular product catalogue, and reward and payment system for recycling. C. The rules of genera public include extended consumer responsibility system, deposit system, and so on.
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    2 蔡守秋:“论循环经济立法”,《南阳师范大学学报》,2005年第4卷第1期,第2页。
    3 蒋亚娟:“循环经济法:期待被开启的生态‘安全阀'”,《宁波大学学报》,2006年第19卷第5期,第131页。
    4 漆多俊:“宏观调控法研究”,《法商研究》,1999年第2期,第34页。
    5 卓泽渊主编:《法理学》,北京:法律出版社,2002年版,第160页。
    7 吕忠梅:“循环经济立法之定位”,《法商研究》,2007年第1期,第40页。
    8 同上注,第40页。
    9 赵国青:《外国环境法选编》,北京:中国政法大学出版社,2000年版,第837页。
    10 于朝印:“论循环经济理念在我国经济法中的确定和完善”,http://www.cel.cn/show.asp?c_id=99&c_upid=97&c_grade=3&a_id=8865,发布日期:2005-12-1,最后访问日期:2008-4-1。
    11 王灿发、李丹:“循环经济法的建构与实证分析”,《现代法学》,2007年第7期,第110页。
    12 周珂等:“循环经济立法研究”,《武警学院学报》,2005年第2期,第23页。
    13 马凯:“贯彻和落实科学发展观,大力推进循环经济发展”,《人民日报》,2004年10月19日,第6版。
    14 樊根耀等:“我国循环经济及其制度创新”,《西安电子科技大学学报》,2005年第15卷第1期,第34页。
    15 王灿发、李俊红:“我国循环经济立法现状及相关问题探讨”,《中国发展观察》,2007年第8期,第7页。
    16 王灿发、李俊红,前注15,第23页。
    17 王灿发、李俊红,前注15,第23页。
    18 冯之浚,前注1,第2页。
    19 郑巧:“循环经济法律制度研究”,http://dlib.cnki.net/kns50/detail.aspx?QueryID=27&CurRec=2,发布日期:2006-12-5,最后访问时间:2008-2-23。
    20 王蓉:《资源循环与共享的立法研究》,北京:法律出版社,2006年版,第18页。
    21 张小兰:“论实行循环经济的制度障碍”,《经济问题》,2005年第2期,第28页。
    22 循环经济的发展可以分为三个层面:循环企业层面、区域层面、社会层面循环经济,有学者将其称为小循环、中循环、大循环。
    23 王蓉,前注20,第86页。
    24 姜妮:“《循环经济法》突围--访全国人大环资委法案室主任孙佑海”,《环境经济》,2007年第9期,第10页。
    25 同上注,第10页。
    26 向辉、刘滨:“我国循环经济法制体系框架的构建”,《法制与管理》,2005年第8期,第31页。
    27 侯庆喜:“解析《循环经济法草案》之缺陷”,《绿叶》,2007年第2期,第63页。
    28 宋识径:“全部分常委会组成人员强调要防止循环经济法变‘软'”,《检察日报》,2007年8月28日,第1版。
    29 周叶中:《宪政中国研究》,武汉:武汉大学出版社,2006年版,第9页。
    30 陈泉生:“循环经济法初探”,《福州大学学报》,2007年第1期,第42页。
    31 同上注,第42页。
    32 孙佑海:“制定一部适合中国国情的循环经济法”,《南京农业大学学报》,2007年第7期,第58页。
    33 同上注,第58页。
    34 王灿发、李丹,前注11,第106页。
    35 张天柱:“中国循环经济立法之我见”,《世界环境》,2007年第1期,第18页。
    36 蔡守秋:“《循环经济法》的原则和制度”,《美中法律评论》,2006年第8期,第3页。
    37 王灿发、李丹,前注11,第109页。
    38 戚道孟、窦玉珍:“中国循环经济立法初探”,《中国发展》,2005年第2期,第12页。
    39 周仲凡:“生命周期设计用于产品环境要求设计初探”,《环境科学研究》,1999年第3期,第29页。
    40 孙佑海:“循环经济法的基本框架和主要制度论纲”,《法商研究》,2007年第3期,第32页。
    41 孙佑海,前注40,第32页。
    42 王灿发、李丹,前注11,第110页。
    43 王彬辉:“循环经济法律制度完善之我见”,《时代法学》,2004年第2期,第91页。
    44 黄锡生、曾婷:“循环经济法律责任问题探讨”,《广州大学学报》,2006年1月第5卷第1期,第58页。
    45 同上注,第59页。
    46 侯庆喜,前注27,第63页。
    47 赵国青,前注9,第843页。
    48 万秋山:“德国循环经济法简析”,《环境保护》,2005年第8期,第78页。
    49 杨春平:“发达国家发展循环经济的基本经验”,《求是杂志》,2005年第18期,第63页。
    50 邢华等:“德国的工业危险废物管理”,《环境污染与防治》,2003年第4期,第199页。转引自柴金艳、黄海峰:“中、德循环经济发展的比较研究”,《经济纵横》,2007年第2期,第62页。
    51 叶孟杰、麻尚润:“德国的循环经济法对我国发展循环经济、建设节约型社会的启示”,《中国环境科学学会学术年会优秀论文集》,北京:中国环境科学出版社,2006年版,第230页。
    52 冯之浚:《循环经济导论》,北京:人民出版社,2004年版,第44页。
    53 张文显:《二十世纪西方法哲学思潮研究》,北京:法律出版社,2006年版,第394页。
    54 孙佑海,前注40,第33页。
    55 孙佑海,前注40,第34页。
    56 冯之浚:“循环经济法将作出哪些制度安排”,《中国经济周刊》,2007年第2期,第34页。
    57 孙佑海:“用循环经济解决资源环境问题--解读《循环经济法草案》”,《再生资源研究》,2007年第5期,第16页。
    58 王蓉,前注20,第90页。
    59 孟迪云:“完善我国循环经济法律制度的思考”,《理论月刊》,2006年第6期,第141页。
    60 孙佑海,前注40,第34页。
    61 李昌麒主编:《经济法学》,中国政法大学出版社,2002年版,第146页。
    62 王蓉,前注20,第91页。
    63 李昌麒主编,前注61,第188页。
    64 中关村国际环保产业促进中心:《循环经济国际趋势与中国实践》,北京:人民出版社,2005年版,第208页。转引自王灿发、李丹:“循环经济法的建构与实证分析”,《现代法学》,2007年第7期,第111页。
    65 王灿发、李丹,前注11,第111页。
    66 杨春平,前注49,第63页。
    67 万秋山,前注48,第77页。
    68 王敏旋:“发达国家循环经济理论与实践历程综述”,《世界经济》,2005年第10期,第35页。
    69 顾向一:“循环经济立法比较研究”,《2005中国法学会环境资源法学研究会年会论文集》,http://www.riel.whu.edu.cn/show.asp?ID=3385,发布日期2005-11-10,最后访问日期2007-6-22。
    70 樊根耀等,前注14,第36页。
    10 吕忠梅:“循环经济立法之定位”,《法商研究》,2007年第1期。
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