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The basic characteristic of China transformation is regarded as“the state evacuated from the economic area and release the market power”. The state’s evacuation means two points: firstly, the control way of state has been changed and the interest distribution way is also different with the old one; secondly, for the social member, the protection of state is disappearing. This not only means the central government’s plan control way has a big change, but also means the ideas and the other institution arrangement of the state’s protection are absent. In the process of transformation, the market power’s release will set the logic of“competition and substitute”, what is embedded in the market power, free. This will re-construct the social interest distribution way and lead to many kinds of conflict and contend around the marketization. I chose the Danwei politics as the research topic because the reform of the SOEs in China follow the rule of transformation, the relationship between the state, the Danwei and the social individual will be very complex and interesting.
     The forepassed research about this topic has the deficiency, which is as follows: firstly, among the production, the historical comparative research is seldom. The productions focus on the macro-institution, namely the whole regime of Danwei. They were seldom focus on the process of the political conflict behind the Danwei organization’s marketing transformation. And secondly, they often emphasize the face of Danwei’s political and social characteristic, but ignore the face of Danwei’s product function. I think that the Danwei is consisting of three closely related kind of face, namely the political, social and economic characteristic. These tree kinds of characteristic are triunity. Many of the Danwei’s action are as the part of the national stratagem. The historical evidence tell us that the way of“Danwei Ban Shehui”was to keep the factory’s product order and to satisfy the need of industrialization. So our study on the Danwei politics should not ignore the production politics. Thirdly, much of the research work are mainly to conclude the type of Danwei politics, they are seldom to look for the cause of Danwei politics and the change of their type. Even some of the research touched upon the mechanism of causation, but because of the limitation of the interpretation, which was mainly based on the rational choice theory, many of the conclusions were wrong.
     The marketization of Danwei organization is a course that means the state reduces the direct intervention in the labor process. The action of Danwei is getting more and more rationalization. This has two handles: firstly, in the age of the plan economy, the Danwei organization used as a tool to realize the industrialized strategy by the state. Most of the Danwei’s actions was organized around the law of“anti-interest”. The labor management belonged to the paternalistic regime. The agreement that the workers signed with the Danwei was a kind of social contract. Secondly, in the reform era, the labor relation between state and workers transited from social contract to market contract. The labor management follows the law of market and quest for the interest. This is the background in which Danwei politics was produced and changed. Danwei politics includes two types, one is called“distribution politics”, which is around the resource and interest distribution. The other one is defined as product politics, which is happened in the labor process and around the relation in the production. This dissertation addresses three question as follows: firstly, I draw upon historical comparative studies on Danwei politics. Secondly, find the institution factors which cause the different Danwei politics types. Thirdly, based on the conception—institution complementarity, this dissertation want to address a classic sociological topic, which is“how the structure shape the agent’s choice?”
     The reform leads to the change of the regime of Danwei governance. There are three kinds of governance institution systems, namely liberal market economies, coordinated market economies and plan economies. The competitive relationship between the Danwei(corporate) organizations and the labor management institution in different market arrangement context are also different. The system of corporate governance is a complex configuration, which is made of varied institutions. These institutions build up a field. The outcome of institution complementarity is reached by the institutional interaction. If one of the institutions was altered, the other institutions, especially the adjacent institution arrangements will also be affected. A new situation of institutional interaction is created, which leads to the institution change and conflict. The interest politics is the main expressional form.
     We can’t regard China economy as liberal market economies, but the reform rule obviously inclined to the law of liberal market. The reform of Danwei is aim to marketed the organization and workers. The marketed institutions include, for example, the laid-off institution, labor contract system and construction of the labor market. The inter-institutional conflicts lead to the Danwei politics transition from distribution politics to production politics. As the case story shown, the model of the optimal efficiency is only theoretic. The interest politics that are produced around the mentoring relationship in SOEs show us that the agent political action usually includes three levels of means: firstly, the interactive relationship between the various institutions. Secondly, the interactive relationship between the institution and agent. Thirdly, the interaction between different agent. This is a kind of structuring process, which belongs to the political economy process and can’t be explained by the abstract rational incentive principle.
     Obviously, all of the political actions are the outcome of the agent’s choice. But the biggest difference between the historical institutionalism of economic sociology and the rational choice theory is that the former one focuses more on the formation of the preference than the later one. The historical institutionalism of economic sociology thinks that the rationality is constructed by the social institution: Firstly, their definitions of institution are different. The former regards institution as a action context, but the later regard the institution as a tool of tactic. Secondly, the historical institutionalism emphasizes the contextual constraint and regards institution as a determinant of choices and preferences. Thirdly, the rational choice theory emphasizes the agent’s calculating, but the historical institutionalism of economic sociology thinks that the study should combine the agent action with the culture context. In belief, the historical institutionalism is opposed to the transcendental rational belief. So the historical institutionalism insists that we should use the dynamic way to study the institutional change, the processing method is very useful. Based on the interactive relationship between the structure and the agent, the scholars of historical institutionalism are to study the institutional change’s whole process and outcome. The action logic of agent belongs to the appropriate reaction, it is not the maximize process. Historical institutionalism insists on the semi-determinism. They think that the institution has the dual nature: when the institution is stable, they are independent variable, which shapes the politics and policy. When the institution come to change, they are dependent variable, which will be shaped by the politics and policy. This is the theoretic meaning.
     This dissertation’s reality meaning is to show us the non-market governance mechanism’s important feature to the economic order and industry relationship in factory. The capitalism political economy thinks that the non-market governance mechanism is aim to protect the society. In general, when the liberal market mechanism doesn’t work, the non-market mechanism will work as the supplement. Karl Polanyi called them double movement, namely the movement between the self-regulating market and the social protection. But how the double movement is going on?What’s the interactive form between the market and the non-market mechanism? There are many different ideas about these questions. The economic neo-liberalism claims that the non-market mechanism is de-commercialize, it can strengthen the workers’power,but weaken the capital’s power. This situation will lead to the politics against markets, which blight the market institution’s performance. However, many domestic scholars overly emphasize the social protection as an opposed action against markets. My study in this dissertation provides a new approach that the market mechanism and the non-market mechanism can be close match and the arrangement also has a good performance. I believe that this conclusion is of an significance to the construction of the innovative state and the harmonious society.
    1 Edwards.R.C. 1979. Conrested Terrain: The Transformation of the Workplace in the Twentieth Century. London: Macmillan.1990,p16
    3社会学关于转型期国家行为转变的研究成果很多,可参见Oi .J,1995;Nee,1996;林南,1996;Zhou, 2000;Walder,2003;周飞舟,2007等
    5 Kathleen Thelen, Varieties of Labor Politics in the Developed Democracies. In P.A.Hall and D.Soskice Varieties of Capitalism:The Institutional Foundations of Comparative Advantage New York:Oxford University Press.2001.p73.
    2华尔德(Andrew C Walder):《共产党社会的新传统主义——中国工业中的工作环境和权力结构》[M],龚小夏译,香港:牛津大学出版社,1996年版,第12页。
    5 Lowell Dittmer&Lu Xiaobo,1997,”Structural Transformation of the Chinese Danwei:Macropolitical Implications of Micropolitical Change”China Studies, No.3
    5 Burawoy .M. The Politics of Production --factory regimes under capitalism and socialism, London:Verso. 1985.
    1 Kathleen.T. How Institutions Evolve:The Political Economy of skills in Germany,Britain, the United States, and Japan. Cambridge University Press. 2004.p3.
    2 Dimaggio, Paul and Walter W. Powell.“Introduction.”in The New Institutionalism in Organizational Study, edited by Walter W. Powell and Paul DiMaggio. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1991. P.1-38
    3布雷顿森林体系(Bretton Woods system)是指以外汇自由化、资本自由化和贸易自由化为主要内容的多边经济制度,包括关贸总协定、世界银行和国际货币基金组织三部分。美元可兑换黄金和固定汇率是该体系的支柱。1971年8月,美国尼克松政府宣布放弃按35美元一盎司的官价兑换黄金的美元“金本位制”,实行黄金与美元比价的自由浮动,随后导致全球大部分国家实行浮动汇率制,美元不再存在固定汇率的义务,由此导致布雷顿森林体系崩溃。
     1 Kathleen.T. How Institutions Evolve:The Political Economy of skills in Germany,Britain, the United States, and Japan. Cambridge University Press. 2004.p22.
    2 Nan Lin. Emerging Chinese Capitalism and its Theoretical and Global Significance. Forthcoming.2008.
    4 Burawoy .M. &Janos Lukàcs. The Radiant Past:Ideology and Reality in Hungary’s Road to Capitalism . The University of Chicago Press. 1992.
    1关于此方法的讨论可参见本文第四章,以及Burawoy .M.1998, The Extended Case Method. Sociological Theory. Vol 16. no 1 4-33
    3 M.Burawoy, The Extend Case Method. Sociological Theory, 1998, vol.16,No.1.pp4-33
    1 Burawoy .M.2001, Neoclassical Sociology from the End of Communism to the End of Classes. American Journal of Sociology 106: 1099-1120.
    1华尔德(Andrew C Walder):《共产党社会的新传统主义——中国工业中的工作环境和权力结构》[M],香港:牛津大学出版社,1996年版,第12页。
    1 Burawoy .M. The Politics of Production --factory regimes under capitalism and socialism, London:Verso. 1985.p39
    2关于劳动政治中工人主体性问题的讨论,可以参见闻翔、周潇(2007)的讨论,遗憾的是他们遗漏了较多的关于主体性论述的文献。还可以参见英文David Knights& H.C.Willmott(eds). 1990. Labour Process Theory. London:Macmillan,这本书关于劳动过程理论的主体性忽略问题讨论较为详细。
    1 Lowell Dittmer&Lu Xiaobo,1997,”Structural Transformation of the Chinese Danwei:Macropolitical mplications of Micropolitical Change”China Studies, No.3,P11
    3市场转型理论有论述到这个问题,参见Nee, Victor. 1989.“A Theory of Market Transition: From Redistribution to Markets in State Socialism.”American Sociological Review 54: p663-81.
    2 Habermas.”New Social Movement”. Telos 49. 1981. P33
    1对此,布洛维不以为然,认为共产党社会的“新传统主义”在资本主义社会也普遍存在,具体的批评可参见其专著The Radiant Past:Ideology and Reality in Hungary’s Road to Capitalism。但布洛维对于华尔德的批评和笔者并不相同
    1华尔德(Andrew C Walder):《共产党社会的新传统主义——中国工业中的工作环境和权力结构》[M],香港:牛津大学出版社,1996年版,第12页。
    4 David Wank. Bureaucratic Patronage and Private Business: Changing networks of Power in Urban China. In Walder(ed.) The Waning of the Communist State: Economic origins of Political Decline in China and Hungary. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.1995.
    5 Yanjie Bian. Bring Strong Ties Back in: Indirect Ties, Network Bridges, and Job Searches in China. American Social Review.1997.Vol.62.
    3 Ching Kwan Lee, Gender and The South China Miracle:Two Worlds of Factory Women”,University of California Press.1998.p126
    4华尔德(Andrew C Walder):《共产党社会的新传统主义——中国工业中的工作环境和权力结构》[M],香港:牛津大学出版社,1996年版,第2页。
    3 Zhou,Xueguang.“Unorganized Interests and Collective Action in Communist China”American Sociological Review.1993.No.58
    2 Anita Chan,”Revolution of Corporatism? Workers and Trade Unions in Post in Post-Mao China”, Australian Journal of Chinese Affairs, 1993,No.29,January
    2 Ching Kwan Lee, Gender and The South China Miracle:Two Worlds of Factory Women”,University of California Press.1998.p113.
    2游正林:《也谈国有企业工人的行动选择——兼评刘爱玉<选择:国企变革与工人生存行动>》[J],《社会学研究》, 2005年第4期,第207-220页。
    1游正林:《也谈国有企业工人的行动选择——兼评刘爱玉<选择:国企变革与工人生存行动>》[J],《社会学研究》, 2005年第4期,第207-220页。
    4 Zhao,Minghua&NicholsTheo,”Management Control of Labor in State Owned Enterprises”, The China Journal. 1997,No.36, July.
    1 Heilbroner,Robert.The Nature and Logic of Capitalism. NewYork:W.W.Norton.1985.
    3 Burawoy .M. The Politics of Production --factory regimes under capitalism and socialism, London:Verso. 1985.p39
    1 Karl Marx, Capital: A Critique of Political Economy. Vol.1 Penguin Books, 1976.
    1中文译本中将the separation of the conception and execution直译为“概念与执行分离”,但笔者以为翻译为“设计与执行分离”更为妥贴。
    1如Mark Wardell(1990)曾在一篇论文中挖掘了Braverman劳动过程理论中关于主体性研究的理论资源。
    2如Beechey.V,1982;Mark Wardell,1990;Hugh Willmott,1990;Ching Kwan Lee,1998等。需要说明的是,笔者在此不打算将劳动过程中的主体性问题独立安排段落进行评述,一是因为这方面的文献虽然琐碎庞杂,但是理论上的突破较少;更重要的是因为主体性忽略问题构不成劳动过程理论的硬伤。读者可以参见闻翔、周潇(2007)的讨论,遗憾的是他们遗漏了较多的关于主体性论述的文献。还可以参见英文David Knights& H.C.Willmott(eds). 1990. Labour Process Theory. London:Macmillan,这本书关于劳动过程理论的主体性忽略问题讨论较为详细。
    4如爱德华兹曾辩论是工人反抗决定了工厂政体模式,参见,Edwards.R.C. 1979.
    5 Burawoy .M. The Politics of Production --factory regimes under capitalism and socialism, London:Verso. 1985.
    2 Burawoy .M. Neoclassical Sociology from the End of Communism to the End of Classes. American Journal of Sociology. 2001.106: 1099-1120.
    2 Craig R.Litter. The Labor Process Debate: A Theoretical Review 1974-1988. In David Knights& H.C.Willmott(eds), Labour Process Theory, London:Macmillan. 1990.p70
    3 Edwards.R.C. Conrested Terrain: The Transformation of the Workplace in the Twentieth Century. London: Macmillan. 1979.
    4 Burawoy .M. &Janos Lukàcs. The Radiant Past:Ideology and Reality in Hungary’s Road to Capitalism . The University of Chicago Press. 1992.p32-33.
    5 Burawoy .M. The Politics of Production --factory regimes under capitalism and socialism, London:Verso. 1985.p28
    1 Paul,Thompson. Crawling from the Wreckage: the Labour Process and the Politics of Production. In David Knights& H.C.Willmott(eds), Labour Process Theory, London:Macmillan. 1990.p22.
    4 Boyer.R.“Is Regulation Theory an Original Theory of Economic Institutions?”In Boyer and Saillard (eds) Regulation Theory. The State of the Art. London and New York: Routledge. 2002. p320-333
    5类似概念有:Soskice将资本主义经济体制分为协调市场经济和非协调(non-coordinated)市场经济(1991);Streeck则定义为自由市场经济和“社会嵌入性”(socially embedded)政治经济体制,目前通用的划分类型是LMEs与CMEs。
    6 P.A. Hall &David Soskice. Varieties of Capitalism:The Institutional Foundations of Comparative Advantage New York:Oxford University Press. 2001.
    1 Kathleen.T. How Institutions Evolve:The Political Economy of skills in Germany,Britain, the United States, and Japan. Cambridge University Press. 2004.p73.
    2 Kathleen.T. Varieties of Labor Politics in the Developed Democracies. in Peter A. Hall & David Soskice(ed) Varieties of Capitalism—The institutional Foundations of Comparative Advantage. Oxford University Press. 2001.p71.
    1可参见Oi .J,1995;Nee,1996;林南,1996;Zhou, 2000;Walder,2003;周飞舟,2007等人的研究。
    1 Kathleen.T. How Institutions Evolve:The Political Economy of skills in Germany,Britain, the United States, and Japan. Cambridge University Press. 2004.p23.
    2 Mark W. Frazier.The making of the Chinese industrial workplace—state, revolution, and labor management. Cambridge University Press.2002.p90。
    2 P.A.Hall and D.Soskice Varieties of Capitalism:The Institutional Foundations of Comparative Advantage New York:Oxford University Press.2001.p23.
    2 Acemoglu&Pischke. Why Do Firms Trains? Theory and Evidence. Quarterly Journal of Economics. 1998.113(1):79-119
    3 Kathleen.T. How Institutions Evolve:The Political Economy of skills in Germany,Britain, the United States, and Japan. Cambridge University Press. 2004.p21.
    1 Wolfgang Streeck. Skills and the Limits of Neo-Liberalism: The Enterprise of the Future as a Place of Learning. Berlin: WZB Discussion paper.1988.
    2 Kathleen.T. How Institutions Evolve:The Political Economy of skills in Germany,Britain, the United States, and Japan. Cambridge University Press. 2004.p20.
    3 Kathleen Thelen, Varieties of Labor Politics in the Developed Democracies. In P.A.Hall and D.Soskice Varieties of Capitalism:The Institutional Foundations of Comparative Advantage New York:Oxford University Press.2001.p73
    2 Dimaggio, Paul and Walter W. Powell.“Introduction.”in The New Institutionalism in Organizational Study, edited by Walter W. Powell and Paul DiMaggio. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1991. P.1-38.
    3 Kathleen.T. How Institutions Evolve:The Political Economy of skills in Germany,Britain, the United States, and Japan. Cambridge University Press. 2004.
    1詹姆斯·斯科特:《弱者的武器》[M],南京:译林出版社, 2007年版。
    2 Martin Hǒpner. What Connects Industrial Relations and Corporate Governance? Explaining Institutional Complementarity. Socio-Economic Review. 2005.3:331-358
    2 Ching Kwan Lee. Against the law—labor protests in China’s Rustbelt and sunbelt. University of California Press 2007.p10
    3 Burawoy .M. &Janos Lukàcs. The Radiant Past:Ideology and Reality in Hungary’s Road to Capitalism . The University of Chicago Press. 1992.
    1 Ching Kwan Lee. Against the law—labor protests in China’s Rustbelt and sunbelt. University of California Press 2007.p5.
    3 Ching Kwan Lee. Against the law—labor protests in China’s Rustbelt and sunbelt. University of California Press 2007.p5.p121.
    4 Ching Kwan Lee. Against the law—labor protests in China’s Rustbelt and sunbelt. University of California Press 2007.p5 p245
    1 Burawoy .M. &Janos Lukàcs. Mythologies of work: a comparison of firms in State socialism and advanced capitalism. American Sociological Review . 1985.Vol. 50, No. 6 .p723-737.
    1 Kathleen.T. How Institutions Evolve:The Political Economy of skills in Germany,Britain, the United States, and Japan. Cambridge University Press. 2004.p5.
    2 P.A.Hall and D.Soskice Varieties of Capitalism:The Institutional Foundations of Comparative Advantage New York:Oxford University Press.2001.p6. 3沈原:《社会的生产》[J] ,《社会》,2007年第2期,第170-191页。
    4 P.A.Hall and D.Soskice Varieties of Capitalism:The Institutional Foundations of Comparative Advantage New York:Oxford University Press.2001.p15.
    1 P.A.Hall and D.Soskice Varieties of Capitalism:The Institutional Foundations of Comparative Advantage New York:Oxford University Press.2001.p6.
    2从某种意义上来讲,在中国经济体制中,国家权力干预工业化过程和协调市场经济的特征有几分相似,但是由于本文无意讨论非市场治理机制的历史,在此不再赘述,具体的讨论可参见Kathleen Thelen,2004。
    3 O.E.Williamson.The Economic Institutions of CapitalismNew York:Free Press.1985.
    4 P.A.Hall and D.Soskice Varieties of Capitalism:The Institutional Foundations of Comparative Advantage New York:Oxford University Press.2001.p10.
    2 P.A.Hall and D.Soskice Varieties of Capitalism:The Institutional Foundations of Comparative Advantage New York:Oxford University Press.2001.p39.
    3 Burawoy .M. The Politics of Production --factory regimes under capitalism and socialism, London:Verso. 1985.
    1 Ching Kwan Lee. Against the law—labor protests in China’s Rustbelt and sunbelt. University of California Press 2007.p121.
    1 P.A.Hall and D.Soskice Varieties of Capitalism:The Institutional Foundations of Comparative Advantage New York:Oxford University Press.2001.p27.
    2 Margarita Estevez-Abe, Iversen and Soskice , 2001 , Social Protection and the Formation of Skills: a Reinterpretation of the Welfare State. P145. in P.A. Hall &David Soskice. 2001. Varieties of Capitalism:The Institutional Foundations of Comparative Advantage New York:Oxford University Press
    3 P.A. Hall &David Soskice. 2001. Varieties of Capitalism:The Institutional Foundations of Comparative Advantage New York:Oxford University Press P152
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