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     1、参照GeneBank中BRMS1的基因序列,通过自行设计并扩增得到BRMS1基因cDNA的引物一对,构建了携带有全长BRMS1 cDNA的真核表达载体(pcDNA3-BRMS1);
     2、应用阳离子脂质体Lipofactamin2000介导,进行pcDNA3-BRMS1转染,阳性克隆通过在含G418的培养基中培养筛选得到,并应用RT-PCR和Western Blot法检测阳性克隆中BRMS1的mRNA和蛋白的表达;
     10、采用Western Blot法检测BRMS1基因对DNA损伤修复相关蛋白表达水平的影响;
     11、采用GST-pull down和免疫共沉淀方法检测BRMS1与核受体直接结合;
     1、自行构建的BRMS1真核表达载体,经过限制性核酸内切酶BamH I和Xho I酶切后电泳和扩增片断测序,证实载体构建成功;
     2、G418筛选得到的稳定阳性克隆,经RT-PCR和Western Blot证实,转染BRMS1基因可以在乳癌细胞中提高BRMS的表达水平,表明高BRMS1表达的细胞株筛选成功;
     10、克隆形成实验结果: BRMS1转染组与未转染组及空载体组的生存曲线基本一致,表明BRMS1基因不影响肿瘤细胞受照射后的存活率;
     12、Western Blot法检测DNA损伤修复相关蛋白表达,BRMS1基因对辐射修复相关蛋白FEN-1、XRCC1和Ku-70的表达无明显影响;
Objective To investigate the anti-cancer activities of breast cancer metastasis suppressor1 (BRMS1) in two invasive breast cancer cell lines. Method
     1.Based on the BRMS1 gene sequence from the Genebank, a full-length BRMS1 cDNA was amplified by a pair of specifically designed primers and constructed into a pcDNA3 eukaryotic expression vector.
     2. Cell lines with high expression of BRMS1 were established by stable transfection of pcDNA3-BRMS1 expression under the help of cationic liposome (Lipofactamin2000) and selection in medium containing G418.
     3.The effect of BRMS1 overexpression on cell growth and proliferation were observed using MTT method.
     4.Cell migration and invasion were determined by in vitro scratch and modified Boyden chamber assays.
     5.Alteration of cell cycle progression and apoptosis induction were studied by flow cytometry.
     6.BRMS1 role on the tumor growth and metastasis in vivo were studied in nude mice with orthotopic injection of breast cancer cells.
     7.The effects of BRMS1 on lung metastasis was observed via tail intravenous injection of breast cancer cells.
     8.Radiosensitivity was analyzed by colony forming assays.
     9.Analysis of chromosomal aberrations and PCC fragments were performed to determine the effect of BRMS1 overexpression on genomic instability.
     10.Western blot assay was used to measure protein expression.
     11.In vitro GST pull-down and in vivo immunoprecipitation-WB assays were employed to determine protein-protein interaction.
     12.Luciferase assay was used to determine transcriptional activity
     1.Construction of the BRMS1 eukaryotic expression vector was confirmed by sequencing and digestion with restriction endonucleases BamH I and Xho I.
     2.Characterization of G418 resistance clone by RT-PCR and Western blot indicates that BRMS1 over-expressing cell lines have been established.
     3.Ectopic expression of BRMS1 did not produce any effects on cell growth in both MDA-MB-231 and MDA-MB-435.
     4.Ectopic expression of BRMS1 did not alter migration ability of MDA-MB-231 and MDA-MB-435 cells, but significantly reduced cell invasion.
     6.BRMS1 overexpression did not cause any effects on cell cycle progression in both MDA-MB-231 and MDA-MB-435.
     7.Enhanced expression of BRMS1 did not impact the body weight and tumor growth rate and tumor size. However, tumor with BRMS1 overexpression had well differentiation and low malignant degree compared to control tumors.
     8.BRMS1 significantly reduced lung and liver metastases and angiogenesis (formation of new blood vessels).
     10.BRMS1 overexpression did not influence sensitivity of breast cancer to radiotherapy, accompanying with no alteration of DNA damage repair proteins.
     11.Less chromosomal aberrations and PCC fragments were found in the cells with BRMS1 overexpression.
     12.BRMS1 associated with nuclear hormone receptors, including AR, ER(ER-αand ER-β), PR(PRA and PR-B), GR, RXRαand VDR and inhibited AR and ER-αtranscriptional activations.
     In in vitro cell models, enhanced expression of BRMS1 by stable transfection of a full-length of BRMS1 cDNA significantly reduces or inhibits potentials of cell invasion, without alteration of cell growth and migration in two highly invasive breast cancer cell lines MDA-MB-231 and MDA-MB-435. Also, no alteration of cell cycle progression and apoptosis induction were observed in the cells with BRMS1 overexpression. In in vivo animal models, tumor formation and growth in nude mouse by orthotopic injection of breast cancer cells with BRMS1 overexpression exhibited no difference from those in the control cells. However, a significant decrease in malignant degree, remote metastasis and angiogenesis was observed in BRMS1 overexpression tumors. Increased expression of BRMS1 did not affect radiosensitivity, but indeed decreased the genomic instability caused by stresses. In summary, BRMS1 plays an important role in breast cancer development and progression as a metastatic and angiogenesis suppressor, and is a potential target to improve therapy of breast cancer. Furthermore, the BRMS1 association with different nuclear hormone receptors as a co-repressor will provide a new avenue to explore other biological functions of BRMS1, besides metastasis and angiogenesis suppression.
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    4. Shirasaki F,Takata M,Hatta N,et al. Loss of expression of the metastasis suppressor gene Kiss-1 during melanoma progression and its association with LOH of chromosonle 6q16.3-q23[J].CancerRes.2001.61(20):7422-7425.
    5. Jackson P,Rowe A,Grimm MO,et al. An ahematively spliced KAI1 mRNA is expressed at low levels in human bladder cancers an d bladder cancer cell lines and is not associated with invasive behaviour[J].Oncol Rep,2007,18 (6):1357-1363.
    6. Nie Q, Zhu W, Liu LX, et al. The mechanism and in fluence on the biological behavior of human high-metastatic large cell lung cancer cell lines with transfect -ion of nm23- H1 gene. Chin J Lung Cancer, 2008,11(3): 349-353.
    7. Seraj MJ,Samant RS,Verderame MF,et al. Functional evidence for a novel human breast carcinoma metastasis suppressor BRMSI,encoded at chromosome l1ql3 Cancer Res,2000.60:2764-69.
    9. Nikolaev AY,Papanikolaou Na, Li M ,et al. Identification of a novel BRMS1 -homologue protein p40 as a component of the mSin3A/p33(ING1b)/HDAC1 deacetylase complex.Biochem Biophys Res Commun,2004,323(4):1216.
    10. Samant RS.Debies MT,Shevde LA,et al. Identification and characterization of the murine ortholog(brms1)of breast-cancermetastasis suppressor 1(BRMS1), Int J Cancer,2002,97:15-20.
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    1. Jemal A, Siegel R, Xu J, et al. Cancer Statistics, 2010. CA Cancer J Clin, 2010.
    2. Welch DR,Rinker-Schaefer CW. What defines a useful marker of metastasis in human cancer[J].J Natl Cancer Inst,1999,91(16):1351-1353.
    3. Yoshida BA,Scoloff M,Welch DR,et a1.Metastasis-suppressor genes:a review and perspective on an emerging field[J].J Natl Cancer Inst,2000,92(21):1717-1730.
    4. Shirasaki F,Takata M,Hatta N,et a1.Loss of expression of the metastasis suppressor gene Kiss-1 during melanoma progression and its association with LOH of chromosonle 6q16.3-q23[J].CancerRes.2001.61(20):7422-7425.
    5. Jackson P,Rowe A,Grimm MO,et a1.An ahematively spliced KAI1 mRNA is expressed at low levels in human bladder cancers an d bladder cancer cell lines and is not associated with invasive behaviour[J].Oncol Rep,2007,18 (6):1357-1363.
    6. Nie Q, Zhu W, Liu LX, et al. The mechanism and in flu en ce on the biological behavior of human high-metastatic large cell lung cancer cell lines with transfect -ion of nm23- H1 gene. Chin J Lung Cancer, 2008,11(3): 349 - 353.
    7. Seraj MJ,Samant RS,Verderame MF,et a1.Functional evidence for a novel human breast carcinoma metastasis suppressor BRMSI,encoded at chromosome l1ql3 Cancer Res,2000.60:2764-69.
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