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Based on the equivalent noise models of two port network, this report
     improves effectively the design accuracy of low-noise amplifier using the com-
     plete EI, noise model of active devices obtained by the precision measure-
     ment ; and the noise estimation process is simplified using the modularized anal-
     ysis and design of complex noise network achieved by researching into the
     spectral relations between the E model and the other six kinds of equiva-
     lent noise models. It is desired to exploit the CAD software for low-noise op.-
     timum design of complex circuits based on research here ,and to made it with
     the advantages such as standard ,high univaersality,high accuracy and fast cal-
     This report Consists of four chapters. In the first chapter, the parameters
     for the low-noise design scuh as the equivalent input noise voltoge E~ ,the op-
     timum source impedance Z and the minimum noise figure F~ are calculated
     accurately by using the complete E noise model. And it is pointed out that
     it will cause the maximum 30 4 miscalculation error when neglecting the ef-
     fects of the correlation coefficient Y. Moreover, the relation of EL model
     and RG model is built. In the second chapter, the theory of modularized
     analysis and design based on the EL model is presented. And the main work
     is focused on the problem of the synthesis of E models of multistage noise
     network and of the noise calculation of bias circuit of transistor amplifier. In
     the third chapter , the feasibility of the method here in the application of the
     noise analysis of low and high frequencies discrete circuit as well as integrated
     operationl amplifier is verified via the experiment analysis. And some useful re-
     suits are obtained. In the fourth chapter,the conclusions of this report are sum-
     At last ,through comparing the characteristics of signal collection and pro
     cessing of two kinds of radar systems with the different radar bandwidth and
     aspact angle sector, the appendix of this report points out that the scattering
     field data collected by using the radar with narrow bandwidth and small aspect
     angle sector is suitable to fast, handy two ?dimensional radar target imaging
     and recognition. On the conditions of lowesolution radar ,a parametric mod-
     el for twoimensional radar target is described according to the theory of el
    -ectrornagentic scattering and the geometrical theory of diffraction. This model
    is sPecial to high precision radar target imaging and identification since it sys-
    tematically describes the scattering center attributes of target which include.
    high resolution distance and azimuth locations,scattering level and diffraction
    coeffcient characterizing the geometry of scattering center. A high resolution
    estirnation algorithm to extract the model parameters is also developed by
    building the relation of the scattering model and Prony model. The analysis of
    Cramer--Rao bound and simulation show that the method here has better sta-
    tistical perforrnance. The simulated analysis also indicates that the accurate ex-
    traction of the diffraction coefficient of scattering center is restricted by signal
    --to--noise ration,radar center frequency and radar bandwidth.
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