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An efficient method to improve detection perfonnance of radar signals is to enhance available
     energy returned from targets by integration, where performance is depend the utilization of non-
     stationaiy properties. Focussing on applications of time-frequency analysis and long t~m ~oh~uit
     signal integration techniques, this diss~tation investigates the methods for realization of matching
     filter and issues of motion compensation techniques for long tarn integration detection. ~ main
     contents of the dissertation are descnl,ed as followin&
     Firstly, a biief introduction of the puipose, backgrntmd and significance of the ~~rks in this
     disseitation is concerned.
     For integral detection of ~ak moving targets using multiple dwelling beamfomis of phased
     array radar or staring mode of conventional radar, a motion compensation way for range migration by
     anploying range cells stretching and joint time-frequency is established in chapter 2. With no
     r&p駌ernent on the knowledge a priori of target motion parameters, the provided method takes
     returned signals of multiple range resolution cells as transient signals, and make use of combined
     processing in time and frequency domains to compensate the envelop delay ezTors, and to proceed the
     coherent integration detection. The joint time-frequency processing based method fit into the
     circumstances where divergent doppler resolution units of target are presented.
     In chapter 3, An equivalent wide-pulse technique with range resolution capability is proposed to
     overcome the effect of range migration on low observable target detection using long-tam coherent
     integration. This method utilizes both simultaneously and sequentially stepped frequency signals to
     synthesize a narrow pulse in receiver while canying out coherent integration against each individual
     component, a woxking mode by emitting in wide and receiving in narrow. The advantages over those
     available methods is it achieves long integration time while possesses range and velocity resolution
     Chapter 4 proposes a novel long-term coherent integration method for detection of weak non-
     linear frequency modulated (NLFM) signal returned from low observable maneuvering target The
     method exploits the time-frequency tiling property of adaptive wavelet transform for the extended
     NLFM signal model, and is practically realizable. The unitary and linear phase wavelet basis function
     together with joint one order linear approaching procedure are presented to pursuit the signal trace in
     time-frequency plane. Additionally, dechirping transform is employed in subband outputs to achieve
     the low computational complexity implementation. Simulation results demonstrate the efficacy of the
     proposed AWF based detector.
     In accordance with need of an actual application and based upon the prominent scatterer model
     of high resolution radar, chapter 5 investigated a practical detection and distinction method for sea-
     surface moving target at lower speed by using integration techi黴ue~ togethering with radial range
     carelation information to reduce false alarm resulted from sea-spike echoes when radar beamfocm
     working at low scraped angle. A simulation method of sea clutter data is also concemecL
     In chapter 6, a waveform detector is considered by discernment of the difference of modulus
     maxima evolution behaviors between signal and rarxlom noise in multiscale space and a practical
     noise rumval algorithm is given too. In comparing with one using
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