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North China region lies between the North Temperate and Subtropical, the fauna is somewhat particular. Although with some foundation, the taxonomic study on Tenebrionidae from North China region needs a comprehensive and systematic study. Based on the data from field investigation and the results of identifying specimens deposited in Hebei University Museum and other research institutes, we make a more comprehensive summary of the Tenebrionidae from the area, which provide an additional information to the faunistic study of North China region.
     The dissertation contains one hundred thousands words, and divided into three parts. Part 1 briefed the ancient and modern overview of the natural, geographical formation and change, the background of insect fauna research of the North China region; Part 2 introduced the research materials and methods, as well as the field investigation information; Part 3 contains catalog of species, the faunistic component and analysis, the origin and evolution of the Tenebrionidae fauna from North China region, as well as the bio-geography. The dissertation recorded 114 species, belong to 54 genera,24 tribes and 6 subfamilies, provided the keys to subfamilies, tribes, genera and species that distributed in North China region, the diagnosis and cited literatures of each subfamily, tribe and genus, as well as the information of the examined specimens. Main research results obtained are as follows:
     1. Preliminarily make clear about the component and characteristics of the fauna on Tenebrionidae of North China. It has recorded 114 species up to now, belong to 54 genera,24 tribes,6 subfamilies. The 114 species contains five faunistic component, namely Palaearctic Region species (48), Palaearctic Region+ Oriental Region species (40), endemic species (18), widespread species (7) and Oriental Region species (1), the proportion accounted for 42.11%,35.09%,15.79%,6.14%,0.88%; Palaearctic Region species are predominate, Palaearctic Region + Oriental Region species take the second place, while relative lack of endemic species.
     2. Distribution types and distribution characteristic of Tenebrionidae on North China region. On the level of genera and species, it shows obviously that the Palaearctic Region type is dominate, Palaearctic Region + Oriental Region type in the second place. On the general level, the former type accounting for 41.82%, while the latter accounted for 12.73%; on species level, the former type accounting for 57.89%, while the latter accounting for 35.09%. In the zoogeographical regions of China, the Mon-Xin region+ North China region type shows the highest proportion, while North China region type takes the second place, the former one accounting for 29.82%, the latter one accounting for 25.44%. On the whole, the fauna on Tenebrionidae from North China region suggest that Palaearctic Region type is dominate, Palaearctic Region+ Oriental Region type in the second place.
     North China region is a district with relative less Tenebrionidae species. Compare with other regions, the fauna shows a trend with larger area and fewer species. As a whole, there are more soil darkling beetles than arboreal ones in the North China region. In the provincial distribution, the richness of the six provinces shows that:Shaanxi (48)> Henan (34)> Hebei (31)> Beijing (29)> Shanxi (29> Shandong (28).
     The Tenebrionidae fauna of The North China region shows the characteristic of Palaearctic Region, and suggest a closest relationship with the Mon-Xin region. Some soil species may be origin from Mon-Xin region, while some arboreal species from Oriental Region. In the distribution pattern, at the junction zone of Mon-Xin and North China region, the component is mixed, while at the junction of Central China and North China region, Palaearctic Region component mixed with the Oriental Region component.
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