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     2007年7月,北京市SO_2、NOX、PM_(10)、CO和VOC的日均排放量分别为147.4 t、519.0 t、410.8 t、3496.6 t和927.2 t。通过严格控制电厂、工业源、移动源和无组织扬尘源的污染物排放,2008年6月北京市上述五种主要污染物的日均排放量分别削减了43.5 t、90.5 t、48.1 t、27.4 t和37.2 t。
     奥运期间(7月20日~8月6日、8月10日~27日),关停建材企业可使其SO_2排放量减少85%;机动车单双号限行可使其排放的NOX、CO和VOC等污染物减少46%~57%;施工扬尘控制和工业源排放控制分别占奥运期间PM_(10)总减排量的35%和34%;VOC的控制主要来自机动车限行和无组织VOC减排。奥运期间北京市的SO_2、NO_x、PM_(10)、CO和VOC的日均排放量分别为61.6 t、229.1 t、164.3 t、1703.7 t和381.8 t,比2008年6月下降了41%、47%、55%、51%和57%。开幕式期间(8月7日~9日),由于放假等强化措施的实施,五种主要污染物排放量进一步削减1%、14%、9%、19%和15%。
Air quality has been one of the vital concerns for the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008. Beijing municipal government announced an "Air Quality Guarantee Plan for the 29th Olympics in Beijing" to strictly control air pollutants emissions. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the guarantee plan, this thesis scientifically analyzed the air pollutants emission reduction of each measure during the 29th Olympiad in Beijing.
     Using emission sources investigation method and emission factor method, this study developed the emission inventories of SO_2, NO_x, PM_(10), CO and VOC in July 2007, June 2008 (pre-Olympics) and August 2008 (during Olympics), respectively, based on the socio-economic development and air pollution control measures in Beijing. The emission reductions of the five primary air pollutants were evaluated and the air quality pre-Olympics and during Olympics were simulated using Community Multi-scale Air Quality (CMAQ) model.
     The daily emissions of SO_2, NO_x, PM_(10), CO and VOC in Beijing in July 2007 were 147.4 t, 519.0 t, 410.8 t, 3496.6 t and 927.2 t, respectively. In June 2008, emission control of power plants, industries, mobile sources and fugitive dusts reduced the daily emissions of SO_2 43.5 t, NO_x 90.5 t, PM_(10) 48.1 t, CO 27.4 t and VOC 37.2 t from the July 2007 baseline.
     During summer Olympics (July 20 - August 6, August 10 - 27), closedown of the building material enterprises reduced 85% of their SO_2 emissions. Mobile emission control rule that vehicles with even and odd plate number run on alternate days reduced 46% to 57% of their NO_x, CO and VOCs emissions, respectively. Fugitive dust emissions from building construction sites and industrial sources contributed 35% and 34% of the total PM_(10) reductions, respectively. VOCs reductions were mainly from the control measures of mobile sources and fugitive VOC sources. During summer Olympics, the daily emissions of SO_2, NO_x, PM_(10), CO and VOC in Beijing were 61.6 t, 229.1 t, 164.3 t, 1703.7 t and 381.8 t, which were 41%, 47%, 55%, 51% and 57% lower than those in June 2008. During the Olympic Opening Ceremony (6 - 8 August), the daily emissions of SO_2, NO_x, PM_(10), CO and VOC in Beijing were further reduced by 1%, 14%, 9%, 19% and 15%, respectively.
     Based on the developed emission inventories, CMAQ model was applied to simulate the ambient concentrations of PM_(10)/PM_(2.5), NO_2 and O_3 in Beijing pre-Olympics and during Olympics. Comparison of the simulation results and the environmental monitoring data showed that the developed emission inventories and the evaluation of the emission reductions in this study were reasonable.
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