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The atmosphereic dustfall is a kind of particles which fall on the ground with its own gravitation. Its diameter was more than 10μm and less than 100μm. It is very bad for soil, water, vegetation and human being. At present, a lot of systematic and comprehensive research about larger cities have been done by Chinese scholars. But there was rarely dustfall research in Changchun city. There were not only strong theoretical significance but also provide the basic data for the environmental department.and if we can analysis and research on space-time distribution, characteristics and sources of dustfall.
     In this paper, the Changchun city was taken as the study area. The data about 10 years on dustfall were collected, the change tendency of dustfall was disclosed. Dustfall samples from October 2005 to February 2006 and samples of pollution sources were collected also. The samples were measured and analyzed by particle size analyzer and ICP-AES. EF and CMB receptor model is used to make source apportiontment of the dustfall.
     The data of dustfall in recent 10 years showed that the mainly change trend of dustfall in Changchun was fluctuatedly descend. Dustfall was much in the Second Quarter and there was the best atmosphere quality in the Third Quarter . Content of 10 elements (As、Ca、Cu、Mg、Zn、Fe、Al、Ti、Mn、Pb) and samples of pollution sources were measured by ICP-AES. Combined with the formerly research we can see that there is little different in element composition in heating period and non- heating period. The main elements of dustfall in Changchun city are Al、Fe、Ca. The result of Particle Analysis showed that the size distribution curve of all the sample locations are similar and there were three peaks or four peaks . The convey mode of dustfall is saltation, so we can say that the dustfall came from surrounding region, and were caused by wind force and human activities.
     CMB and EF receptor model was used to make source apportiontment of dustfall. The results showed that the main sources of dustfall in Changchun was natural source. Coal smoke dust and automotive exhaust dust were main source from human being. From the various functional areas, we can see that there are more pollution elements in residential area and industrial area. In clean area there was not any pollution element except Pb. The main source of dustfall in heating period was Coal smoke dust and soil dust was the main source of non-heating period. In conclusion, the main source of dust in Changchun city were Coal smoke dust and soil dust.
     To control and harness the pollution of dustfall in Changchun city, we should base on the construction of the ecological city, we also should enforce afforestation construction and water construction, and then we could achieve social, economic and environmentally sustainable development. Comprehensive treatment of urban Environment must base on the construction of the ecological city, Including the modification of industrial spatial distribution, improvement of heating system and urban public construction of infrastructure.
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