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The article uses energy utilization dates in Liaoning Province between 2000-2005 to analys the structure of the energy consumption of Liaoning Province and energy consumption intensity and its changes of energy efficiency, explore techniques and strategies of energy saving and reduction emissions of carbon dioxide. Carbon emissions in the process of energy's utilization and contribution rate of CO2 are analyzed. The results of this study were summarized as follows:
     1、All energy producing enterprises in the country in a given period of time in Liaoning Province rises from 5440×104tce in 2000 to 6932.60×104tce in 2005, increase by 27.43%,its average growth rates is 5.17%.Raw coal output increases year by year,yet oil and natural gas grows extent slow down. Hydro-electric power develop rapidly,but its proportion is still far. Energy capacity increases year by year for recent years.
     2、Energy consumption of Liaoning Province rises from 10738×104tce in 2000 to 14896×104tce in 2005,which takes 15% share of total primary energy. The structure of the energy consumption consist of raw coal, crudeoil, natural gas,hydro-electric power and biomass energy.The proportion of raw coal and crudeoil exceeded 90%,some other energy is less than 10%.This structure of the energy consumption poses a threat to ecological environment. The gap between energy producing and consumption reaches up to 5298×104tce—7963×104tce each year in Liaoning Province.
     3、Difference of region industry structure of energy consumption is quite conspicuous. The proportion of energy consumption of secondary industry is 67.8%—71.2%;and primary industry has remained at around 2%; The energy consumption of third industry rises from 5.7% to 9.0%. The energy consumption of non-material production sectors descends from 3.1% to 2.5%. The energy consumption of personal consumption fluctuate between 16.8% and 18.5%.
     4、The increment changes per year of each industrial departments consumption from strong to weak is tr,affic, transportation,storage, posts and telecommunications, wholesale, retail,trade, restaurant &food services, agriculture, personal consumption, industry, building industry and non-material production sectors.This indicates that the adjustment of industrial structure is in progress in Liaoning Province over the years. Low energy consumption industry is developed. The energy consumption of third industry increase gradually; Agriculture is in the period of a stable development. Energy saving technology or industry transfer is conducted in secondary industry,but it only made partial adjustments and do not change the fact that secondary industry is subjective status of energy consumption.
     5、Carbon emissions in Liaoning Province rises from 3764.91×104tce in 2000 to 4785.20×104tce in 2005,which increases by 1020.29×104tce. Distribution pattern of source of carbon emissions discharge amount is that coal and oil are major emitter,which accounts for over 70% of total emission; the proportion of source of carbon emissions is only 11.47%—14.76%, biomass energy is the least,which is only 5.37%—6.36%.
     6、Source of carbon emissions mainly comes from industry departments per year; the proportion of carbon emissions that is used in individual consumption is at around 10%; the proportion of carbon emissions that transportation sector consumes is between 7.06% and 13.60%;putting agriculture, building industry, retail,trade, restaurant &food services, non-material production sectors together can be not up to 8%.
     7、Per unit GDP energy consumption of industrial departments vary enormously. Intensity of Per unit GDP energy consumption of secondary industry is 7.2—9.0 times that of primary industry,is 5.7—8.4 times that of tertiary industry.
     8、Among these six high-energy-costing industries in Liaoning Province, non-metal manufacturing and black metal smelting and rolling industry are obviously better than the national average; oil processing, coal and nuclear processing industry, chemical material and chemical manufacturing are similar with national average. The energy consumption per product of coal mining and washing, electricity, heat production and supply is about four times higher than the national. The yearly changes rate of intensity decline of Per unit GDP energy consumption in Liaoning Province was 3.28% on average. Intensity of Per unit GDP energy consumption of Liaoning Province is morn 50%—70% than national on average.
     9、The industry of highest efficiency of energy utilization is primary industry, the second is tertiary industry. Secondary industry is the lowest using rate of resource industry. Efficiency of energy utilization of Liaoning Province is only 60% compared with the national average.lt is known that Liaoning Province has great intension energy consumption, industrial structure is not reasonable.
     10、GDP of Liaoningand energy consumption is increasing year by year.Growth rate a year of GDP is more than that of energy consumption.lt indicates that economic growth do not rely entirely on energy growth, the structure adjustment and technical innovation play roles in economic increase in Liaoning Province.
     11、The relationship between carbon emissions in Liaoning Province and GDP per person show a "reverse N model" curve characteristics.The first turning point is in 2001 presenting the peak of Environmental Kuznets curve. The second turning point is in 2005,with increase of GDP per person, carbon emissions shows falling as well as rising reiteratively.lt shows that economic growth of Liaoning Province achieved at the expense of environment to a certain extent,from another point of view, environment and economy of Liaoning Province are at non-equilibrium stages of development.
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