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In many existent studies about the effect of emotion to the risk decision-making, mostly using the way of emotion-induced to produce different emotions. However the way to produce emotions besides emotion-induced, there are emotion-priming. The emotion-priming are divided into suprathreshold priming and subthreshold priming, the emotions they produced are different. In addition, in many studies about the risk decision-making have proved the existence of framing effects. The different describing ways can cause the decision makers to have the different risk preferences to the same Problem, the Phenomenon were called framing effect. However few people study the effect of emotion to different frames of risk decision-making. Based on the above analysis, this study used the way of emotion-priming and selected pictures which were most widely used in the emotion-priming studies as stimulus material, and used suprathreshold and subthreshold priming to produce different emotions, then compared the effect of different priming ways, different emotions and different frames to the risk decision-making. The experiment results showed that:(1)In the examination of emotion-priming effect, the main effect of different emotion pictures is significant, F(2,138)=8.119, P=.000<0.01. The main effect of different priming is significant, F(1,138)=6.078, P=.015<0.05. (2)In the analysis of risk decision-making, the main effect of different emotion pictures isn't significant, F(1,132)=0.069, P=0.793>0.05. The main effect of different frames is significant, F(1,132)=35.162, P=0.000<0.01. There is a significant interaction between emotion types and frames, F(2,132)=6.837, P=0.001<0.01.
     Conclude:(1) The emotion-priming effect of different pictures is significant, and the difference between the suprathreshold and subthreshold priming is significant, but there is no difference between the effects of suprathreshold and subthreshold priming to the risk decision-making. (2) Framing effects exist in risk decision-making. (3) The effects of the emotions and the frames to risk decision-making have an interaction.
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