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Historically, the nation-state, birth in the corner of Western Europe, gradually evolved as the most basic and important political unite. The nation-state remains the foundation of World System, which is the basic political and economic structure in the present world. The majority of Asian and African countries, including Afghanistan, were forced incorporated into the Western-dominated nation-state system. However, for Afghanistan, as well as other Middle East countries, nation-state still has many serious problems which have negative affects on modernization in these countries. Afghanistan is a country with widespread tribal organization, complex ethnic and religious composition, and frequent external interference. Therefore, the study of afghan nation-state building not only has a great significance for reality and reference, but has strong theoretical value.
     This dissertation argues some structural problems in Afghan nation-state, this research bases on the perspective of combining the social history and political history. This dissertation adopts the empirical method, and carefully draws anthropology, politics, the science of religious and other disciplines of knowledge, in order to research with more objective and strong point of view.
     This dissertation falls seven parts, with an introduction at the beginning, following five chapters and conclusion. Introduction and conclustion respectively discuss the objection and main points of view in this study. Main text argues thress themes which include state-building, nation-building and external intervention. Every one of which can be an independent, but meanwhile, they all centre on the power game between state and society in Afghanistan.
     The first three chapters discuss Afghan state-building. The Afghan society can be divided three parts:cities, tribal society and Islamic classes. The state-building in a certain sense is a process that state power gradually expands to tribal society and Islamic classes. Chapter One argues in detail on the social structure, institution, norm of Afghan tribal organization, and futher concludes main characteristics of political culture in tribal society.
     Chapter Two examines the evolution of Afghan tribal policies, and the response of tribal society to these policies. Besides, this chapter also argues the tribal roles and status in resistance movement after the Soviet invasion. The chapter concludes that the tribal society is not synonymous with primitive and backward, but special form of civilization. The tribal political traditions are longue duree factor, the tribal traditional decentralize should be considered, and centralization is not a necessary condition for state-building.
     Chapter Three analyzes the contact between state-building and Islamic classes which is the other pillar of Afghan society. This chapter explores the structure of religious groups; futher summerizes the different pattens of relationship between politics and religion, and argues the response of the religious classes to state-building. At the same time, the early history of Talbiban, and its social background, thoughts practice will be explaned in the text. The chapter concludes that how incorporate the religious classes into the state are an important theme for state-building. Secularization is not the necessary condition for state-building. The relationship between politics and religion is not limited to state-pilitical Islam, but the complex relations between state and diversified Islamic classes.
     The theme of Chapter Four is nation-building in Afghanistan. The chapter explores the ethnic compositions, origins, and its characteristics. On this basis, explans detailedly the two patterns of Afghan nation-building, and the evolusion of ethnic relations. Social indentity is one kind of social power. National identity building should respect the diversified social identities, and social collective power should not be covered with equality of individual power. Nation-building ultimately depends on the social and economic contacts of inter-ethnic.
     Chapter Five mainly analyzes the Afghan geopolitics, and discusses the great game between Britain and Russsia, U.S. and Soviet in Afghanistan from the historical perspective, and its impacts. Meanwhile, the chapter uses some foreign governmrnt archives to discuss the evolution of Pushtunistan problem. In Afghan modern history, the foreign interference is common occurance; it not only derives from the game between great powers, but also the delimma of Afghan nation-state building. Afghan government is extremely weak, only can government control society by foreign assistance. This has opened the door to outside intervention.
     In conclusion, this dissertation centers on the power game between state and society, and examines a series of significant problems which have impact on Afghan history. These questions to some extent also restrict the political and social development in other Middle East contries.
① 彭树智著:《两斋文明自觉论随笔》(第二卷),北京:中国社会科学出版社,2012年,第709页。
    ① 彭树智、黄杨文著:《中东国家通史·阿富汗卷》,北京:商务印书馆,2000年,第351-353页。
    ① 2001年阿富汗战争后,阿富汗重建理应是民族国家构建的新阶段。但本文并不打算对此展开来探讨。这主要基于两方面的考虑:一是本文力求通过实证研究,得出一些经得起考验的结论,对于现状的探讨无疑会削弱本文的历史性;二是笔者已发表了一些关于阿富汗重建的文章(参见附录),集中探讨显得有些重复。
    ② Mountstuart Elphinstone, An Account of the Kingdom of Caubul, and It's Dependencies in Persia, Tarary, and India, London:A. Strahan,1815.
    ③ B.D. Hopkins, The Making of Modern Afghanistan, New York:Palgrave Macmillan,2008, pp.12-14.
    ① Willem Vogelsang, Afghanistan:A Bibliography, Lerden:Brill Publishers,2006.
    ② 代表性的有Mark T. Berger (ed.), From Nation-Building to State-Building, London and New York:Routledge,2008, Francis Fukuyama (ed.), Ntion-Building:Beyond Afghanitsna and Iraq, Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins. University Press, 2006. James F.Dobbins, After the Taliban:State-Building in Afghanistan, Washington, D.C.:Potomac Books,2008. Afghanistan-State Building, World Bank, Sustaining Growth, and Reducing Poverty, Washington, D.C.,2005.
    ③ Amin Tarzi, "The Maturation of Afghan Historiography", International Journal of Middle East Studies, Vol.45, No.l, 2013, pp.129-131.
    ④ 卡提卜曾担任拉赫曼的秘书。Fayz Muhammad Karib Hazarah, The History of Afghanistan (Siraj al-tawarikh), Vol.1-3, Leiden:Brill,2013, p.127.
    ⑤ Sultan Mahomed Khan (ed.), The Life of Abdur Rahman, Vol.1, London:John Murray,1900.
    ⑥ M. Hassan Kakar, Government and Society in Afghanistan, Austin:University of Texas Press,1979. A Political and Diplomatic History of Afghanistan, Leiden:Brill,2006. Afghanistan:The Soviet Invasion and the Afghan Response, 1979-1982, Berkeley:University of California Press,1995.
    ⑦ Amin Saikal, Modern Afghanistan:A History of Struggle and Survival, I.B.Tauris,2010.
    ⑧ Dr Nabi Misdaq, Afghanistan:Political Frailty and External Interference, London and New York:Routledge,2006.
    ⑨ Sayed A'skar Mousavi, The Hazaras of Afghanistan:An Historical, Culture, Economic and Political Study, Richmind: Curzon Press,1998.
    ⑩ Senzil K. Nawid, Religious Response to Social Change in Afghanistan, Costa Mesa:Mazda Publishers,1999.
    11 阿富汗“国家档案馆”藏有18万份的档案和书籍手稿,但很少有使用者。Michael Rubin, "A Report on the National Archive of Afghanistan", Iranian Studies, No.4,1999, pp.631-632.。
    ① 该书以波斯语写成,如今已译成多个版本。本文使用的是19世纪德国语言学家多姆(Bernhard Dom)的译本。本书作者“内玛图拉”属于苏非派“内玛图拉教团”。该教团主要分布于伊朗,至今在伊朗政治中仍有一定的影响。
    Ni'matullah, History of Afghans, Book I-III, London:Orirntal Translation Committee,1829.
    ② Olaf Caroe, The Pathans:550 B.C.-A.D.1957, London:Macmillan,1958.
    ③ [美]弗雷德里克·巴特著,黄建生译:《斯瓦特巴坦人的政治过程:一个社会人类学研究的范例》,上海:上海人民出版社,2005年。Fredirk Barth, Features of Persons and Society in Swat Collected Essays on Parthans, London:Routledge & Kegan Paul,1981.
    ④ Richard Tapper (ed.), Tribe and State in Iran and Afghanistan, London and New York:Routledge,2011,
    ⑤ Christine Neolle, The Interaction between State and Tribe in Nineteen-Century Afghanistan, Doctoral Dissertation, Berkeley:University of California,1985.
    ⑥ Philp S. Khoury, Joseph Kostiner (eds.), Tribes and State Formation in the Middle East, Oxford:University of California Press,1990.
    ⑦ Asta Olesen, Islam and Politics in Afghanistan, Richmond:Curzon Press,1995.
    ① Olivier Roy, Islam and Resistance in Afghanistan, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1986.
    ② P. Bajpai & S. Ram (eds.), Encyclopaedia ofAfghanitsan, Vol.5, New Delhi:Anmol Publications,2002.
    ③ Senzil K. Nawid, Religious Response to Social Change in Afghanistan, Costa Mesa:Mazda Publishers,1999.
    ④ David B. Edwards, Before Taliban Genealogies of the Afghan Jihad, Berkeley:University of California Press,2002.
    ⑤ M. J. Gohari, The Taliban:Ascent to Power, Oxford:Oxford University,1999.
    ⑥ Peter Marsden, The Taliban:War and Religion in Afghanistan, London:Zed Books,2002.
    ⑦ James Fergusson, Taliban:The Unknown Enemy, Cambridge:Da Capo Press,2010.
    ⑧ Abdul Salam Zaeef, My Life with the Taliban, New York:Columbia University Press,2010.
    ⑨ Ahmed Rashid, Taliban:Militant Islam, Oil and Fundamentalism in Central Asia, New Haven:Yale University Press, 2010.
    ⑩ Jon W. Anderson, Richard F. Strand eds., Ethnic Processes and Intergroup Relations in Contemporory Afghanistan, New York:Afghanistan Council of Asia Society,1978.
    11 Ali Banuazizi, Myron Weiner (eds.), The State, Religion and Politics, Syracuse:Syracuse University Press,1989.
    ① Gilles Dorronsoro, Revolution Unending:Afghanistan:1979 to Present, London:Hurst & Company,2005.
    ② Barnett R Rubin, "Political Elites in Afghanistan:Rentier State Building, Rentier State Wrecking", International Journal of Middle East Studies, Vol.24, No.l,1992.
    ③ Harold F. Schiffman (ed.), Language Policy and Language Conflict in Afghanistan and It's Neighbors, Leiden:Brill, 2012.
    ④ ShafieRahel, Cultural Policy in Afghanistan, Paris:The UNESCO Press,1975.
    ⑤ Nancy Hatch Dupree, "Cultural Heritage and National Identity in Afghanistan", Third World Quarterly, Vol.23, No.5, 2002.
    ⑥ Anthony Hyman, "Nationalism in Afghanistan", InternationalJournal of Middle East Studies, Vol.34, No.2,2002.
    ⑦ Vladimir Cervin, "Problems in the Afghan Nation", Middle East Journal, Vol.6, No.4,1952.
    ⑧ Asghar H. Bilgrami, Afghanistan and British India:1793-1907, New Delhi:Sterling Publishers,1972.
    ⑨ D.P.Singhal, India and Afghanistan:1876-1907, Queensland:University of Queensland Press,1963.
    ⑩ Jeffery J.Roberts, The Origins of Conflict in Afghanistan, Westport:Praeger,2003.
    11 Britain, Foreign Office Files for India, Pakistan and Afghanistan,1947-1980, No. DO 133/1-FCO 37/2375.
    ① A. L. P. Burdett (ed), Afghanistan Strategic Intelligence:British Records 1919-1979, Vol.1-4, Farnharm:Archive Editions,2002.
    ② Basil Bmytryshyn, Frederick Cox (eds.), The Soviet Union and the Middle east:A Documentary Record of Afghanistan, Iran and Turkey, Princeton:The Kingston Press,1987.
    ③ United States, Digital National Security Archive, No. AF00001-AF2313.
    ④ Maurice Williams, Retrospective Review of US Assistance to Afghanistan:1950-1979, No.PDC-0085-1-00-6095, USA1D, 1988.
    ⑤ 朱克著:《阿富汗》,北京:世界知识出版社,1959年。
    ① 彭树智主编:《阿富汗史》,西安:陕西旅游出版社,1993年。
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    ⑨ 张晓东:《阿富汗伊斯兰教与政治关系的历史透视》,北京:中国社会科学院博士毕业论文,2004年。
    ⑩ 何明:《塔利班政权的兴亡及其对世界的影响》,上海:华东师范大学出版社,2005年。
    11 曲洪:《当代中东政治伊斯兰:观察与思考》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2001年。
    ① 分别载于《世界历史》,1988年第4期;《西亚非洲》,1989年第2期;《西北大学学报》(哲学社会科学版),1993年第4期。
    ② 分别载于《西亚非洲》,2008年第10期和2006年第8期。
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    ⑥ 朱永彪:《阿富汗难民:历史、现状及影响》,《世界历史》,2009年第4期。
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    ⑧ 《马克思恩格斯全集》第12卷,北京:人民出版社,1965年,第450页。
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    ① Ira M. Lapidus, "Tribes and State Foemation in Islamic History", in Philp S. Khoury, Joseph Kostiner eds., Tribes and State Formation in the Middle East, Oxford:University of California Press,1990, pp.25-27.
    ① 由于舒佳的复辟,学界对于杜兰尼王朝灭亡时间的看法并不统一。
    ① James W. Spain, The Pathan Borderland, The Hague:Mouton,1963, p.17.
    ② Olaf Caroe, The Pathans:550 B.C.-A.D.1957, London:Macmillan,1958, p.3.
    ③ [美]路易斯·亨利·摩尔根著,杨东莼等译:《古代社会》,上册,北京:商务印书馆,1981年,第109页。
    ④ [法]莫·戈德利埃:《部落的概念》,《民族译丛》,1984年第4期,第33页。
    ⑤ Philp S. Khoury, Joseph Kostiner (eds.), Tribes and State Formation in the Middle East, Oxford:University of California Press,1990, p.56.
    ① 这里主要指的是普什图部落。Richard Tapper (ed.), Tribe and State in Iran and Afghanistan, London and New York: Routledge,2011,p.131.
    ② Mountstuart Elphinstone, An Account of the Kingdom of Caubul, and It's Dependencies in Persia, Tarary, and India, London:A. Strahan,1815, p.159.
    ③ Kathleen Collins, Clan Politics and Regime Transition in Central Asia, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2009, p.19.
    ④ Shahmahmood Miakhel, "The Importance of Tribal Structures and Pakhtunwali in Afghanistan", in Srpita Basu Roy (ed.), Challenges and Dilemmas of State-Building in Afghanistan, Delhi:Shipra,2008.
    ⑤ 在中东地区,除北非的图拉雷格人外,其他的部落皆以父系关系作为部落世系传承的基础。Dr Nabi Misdaq, Afghanistan:Political Frailty and External Interference, London and New York:Routledge,2006, pp.9-10.
    ⑥ IbnKhaldun, The Muqaddimah:A Introduction to History, Vol.1, New York:Pantheon Books,1958, pp.261-265.
    ⑦ 美国学者诺蕾认为阿富汗部落是“一个支系(genealogical)所能包含的最大的单位”,其规模是中等,约6万人左右。这与本文划分基本一致。参见Christine Neolle, The Interaction between State and Tribe in Nineteen-Century Afghanistan, Doctoral Dissertation, Berkeley:University of California,1985, p.221.
    ① [美]弗雷德里克·巴特著,黄建生译:《斯瓦特巴坦人的政治过程:一个社会人类学研究的范例》,上海:上海人民出版社,2005年,第37页。
    ② Nile Green, "Tribe, Diaspora, and Sainthood in Afghan History", The Journal of Asian Studies, Vol.67, No.1,2008, p.184.
    ③ Ni'matullah, History of Afghans, Book III, London:Orirntal Translation Committee,1829. p.40.④ 印度人将普什图人成为“帕坦人”(Pathan)。
    ⑤ Ni'matullah, History of Afghans, Book III, London:Orirntal Translation Committee,1829, p.40.
    ⑥ 参见Ni'matullah, History of Afghans, Book IIILondon:Orirntal Translation Committee,1829.
    ⑦ 这两个词汇皆为“……之子”之意,后者更多是指称部落分支或家族。前者多用在分布于西部和南部的普什图部落,后者主要用于分布在东部的普什图部落。
    ⑧ Olaf Caroe, The Pathans:550 B.C.-A.D.1957, London:Macmillan,1958, p.11.
    ① Willcm Vogelsang, The Afghans, Oxford:Blackwell Publisher,2002, p.21.
    ② Mountstuart Elphinstone, An Account of the Kingdom of Caubul, and It's Dependencies in Persia, Tarary, and India, London:A. Strahan,1815, p.158.
    ③ Thomas Barfield, Afghanistan: A Cultural and Political History, Princeton:Princeton University Press,2010, p.25.
    ① 本文中普什图部落的世系以内玛图拉和卡罗伊的著作为基础绘制而成。由于前者(第三卷)记载的一些部落现已消亡,本文并未将这些部落纳入部落世系之中。
    ② 长子伊斯梅尔(Ismail)过继给萨班尼。Ni'matullah, History of Afghans, Book III. London:Orirntal Translation Committee,1829, p.45.
    ③ 沙·侯赛因并非一些西方著作中所说的是古尔王国的王子。因为古尔王国在公元11世纪才建立,而沙·侯赛因之妻拜比·玛图是卡伊斯的孙女,生活在公元7世纪。两者存在矛盾。根据内玛图拉的记载,沙·侯赛因的祖父巴希拉姆曾效忠第四任哈里发阿里。这种说法的可信度更高一些。Ni'matullah, History of Afghans, Book III, London: Orirntal Translation Committee,1829, pp.46-47.
    ① Ni'matullah, History of Afghans, Book III, London:Orirntal Translation Committee,1829, p.48.
    ② 拉赫曼国王在其回忆录中称,拜比·玛图私定终身后来演变为成为吉尔查伊部落的一个习俗,即女性有权自由选择夫婿。Sultan Mahomed Khan (ed.), The Life ofAbdur Rahman, Vol.1, London:John Murray,1900, p.250.
    ② Bernt Glatzer, "The Pashtun Tribal System", in G.Pfeffer, D.K.Behera, Concept of Tribal Society, New Delhi:Concept Publishers,2002, pp.265-282.
    ① Christine Neolle, The Interaction between State and Tribe in Nineteen-Century Afghanistan, Doctoral Dissertation, Berkeley:University of California,1985, p.257.
    ② DrNabiMisdaq, Afghanistan:Political Frailty and External Interference, London and New York:Routledge,2006, pp.39-41.
    ③ 详情参见Jon Anderson, "Tribe and Community among the Ghilzai Pashtun", Anthropos, Bd.70, H.3./4.,1975.
    ③ Olaf Caroe, The Pathans:550 B.C.-A.D.1957, London:Macmillan,1958, p.19.
    ④ Akbar S. Ahmed, Pukhtun Economy and Society:Traditional Structure and Economic Development in a Tribal Society, London, Bostun:Routledge & Kegan Paul,1980, pp.128-129.
    ① Olaf Caroe, The Pathans:550 B.C.-A.D.1957, London:Macmillan,1958, pp.20-21.
    ② 该地区在巴基斯坦的一侧主要包括“联邦直辖部落地区”、“开伯尔—普什图省”,以及俾路支省的一部分,也就是所谓的“普什图尼斯坦”。其中,“开伯尔—普什图省”在2010年前被称为“西北边界省”(NWFP),最初是由英国殖民者建立,首府为白沙瓦。
    ② Olaf Caroe, The Pathans:550 B.C.-A.D.1957, London:Macmillan,1958, pp.20-21.
    ① 即沿着喀布尔河从白沙瓦经由阿巴边界的开伯尔山口和贾拉拉巴德,到达喀布尔,再由喀布尔穿过兴都库什山到达中亚地区。
    ① 位于中亚的阿姆河和锡尔河之间。
    ② Chahryar Adle, Irfan Habib, History of Civilizations of Central Asia, Vol. V, Paris:UNESCO Publishing,2003, p.46.
    ③ Azim Malikov, "Some Observations on the Tribal Stories and Tribal Organization of Ming and Yuz of Central Asian Oases", International Journal of Central Asian Studies, Vol.14,2000, p.159.
    ④ 参见Devin DeWeese, Islamization and Native Religious in the Golden Horde, Penn State University,1994, pp.457-459.
    ⑤ 所有部落的名单参见(依重要性排名):http://www.spongobongo.com/zy9949.htm。
    ① 阿布尔一哈齐—把阿秃尔汗著,罗贤佑译:《突厥世系》,中华书局,2005年,第167页。
    ② Devin DeWeese, Islamization and Native Religious in the Golden Horde, Penn State University,1994, p.363.
    ③ Edward A. Allworth, The Modern Uzbeks:From the Fourteen Century to the Present, Stanford:Hoover Institution Press, 1990, p.32.
    ④ Edward A. Allworth, The Modern Uzbeks:From the Fourteen Century to the Present, Stanford:Hoover Institution Press, 1990, p.32.
    ⑤ G A. Abdurakhmanov, "The Ethnogenesis of the Uzbek People and the Formation of the Uzbek Language", in Bakhtiyar A.Nazarov, Denis Sinor(eds.), Essays on Uzbek History, Culture, and Language, Indiana:Indiana University,1993, p.6.
    ⑥ 参见蓝琪:《昔班尼王朝在中亚乌兹别克族形成中的作用》,《贵州师范大学学报》(社会科学版),2006年第4期,第52页。
    ① 如今,阿富汗中部的一个省以此命名。
    ② 贝鲁详细地论述了阿富汗各民族的起源、部落分布等内容。参见Henry Walter Bellew, An Inquiry into the Ethnography of Afghanistan, London:Oriental University Institute,1891, pp.34-47.
    ① 转引自Sayed A'skar Mousavi, The Hazaras of Afghanistan:An Historical, Culture, Economic and Political Study, Richmind:Curzon Press,1998, p.54.
    ② Sayed A'skar Mousavi, The Hazaras of Afghanistan:An Historical, Culture, Economic and Political Study, Richmind: Curzon Press,1998, pp.45-47.
    ③ Henry Walter Bellew, An Inquiry into the Ethnography of Afghanistan, London:Oriental University Institute,1891, pp.35, 41.
    ④ 哈扎拉人的起源将在第四章详述。
    ⑤ Elizabeth E. Bacon, "The Inquiry into the History of Hazara Mongols of Afghanistan", Southwestern Journal of Anthropology, Vol.7, No.3,1951, p.233.
    ⑥ Mountstuart Elphinstone, An Account of the Kingdom of Caubul, and It's Dependencies in Persia, Tarary, and India, London:A. Strahan,1815, p.478.
    ⑦ Sayed A'skar Mousavi, The Hazaras of Afghanistan:An Historical, Culture, Economic and Political Study, Richmind: Curzon Press,1998, p.54.
    ① 详情参见Sayed A'skar Mousavi, The Hazaras of Afghanistan:An Historical, Culture, Economic and Political Study, Richmind:Curzon Press,1998, pp.244-245.
    ② Thomas J. Barfield," Tribes and State Relations:The Inner Asian Perspective", in Philp S. Khoury, Joseph Kostiner (eds.), Tribes and State Formation in the Middle East, Oxford:University of California Press,1990, pp.156-157.
    ③ [美]托马斯·弗里德曼:《从贝鲁特到耶路撒冷——美国记者中东见闻录》,天津:天津编译中心,1992年,第87页。
    ③ Ali Banuazizi, Myron Weiner (eds.), The State, Religion and Politics, Syracuse:Syracuse University Press,1989, p.75.
    ① Shahmahmood Miakhel, "The Importance of Tribal Structures and Pakhtunwali in Afghanistan", in Srpita Basu Roy (ed.), Challenges and Dilemmas of State-Building in Afghanistan, Delhi:Shipra,2008, p.97.
    ② Ira M. Lapidus, "Tribes and State Foemation in Islamic History", in Philp S. Khoury, Joseph Kostiner (eds.), Tribes and State Formation in the Middle East, Oxford:University of California Press,1990, pp.25-27.
    ③ Richard Tapper, "Introduction", in Richard Tapper (ed.), Tribe and State in Iran and Afghanistan, London and New York: Routledge,1983, pp.43-44.
    ④ Samuel S. Lieberman, Afghanistan:Population and Development in the "Land of Insolence ", Center for Policy Studies, No.58,1980, p.12.
    ⑤ P. Bajpai & S. Ram (eds.), Encyclopaedia of Afghanitsan, Vol.2, New Delhi:Anmol Publications,2002, p.77.
    ① Bernt Glatzer, "Political Organization of Pashtun Nomads and the State", in Richard Tapper (ed.), Tribe and State in Iran and Afghanistan, London and New York:Routledge,1983, pp.218-226.
    ② 即白沙瓦(南亚)一喀布尔—兴都库什山的萨朗山口(Salang pass)—马扎里沙里夫(中亚),南亚——坎大哈——赫拉特——伊朗(中东)。
    ③ Ibn Khaldun, The Muqaddimah:A Introduction to History, Vol.1, New York:Pantheon Books,1958, p.309.
    ④ Ibn Khaldun, The Muqaddimah:A Introduction to History, Vol.1, New York:Pantheon Books,1958, pp.278-282.
    ⑤ 阿富汗城市化的数据参见Wesley Scott Oliphant, Essays on Agriculture and Urbanization of Afghanistan, Dissertation, University of California,2011, pp.129-140.
    ⑥ Thomas Barfield, Afghanistan:A Cultural and Political History, Princeton:Princeton University Press,2010, p.57.
    ① 分别为先知穆罕默德的后裔、苏非教团的导师、底层的宗教人士。
    ② Peter Tomsen, The War of Afghanistan, New York:PublicAffairs,2011, p.46.
    ③ Asta Olesen, Islam and Politics in Afghanistan, Richmond:Curzon Press,1995, p.33.
    ④ 许多学者都持类似的观点。参见Ira M. Lapidus, "Tribes and State Foemation in Islamic History", Thomas J. Barfield,
    "Tribes and State Relations:The Inner Asian Perspective", in Philp S. Khoury, Joseph Kostiner (eds.), Tribes and State Formation in the Middle East, Oxford:University of California Press,1990. Charles Lindholm, "Kinship Structure and Political Authority:The Middle East and Central Asia", Journal of Comparative History and Society, Vol.28, No.2,1986.
    ① “米尔”是“埃米尔”(Amir)的简写,指政治领袖或军事将领,最初用于阿拉伯帝国的四大哈里发。
    ② 这些家族很多都追溯到成吉思汗。Christine Neolle, The Interaction between State and Tribe in Nineteen-Century Afghanistan, Doctoral Dissertation, Berkeley:University of California,1985, pp.109-113.
    ③ Christine Neolle, The Interaction between State and Tribe in Nineteen-Century Afghanistan, Doctoral Dissertation, Berkeley:University of California,1985, pp.183-185.
    ④ Mountstuart Elphinstone, An Account of the Kingdom of Caubul, and It's Dependencies in Persia, Tarary, and India, London:A. Strahan,1815, pp.478,485.
    ⑤ Sayed A'skar Mousavi, The Hazaras of Afghanistan:An Historical, Culture, Economic and Political Study, Richmind: Curzon Press,1998, p.48.
    ⑥ 转引自Christine Neolle, The Interaction between State and Tribe in Nineteen-Century Afghanistan, Doctoral Dissertation, Berkeley:University of California,1985, p.180.
    ⑦ Jon W. Anderson, "Khan and Khel:Dialectics of Pakhtun Tribalism", in Richard Tapper (ed.), Tribe and State in Iran and Afghanistan, London and New York:Routledge,1983, p.131.
    ① 卡塔汗省(Qataghan)为阿富汗东北部的省份,1964年被分为巴格兰省、塔哈尔省和昆都士省。表格中,“城镇(town)个数”一栏为1969年的数据。
    ② Jon W. Anderson, "Khan and Khel:Dialectics of Pakhtun Tribalism", in Richard Tapper (ed)., Tribe and State in Iran and Afghanistan, London and New York:Routledge,1983, p.129.
    ③ U.S. Agency for International Development, Project Authorization and Request for Allotment of Funds:Afghanistan, Part II,306-0163, Washington. D. C.,1977, pp.48-49.
    ④ Mountstuart Elphinstone, An Account of the Kingdom of Caubul, and It's Dependencies in Persia, Tartary, and India, London:A. Strahan,1815, pp.339-341.
    ① Jon W.Anderson,"Khan and Khel:Dialectics of Pakhtun Tribalism",in Richard Tapper(ed.),Tribe and Atate in Iran and Afghanistan,London and New York:Routledge,1983,p.134.
    ② Akbar S.Ahmed,Pukhtun Economy and Society:Traditional Structure and Economic Development in Tribal Society, London:Routledg & Kegen Paul,1980,p.158.
    ③ 关于“男子之家”的详细描述参见[美]弗雷德里克·巴特著,黄建生译:《斯瓦特巴坦人的政治过程:一个社会人类学研究的范例》,上海:上海人民出版社,2005年,第74-80页。
    ④ M.Hassan Kakar,Government and Society in Afghanistan,Austin:University of Texas Press,1979,p.115.
    ⑤ Mountstuart Elphinstone,An Account of the Kingdom of Caubul,and It's Dependencies in Persia,Tarary,and India London:A.Strahan,1815,p.298.
    ⑥ 加里布为阿拉伯的面积单位,每加里布约为0.5英亩.Christine Neolle,The Interaction between State and Tribe in Nineteen-Century Afghanistan,Doctoral Dissertation,Berkeley:University of California,1985,p.253.
    ① 参见黄民兴主编:《阿富汗问题的历史嬗变》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2013年,第122-125页。
    ② U.S. Agency for International Development. Project Authorization and Request for Allotment of Funds:Afghanistan, Part II,306-0163, Washington. D.C.,1977, pp.49-50.
    ③ Samuel S. Lieberman, Afghanistan: Population and Development in the "Land of Insolence ", Center for Policy Studies, No.58,1980, pp.10-12.
    ④ 《马克思恩格斯全集》第21卷,北京:人民出版社,1965年,第3页。
    ⑤ 各省平均为:佃农耕种占13.8%,所有者耕种占60.5%。
    ① M. Hassan Kakar, Government and Society in Afghanistan, Austin:University of Texas Press,1979, p.115.
    ② [英]A.R.拉德克利夫—布朗著,潘蛟等译:《原始社会的结构与功能》,北京:中央民族大学出版社,1999年,第108页。
    ③ 参见《马克思恩格斯全集》第21卷,北京:人民出版社,1965年,72页。
    ② Mountstuart Elphinstone, An Account of the Kingdom of Caubul, and It‘s Dependencies in Persia, Tartary, and India, London:A. Strahan,1815, pp.335-336.
    ⑤ Dr Nabi Misdaq, Afghanistan:Political Frailty and External Interference, London and New York:Routledge,2006, pp.20-21.
    ⑥ Mountstuart Elphinstone, An Account of the Kingdom of Caubul, and It's Dependencies in Persia, Tartary, and India, London:A. Strahan,1815, pp.344-446.
    ⑦ Christine Neolle, The Interaction between State and Tribe in Nineteen-Century Afghanistan, Doctoral Dissertation, Berkeley:University of California,1985, p.231.
    ⑧ Akbar S. Ahmed, Pukhtun Economy and Society:Traditional Structure and Economic Development in Tribal Society, London:Routledg & Kegen Paul,1980, p.169.
    ⑨ Mountstuart Elphinstone, An Account of the Kingdom of Caubul, and It's Dependencies in Persia, Tartary, and India London:A. Strahan,1815, pp.407-408.
    ⑩ Christine Neolle, The Interaction between State and Tribe in Nineteen-Century Afghanistan, Doctoral Dissertation, Berkeley:University of California,1985, pp.231,253.
    ① John Login, "Memorandum on the Political Relations of English Mission with Heart,1937 to 1941", in J. P. Ferrier, Caravan Journeys and Wanderings in Persia, Afghanistan, Turkistan, and Beloochistan, London:John Murray,1857, p.525.
    ② [英]A.R.拉德克利夫—布朗著,潘蛟等译:《原始社会的结构与功能》,北京:中央民族大学出版社,1999年,第11页。
    ③ Dr Nabi Misdaq, Afghanistan:Political Frailty and External Interference, London and New York:Routledge,2006, pp.10-11.
    ④ Peter Tomsen, The War of Afghanistan:Messianic, Terrorism, Tribal Conflicts, and the Failures of Great Powers, New York:PublicAffairs,2011, p.45.
    ⑤ Shahmahmood Miakhel, "The Importance of Tribal Structures and Pakhtunwali in Afghanistan", in Srpita Basu Roy (ed.), Challenges and Dilemmas of State-Building in Afghanistan, Delhi:Shipra,2008.详情也可参见[美]弗雷德里克·巴特著,黄建生译:《斯瓦特巴坦人的政治过程:一个社会人类学研究的范例》,上海:上海人民出版社,2005年,第117-128页。
    ⑥ 在普什图社会,堂兄弟间往往毗邻而居,因为财产继承和土地问题产生矛盾。在小范围内,拥有土地的堂兄弟之间的矛盾和竞争甚至是社会冲突的主要方面。
    ① [美]托马斯·弗里德曼:《从贝鲁特到耶路撒冷——美国记者中东见闻录》,天津:天津编译中心,1992年,第88-89页。
    ② Kenneth Katzman, Afghanistan:Politicas, Eletions, and Government Performance, Congressional Research Service, RS21922,2012, p.48.
    ① 在阿拉伯语中部落情感用“Asabiyya”表述。
    ② Dr Nabi Misdaq, Afghanistan:Political Frailty and External Interference, London and New York:Routledge.2006, p.273.
    ③ [美]路易斯·杜普雷著,黄民兴译:《阿富汗现代史纲要》(内部资料),西安:西北大学中东研究所,2002年,第23页。
    ④ Dr Nabi Misdaq, Afghanistan:Political Frailty and External Interference, London and New York:Routledge,2006, p.273.
    ⑤ 就本文收集的材料来看,"Nanawati"本身存在争议。迈赫尔认为该词意为“谅解”,指通过部落大会解决冲突。但包括一些阿富汗学者在内的其他学者认为该词为“庇护”之意。
    ① 乌兹别克人称为“舒拉”,哈扎拉人称为“纳加”(nagha)或乌鲁思。
    ② Jalal Khan, Afghanistan Jirga Systerm, Saarbriicken:LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing,2010, pp.20-22.
    ③ 参见Jalal Khan, Afghanistan Jirga Systerm, Saarbriicken:LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing,2010, pp.60-84.
    ④ [美]加布里埃尔·A·阿尔蒙德、小G.宾厄姆·鲍威尔著,曹沛霖等译:《比较政治学——体系、过程和政策》,北京:东方出版社,2007年,第26页。
    ① 在塔吉克社会,虽然部落组织已消亡,但家族在农村地区依然存在。
    ② [德]马克斯·韦伯著,林荣远译:《经济与社会》(上卷),北京:商务印书馆,1997年,第400-401页。
    ③ Dr Nabi Misdaq, Afghanistan:Political Frailty and External Interference, London and New York:Routledge,2006. p.273.
    ④ [德]马克斯·韦伯著,林荣远译:《经济与社会》(下卷),北京:商务印书馆,1997年,第325页。
    ⑤ 这里仅就普什图部落而言。
    ⑥ Jon W. Anderson, "Khan and Khel:Dialectics of Pakhtun Tribalism", in Richard Tapper (ed.), Tribe and State in Iran and Afghanistan, London and New York:Routledge,1983, p.131.
    ① Mountstuart Elphinstone, An Account of the Kingdom of Caubul, and It's Dependencies in Persia, Tartary, and India, London:A. Strahan,1815, p.174.
    ② Christine Neolle, The Interaction between State and Tribe in Nineteen-Century Afghanistan, Doctoral Dissertation, Berkeley:University of California,1985, p.208.
    ③ Thomas Barfield, Afghanistan:A Cultural and Political History, Princeton:Princeton University Press,2010, p.253.
    ④ [美]弗雷德里克·巴特著,黄建生译:《斯瓦特巴坦人的政治过程:一个社会人类学研究的范例》,上海:上海人民出版社,2005年,第1-6页。
    ⑤ 相关讨论参见David Edwards, "Learning From Swat Pathans:Political Leadership in Afghanistan,1978-97", American Ethnologist, Vol.25, No.4,1998, pp.712-715.
    ⑥ Barnett R. Rubin, "Political Elites in Afghanistan:Rentier State Building, Rentier State Wrecking", International Journal of Middle East Studies, Vol.24, No.1,1992, p.82.
    ⑦ [美]弗雷德里克·巴特著,黄建生译:《斯瓦特巴坦人的政治过程:一个社会人类学研究的范例》,上海:上海人民出版社,2005年,第99页。
    ① 参见E.E.Evans-Pritchard, The Sanusi of Syrenaica, Oxford:Oxford University Press,1954, pp.59-60. E.E.Evans-Pritchard. The Nuer, Oxford:Oxford University Press,1940, p.147.
    ② Ernest Gellner, "Tribalism and the State in the Middle East", in Philp S. Khoury, Joseph Kostiner (eds.), Tribes and State Formation in the Middle East, Oxford:University of California Press,1990, pp.109-110.
    ③ A. L. P. Burdett (ed.), Afghanistan Strategic Intelligence: British Records 1919-1979, Vol.1, Farnharm:Farnharm: Archive Editions,2002, p.244.
    ① [美]弗雷德里克·巴特著,黄建生译:《斯瓦特巴坦人的政治过程:一个社会人类学研究的范例》,上海:上海人民出版社,2005年,第193页。
    ① 参见《马克思恩格斯全集》第21卷,北京:人民出版社,1965年,第193页。
    ② Richard Tapper, "Introduction", in Richard Tapper (ed.), Tribe and State in Iran and Afghanistan, London and New York: Routledge,1983, pp.13-14.
    ③ Christine Neolle, The Interaction between State and Tribe in Nineteen-Century Afghanistan:The Reign of Amir Dost Muhanmad Khan, Doctoral Dissertation, Berkeley:University of California,1985, p.425.
    ① Willem Vogelsang, The Afghans, Oxford:Blackwell Publishers,2002, pp.233-234.
    ② Ganda Singh, Ahmad Shah Durrani:Father of Modern Afghanistan, Bombay:Asia Publishing House,1959, p.347.
    ③ Mountstuart Elphinstone, An Account of the Kingdom of Caubul, and It's Dependencies in Persia, Tartary, and India, London:A. Strahan,1815, p.512. ④ Ganda Singh, Ahmad Shah Durrani:Father of Modern Afghanistan, Bombay:Asia Publishing House,1959, pp.361-364.
    ⑤ M. Hassan Kakar, Government and Society in Afghanistan, Austin:University of Texas Press,1979, p.85.
    ⑥ Willem Vogelsang, The Afghans, Oxford:Blackwell Publishers,2002, p.236.
    ⑦ Thomas Barfield, Afghanistan:A Cultural and Political History, Princeton:Princeton University Press,2010, p.106.
    ① “卢比”为印度的货币单位。19世纪30年代,1喀布尔卢比约合0.85-0.9卢比(印度卢比)。Mountstuart Elphinstone, An Account of the Kingdom of Caubul, and It's Dependencies in Persia, Tartary, and India, London:A. Strahan,1815, p.524.
    ② Thomas Barfield, Afghanistan:A Cultural and Political History, Princeton:Princeton University Press,2010, p.101.
    ③ Barnett R, Rubin, "Lineages of the State in Afghanistan",Asian Survey, Vol.28, No.11,1988, pp.1191-1192.
    ④ M. Hassan Kakar, Government and Society in Afghanistan, Austin:University of Texas Press,1979, p.74.
    ⑤ 波波尔查伊和巴拉克查伊的人口分别为1.2万户和3万户。Mountstuart Elphinstone, An Account of the Kingdom of Caubul, and It's Dependencies in Persia, Tartary, and India, London:A. Strahan,1815, pp.397-398.
    ⑥ 帕英达有21个儿子。Christine Neolle, The Interaction between State and Tribe in Nineteen-Century Afghanistan:The Reign of Amir Dost Muhanmad Khan, Doctoral Dissertation, Berkeley:University of California,1985, pp.17-18.
    ⑦ Monhan Lai, Life of the Amir Dost Mohammed Khan of Kabul, Vol.1, London:Longman,1846, pp.231-233.
    ⑧ 根据伊斯兰教传统,人头税一般只对异教徒征收。Christine Neolle, The Interaction between State and Tribe in Nineteen-Century Afghanistan:The Reign of Amir Dost Muhanmad Khan, Doctoral Dissertation, Berkeley:University of California,1985, p.370.
    ① Thomas Barfield, Afghanistan:A Cultural and Political History, Princeton:Princeton University Press,2010, p.127.
    ② Christine Neolle, The Interaction between State and Tribe in Nineteen-Century Afghanistan:The Reign of Amir Dost Muhanmad Khan, Doctoral Dissertation, Berkeley:University of California,1985, p.423.
    ③ J. P. Ferrier, Caravan Journeys and Wanderings in Persia, Afghanistan, Turkistan, and Beloochistan, London:John Murray, 1857,p.455.
    ④ Christine Neolle, The Interaction between State and Tribe in Nineteen-Century Afghanistan:The Reign of Amir Dost Muhanmad Khan, Doctoral Dissertation, Berkeley:University of California,1985, pp.423-428.
    ⑤ Christine Neolle,-The Interaction between State and Tribe in Nineteen-Century Afghanistan:The Reign of Amir Dost Muhanmad Khan, Doctoral Dissertation, Berkeley:University of California,1985, pp.473-474.
    ⑥ 道斯特共有27个儿子和25个女儿。Thomas Barfield, Afghanistan:A Cultural and Political History, Princeton:Princeton University Press,2010, p.135.
    ⑥ M. Hassan Kakar, A Political and Diplomatic History of Afghanistan, Leiden:Brill,2006, p.17.
    ⑦ M. Hassan Kakar, Government and Society in Afghanistan, Austin:University of Texas Press,1979, p.88.
    ⑧ M. Hassan Kakar, A Political and Diplomatic History of Afghanistan, Leiden:Brill,2006, pp.18-22.
    ① 其父阿弗扎尔曾为阿富汗北部的统治者,是希尔·阿里同父异母的兄长。
    ② Sultan Mahomed Khan (ed.), The Life ofAbdur Rahman, Vol.11, London:John Murray,1900, pp.176-177.
    ③ M. Hassan Kakar, Government and Society in Afghanistan, Austin:University of Texas Press,1979, pp.48-49.
    ④ Sultan Mahomed Khan (ed.), The Life of Abdur Rahman, Vol.11, London:John Murray,1900, pp.2-5.
    ⑤ M. Hassan Kakar, Government and Society in Afghanistan, Austin:University of Texas Press,1979, p.183.
    ⑥ M. Hassan Kakar, Government and Society in Afghanistan, Austin:University of Texas Press,1979, pp.98-99.
    ⑦ M. Hassan Kakar, Government and Society in Afghanistan, Austin:University of Texas Press,1979, p.76.
    ① Thomas Barfield, Afghanistan:A Cultural and Political History, Princeton:Princeton University Press,2010, p.152.
    ② Sultan Mahomed Khan (ed.), The Life of Abdur Rahman, Vol.11, London:John Murray,1900, p.192.
    ③ Asta Olsen, Islam and Politics in Afghanistan, Richmond:Curzon Press,1995, pp.62-64.
    ④ Sultan Mahomed Khan (ed.), The Life of Abdur Rahman, Vol.11, London:John Murray,1900, p.205.
    ⑤ Asta Olsen, Islam and Politics in Afghanistan, Richmond:Curzon Press,1995, p.76.
    ⑥ M. Hassan Kakar, Government and Society in Afghanistan, Austin:University of Texas Press,1979, pp.161-162.
    ⑦ Asta Olsen, Islam and Politics in Afghanistan, Richmond:Curzon Press,1995, p.67..
    ⑧ Ashraf Ghani, "Islam and State-Building in a Tribal Society Afghanistan:1880-1901", Modern Asian Studies, Vol.12, No.2, 1978,p.278.
    ⑨ Thomas Barfield, Afghanistan:A Cultural and Political History, Princeton:Princeton University Press,2010, p.147.
    ⑩ Willem Vogelsang, The Afghans, Oxford:Blackwell Publishers,2002, p.268.
    11 M. Hassan Kakar, A Political and Diplomatic History of Afghanistan, Leiden:Brill,2006, pp.99,137.
    ① Nabi Misdaq:Afghanistan:Political Frailty and External Interference, New York:Routledge,2006, p.59.
    ② M. Hassan Kakar, A Political and Diplomatic History of Afghanistan, Leiden:Brill,2006, pp,136-137,
    ② Louis Dupree,Afghanistan,Princeton: Princeton University,1973,p.419.
    ③ Christine Neolle, The Interaction between State and Tribe in Nineteen-Century Afghanistan:The Reign of Amir Dost Muhanmad Khan, Doctoral Dissertation, Berkeley:University of California,1985, p.370.
    ④ Sultan Mahomed Khan (ed.), The Life of Abdur Rahman, Vol.11, London:John Murray,1900, p.63.
    ⑤ Barnett R. Rubin, "Lineages of the State in Afghanistan", sian Survey, Vol.28, No.11,1988, p.1193.
    ① 拉赫曼时期的改革以军事为主,建立的主要是军工厂。他因害怕外部的渗透危及阿富汗独立和统治,反对雇佣外国人,也反对修建铁路和开矿等。
    ② Senzil K. Nawid, Religious Response to Social Change in Afghanistan, CostaMesa:Mazda Publishers,1999, p.81.
    ③ A. L. P. Burdett (ed.), Afghanistan Strategic Intelligence:British Records 1919-1979, Vol.1, Farnharm:Archive Editions, 2002, p.520.
    ④ [美]塞缪尔·P·亨廷顿著,王冠华等译:《变化社会中的政治秩序》,上海:上海人民出版社,2008年,第10页。
    题 其他商品的税率参见A. L. P. Burdett (ed.), Afghanistan Strategic Intelligence:British Records 1919-1979, Vol.1, Farnharm:Archive Editions,2002, pp.247-248.
    ② [美]乔尔·S·米格达尔,张长东等译:《强社会与弱国家:第三世界的国家社会关系及国家能力》,南京:江苏人民出版社,2009年,第5页。
    ③ 喀布尔卢比(Kabuli Rupee)为当时阿富汗的货币单位。20世纪20年代,1喀布尔卢比约等于0.5卢比(印度货
    币单位),30喀布尔卢比约合1英镑。A. L. P. Burdett (ed.), Afghanistan Strategic Intelligence:British Records 1919-1979, Vol.1, Farnharm:Archive Editions,2002, pp.221,248,469.
    ④ 由哈比布拉建立,后来成为自由主义者的摇篮。
    ⑤ The Royal Afghan Ministry of Education, Education in Afghanistan:during the Last Half-Century, Munchner Buchgewerbehaus,1956, p.7.
    ⑧ Hasan Kakar, "Trends in Modern Afghan History", in Louis Dupree, Linette Albert eds., Afghanistan in the 1970s, New York:Praeger Publishers,1974, p.24.
    ⑦ [美]弗雷德里克·巴特著,黄建生译:《斯瓦特巴坦人的政治过程:一个社会人类学研究的范例》,上海:上海人民出版社,2005年,第105页。
    ① A. L. P. Burdett (ed.), Afghanistan Strategic Intelligence:British Records 1919-1979, Vol.1, Farnharm:Archive Editions, 2002, p.520.
    ② A. L. P. Burdett (ed.), Afghanistan Strategic Intelligence:British Records 1919-1979, Vol.1, Farnharm:Archive Editions, 2002, pp.248,253,539.
    ③ Senzil K. Nawid, Religious Response to Social Change in Afghanistan, Costa Mesa:Mazda Publishers,1999. p.85.
    ④ A. L. P. Burdett (ed.), Afghanistan Strategic Intelligence:British Records 1919-1979, Vol.1, Farnharm:Archive Editions, 2002, p.250.
    ⑤ A. L. P. Burdett (ed.), Afghanistan Strategic Intelligence:British Records 1919-1979, Vol.1, Farnharm:Archive Editions, 2002, p.232.
    ① A. L. P. Burdett (ed.), Afghanistan Strategic Intelligence:British Records 1919-1979, Vol.1, Farnharm:Archive Editions, 2002, p.237.
    ② A. L. P. Burdett (ed.), Afghanistan Strategic Intelligence:British Records 1919-1979, Vol.1, Farnharm:Archive Editions, 2002, p.233.
    ③ Ali Banuazizi, Myron Weiner(eds.), The State, Religion and Politics, Syracuse:Syracuse University Press,1989, n.47.
    ④ Nabi Misdaq, Afghanistan:Political Frailty and External Interference, New York:Routledge,2006, p.64.
    ⑤ Thomas Barfield,Afghanistan:A Cultural and Political History, Princeton:Princeton University Press,2010, p.184.
    ⑥ A. L. P. Burdett (ed.), Afghanistan Strategic Intelligence:British Records 1919-1979, Vol.1, Farnharm:Archive Editions, 2002, p.508.
    ⑦ A. L. P. Burdett (ed.), Afghanistan Strategic Intelligence:British Records 1919-1979, Vol.1, Farnharm:Archive Editions, 2002, p.608.
    ⑧ Senzil K. Nawid, Religious Response to Social Change in Afghanistan, Costa Mesa:Mazda Publishers,1999, p.84.
    ① A. L. P. Burdett (ed.), Afghanistan Strategic Intelligence:British Records 1919-1979, Vol.1, Farnharm:Archive Editions, 2002, p.608.
    ② A. L. P. Burdett (ed.), Afghanistan Strategic Intelligence:British Records 1919-1979, Vol.1, Farnharm:Archive Editions, 2002, pp.908-910.
    ③ A. L. P. Burdett (ed.), Afghanistan Strategic Intelligence:British Records 1919-1979, Vol.1, Farnharm: Archive Editions, 2002, p.907.
    ④ A. L. P. Burdett (ed.), Afghanistan Strategic Intelligence:British Records 1919-1979, Vol.1, Farnharm:Archive Editions, 2002, pp.931-932.
    ⑤ “巴恰·沙考”意味“挑水夫之子”,是普什图人对其的蔑称。在塔吉克人心目中,哈比布拉是民族英雄。
    ① A. L. P. Burdett (ed.), Afghanistan Strategic Intelligence:British Records 1919-1979, Vol.2, Farnharm:Archive Editions, 2002, p.47.
    ② A. L. P. Burdett (ed.), Afghanistan Strategic Intelligence:British Records 1919-1979, Vol.2, Farnharm:Archive Editions, 2002, p.51.
    ③ 阿富汗曾有传闻称,霍斯特叛乱与纳第尔有关。
    ④ A. L. P. Burdett (ed.), Afghanistan Strategic Intelligence:British Records 1919-1979, Vol.2, Farnharm:Archive Editions, 2002, p.28.
    ① 杜兰尼王朝的国王自称“沙”,道斯特·穆罕默德建国后改称为“埃米尔”。与“沙”不同的是,“埃米尔”不仅是世俗统治者,而且有很浓烈的宗教色彩。道斯特·穆罕默德自称埃米尔,并未经过大支尔格的任命。
    ② Thomas Barfield, Afghanistan:A Cultural and Political History, Princeton:Princeton University Press,2010, p.195.
    ③ 当时有传闻称,纳第尔与英国达成了秘密条约。纳第尔的行动受制于英国在喀布尔的办公室,作为回报英国给予前者每年20万英镑的补助。根据英国档案,纳第尔确实与英国政府进行接触,后者为其提供了70万卢比的援助。纳第尔上台后,英国又援助了大量的武器和资金。此外,在20世纪40年代前,阿富汗国内一直存在阿马努拉的支持者。参见N5406/1/97、N5468/1/97、Future Correspondence Respecting Afghanistan (Britain Foreign Office Files for India, Pakistan and Afghanistan,1947-1980), Part XI, December,1929, pp.39-41.A. L. P. Burdett (ed.), Afghanistan Strategic Intelligence:British Records 1919-1979, Vol.2, Farnharm:Archive Editions,2002, pp.180,210,288.
    ④ Thomas Barfield, Afghanistan:A Cultural and Political History, Princeton:Princeton University Press,2010, p.221.
    ① Nabi Misdaq, Afghanistan:Political Frailty and External Interference, New York:Routledge,2006, p.75.
    ② Angelo Rasanayagam, Afghanistan:A Modern History, London, New York:I.B.Tauris,2003, p:26.
    ③ Asta Olesen, Islam and Politics in Afghanistan, Richmond:Curzon Press,1995, p.179.
    ④ Constitution of Afghanistan 1931, http://afghantranslation.checchiconsulting.com/documents/constitution/Constitution_1931-1310 ET.pdf.
    ⑤ Richard S. Newell, The Politics of Afghanistan, London:Cornell University Press,1972, p.100.
    ⑥ Angelo Rasanayagam:Afghanistan:A Modern History, London, New York:I.B.Tauris,2003, p.40.
    ① 王凤:《阿富汗君主立宪制的演变》,载《西亚非洲》,2006年第8期,第75页。
    ② [美]塞缪尔·P·亨廷顿著,王冠华等译:《变化社会中的政治秩序》,上海:上海人民出版社,2008年,第10-19页。
    ③ Richard S. Newell, The Politics of Afghanistan, London:Cornell University Press,1972, p.80.
    ④ A. L. P. Burdett (ed.), Afghanistan Strategic Intelligence:British Records 1919-1979, Vol.2, Farnharm:Archive Editions, 2002, p.285.
    ⑤ Richard S. Newell, The Politics of Afghanistan, London:Cornell University Press,1972, p.86.
    ① A. L. P. Burdett (ed.), Afghanistan Strategic Intelligence:British Records 1919-1979, Vol.2, Farnharm:Archive Editions, 2002, p.807. Vol.3, Farnharm:Archive Editions,2002, p.77.
    ② Barnett R. Rubin, "Lineages of State in Afghanistan", Asian Survey, Vol.28, No.11,1988, p.1204.
    ③ Amin Saikal, Modern Afghanistan:A History of Struggle and Survival, London, New York:I.B.Tauris,2010, p.169.
    ④ Beverly Male, Revolutionary Afghanistan:A Reappraisal, New York:ST. Martin's Press,1982, p.95.
    ① A. L. P. Burdett (ed.), Afghanistan Strategic Intelligence: British Records'1919-1979, Vol.2, Farnharm:Archive Editions, 2002, pp.294-296.
    ② A. L. P. Burdett (ed.), Afghanistan Strategic Intelligence: British Records 1919-1979, Vol.4, Farnharm:Archive Editions, 2002, pp.717-718.
    ③ 王建娥:《族际政治:20世纪的理论与实践》,北京:社会科学文献出版社,2011年,第61页。
    ④ Barnett R. Rubin, "Lineages of State in Afghanistan", Asian Survey, Vol.28, No.11,1988, p.1202.
    ① 黄民兴主编:《阿富汗问题的历史嬗变》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2013年,第82页。
    ② 在20世纪30年代初,阿富汗尼与喀布尔卢比价值基本持平。Vladimir Cervin, "Problems in the Afghan Nation", Middle East Journal, Vol.6, No.4,1952, p.411.
    ① A. L. P. Burdett (ed.), Afghanistan Strategic Intelligence:British Records 1919-1979, Vol.2, Farnharm:Archive Editions, 2002, p.894.
    ② A. L. P. Burdett (ed.)> Afghanistan Strategic Intelligence:British Records 1919-1979, Vol.2, Farnharm:Archive Editions, 2002, p.987.
    ③ Thomas Barfield, Afghanistan:A Cultural and Political History, Princeton:Princeton University Press,2010, p.206.
    ④ Maurice Williams, Retrospective Review of US Assistance to Afghanistan:1950-1979, Devers,1988, p.36.
    ⑤ Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East, Statistical Yearbook for Asia and the Far East, UN,1968, pp.10-11.
    ⑥ Douglas A. Yates, The Rentier State in Africa:Oil Rent Depenency and Neocolonialism in the Republic of Gabon, Trenton:Africa World Press,1996, pp.12-36.
    ⑦ Garrett Arwa, Oil vs. Democracy:Oil Rent, Social Group, and Democratization in Middle East Monarchies, Master Degree Thesis, Syracuse:Syracuse University,2008, pp.19-26.
    ① 参见Philip Carl Salzman, "Tribal Chiefs as Middlemen:The Politics of Encapsulation in the Middle East",
    ② 穆沙希班王朝废除了“身份登记制度”。A. L. P. Burdett (ed.), Afghanistan Strategic Intelligence:British Records Anthropological Quarterly, Vol.47, No.2,1974, pp.203-210. 1919-1979, Vol.2, Farnharm:Archive Editions,2002, p.286.
    ③ Thomas Barfield, Afghanistan:A Cultural and Political History, Princeton:Princeton University Press,2010, p.221.
    ④ Thomas Barfield, Afghanistan:A Cultural and Political History, Princeton:Princeton University Press,2010, p.222.
    ⑤ Thomas Barfield, Afghanistan:A Cultural and Political History, Princeton:Princeton University Press,2010, p.224.
    ① U.S. Agency for International Development. "The Helmand Valley Project in Afghanistan", A.I.D. Evaluation Special Studies, No.18,1983, pp.3-4.
    ② U.S. Agency for International Development, "The Helmand Valley Project in Afghanistan", A.I.D. Evaluation Special Studies, No.18,1983, p.ll.
    ③ Rob Hager, "State, Tribe and Empire in Afghan Inter-Polity Relations", in Richard Tapper eds., Tribe and State in Iran and Afghanistan, London and New York:Routledge,2011, p.107.
    ④ Richard S. Newell, The Politics of Afghanistan, London:Cornell University Press,1972, pp.75-76.
    ① 黄民兴主编:《阿富汗问题的历史嬗变》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2013年,第146页。
    ② Baqui Yousefzai, "Kabul University Students:A Potential Political Force? ", in Louis Dupree, Linette Albert eds., Afghanistan in the 1970s, New York:Praeger Publishers,1974, p.171.
    ③ The Royal Afghan Ministry of Education, Education in Afghanistan:during the Last Half-Century, Munchner Buchgewerbehaus,1956, p.88.
    ④ Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East, Statistical Yearbook for Asia and the Far East, UN,1978, p.52.
    ⑤ Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East, Statistical Yearbook for Asia and the Far East, UN,1978, p.44. Barnett
    R. Rubin, The Fragmentation of Afghanistan, New Haven:Yale University Press,2002, p.19.
    ① 学生运动还有介于两派之间的第三派,即温和派。尽管人数众多,但立场摇摆不定,影响较小。Baqui Yousefzai, "Kabul University Students:A Potential Political Force? ", in Louis Dupree, Linette Albert eds., Afghanistan in the 1970s, NewYork:Praeger Publishers,1974, pp.176-179.
    ② 阿富汗历史上并未进行过类似的统计,下表只是粗略的估计。
    ③ “乌斯塔兹”为伊斯兰教师的尊称。1973年,该组织更名为“伊斯兰促进会”(Jamiat-i-Islami)。
    ① “伊斯兰促进会”曾是抗苏运动和北方联盟的主力,如今是阿富汗政府最大的在野党。2011年拉巴尼遇刺身亡后,其子成为党魁。
    ② [美]路易斯·杜普雷著,黄民兴译:《阿富汗现代史纲要》(内部资料),西安:西北大学中东研究所,2002年,第178-186页。
    ③ [美]路易斯·杜普雷著,黄民兴译:《阿富汗现代史纲要》(内部资料),西安:西北大学中东研究所,2002年,第260页。
    ④ Thomas Barfield, Afghanistan:A Cultural and Political History, Princeton:Princeton University Press,2010, pp.211-212.
    ⑤ [美]路易斯·杜普雷著,黄民兴译:《阿富汗现代史纲要》(内部资料),西安:西北大学中东研究所,2002年,第188页。
    ⑥ Thomas Barfield, Afghanistan:A Cultural and Political History, Princeton:Princeton University Press,2010, p.214.
    ① Barnett R. Rubin, "Political Elites in Afghanistan:Rentier State Building, Rentier State Wrecking", InternationalJournal of Middle East Studies, Vol.24, No.l,1992, p.87.
    ② Barnett R. Rubin, "Political Elites in Afghanistan:Rentier State Building, Rentier State Wrecking", InternationalJournal of Mddle East Studies, Vol.24, No.l,1992, p.87.
    ③ Anthony Arnold, Afghanistan's Two-Party Communism, Stanford:Hoover Institution Press,1983, pp.47-48.
    ④ [以]s.N.艾森斯塔特著,张旅平等译:《现代化:抗拒与变迁》,北京:中国人民大学出版社,1988年,第1、17页。
    ⑤ FA 1017/3, "Demand for a More Democratic Form of Government", in Bulent Gokay (ed.), Britain Documents on Foreign Affairs, PartV, Serious B:Near and Middle East 1951, LexisNexis,2005, p.9.
    ① [美]塞缪尔·P·亨廷顿著,王冠华等译:《变化社会中的政治秩序》,上海:上海人民出版社,2008年,第145页。
    ② [德]尤尔根·哈贝马斯著,刘北成、曹卫东译:《合法化危机》,上海:上海人民出版社,2009年,第4-5页。
    ③ Thomas Barfield, Afghanistan:A Cultural and Political History, Princeton:Princeton University Press,2010, p.210.
    ① Barnett R. Rubin, The Fragmentation of Afghanistan, New Haven:Yale University Press,2002, pp.296-297.
    ② Amin Saikal, Modern Afghanistan:A History of Struggle and Survival, London, New York:I.B.Tauris,2010, pp.104-105.
    ③ 达乌德之父阿齐兹曾任阿富汗驻德国大使。1933年,他在德国遇刺身亡。
    ④ 达乌德当时任内政部长和国防部长。FA 1015/14, "Political Situation in Afghanistan", in Malcolm Yapp eds., Britain Documents on Foreign Affairs, Part IV, Serious B:Near and Middle East 1950, University Publications of America,2002, p.15.
    ⑤ Amin Saikal, Modern Afghanistan:A History of Struggle and Survival, London, New York:I.B.Tauris,2010, pp.114-115.
    ⑥ 阿富汗没有出海口,其国际贸易主要借道巴基斯坦。达乌德第一次执政时,阿富汗和巴基斯坦的关系因双方的领土问题严重恶化,三次关闭两国的边界。
    ⑦ "Letter from Afghan Ministry of Planning (Sarabi) to the Ambassador to Afghanistan (Neumann)", July 20,1970, Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS),1969-1972, Vol.E-7, pp.1-3.
    ① Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East, Statistical Yearbook for Asia and the Far East, UN,1978, p.45.
    ② Beverly Male, Revolutionary Afghanistan:A Reappraisal, New York:ST. Martin's Press,1982, p.76.
    ③ Dr Nabi Misdaq, Afghanistan:Political Frailty and External Interference, London and New York:Routledge,2006, p.85.
    ④ Amin Saikal, Modern Afghanistan:A History of Struggle and Survival, London, New York:I.B.Tauris,2010, p.170.
    ⑤ 转引自Bhabani Sen Gupta, Afghanistan:Politics, Economics and Society, London:Frances Printer,1986, p.18.
    ⑥ Anthony Arnold, Afghanistan's Two-Party Communism, Stanford:Hoover Institution Press,1983, p.44.
    ⑦ 达乌德与阿富汗左派的联系最早可以追溯至20世纪40年代的“觉醒青年运动”。在担任首相期间,由于其亲苏的立场,也被人称为“红色亲王”。Anthony Arnold, Afghanistan's Two-Party Communism, Stanford:Hoover Institution Press,1983,p.43.
    ⑧ 转引自Dr Nabi Misdaq, Afghanistan:Political Frailty and External Interference, London and New York:Routledge, 2006, p.87.
    ① [美]沙伊斯塔·瓦哈卜、巴里·杨格曼著,杨军等译:《阿富汗史》,北京:中国大百科全书出版社,2010年,第150页。
    ② Anthony Arnold, Afghanistan's Two-Party Communism, Stanford:Hoover Institution Press,1983, p.54.
    ③ 人民民主党将海勃尔遇刺归咎为达乌德所为。事实上,后来的发展表明人民派的阿明才是幕后主使,杀死海勃尔只是为了嫁祸于达乌德。Anthony Arnold, Afghanistan's Two-Party Communism, Stanford:Hoover Institution Press,1983,pp.56-59.
    ④ Barnett R. Rubin, The Fragmentation of Afghanistan, New Haven:Yale University Press,2002, p.115.
    ⑤ Anthony Arnold, Afghanistan's Two-Party Communism, Stanford:Hoover Institution Press,1983, p.29.
    ① 阿明上台后,阿富汗日益背离苏联,倒向西方国家。
    ② Barnett R. Rubin, The Fragmentation of Afghanistan, New Haven:Yale University Press.2002. p.115.
    ③ Beverly Male, Revolutionary Afghanistan:A Reappraisal, New York:ST. Martin's Press,1982, pp.107-108.
    ④ 转引自Beverly Male, Revolutionary Afghanistan:A Reappraisal, New York:ST. Martin's Press,1982, p.110.
    ⑤ Barnett R. Rubin. The Fragmentation of Afghanistan, New Haven:Yale University Press,2002, pp.116-117.
    ⑥ 阿富汗原来的土地改革仅限于将国有土地和牧场分配给无地农民和牧民。
    ① M.Nazif Shahrani, "Marxist'Revolution'and Islamic Resistance in Afghanistan", in M.Nazif Shahrani eds., Revolutions & Rebellions in Afghanistan, Berkeley:University of California,1984, p.14.
    ② Barnett R. Rubin, The Fragmentation of Afghanistan, New Haven:Yale University Press,2002, pp.118-119.
    ③ Barnett R. Rubin, The Fragmentation of Afghanistan, New Haven:Yale University Press,2002, pp.129-130. Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East, Statistical Yearbook for Asia and the Far East, UN,1978, p.24.
    ④ 转引自Beverly Male, Revolutionary Afghanistan:A Reappraisal, New York:ST. Martin's Press,1982, p.222.
    ⑤ R. Lincoln Kaiser, "The Rebellion in Darra-I Nur", in M.Nazif Shahrani (ed.), Revolutions & Rebellions in Afghanistan, Berkeley:University of California,1984, p.125.
    ⑥ 关于人民民主党土地分配的效果并无一致的看法。黄民兴主编:《阿富汗问题的历史嬗变》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2013年,第197页。
    ① M.Nazif Shahrani, "Marxist'Revolution'and Islamic Resistance in Afghanistan", in M.Nazif Shahrani eds., Revolutions & Rebellions in Afghanistan, Berkeley:University of California,1984, p.17.
    ② Thomas Barfield, Afghanistan:A Cultural and Political History, Princeton:Princeton University Press,2010, p.230.
    ③ Gilles Dorronsoro, Revolution Unending:Afghanistan:1979 to Present, London:Hurst & Company,2005. p.96.
    ④ Angelo Rasanayagam, Afghanistan:A Modern History, London; New York, N.Y.:I.B.Tauris,2003, p.78.
    ⑤ [美]沙伊斯塔·瓦哈卜、巴里·杨格曼著,杨军等译:《阿富汗史》,北京:中国大百科全书出版社,2010年,第160页。
    ⑥ 对于人民民主党成员的人数没有一致的看法。
    ⑦ 转引自Dr Nabi Misdaq, Afghanistan:Political Frailty and External Interference, London and New York:Routledge, 2006, p.143.
    ① 境外的伊斯兰政党远超“七党联盟”和“八党联盟”,只是后两者得到了巴基斯坦和伊朗的承认,获得的资源更多,影响更大。关于上述抵抗组织的详情参见M. Hassan Kakar, Afghanistan:The Soviet Invasion and the Afghan Response, 1979-1982, Berkeley:University of California Press,1995, pp.79-109.
    ② Thomas Barfield, Afghanistan:A Cultural and Political History, Princeton:Princeton University Press,2010, p.236.
    ③ 国内外学者对于阿富汗抵抗运动的研究主要集中在境外的伊斯兰政党,对阿富汗国内抵抗运动缺乏必要的关注。Barnett R. Rubin, The Fragmentation of Afghanistan, New Haven:Yale University Press,2002, p.144.
    ④ 参见M.Nazif Shahrani(eds.), Revolutions & Rebellions in Afghanistan, Berkeley:University of California,1984.
    ⑤ David Edwards, "Learning From Swat Pathans:Political Leadership in Afghanistan,1978-97", American Ethnologist, Vol.25, No.4,1998, p.718.
    ⑥ Olivier Roy, Islam and Resistance in Afghanistan, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1986, pp.184-186.
    ① David Edwards, "Learning From Swat Pathans:Political Leadership in Afghanistan,1978-97", American Ethnologist, Vol.25, No.4,1998, p.719.
    ② David B. Edwards, Before Taliban Genealogies of the Afghan Jihad, Berkeley:University of California Press,2002, p.269.
    ③ Olivier Roy, Islam and Resistance in Afghanistan, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1986, pp.172-174.
    ④ Barnett R. Rubin, The Fragmentation of Afghanistan, New Haven:Yale University Press,2002, p.188.
    ⑤ 如今的阿富汗同样如此。塔利班一般在春季和夏季活动,被称为“春季攻势”和“夏季攻势”。
    ① Olivier Roy, Islam and Resistance in Afghanistan, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1986, p.177.
    ② Antonio Giustozzi, Empires of Mud:War and Warlords in Afghanistan, London:Hurst & Company,2009, p.47.
    ③ Audrey Shalinsky, "Ethnic Reaction to Current Regime in Afghanistan", Asian Survey, Vol.3, No.4, pp.49-60.
    ④ Thomas Barfield, Afghanistan:A Cultural and Political History, Princeton:Princeton University Press,2010, p.253.
    ⑤ [美]弗雷德里克·巴特著,黄建生译:《斯瓦特巴坦人的政治过程:一个社会人类学研究的范例》,上海:上海人民出版社,2005年,第4页。
    ⑥ Antonio Giustozzi, Noor Ullah, "'Tribes'and Warlords in Southern Afghanistan,1980-2005", Crisis States Working Papers, No.2,2006, p.10.
    ⑦ Olivier Roy, Islam and Resistance in Afghanistan, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1986, pp.180-183.
    ① Amin Saikal, Modern Afghanistan:A History of Struggle and Survival, London, New York:I.B.Tauris,2010, pp.205-206.
    ② 1983年,由于征兵困难,人民民主党政权开始建立以村庄为单位的民兵组织。Antonio Giustozzi, Empires of Mud: War and Warlords in Afghanistan, London:Hurst & Company,2009, pp.53-54.
    ③ Thomas Barfield, Afghanistan:A Cultural and Political History, Princeton:Princeton University Press,2010, pp.244-245.
    ① Jon W. Anderson, "There are No Khan Anymore:Economic Development and Social Change in Tribal Afghanistan", Middle East Journal, Vol.32, No.2,1978, pp.168-170.
    ② 20世纪70年代,拖拉机在阿富汗售价高达1万美元,一般的部落民买不起。不过也有一些部落首领用自己的拖拉机为部落民耕种土地。
    ③ Jon W. Anderson, "There are No Khan Anymore:Economic Development and Social Change in Tribal Afghanistan", Middle East Journal, Vol.32, No.2,1978, p.171.
    ④ Antonio Giustozzi, Empires of Mud:War and Warlords in Afghanistan, London:Hurst & Company,2009, p.34.
    ⑤ Olivier Roy, Islam and Resistance in Afghanistan, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1986, p.152.
    ⑥ 在边远地区,特别是游牧部落中,传统的部落首领仍发挥着主导作用。Olivier Roy, Islam and Resistance in Afghanistan, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1986, pp.150-153.
    ⑦ Gilles Dorronsoro, Revolution Unending:Afghanistan:1979 to Present, London:Hurst & Company,2005, pp.119-122.
    ⑧ Antonio Giustozzi, Empires of Mud:War and Warlords in Afghanistan, London:Hurst & Company,2009, p.34.黄民兴:《1979年苏联入侵以来阿富汗社会结构的变化和影响》,《史学集刊》,2013年第4期,第106页。
    ⑨ Gilles Dorronsoro, Revolution Unending:Afghanistan:1979 to Present, London:Hurst & Company,2005, p.123.
    ① Kristian Berg Harpviken, Social Networks and Migration in Wartime Afghanistan, Hampshire:Palgrave Macmillan,2009. p.46.
    ② Olivier Roy. Islam and Resistance in Afghanistan, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1986, p.157.
    ③ Olivier Roy, Islam and Resistance in Afghanistan, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1986, pp.153-156.
    ④ Asta Olsen, Islam and Politics in Afghanistan, Richmond:Curzon Press,1995, pp.276-277.
    ⑤ Olivier Roy, Islam and Resistance in Afghanistan, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1986, pp.154-155.
    ① Antonio Giustozzi, Empires of Mud:War and Warlords in Afghanistan, London:Hurst & Company.2009, p.50.
    ② Gilles Dorronsoro, Revolution Unending:Afghanistan:1979 to Present, London:Hurst & Company,2005, pp.129-136.
    ③ 伊斯兰促进会的组成相对来说比较开放。在抗苏运动中,拉巴尼鼓励其党内的军事首领建立武装。因此,伊斯兰促进会形成了两派:政治领袖和军事领袖。拉巴尼属于前者,马苏德属于后者。如今,伊斯兰促进会是阿富汗的主要反对党,其内部同样有政治和军事的划分。与此相反,希克马蒂亚尔的伊斯兰党具有非常严密和统一的组织结构。
    ④ 参见Antonio Giustozzi, "The Demodernisation of an Army:Northern Afghanistan,1992-2001", Small Wars & Insurgencies, Vol.15, No.l,2004, pp.1-18.
    ③ Gilles Dorronsoro, Revolution Unending:Afghanistan:1979 to Present, London:Hurst & Company,2005, p.240.
    ① 意大利研究阿富汗军阀的著名学者古斯托奇认为,普什图地区并没有出现大的军阀。参见Antonio Giustozzi, Noor Ullah, "'Tribes'and Warlords in Southern Afghanistan,1980-2005", Crisis States Working Papers, No.2,2006.
    ② Gilles Dorronsoro, Revolution Unending:Afghanistan:1979 to Present, London:Hurst & Company,2005, p.241.
    ③ Sue Emmott, "'Dislocation', Shelter, and Crisis:Afghanistan's Refugees and Nations of Home", Gender and Development, Vol.4, No.l,1996, p.31.
    ④ Kristian Berg Harpviken, Social Networks and Migration in Wartime Afghanistan, Hampshire:Palgrave Macmillan,2009, p.79.
    ⑤ Kristian Berg Harpviken, Social Networks and Migration in Wartime Afghanistan, Hampshire:Palgrave Macmillan,2009, p.67.
    ⑥ David Busby Edwards, "Marginality and Migration:Cultural Dimensions of Afghan Refugee Problem", International Migration Review, Vol.20, No.2,1986, p.314.
    ① Kristian Berg Harpviken, Social Networks and Migration in Wartime Afghanistan, Hampshire:Palgrave Macmillan,2009, pp.63-64.
    ② Robert D. Crew, Amin Tarzi eds., The Taliban and the Crisis of Afghanistan, Cambridge:Harvard University Press, 2008, p.19.
    ③ Kristian Berg Harpviken, Social Networks and Migration in Wartime Afghanistan, Hampshire:Palgrave Macmillan,2009, pp.48,193.
    ④ Ahmed Rashid, Taliban:Militant Islam, Oil and Fundamentalism in Central Asia, New Haven:Yale University Press, 2010, p.19.
    ① Kristian Berg Harpviken, Social Networks and Migration in Wartime Afghanistan, Hampshire:Palgrave Macmillan.2009, p.67.
    ② Kristian Berg Harpviken, Social Networks and Migration in Wartime Afghanistan, Hampshire:Palgrave Macmillan,2009, p.58.
    ③ 参见卢玲玲、闫伟:《美国撤军与阿富汗重建的前景》,《现代国际关系》,2013年第11期。
    ④ 城市中的行会和米勒特制度实质上也是间接统治。
    ⑤ 罗荣渠著:《现代化新论——世界与中国的现代化进程》(增订本),北京:商务印书馆,2004年,第127-128页。
    ① 参见丛日云:《当代世界的民主化浪潮》,天津:天津人民出版社,1999年,第9页。
    ② [美]贾恩弗朗哥·波奇著,陈尧译:《国家:本质、发展与前景》,上海:上海人民出版社,2007年,第20-26页。
    ③ 彭树智著:《两斋文明自觉论随笔》(第一卷),中国社会科学出版社,2012年,第6页。
    ④ 参见吴英:《对马克思主义国家理论的再解读》,《史学理论研究》,2009年第3期。
    ⑤ 参见潘光:《穆罕默德·阿里改革对国家治理的启示》,《阿拉伯世界研究》,2013年第3期,第21-22页。
    ⑥ Amin Saikal, "Afghanistan's Weak State and Strong Society", in Simon Chesterman etc. (eds.), Making States Work: State Failure and the Crisis of Governance, New York:United Nations University,2005, p.193.
    ① [以]S.N.艾森斯塔特著,旷新年译:《反思现代性》,北京:三联书店,2006年,第21、27、37页。
    ② 马克思、恩格斯:《马克思恩格斯选集》(第一卷),人民出版社,1972年,第10页。
    ③ [美]塞缪尔·P·亨廷顿著,王冠华等译:《变化社会中的政治秩序》,上海:上海人民出版社,2008年,第1页。
    ④ [美]弗朗西斯·福山著,黄胜强译:《国家构建:21世纪的国家治理与世界秩序》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2007年,第7页。
    ⑤ [法]费尔南·布罗代尔著,刘北成、周立红译:《论历史》,北京:北京大学出版社,2008年,第34页。
    ⑥ Richard Tapper, "Anthropologists, Historians, and Tribespeople on Tribe and State Formations in the Middle Bast", in Philp S. Khoury, Joseph Kostiner (eds.), Tribes and State Formation in the Middle East, Oxford:University of California Press,1990, p.51.
    ① [美]弗雷德里克·巴特著,黄建生译:《斯瓦特巴坦人的政治过程:一个社会人类学研究的范例》,上海:上海人民出版社,2005年,第193页。
    ② Richard Tapper (ed.),Tribe and State in Iran and Afghanistan, London and New York:Routledge,2011, pp.42-43.
    ③ [英]安东尼·吉登斯著,胡宗泽等译:《民族—国家与暴力》,北京:三联书店,1998年,第222-233页。
    ① Barnett R. Rubin, The Fragmentation of Afghanistan, New Haven:Yale University Press,2002, p.38.
    ② Thomas Barfield, Afghanistan:A Cultural and Political History, Princeton:Princeton University Press,2010, p.40.
    ③ [美]弗雷德里克·巴特著,黄建生译:《斯瓦特巴坦人的政治过程:一个社会人类学研究的范例》,上海:上海人民出版社,2005年,第5页。
    ④ Peter Tomsen, The War of Afghanistan:Messianic, Terrorism, Tribal Conflicts, and the Failures of Great Powers, New York:PublicAffairs,2011, p.46.
    ⑤ James Baillie Fraser, A Historical and Description Account of Persia, Edinburgh:Harper & Brothers,1842, p.436.
    ① Mountstuart Elphinstone, An Account of the Kingdom of Caubul, and It's Dependencies in Persia, Tarary, and India, London:A. Strahan,1815, pp.200-205.
    ② Thomas Barfield, Afghanistan:A Cultural and Political History, Princeton:Princeton University Press,2010, p.40.
    ③ 他们在历史上遭到正统穆斯林的迫害,而逃到人烟罕至的巴达赫尚山区和瓦罕走廊。20世纪90年代,阿富汗的伊斯玛仪派约有15-18万人。参见Hafizullah Emadi, "Minority Group Politics:The Role of Ismalis in Afghanistan's Politics", Central Asian Survey, Vol.12, No.3,1993.
    ③ Olivier Roy, Islam and Resistance in Afghanistan, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1986, p.30.
    ④ Bhabani Sen Gupta, Afghanistan:Politics, Economics and Society, London:Frances Printer,1986, p.58.
    ⑥ 女孩的宗教知识一般由其母亲教授。
    ⑦ Donald N. Wilber, "The Structure and Position of Islam in Afghanistan", Middle East Journal, Vol.6, No.l,1952, p.44.
    ① Olivier Roy, Islam and Resistance in Afghanistan, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1986, p.33.
    ② Akbar S. Ahmed, Pukhtun Economy and Society:Traditional Structure and Economic Development in a Tribal Society, London, Bostun:Routledge & Kegan Paul,1980, p.168.
    ③ Mountstuart Elphinstone, An Account of the Kingdom of Caubul, and It's Dependencies in Persia, Tarary, and India, London:A. Strahan,1815, p.218.
    ④ Peter Tomsen, The War of Afghanistan:Messianic, Terrorism, Tribal Conflicts, and the Failures of Great Powers, New York:PublicAffairs,2011, p.59.
    ⑤ Olivier Roy, Islam and Resistance in Afghanistan, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1986, p.35.
    ⑥ Roy Motttahdeh, Loyalty and Leadership in Early Islamic Society, Princeton:Princeton University Press,1980, p.147.
    ⑦ 伊斯兰世界分布着大量的“圣裔”,他们宣称自己是先知默罕默德的后裔,具体而言就是法蒂玛和第四任哈里发阿里的后代。有时“圣裔”也被称为“米安”(Mian)。
    ⑧ [美]弗雷德里克·巴特著,黄建生译:《斯瓦特巴坦人的政治过程:一个社会人类学研究的范例》,上海:上海人民出版社,2005年,第133页。
    ① Olivier Roy, Islam and Resistance in Afghanistan, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1986, p.38.
    ② [美]弗雷德里克·巴特著,黄建生译:《斯瓦特巴坦人的政治过程:一个社会人类学研究的范例》,上海:上海人民出版社,2005年,第141页。
    ③ 参见[美]弗雷德里克·巴特著,黄建生译:《斯瓦特巴坦人的政治过程:一个社会人类学研究的范例》,上海:上海人民出版社,2005年,第143-146页。
    ④ Louis Dupree, Afghanistan, Princeton:Princeton University,1973, p.104.
    ① Akbar S. Ahmed, "Religious Presence and Symbolism in Pukhtun", Akbar S. Ahmed, David M. Hart (eds.), Islam in Tribal Societies, London:Routledge,2008, p.312.
    ② Louis Dupree, Afghanistan, Princeton:Princeton University,1973, p.104.
    ③ 吴云贵著:《追踪与溯源:当代世界伊斯兰教热点问题》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2013年,第161页。
    ④ 参见马坚译:《古兰经》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,1996年。引文括号中皆为章节。
    ⑤ Olivier Roy, Islam and Resistance in Afghanistan, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1986, p.35.
    ⑥ 转引自车效梅著:《全球化与中东城市发展研究》,北京:人民出版社,2013年,第63页。
    ⑦ 这里的城市不仅指大城市,还包括市镇。
    ① Donald N. Wilber, "The Structure and Position of Islam in Afghanistan", Middle East Journal, Vol.6, No.1,1952, p.43.
    ② Antonio Giustozzi, War, Politics and Society in Afghanistan, Washington, D.C.:Georgetown University Press,2000, p.62.
    ③ Mountstuart Elphinstone, An Account of the Kingdom of Caubul, and It's Dependencies in Persia, Tarary, and India, London:A. Strahan,1815, pp.285-286.
    ④ Ashraf Ghani, "Islam and State-Building in a Tribal Society Afghanistan:1880-1901", Modern Asian Studies, Vol.12, No.2,1978, p.271.
    ⑤ Senzil K. Nawid, Religious Response to Social Change in Afghanistan, Costa Mesa:Mazda Publishers,1999, p.12.
    ⑥ Mountstuart Elphinstone, An Account of the Kingdom of Caubul, and It's Dependencies in Persia, Tarary, and India, London:A. Strahan,1815, p.218.
    ⑦ 参见彭树智主编:《中东史》,北京:人民出版社,2010年,第99-100页。
    ⑧ Ann K.S. Lambton, State and Government in Medieval Islam, Oxford:Oxford University Press,1981, p.191.
    ① Senzil K.Nawid, Religious Response to Social Change in Afghanistan, Costa Mesa:Mazda Publishers,1999, p.8.
    ② Mountstuart Elphinstone, An Account of the Kingdom of Caubul, and It's Dependencies in Persia, Tarary, and India, London:A. Strahan,1815, p.215.
    ③ Mountstuart Elphinstone, An Account of the Kingdom of Caubul, and It's Dependencies in Persia, Tarary, and India, London:A. Strahan,1815, p.219.
    ④ Ashraf Ghani, "Islam and State-Building in a Tribal Society Afghanistan:1880-1901", Modern Asian Studies, Vol.12, No.2,1978, p.273.
    ⑤ Asta Olesen, Islam and Politics in Afghanistan, Richmond:Curzon Press,1995, p.42.
    ⑥ 这里译为苏非教团较为恰当。
    ⑦ 转引自[以]S.N.艾森斯塔特著,旷新年译:《反思现代性》,北京:三联书店,2006年,第348页。
    ① 在中东历史上,只有奥斯曼帝国将欧莱玛纳入到统一的管理,但也是不完全的。
    ② Olivier Roy, Islam and Resistance in Afghanistan, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1986, p.50.
    ③ Roy Mottahedeh, Loyalty and Leadership in Early Islamic Society, Princeton:Princeton University Press,1980, p.147.
    ④ “辟尔”也被译为“皮尔”是波斯语中对于导师的称谓。在不同地区导师的称谓不同,阿拉伯地区称“谢赫”(Sheikh),突厥语中为“巴巴”(Baba),中国的穆斯林称“依禅”、“老人家”或“道祖”等。
    ⑤ 张晓东:《阿富汗伊斯兰教与政治关系的历史透视》,北京:中国社会科学院博士毕业论文,2004年,第10-11页。
    ⑥ 周燮藩等著:《苏非之道:伊斯兰教神秘主义研究》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2012年,第151页。
    ① Senzil K. Nawid, Religious Response to Social Change in Afghanistan, Costa Mesa:Mazda Publishers,1999, p.15.
    ② 参见Itzchak Weisman, The Naqshandiyya:Orthodoxy and Activism in a Worldwide Sufi Tradition, London:Routledge, 2007, p.2.
    ③ Olivier Roy, Islam and Resistance in Afghanistan, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1986, p.43.
    ④ Asta Olesen, Islam and Politics in Afghanistan, Richmond:Curzon Press,1995, p.45.
    ① 周燮藩等著:《苏非之道:伊斯兰教神秘主义研究》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2012年,第286页。
    ② 苏非教团内部存在等级制和教阶制,教团首领为辟尔,继承人称“海里法”,“穆里德”意为寻道者,即一般的教众。
    ③ Peter Tomsen, The War of Afghanistan, New York:PublicAffairs,2011, p.59.
    ④ Louis Dupree, Afghanistan, Princeton:Princeton University,1973, pp.104-105.
    ⑤ Donald N. Wilber, "The Structure and Position of Islam in Afghanistan", Middle East Journal, Vol.6, No.l,1952, p.45.
    ⑥ Olivier Roy, Islam and Resistance in Afghanistan, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1986, p.40.
    ⑦ Olivier Roy, Islam and Resistance in Afghanistan, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1986, p.41.
    ① 参见张晓东:《阿富汗伊斯兰教与政治关系的历史透视》,北京:中国社会科学院博士毕业论文,2004年。Asta Olesen, Islam and Politics in Afghanistan, Richmond:Curzon Press,1995.
    ② Sultan Mahomed Khan (ed.), The Life ofAbdur Rahman, Vol.11, London:John Murray,1900, pp.176-177.
    ① 拉赫曼之子哈比布拉上台后基本上延续了其父的宗教政策。Barnett R. Rubin, "Lineages of the State in Afghanistan",Asian Survey, Vol.28, No.11,1988, p.1194.
    ② Sultan Mahomed Khan (ed.), The Life of Abdur Rahman, Vol.11, London:John Murray,1900, p.172.
    ③ Sultan Mahomed Khan (ed.), The Life of Abdur Rahman, Vol.1, London:John Murray,1900, pp.217-218.
    ④ Sultan Mahomed Khan (ed.), The Life of Abdur Rahman, Vol.11, London:John Murray,1900, p.205.
    ⑤ Sultan Mahomed Khan (ed.). The Life of Abdur Rahman, Vol.11, London:John Murray,1900, p.205.
    ⑥ Asta Olesen, Islam and Politics in Afghanistan, Richmond:Curzon Press,1995, p.74.
    ⑦ Sultan Mahomed Khan (ed.), The Life of Abdur Rahman, Vol.11, London:John Murray,1900, p.205.
    ① Sultan Mahomed Khan (ed.), The Life of Abdur Rahman, Vol.11, London:John Murray,1900, p.109.
    ② Sultan Mahomed Khan (ed.), The Life of Abdur Rahman, Vol.1, London:John Murray,1900, pp.37-39.
    ③ Asta Olesen, Islam and Politics in Afghanistan, Richmond:Curzon Press,1995, p.83.
    ④ Christine Neolle, "The Anti-Wahhab? Reaction in Nineteenth-Century Afghanistan", The Muslim World, Vol.85, No.1-2,1995, p.23.
    ⑤ Sultan Mahomed Khan (ed.), The Life of Abdur Rahman, Vol.11, London:John Murray,1900, pp.175-176.
    ① 参见王铁铮主编:《世界现代化历程·中东卷》,南京:江苏人民出版社,2010年,第11-23页。
    ② 1893年拉赫曼与英印当局签订《杜兰协定》,英国向阿富汗提供经济援助,代价是阿富汗外交由英国人掌控。
    ③ 彭树智:《东方民族主义思潮》,北京:人民出版社,2013年,第166-170页。
    ④ Vartan Gregorian, "Mahmud Tarzi and Saraj-ol-Akhbar:Ideology of Nationalism and Modernization in Afghansitan", Middle East Journal, Vol.21, No.3,1967, pp.352-353.
    ⑤ Vartan Gregorian, "Mahmud Tarzi and Saraj-ol-Akhbar:Ideology of Nationalism and Modernization in Afghansitan", Middle East Journal, Vol.21, No.3,1967, pp.353,357-360.
    ⑥ 学术界一般认为阿马努拉的改革受到凯末尔主义的影响。这固然不假,但却不够全面。阿马努拉还受到奥斯曼帝国“坦齐马特”改革的影响,特别是在司法领域。
    ⑦ Asta Olesen, Islam and Politics in Afghanistan, Richmond:Curzon Press,1995, p.122.
    ⑧ The Constitution of Afghanistan, April 9,1923, http://www.constitution.org/cons/afghan/const1923.htm.
    ⑨ [德]马克斯·韦伯著,林荣远译:《经济与社会》(上卷),北京:商务印书馆,1997年,第241-242页。
    ① 阿马努拉之父哈比布拉最先在阿富汗引进世俗教育,建立了第一所世俗学校“哈比比亚学校”。1913年创建教育部。
    ② 彭树智:《东方民族主义思潮》,北京:人民出版社,2013年,第182页。
    ③ Asta Olesen, Islam and Politics in Afghanistan, Richmond:Curzon Press,1995, p.130.
    ④ Mohammad Hashim Kamali, Law in Afghanistan:A Study of the Constitutions, Matrimonial Law and the Judiciaru, Leiden:E.J.Brill,1985, p.37.
    ⑤ 党章全文参见Anthony Arnold, Afghanistan's Two-Party Communism, Stanford:Hoover Institution Press,1983,pp.149-159.
    ⑥ Mohammad Hashim Kamali, Law in Afghanistan:A Study of the Constitutions, Matrimonial Law and the Judiciaru, Leiden:E.J.Brill,1985, p.58.
    ① 该部门可以追溯到1930年穆沙希班王朝建立的“欧莱玛委员会”,在后文中将详述。
    ② Antonio Giustozzi, War, Politics and Society in Afghanistan, Washington, D.C.:Georgetown University Press,2000, p.57.
    ③ Asta Olesen, Islam and Politics in Afghanistan, Richmond:Curzon Press,1995, pp.263-264.
    ④ 1987年宪法全文参见The Constitution of Afghanistan 1987, http://www.afghan-web.com/history/const/constl987.ht ml.
    ⑤ Antonio Giustozzi, War, Politics and Society in Afghanistan, Washington, D.C.:Georgetown University Press,2000, p.62.
    ① Asta Olesen, Islam and Politics in Afghanistan, Richmond:Curzon Press,1995, p.178.
    ② 宪法全文参见The Constitution of Afghanistan 1931. http://afghantranslation.checchiconsulting.com/documents/const itution/Constitution 1931-1310_ET.pdf.
    ③ Donald N. Wilber, Afghanistan:It's People, It's Society, It's Culture, New Haven:Hraf Press,1962, pp.67-68.
    ④ 阿拉伯国家的著名欧莱玛也使用此称号。Donald N. Wilber, "The Structure and Position of Islam in Afghanistan", Middle East Journal, Vol.6, No.l,1952, p.43.
    ⑤ Donald N. Wilber, Afghanistan:It's People, It's Society, It's Culture, New Haven:Hraf Press,1962, p.68.
    ① David B. Edwards, Before Taliban Genealogies of the Afghan Jihad, Berkeley:University of California Press,2002, p.210.
    ② Mohammad Hashim Kamali, Law in Afghanistan:A Study of the Constitutions, Matrimonial Law and the Judiciaru, Leiden:E.J.Brill,1985, p.35.
    ③ “奥斯曼民法典”公布于1869年到1876年,共16卷1851条,1877年开始执行。一直到20世纪30年代,该法典仍在新月地带执行。尽管受到西方法学思想的影响,但“奥斯曼民法典”主要以沙里亚法哈乃斐学派为基础。
    ④ Mohammad Hashim Kamali, Law in Afghanistan:A Study of the Constitutions, Matrimonial Law and the Judiciaru, Leiden:E.J.Brill,1985, p.36.
    ⑤ Asta Olesen, Islam and Politics in Afghanistan, Richmond:Curzon Press,1995, p.189.
    ⑥ 在穆沙希班王朝大部分时间里,司法部皆由宗教人士,特别是穆贾迪迪家族把持。
    ⑥ Christina Jones-Pauly, "Neamat Nojumi, Balancing Relations between Society and State:Legal Steps toward National Reconciliation and Reconstruction of Afghanistan", The American Journal of Comparative Law, Vol.52, No.4,2004, pp.836-839.
    ① Mohammad Hashim Kamali, Law in Afghanistan:A Study of the Constitutions, Matrimonial Law and the Judiciaru, Leiden:E.J.Brill,1985, p.207.
    ② 该学校是南亚地区著名的伊斯兰主义运动迪奥班迪派(Deoband)的学术中心。
    ③ Mohammad Hashim Kamali, Law in Afghanistan: A Study of the Constitutions, Matrimonial Law and the Judiciaru, Leiden:E.J.Brill,1985, p.207.
    ④ Mohammad Hashim Kamali, Law in Afghanistan:A Study of the Constitutions, Matrimonial Law and the Judiciaru, Leiden:E.J.Brill,1985,pp.230-231.
    ① Asta Olesen, Islam and Politics in Afghanistan, Richmond:Curzon Press,1995, p.182.
    ② Asta Olesen, Islam and Politics in Afghanistan, Richmond:Curzon Press,1995, p.196.
    ③ 《马克思恩格斯选集》,第一卷,北京:人民出版社,1972年,第2页。
    ③ Olivier Roy, Islam and Resistance in Afghanistan, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1986, p.47.
    ① Asta Olesen, Islam and Politics in Afghanistan, Richmond:Curzon Press,1995,p.193,212-213.
    ② Mohammad Hashim Kamali, Law in Afghanistan:A Study of the Constitutions, Matrimonial Law and the Judiciaru, Leiden:E.J.Brill,1985, pp.207-208.
    ③ Olivier Roy, Islam and Resistance in Afghanistan, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1986, p.48.
    ④ Barnett R. Rubin, "Political Elites in Afghanistan:Rentier State Building, Rentier State Wrecking", International Journal of Middle East Studies, Vol.24, No.1,1992, pp.89-91.
    ⑤ Olivier Roy, Islam and Resistance in Afghanistan, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1986, p.69.
    ① Amin Saikal, Modern Afghanistan:A History of Struggle and Survival, London, New York:I.B.Tauris,2010, p.166.
    ② Asta Olesen, Islam and Politics in Afghanistan, Richmond:Curzon Press,1995, p.204.
    ③ Asta Olesen, Islam and Politics in Afghanistan, Richmond:Curzon Press,1995, p.227.
    ④ 王铁铮主编:《全球化与当代中东社会思潮》,北京:人民出版社,2013年,第2-7页。
    ⑤ 巴基斯坦伊斯兰主义思想家毛杜迪的思想也传到了阿富汗。但由于巴基斯坦和阿富汗的关系长期紧张,阿富汗宗教人士基本没有与毛杜迪进行直接的接触。
    ④ Olivier Roy, "The Original of the Islamic Movement in Afghanistan", Central Asian Survey, Vol.3, No.2,1984, p.117.
    ① A. L. P. Burdett (ed.). Afghanistan Strategic Intelligence:British Records 1919-1979, Vol.11, Farnharm:Archive Editions, 2002, p.794.
    ② Olivier Roy, Islam and Resistance in Afghanistan, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1986, pp.69-70.
    ③ 杨灏城、朱克柔主编:《当代中东热点问题的历史探索:宗教与世俗》,北京:人民出版社,2000年,第1-4。
    ④ 转引自曲红:《当代中东政治伊斯兰:观察与思考》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2001年,第3页。
    ① Asta Olesen, Islam and Politics in Afghanistan, Richmond:Curzon Press,1995, pp.229-230.
    ② 沙里亚法学院始建于1946年,1951年并于喀布尔大学。
    ③ 张晓东:《阿富汗伊斯兰教与政治关系的历史透视》,北京:中国社会科学院博士毕业论文,2004年,第58页。
    ④ 卡兹·阿明是阿富汗伊斯兰运动的亲历者,在20世纪80年代之前一直担任希克马蒂亚尔的副手。2001年阿富汗战争后,他还历任交通部长和司法部长。美国学者大卫·B·爱德华兹对卡兹·阿明在内的阿富汗伊斯兰主义者进行了采访,并撰写了具有口述史性质的访谈录。David B. Edwards, Before Taliban Genealogies of the Afghan Jihad,
    Berkeley. University of California Press,2002, p.199.
    ⑤ David B. Edwards. Before Taliban Genealogies of the Afghan Jihad, Berkeley:University of California Press.2002, p.200.
    ① David B.Edwards, Before Taliban Genealogies of the Afghan Jihad, Berkeley:University of California Press,2002, p.199.
    ② David B.Edwards, Before Taliban Genealogies of the Afghan Jihad, Berkeley:University of California Press,2002, p.206.
    ③ Olivier Roy, "The Original of the Islamic Movement in Afghanistan", Central Asian Survey, Vol.3, No.2,1984, p.121.
    ④ 该组织与巴基斯坦的“伊斯兰促进会”同名,一般认为两者没有直接关系。
    ① David B. Edwards, Before Taliban Genealogies of the Afghan Jihad, Berkeley:University of California Press.2002, p.220.
    ② David B. Edwards, Before Taliban Genealogies of the Afghan Jihad, Berkeley:University of California Press,2002, p.198.
    ③ Olivier Roy, Islam and Resistance in Afghanistan, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1986, p.73.
    ④ David B. Edwards, Before Taliban Genealogies of the Afghan Jihad, Berkeley:University of California Press,2002, p.214.
    ⑤ 王铁铮主编:《全球化与当代中东社会思潮》,北京:人民出版社,2013年,第2-3页。
    ⑤ Asta Olesen, Islam and Politics in Afghanistan, Richmond:Curzon Press,1995, p.232.
    ⑥ Olivier Roy, Islam and Resistance in Afghanistan, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1986, pp.69-70.
    ⑦ Olivier Roy, Islam and Resistance in Afghanistan, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1986, p.74.
    ① 阿卜杜勒·拉希姆·尼亚齐1970年遇害。他与希克马蒂亚尔,以及工程师哈比布拉·拉赫曼和欧莱玛哈比布拉·拉赫曼为当时的四大宗教学生领袖之一。希克马蒂亚尔是唯一的幸存者,其他三人全部为政府杀害。
    ② David B. Edwards, Before Taliban Genealogies of the Afghan Jihad, Berkeley:University of California Press,2002, p.212.
    ③ David B. Edwards, Before Taliban Genealogies of the Afghan Jihad, Berkeley:University of California Press,2002, p.217.
    ④ Olivier Roy, Islam and Resistance in Afghanistan, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1986, p.75.
    ⑤ 转引自Dr Nabi Misdaq, Afghanistan:Political Frailty and External Interference, London and New York:Routledge, 2006, p.150.
    ① David B. Edwards, Before Taliban Genealogies of the Afghan Jihad, Berkeley:University of California Press,2002, p.217.
    ② Barnett R. Rubin, The Fragmentation of Afghanistan, New Haven:Yale University Press,2002, p.185.
    ③ David B. Edwards, Before Taliban Genealogies of the Afghan Jihad, Berkeley:University of California Press,2002, p.218.
    ④ Olivier Roy, Islam and Resistance in Afghanistan, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1986, p.77.
    ⑤ David B. Edwards, Before Taliban Genealogies of the Afghan Jihad, Berkeley:University of California Press,2002, p.242.
    ① Olivier Roy, Islam and Resistance in Afghanistan, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1986. p.78.
    ② Ahmed Rashid, Taliban:Militant Islam, Oil and Fundamentalism in Central Asia, New Haven:Yale University Press, 2010, p.18.
    ① Dr Nabi Misdaq, Afghanistan-. Political Frailty and External Interference, London and New York:Routledge,2006, p.144.
    ② 法国学者罗伊将毕业于公立学校,并且受到现代伊斯兰复兴主义影响的宗教阶层称为“伊斯兰主义者”。而将欧莱玛和毛拉称为“原教旨主义者”。为行文方便,本文沿用此种提法。
    ③ Olivier Roy, Islam and Resistance in Afghanistan, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1986, pp.112-116.
    ① 关于抵抗运动的分歧参见黄民兴主编:《阿富汗问题的历史嬗变》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2013年,第228-230页。
    ② 穆贾迪迪家族遭屠杀时,西卜加图拉·穆贾迪迪旅居丹麦,幸免于难。70年代末,他到达巴基斯坦,组建“民族解放阵线”。尽管西卜加图拉·穆贾迪迪出身于著名的奈格什班迪教团,但却不是该教团的辟尔。
    ③ 齐泽尔巴什人(Qizelbash)源于波斯萨法维王朝时的土库曼禁卫军。"Qizelbash"在波斯语中为“红色”之意,这些军人因戴红色帽子而得此名。18世纪前期,波斯国王纳第尔征服阿富汗后,将部分土库曼骑兵派往喀布尔附近。
    ① David B. Edwards, Before Taliban Genealogies of the Afghan Jihad, Berkeley:University of California Press,2002, p.227.
    ② Gilles Dorronsoro, Revolution Unending:Afghanistan:1979 to Present, London:Hurst & Company,2005, pp.147-149.
    ③ Gilles Dorronsoro, Revolution Unending:Afghanistan:1979 to Present, London:Hurst & Company,2005, pp.142-143.
    ④ Asta Olesen, Islam and Politics in Afghanistan, Richmond:Curzon Press,1995, p.295.
    ① Amin Saikal, Modern Afghanistan:A History of Struggle and Survival, London, New York:I.B.Tauris,2010, p.214.
    ② Amin Saikal, Modern Afghanistan-. A History of Struggle and Survival, London, New York:I.B.Tauris,2010, p.215.
    ③ 伊斯兰党获得了总理之位和几个不太重要的部门。伊斯兰促进会得到总统和国防部长的职位。
    ① Antonio Giustozzi, Empires of Mud:War and Warlords in Afghanistan, London:Hurst & Company,2009, pp.69-70.
    ② James Fergusson, Taliban:The Unknown Enemy, Cambridge:Da Capo Press,2010, p.23.
    ③ Barnett R. Rubin, The Fragmentation of Afghanistan, New Haven:Yale University Press,2002, p.185.
    ④ Gilles Dorronsoro, Revolution Unending:Afghanistan:1979 to Present, London:Hurst & Company,2005, p.256.
    ⑤ Olivier Roy, Islam and Resistance in Afghanistan, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1986, pp.134-135.
    ① 东北部地区包括:巴达赫尚、塔哈尔、昆都士、巴格兰、帕尔万、卡比萨、拉格曼;北部地区包括:萨曼甘、巴尔赫、朱兹詹、法利亚布、巴米扬;西部地区包括:赫拉特、巴德吉斯、法拉、古尔;喀布尔地区包括:喀布尔市、瓦尔达克、洛加尔;东部地区包括:库纳尔、楠格哈尔、帕克蒂亚、帕克蒂卡、加兹尼;南部地区包括:坎大哈、扎布尔、乌鲁兹甘、赫尔曼德、尼姆鲁兹。
    ② Anwar-ul-Haq Ahady, "The Decline of the Pashtuns in Afghanistan", Asian Survey, Vol.35, No.7,1995, pp.623-629.
    ① Thomas Barfield, Afghanistan:A Cultural and Political History, Princeton:Princeton University Press,2010, p.252.
    ② 国内学者对于塔利班运动已有较为系统的论述,但侧重于现状研究为主。参见何明:《塔利班政权的兴亡及其对世界的影响》,上海:华东师范大学出版社,2005年。西方关于阿富汗塔利班的研究成果较多,但大部分带有强烈的意识形态,客观的学术研究较少。这些成果在下文中有所反映,在此不再赘述。
    ③ James M. Caron, Cultural History of Pashtun Nationalism, Public Participation, and Social Inequality in Monarchic Afghanistan,1905-1960, Doctoral Dissertation, Philadelphia:University of Pennsylvabia,2009, p.2.
    ① Dr Nabi Misdaq, Afghanistan:Political Frailty and External Interference, London and New York:Routledge,2006. pp.175-176.
    ② Ahmed Rashid. Taliban:Militant Islam, Oil and Fundamentalism in Central Asia, New Haven:Yale University Press, 2010, p.25.
    ③ 他是塔利班运动的领导人之一,也是奥马尔的密友,曾担任塔利班政权驻巴基斯坦大使。2001年,阿富汗战争后被捕,关押在关塔那摩监狱,2005年获释。
    ④ Alex Strick van Linschoten, "Kandahar:Portrait of a City", in Abdul Salam Zaeef, My Life with the Taliban, New York: Columbia University Press,2010, pp.xxi-xxii.
    ⑤ 扎伊夫也在此参与抵抗运动,并与奥马尔熟识。Abdul Salam Zaeef, My Life with the Taliban, New York:Columbia University Press,2010, pp.41-44.
    ⑥ Abdul Salam Zaeef, My Life with the Taliban, New York:Columbia University Press,2010, p.49.
    ⑦ Abdul Salam Zaeef, My Life with the Taliban, New York:Columbia University Press,2010, p.62.
    ① 毛拉维(Maulavi)是阿富汗欧莱玛最尊崇的称谓。在穆沙希班王朝,只有“欧莱玛委员会”成员才能拥有此称号。
    ② Abdul Salam Zaeef, My Life with the Taliban, New York:Columbia University Press,2010, p.63.
    ③ 奥马尔并没有参与这次会议。
    ④ 从扎伊夫的回忆录中可以看出,在塔利班运动兴起之前,便已多次出现“塔里班”的称号。
    ⑤ Abdul Salam Zaeef, My Life with the Taliban, New York:Columbia University Press,2010, p.67.
    ⑥ 1996年,美元对阿富汗尼的汇率为1:50.6。文中数据为计算所得。Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East, Statistical Yearbook for Asia and the Far East, UN,1997, p.23.
    ① 这或许是一些学者认为塔利班在巴基斯坦兴起的原因。斯平布尔达克为坎大哈到巴基斯坦奎达的公路枢纽。
    ② 该阿坤扎德家族在抗苏运动时就在此地盘踞,被塔利班击败后流亡巴基斯坦,与卡尔扎伊家族建立了联系。阿富汗战争后,该家族重返赫尔曼德省,又成为该地的军阀,同时也是卡尔扎伊的重要支持者。
    ③ 黄民兴主编:《阿富汗问题的历史嬗变》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2013年,第260页。
    ④ 关于塔利班扩张的详情参见Ahmed Rashid. Taliban:Militant Islam, Oil and Fundamentalism in Central Asia, New Haven:Yale University Press,2010, pp.31-80.
    ⑤ Ralph H. Magnus, "Afghanistan in 1996:Year of the Taliban", Asian Survey, Vol.37, No.2,1997, p.113.
    ⑥ 西方有些学者认为塔利班运动是巴基斯坦一手缔造的,是巴基斯坦的代理。从扎伊夫自传看,虽然不能排除巴基斯坦的支持,但塔利班最初完全是一场自发的运动。
    ⑦ 关于这些问题国内学者已有详尽的论述,本文不再赘述。参见黄民兴主编:《阿富汗问题的历史嬗变》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2013年,第253-260页。
    ① David Edwards, "Learning From Swat Pathans:Political Leadership in Afghanistan,1978-97", American Ethnologist, Vol.25, No.4,1998, p.725.
    ② 他的回忆录中记录了很多事例。参见Abdul Salam Zaeef, My Life with the Taliban, New York:Columbia University Press,2010, pp.52-59.
    ③ Dr Nabi Misdaq, Afghanistan:Political Frailty and External Interference, London and New York:Routledge,2006, p.179.
    ④ Robert D. Crew, Amin Tarzi (eds.), The Taliban and the Crisis of Afghanistan, Cambridge:Harvard University Press, 2008, pp.30-32.
    ① Robert D. Crew, Amin Tarzi (eds.), The Taliban and the Crisis ofAfghanistan, Cambridge:Harvard University Press, 2008, p.84.
    ② Ahmed Rashid, Taliban:Militant Islam, Oil and Fundamentalism in Central Asia, New Haven:Yale University Press, 2010, pp.86-87.
    ③ Robert D. Crew, Amin Tarzi (eds.), The Taliban and the Crisis of Afghanistan, Cambridge:Harvard University Press, 2008, p.53.
    ④ Antonio Giustozzi, War, Politics and Society in Afghanistan, Washington, D.C.:Georgetown University Press,2000, p.242.
    ⑤ Robert D. Crew, Amin Tarzi (eds.), The Taliban and the Crisis of Afghanistan, Cambridge:Harvard University Press, 2008, p.83.
    ⑥ David Edwards, "Learning From Swat Pathans:Political Leadership in Afghanistan,1978-97", American Ethnologist, Vol.25, No.4,1998, p.725.
    ⑦ Abdul Salam Zaeef, My Life with the Taliban, New York:Columbia University Press,2010, p.70.
    ① Thomas Barfield, Afghanistan:A Cultural and Political History, Princeton:Princeton University Press,2010, p.263.
    ② 除埃及穆斯林兄弟会外,还受到瓦哈比主义的影响。阿富汗的代表人物是萨亚夫。
    ③ David Emmanuel Singh, Islamization in Modern South Asia, Boston:Walter de Gruyter,2012, p.19.
    ① Barbara Metcalf, "The Madrasa at Deoband:A Model for Religious for Education in Modern India", Modern Asian Studies, Vol.12, No.l,1978, p.121.
    ② David Emmanuel Singh, Islamization in Modern South Asia, Boston:Walter de Gruyter,2012, pp.20-21.
    ③ P. Bajpai & S. Ram (eds.), Encyclopaedia of Afghanitsan, Vol.5, New Delhi:Anmol Publications,2002, p.42.
    ④ Ahmed Rashid, Taliban:Militant Islam, Oil and Fundamentalism in Central Asia, New Haven:Yale University Press, 2010, p.89.
    ① 塔利班运动的领导人奥马尔不曾在这些学校学习。Ahmed Rashid, Taliban:Militant Islam, Oil and Fundamentalism in Central Asia, New Haven:Yale University Press,2010, pp.90-91.
    ② Gilles Dorronsoro, Revolution Unending:Afghanistan:1979 to Present, London:Hurst & Company,2005, p.277.
    ③ 参见黄民兴:《中东历史与现状十八讲》,西安:陕西人民出版社,2008年,第49-61页。
    ③ Sarg Suresh, Talbiban: A Face of Terrorism, New Delhi:Axis Publications,2010, p.6.
    ⑤ M. J. Gohari, The Taliban:Ascent to Power, Oxford:Oxford University,1999, pp.61-62.
    ① 1935年,阿富汗出现了严重的霍乱。
    ② 我国一般将“emirate”翻译为酋长国。在此意为“埃米尔国”可能更恰当。酋长一般指非洲的部落首领,但塔利班政权在意识形态上明确超越了狭隘的部落认同,以伊斯兰教作为立国之本,译为“酋长国”容易产生误解。
    ③ M. J. Gohari, The Taliban:Ascent to Power, Oxford:Oxford University,1999, pp.36-37.
    ④ Gilles Dorronsoro, Revolution Unending:Afghanistan:1979 to Present, London:Hurst & Company,2005, p.274.
    ⑤ Angelo Rasanayagam, Afghanistan:A Modern History, London, New York:I.B.Tauris,2003, p.192.
    ⑥ Ahmed Rashid, Taliban:Militant Islam, Oil and Fundamentalism in Central Asia, New Haven:Yale University Press, 2010, p.101.
    ⑦ 详细名单参见Ahmed Rashid, Taliban:Militant Islam, Oil and Fundamentalism in Central Asia, New Haven:Yale University Press,2010, p.250.
    ⑧ Ahmed Rashid, Taliban:Militant Islam, Oil and Fundamentalism in Central Asia, New Haven:Yale University Press, 2010, p.102.
    ① 王铁铮主编:《沙特阿拉伯的国家与政治》,西安:三秦出版社,1997年,第166页。
    ② 参见Ahmed Rashid, Taliban:Militant Islam, Oil and Fundamentalism in Central Asia, New Haven:Yale University Press,2010, p.251.
    ③ Peter Marsden, The Taliban:War and Religion in Afghanistan, London:Zed Books,2002, p.66.
    ④ Alex Strick van Linschoten, Felix Kuehn, An Anemy We Created:The Myth of the Taliban-Al Qaeda Merger in Afghanistan,1979-2010, London:Hurst & Company,2012, p.lll.
    A.J. Gohari, The Taliban:Ascent to Power, Oxford:Oxford University,1999, p.55.
    ⑥ Peter Marsden, The Taliban:War and Religion in Afghanistan, London:Zed Books,2002, p.62.
    ⑦ Kamal Matinuddin, The Taliban Phenomenon, New Delhi:Lancer Publishers & Distributors,2000, p.34.
    ① Angelo Rasanayagam, Afghanistan:A Modern History, London; New York, N.Y.:I.B.Tauris,2003, p.102.
    ② [美]沙伊斯塔·瓦哈卜、巴里·杨格曼著,杨军等译:《阿富汗史》,北京:中国大百科全书出版社,2010年,第242页。
    ② Abdul Salam Zaeef, My Life with the Taliban, New York:Columbia University Press,2010, p.76.
    ④ 该名来自于《古兰经》,“导人于至善,并劝善戒恶”。(3:104)
    ⑤ Ahmed Rashid, Taliban:Militant Islam, Oil and Fundamentalism in Central Asia, New Haven.-Yale University Press, 2010, pp.106-107.
    ① Ahmed Rashid, Taliban:Militant Islam, Oil and Fundamentalism in Central Asia, New Haven:Yale University Press, 2010, p.106.
    ② Gilles Dorronsoro, Revolution Unending:Afghanistan:1979 to Present, London:Hurst & Company,2005, p.291.
    ③ Kristian Berg Harpviken, Social Networks and Migration in Wartime Afghanistan, Hampshire:Palgrave Macmillan,2009, p.193.
    ④ Alex Strick van Linschoten, Felix Kuehn, An Anemy We Created:The Myth of the Taliban-Al Qaeda Merger in Afghanistan,1979-2010, London:Hurst & Company,2012, p.117.
    ⑤ Elaheh Rostami-Povey, Afghan Women:Identity and Invasion, London:Zed Books,2007, p.62.
    ⑥ P. Bajpai & S. Ram (eds.), Encyclopaedia ofAfghanitsan, Vol.5, New Delhi:Anmol Publications,2002, p.49.
    ① Gilles Dorronsoro, Revolution Unending:Afghanistan:1979 to Present, London:Hurst & Company,2005, p.304.
    ② 何明:《塔利班政权的兴亡及其对世界的影响》,上海:华东师范大学出版社,2005年,第68页。
    ③ Peter Marsden, The Taliban:War and Religion in Afghanistan, London:Zed Books,2002, p.61.
    ④ Abdul Salam Zaeef, My Life with the Taliban, New York:Columbia University Press,2010, p.xxxix.
    ⑤ 巴基斯坦塔利班被美国列为恐怖组织,但其与阿富汗塔利班在组织和目标上没有联系。
    ⑥ Ahmed Rashid, Taliban:Militant Islam, Oil and Fundamentalism in Central Asia, New Haven:Yale University Press, 2010, pp.250-251.
    ⑦ Sara Koplik, "The Demise of Afghanistan's Jewish Community and the Soviet Refugee Crisis", Iranian Studies, Vol.36, No.3,2003.
    ⑧ 当前巴基斯坦什叶派和逊尼派的矛盾很大程度上与迪奥班德派教义的流行有关。
    ① M.J. Gohari, The Taliban:Ascent to Power, Oxford:Oxford University,1999, pp.102-105.
    ② 巴基斯坦记者拉希德列出了塔利班运动最初参与者的详细名单,此处的数据为笔者粗略统计。Ahmed Rashid,Taliban:Militant Islam, Oil and Fundamentalism in Central Asia, New Haven:Yale University Press,2010, pp.252-255.
    ③ 吴云贵、周爕藩著:《近现代伊斯兰教思潮与运动》,北京:社会科学文献出版社,2000年,第312页。
    ④ 参见钱雪梅:《乌玛:观念与实践》,《国际政治研究》,2008年第4期。
    ① 曲洪著:《当代中东政治伊斯兰:观察与思考》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2001年,第39页。
    ② 李宏图著:《西欧近代民族主义思潮研究》,上海:上海社会科学院出版社,1997年,第256-257页。
    ③ 王林聪:《中东国家民主化问题研究》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2007年,第138页。
    ④ 王铁铮:《伊斯兰教与中东国家现代化的基本特点》,《西亚非洲》,2008年第12期,第18页。
    ① [美]贾恩弗朗哥·波奇著,陈尧译:《国家:本质、发展与前景》,上海:上海人民出版社,2007年,第23页。
    ② 黄民兴著:《中东历史与现状十八讲》,西安:陕西人民出版社,2008年,第216页。
    ③ [美]哈罗德·J·伯尔曼著,贺卫方等译:《法律与革命:西方法律传统的形成》,北京:中国大百科出版社,1993年,第10-12页。
    ① 杨灏城、朱克柔主编:《当代中东热点问题的历史探索:宗教与世俗》,北京:人民出版社,2000年,第22。
    ② 哈全安:《中东国家的现代化历程》,北京:人民出版社,2006年,第19页。
    ① 王建娥著:《族际政治:20世纪的理论与实践》,北京:社会科学文献出版社,2011年,第244-246页。
    ② 参见[英]安东尼·吉登斯著,龚维斌、良警宇译:《全球化时代的民族与民族主义》,北京:中央编译出版社,2002年,第107页。
    ③ [苏]斯大林著:《斯大林全集》,第11卷,北京:中央编译局,1955年,第286页。
    ④ 宁骚著:《民族与国家:民族关系和民族政策的国际性比较》,北京:北京大学出版社,1995年,第4页。
    ⑤ 彭树智先生认为,阿富汗和叙利亚是古丝绸之路的两大枢纽。彭树智著:《书路鸿踪录》,西安:三秦出版社,2004年,第342-347页。
    ① Dr Nabi Misdaq, Afghanistan:Political Frailty and External Interference, London and New York:Routledge,2006, p.35.
    ② 这里的“土耳其斯坦”(Turkistan)译为“突厥斯坦”或许更贴切些。[美]路易斯·杜普雷著,黄民兴译:《阿富汗现代史纲要》(内部资料),西安:西北大学中东研究所,2002年,第155-156页。
    ③ 参见参见黄民兴主编:《阿富汗问题的历史嬗变》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2013年,第16页。张敏著:《阿富汗文化和社会》,北京:昆仑出版社,2007年,第7页。
    ④ Thomas Barfield, Afghanistan:A Cultural and Political History, Princeton:Princeton University Press,2010, p.23.
    ⑤ Martin Ewans, Afghanistan:A New History, London and New York:Curzon Press,2001, p.3.
    ① Pierre Centlivre, Micheline Centlivre-Demont, "State, National Awareness and Levels of Identity in Afghanistan from Monarch to Islamic State", Central Asian Survey, Vol.19, Issue 3-4,2000, p.420.
    ② Vladimir Cervin, "Problem in the Integration of the Afghan Nation", Middle East Journal, Vol.6, No.4,1952, p.403.
    ③ 汉语中“民族”一词涵盖多层意思,既指“国家民族”(nation),也指具体的族裔(如汉族和回族等)。族裔在西方主要有两种表达方式:族群(ethnic group)和族体(nationality)。族群本意为由外部迁徙而来的少数民族,隐含着民族歧视。“族体”虽然指构成“国家民族”的成分,但在中文语境中并不常用。因此,本文依据约定俗成的原则,在不会产生歧义的情况下,仍以“民族”一词表述这两个不同的层面。必要时将标明相关的英文以示区别。相关论述参见朱伦:《西方的“族体”概念系统——从“族群”概念在中东的应用错位说起》,载陈建樾、周竞红主编:《族际政治在多民族国家的理论与实践》,北京:社会科学文献出版社,2010年,第27-53页。
    ④ 姚大学:《当代中国与中东民族政策及民族问题之比较》,《西亚非洲》,2011年第7期,第10页。
    ⑤ 根据美国中央情报局发布的“世界概览”(World Factbook),2013年7月阿富汗全国的总人口约为3110万。https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/af.html
    ⑥ Ali Banuazuzu, Mayron Weiner (eds.), The State, Religion, and Ethnic Politics, Syracuse:Syracuse University Press, 1986, p.1.
    ⑦ 本文第一章已对乌兹别克人的起源进行了详尽的论述,在此不再赘述。
    ⑧ 当时西方还有其他的观点,如认为遗失的十支部落残存于拉丁美洲,19世纪后期甚至还有一些西方人认为在日本。Zvi Ben-Dor Benite, The Ten Lost Tribes:A World History, Oxford:Oxford University,2009, pp.3-4,204.
    ① 亚述的强制迁徙并未在萨尔贡二世时终结,其后继者一直在进行强制的迁徙。Zvi Ben-Dor Benite, The Ten Lost Tribes:A World History, Oxford:Oxford University,2009, pp.32-38.
    ② “以色列‘遗失的部落’:数千印度犹太人得以返乡”,http://www.ettoday.net/news/20121225/144316.htm。
    ③ 参见柳思思:《普什图人与遗失的“十支部落”》,《南亚研究季刊》,2010年第4期。
    ④ 也有一些学者认为,“阿富汗”在古波斯语中是“山地民族”之意。
    ① 希罗多德提到的帕克图人(Paktue)一般被认为是普什图人的先驱。参见A.D. Godley, Herodotus:with an English Translation, Vol.2, London,1921, pp.243-245.
    ② 彭树智、黄杨文著:《中东国家通史·阿富汗卷》,北京:商务印书馆,2000年,第10-13页。
    ③ Tork Dalaian, " The Earliest Attestation of the Toponym Afghanistan and the Ledend of the Oringin of the Afghans", Iran & Caucasus, Vol.3/4,1999/2000, p.154.
    ④ Martin Ewans, Afghanistan:A New History, London and New York:Curzon Press,2001, p.7.
    ⑤ H. G. Raverty, "The Geographical Terms'Tirah'and 'Afghanistan'", The Geographical Journal, Vol.13, No.l, 1899, pp.83-84.
    ⑥ 此处为笔者从一位伊朗留学生处得知。
    ⑦ Philip Mattar, Encyclopedia of the Modern Middle East & North Africa,2nd ed., Vol.4, Macmillan Reference USA, 2004, p.2150.
    ⑧ Louis Dupree, Afghanistan, Princeton:Princeton University,1973, p.59.
    ⑨ Sayed A'skarMousavi, The Hazaras of Afghanistan:An Historical, Culture, Economic and Political Study, Richmind: Curzon Press,1998, p.20.
    ① 该地区居民在伊斯兰化之前信奉琐罗亚斯德教。参见Hafizullah Emadi, "The End of Taqiyya:Reaffirming the
    Religious Identity of Islailis in Shughnan, Badakhshan:Political Implications for Afghanistan ", Middle Eastern Studies, Vol.34, No.3,1998.
    ② Sayed A'skar Mousavi, The Hazaras of Afghanistan:An Historical, Culture, Economic and Political Study, Richmind: Curzon Press,1998, pp.21-31.
    ③ 参见[唐]玄奘著,季羡林等校注:《大唐西域记校注》,北京:中华书局,1985年,第954-957页。
    ① Wilfred Thesiger, "The Hazaras of Central Afghanistan", The GeographicalJournal, Vol.121, No.3,1955, p.313.
    ② 艾马克的四大部落中,有两个部落信奉什叶派伊斯兰教。王凤编著:《阿富汗》,北京:社会科学文献出版社,2007年,第32-33页。
    ③ Elizabeth E. Bacon, "The Inquiry into the History of Hazara Mongols of Afghanistan", Southwestern Journal of Anthropology,, Vol.7, No.3,1951, p.241.
    ④ Sayed A'skar Mousavi, The Hazaras of Afghanistan:An Historical, Culture, Economic and Political Study, Richmind: Curzon Press,1998, pp.37-43.
    ⑤ 王建娥著:《族际政治:20世纪的理论与实践》,北京:社会科学文献出版社,2011年,第244-246页。
    ⑥ [英]安东尼·吉登斯著,龚维斌、良警宇译:《全球化时代的民族与民族主义》,北京:中央编译出版社,2002年,第103页。
    ① 曹兴:《跨界民族及其对地缘政治的影响》,《民族研究》,1999年第6期,第6-9页。
    ② 两者的区别在于:前者是指跨居于两国的民族在某一国内为主体民族:后者指在两国皆为非主体民族。
    ③ 巴基斯坦的普什图人近3千万,占巴基斯坦人口的15.42%。参见https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/pk.html.
    ④ Harold F. Schiffman (ed.), Language Policy and Language Conflict in Afghanistan and It's Neighbors, Leiden:Brill, 2012, pp.2-3.
    ⑤ Jadwiga Pstrusinska, "Adfghanistan 1989" in Sociolinguistic, London,1990, p.3.
    ⑥ Harold F. Schiffman (ed.), Language Policy and Language Conflict in Afghanistan and It's Neighbors, Leiden:Brill, 2012, p.33.
    ① Anwar-ul-Haq Ahady, "The Decline of the Pashtuns in Afghanistan", AsianSurvey, Vol.35, No.7,1995, p.622.
    ② Vladimir Cervin, "Problem in the Integration of the Afghan Nation", Middle East Journal, Vol.6, No.4,1952, p.403.
    ① Sven Gunnar Simonsen, "Ethnicising Afghanistan?:Inclusion and Exclution in Post-Bonn Institution Building", Third World Quarterly,.Vol.25, No.4,2004, p.708.
    ② 参见王希恩:《‘现代民族’的特征及形成的一般途径》,载《世界民族》,2007年第2期。
    ③ Reuven Amitai, Michal Biran (eds.), Mongols, Turks, and Others:Eurasian Nomads and the Sedentary, Leiden, Boston: Brill,2005, pp.503-504.
    ① Vartan Gregorian, The Emergence of Modern Afghanistan, Politics of Reform and Modernization,1880-1946, Stanford: Stanford University Press,1969, p.421.
    ② Harold F. Schiffman (ed.), Language Policy and Language Conflict in Afghanistan and It's Neighbors, Leiden:Brill, 2012, p.11.
    ③ Dr Nabi Misdaq, Afghanistan:Political Frailty and External Interference, London and New York:Routledge,2006, pp.37-38.
    ④ Dr Nabi Misdaq, Afghanistan:Political Frailty and External Interference, London and New York:Routledge,2006, p.37.
    ⑤ Christine Neolle, The Interaction between State and Tribe in Nineteen-Century Afghanistan:The Reign of Amir Dost Muhanmad Khan, Doctoral Dissertation, Berkeley:University of California,1985, p.425.
    ⑥ Christine Neolle, The Interaction between State and Tribe in Nineteen-Century Afghanistan:The Reign of Amir Dost Muhanmad Khan, Doctoral Dissertation, Berkeley:University of California,1985, p.6.
    ① Charles Masson, Narritive of Various Journeys in Balochistan, Afghanistan and the Panjab, London:Richard Bentley, 1842, pp.208-209,244-247.
    ② “红巾军”也被称为“齐泽尔巴什人”,为什叶派穆斯林。"Qizilbash"在波斯语中为红头巾的意思,意指穿戴红头巾的土库曼骑兵。波斯萨法维王朝时期共招募了7万多名红巾军。
    ③ 也有学者认为红巾军占到骑兵总数的1/3。Christine Neolle, The Interaction between State and Tribe in Nineteen-Century Afghanistan:The Reign of Amir Dost Muhanmad Khan, Doctoral Dissertation, Berkeley:University of California,1985, pp.45-46.
    ④ 埃尔费斯通认为事件起因是,当时一名逊尼派穆斯林杀死了红巾军,这名逊尼派最终遭到处决。Mountstuart Elphinstone, An Account of the Kingdom of Caubul, and It's Dependencies in Persia, Tarary, and India, London:A. Strahan, 1815,p.588.
    ⑤ 法伊兹·穆罕默德·卡蒂卜(1858?-1931)为哈扎拉人,曾在拉赫曼政府任职,也是阿富汗著名的史学家。他的多卷本《阿富汗史》(1747-1901)是研究阿富汗这段历史的重要的一手资料。Fayz Muhammad Karib Hazarah, The History of Afghanistan (Siraj al-tawarikh), Vol.1, Leiden:Brill,2013, pp.107-108.
    ① Fayz Muhammad Karib Hazarah, The History of Afghanistan (Siraj al-tawarikh), Vol.1, Leiden:Brill,2013, p.127.
    ② Ali Banuazuzu, Mayron Weiner (eds.), The State, Religion, and Ethnic Politics:Afghanistan, Iran, and Pakistan, Syracuse:Syracuse University Press,1986, p.37.
    ③ Sultan Mahomed Khan (ed.), The Life ofAbdur Rahman, Vol.11, London:John Murray,1900,p.126.
    ④ Pierre Centlivre, Micheline Centlivre-Demont, "State, National Awareness and Levels of Identity in Afghanistan from Monarch to Islamic State", Central Asian Survey, Vol.19, Issue 3-4,2000, p.419
    ⑤ Sultan Mahomed Khan (ed.), The Life ofAbdur Rahman, Vol.11, London:John Murray,1900, pp.15-16,103.
    ⑥ Jon W. Anderson, Richard F. Strand (eds.), Ethnic Processes and Intergroup Relations in Contemporory Afghanistan, New York:Afghanistan Council of Asia Society,1978, p.16.
    ① 1888年,伊萨克汗也发动了反对拉赫曼统治的叛乱,但遭到镇压。
    ② 参见Fayz Muhammad Karib Hazarah, The History of Afghanistan (Siraj al-tawarikh), Vol.3, Leiden:Brill,2013, pp.97-102.
    ③ Sultan Mahomed Khan (ed.), The Life of Abdur Rahman, Vol.1, London:John Murray,1900, p.21.
    ④ W.Anderson, Richard F. Strand (eds.), Ethnic Processes and Intergroup Relations in Contemporory Afghanistan, New York:Afghanistan Council of Asia Society,1978, p.17.
    ⑤ M. Hassan Kakar, A Political and Diplomatic History of Afghanistan, Leiden:Brill,2006, pp.120,122.
    ⑥ Sultan Mahomed Khan (ed.), The Life of Abdur Rahman, Vol.1, London:John Murray,1900, p.277.
    ⑦ John Login, "Memorandum on the Political Relations of English Mission with Heart,1937 to 1941", in J. P. Ferrier, Caravan Journeys and Wanderings in Persia, Afghanistan, Turkistan, and Beloochistan, London:John Murray,1857, p.525.
    ⑧ M. Hassan Kakar, A Political and Diplomatic History of Afghanistan, Leiden:Brill,2006, pp.128-130.
    ⑨ Sultan Mahomed Khan (ed.), The Life of Abdur Rahman, Vol.1, London:John Murray,1900, p.276.
    ① Sayed A'skar Mousavi, The Hazaras of Afghanistan:An Historical, Culture, Economic and Political Study, Richmind: Curzon Press,1998, pp.122-123.
    ② Sultan Mahomed Khan (ed.), The Life ofAbdur Rahman, Vol.1, London:John Murray,1900, p.283.
    ③ Sayed A'skar Mousavi, The Hazaras of Afghanistan:An Historical, Culture, Economic and Political Study, Richmind: Curzon Press,1998, p.129.
    ④ M. Hassan Kakar, A Political and Diplomatic History of Afghanistan, Leiden:Brill,2006, p.141.
    ⑤ M. Hassan Kakar, A Political and Diplomatic History of Afghanistan, Leiden:Brill,2006, p.149.
    ① Sultan Mahomed Khan (ed.), The Life of Abdur Rahman, Vol.1, London:John Murray,1900, p.291.
    ② Sultan Mahomed Khan (ed.), The Life of Abdur Rahman, Vol.1, London:John Murray,1900, pp.288-289
    ③ M. Hassan Kakar, A Political and Diplomatic History of Afghanistan, Leiden:Brill,2006, p.153.
    ④ Nathaniel A. Davis, "From Colonialism to Neo-Colonialism:Nationalism. Islam, and the Cultural Framing of Conflicts in Afghanistan", Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Vol.XXXIII, No.3,2010, p.17.
    ⑤ Pierre Centlivre, Micheline Centlivre-Demont, "State, National Awareness and Levels of Identity in Afghanistan from Monarch to Islamic State", Central Asian Survey, Vol.19, Issue 3-4,2000, p.421.
    ⑥ Nancy Tapper, "The Adent of Pashtun 'Maldars'in North-Western Afghanistan", Buuetin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, Vol.36, No.l,1973, p.58.
    ① Nancy Tapper, " The Adent of Pashtun 'Maldars'in North-Western Afghanistan ", Buuetin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, Vol.36, No.1,1973, pp.60-73.
    ② Nathaniel A. Davis, "From Colonialism to Neo-Colonialism:Nationalism, Islam, and the Cultural Framing of Conflicts in Afghanistan", Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Vol.ⅩⅩⅩⅢ, No.3,2010, p.3.
    ① Jon W. Anderson, Richard F. Strand (eds.), Ethnic Processes and Intergroup Relations in Contemporory Afghanistan, New York:Afghanistan Council of Asia Society,1978, pp.2-3.
    ② [英]埃里克·霍布斯鲍姆著,李金梅译:《民族与民族主义》,上海:上海人民出版社,2006年,第1页。
    ③ 转引自徐迅著:《民族主义》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2005年,第1页。
    ④ Walter Bagehot, Physics and Politics, New York:Cosimo Classics,2007, pp.20-21.
    ⑤ [英]安东尼·史密斯著,叶江译:《民族主义:理论、意识形态、历史》,上海:上海人民出版社,2011年,第10页。
    ⑥ [英]埃里克·霍布斯鲍姆著,李金梅译:《民族与民族主义》,上海:上海人民出版社,2006年,第5页。
    ① [美]本尼迪克特·安德森著,吴叡人译:《想象的共同体:民族主义的起源与散布》,上海:上海人民出版社,2005年,第66-108页。
    ② 彭树智:《序》,载韩志斌著:《伊拉克复兴党民族主义理论与实践研究》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2011年,第2页。
    ③ [英]安东尼·史密斯著,叶江译:《民族主义:理论、意识形态、历史》,上海:上海人民出版社,2011年,第27-28页。
    ④ [美]本尼迪克特·安德森著,吴叡人译:《想象的共同体:民族主义的起源与散布》,上海:上海人民出版社,2005年,第4页。
    ⑤ 转引自Anthony Hyman. "Nationalism in Afghanistan", International Journal of Middle East Studies, Vol.34, No.2, 2002, p.303.
    ① 徐迅:《民族主义》(修订版),北京:中国社会科学出版社,2005年,第154页。
    ② Sultan Mahomed Khan (ed.), The Life of Abdur Rahman, Vol.11, London:John Murray,1900, pp.60-81.
    ③ 学术界关于伊斯兰世界的“宗教民族主义”还存争议。参见黄民兴:《中东民族主义的源流和类型》,载肖宪主编:《世纪之交看中东》,北京:时事出版,1998年;刘中民著:《挑战与回应—中东民族主义与伊斯兰教关系评析》,北京:世界知识出版社,2005年,第17--18页;钱雪梅:《现代伊斯兰主义同民族主义的关系》,《西亚非洲》,2002年第5期;钱雪梅:《宗教民族主义探析》,《民族研究》,2007年第4期;Elisabeth Ozdalga, "Islamism and Nationalism as Sister Ideologies:Reflections on the Politicization of Islam in a LongueDrpree", Middle East Studies, Vol.45, No.3, 2009.
    ④ 彭树智:《东方民族主义思潮》,北京:人民出版社,2013年,第170页。
    ⑤ 拉赫曼反对发展教育、交通和现代工业,担心后者成为西方入侵的工具。Ali Banuazuzu, Mayron Weiner (eds.), The State, Religion, and Ethnic Politics, Syracuse:Syracuse University Press,1986, p.39.
    ⑥ Pierre Centlivre, Micheline Centlivre-Demont, "State, National Awareness and Levels of Identity in Afghanistan from Monarch to Islamic State", Central Asian Survey, Vol.19, Issue 3-4,2000, p.424.
    ① [美]海斯著,帕米尔等译:《现代民族主义演进史》,上海:华东师范大学出版社,2005年,第1页。
    ① 李兴:《论国家民族主义概念》,《北京大学学报》(哲学社会科学版),1995年第4期,第75页。
    ② 历史上,阿富汗政府一直使用达里语作为政府办公的语言,后文中将详述。
    ③ Ali Banuazuzu, Mayron Weiner(eds.), The State, Religion, and Ethnic Politics, Syracuse:Syracuse University Press, 1986, p.57.
    ① [英]安东尼·史密斯著,叶江译:《民族主义:理论、意识形态、历史》,上海:上海人民出版社,2011年,第29页。
    ② Marina Ottaway, "Nation Building",Foreign Policy, No.132,2002, p.17.
    ③ 徐迅:《民族主义》(修订版),北京:中国社会科学出版社,2005年,第22页。
    ④ 国内学者对于“民族”常常纠结于民族形成的客观条件(斯大林的定义)和主观的认同(安德森的“想象的共同体”)。一些学者对于安德森的观点存在误读。安德森的“想象的共同体”是在一定历史环境下的想象,本身具有客观性。参见[美]本尼迪克特·安德森著,吴叡人译:《想象的共同体:民族主义的起源与散布》,上海:上海人民出版社,2005年。
    ⑤ 彭树智著:《松榆斋百记:人类文明交往散论》,西安:西北大学出版社,2005年,第162页。
    ⑥ [美]塞缪尔·亨廷顿著,周琪等译:《文明的冲突与世界秩序的重建》,北京:新华出版社,2002年,第47页。
    ① [英]埃里克·霍布斯鲍姆著,李金梅译:《民族与民族主义》,上海:上海人民出版社,2006年,第59页。
    ② [美]塞缪尔·亨廷顿著,周琪等译:《文明的冲突与世界秩序的重建》,北京:新华出版社,2002年,第49页。
    ③ Harold F. Schiffman (ed.), Language Policy and Language Conflict in Afghanistan and It's Neighbors, Leiden:Brill, 2012, pp.9-10.
    ④ M. Hassan Kakar, A Political and Diplomatic History of Afghanistan, Leiden:Brill,2006, pp.120,122.
    ⑤ 《光明新闻》以达里语出版。
    ⑥ Harold F. Schiffman (ed.), Language Policy and Language Conflict in Afghanistan and It's Neighbors, Leiden:Brill, 2012, p.34.
    ① "The Constitution of Afghanistan",1923, http://www.constitution.org/cons/afghan/constl923.htm.
    ② Harold F. Schiffman (ed.), Language Policy and Language Conflict in Afghanistan and It's Neighbors, Leiden:Brill, 2012, p.36.
    ③ A. L. P. Burdett (ed.), Afghanistan Strategic Intelligence:British Records 1919-1979, Vol.2, Farnharm:Archive Editions, 2002, p.703.
    ④ 本表为笔者依据档案所做。由于每所学校不同年级的课时数不一,因此表中数据为各年级平均的课时数。另外,本表中的小学和中学的数据基于讲达里语地区。普什图语地区小学和中学的课时数与此正好相反。但所有学校均不开设除达里语和波斯语外的其他阿富汗语言。教师培训学校的数据为初等培训学校和中等培训学校的平均值。技工学校仅有英语一门语言课程。
    ① Amin Saikal, Modern Afghanistan:A History of Struggle and Survival, London, New York:I.B.Tauris,2010, p.112.
    ② 事实上,伊朗的一些琐罗亚斯德教徒也将自己的语言称为“达里语”。从词源上讲,“达里”(Dari)在波斯语中为“宫廷”之意。最初的达里语是指公元8到10世纪呼罗珊(阿富汗中西部)地区的波斯语。阿富汗人一般不用“达里语”一词,而用“法尔斯语”(Farsi或Parsi) Jadwiga Pstrusinska, "Adfghanistan 1989" in Sociolinguistic, London, 1990, p.19.
    ③ Jadwiga Pstrusinska, "Adfghanistan 1989" in Sociolinguistic, London,1990, p.31.
    ④ [美]塞缪尔·亨廷顿著,周琪等译:《文明的冲突与世界秩序的重建》,北京:新华出版社,2002年,第6页。
    ⑤ 这七种语言分别为:普什图语、达里语、乌兹别克语、努里斯坦语、帕沙语(Pashai)和俾路支语(Baluchi)。Harold F. Schiffman (ed.), Language Policy and Language Conflict in Afghanistan and It's Neighbors, Leiden:Brill,2012, pp.43-44.
    ⑥ [英]安东尼·史密斯著,叶江译:《民族主义:理论、意识形态、历史》,上海:上海人民出版社,2011年,第30 页。
    ① Shafie Rahel, Cultural Policy in Afghanistan, Paris:The UNESCO Press,1975, pp.13,26.
    ② [英]安东尼·史密斯著,叶江译:《民族主义:理论、意识形态、历史》,上海:上海人民出版社,2011年,第31页。
    ② Shafie Rahel, Cultural Policy in Afghanistan, Paris:The UNESCO Press,1975, p.28.
    ③ Shafie Rahel, Cultural Policy in Afghanistan, Paris:The UNESCO Press,1975, p.25.
    ④ Nancy Hatch Dupree, "Cultural Heritage and National Identity in Afghanistan", Third World Quarterly, Vol.23, No.5, 2002, p.983.
    ① 王建娥:《族际政治:20世纪的理论与实践》,北京:社会科学文献出版社,2011年,第70页。
    ② Amin Tarzi, "The Maturation of Afghan Historiography", Int. J. Middle East Stud., Vol.45, No.l,2013, p.129.
    ③ Shafie Rahel, Cultural Policy in Afghanistan, Paris:The UNESCO Press,1975, p.29.
    ④ Mohammad Hussain, The Hazara of Afghanistan:A Studies of Ethnic Relations, Master Degree Thesis, Montreal:McGill University,2003, pp.42-43.
    ⑤ Anthony Hyman, "Nationalism in Afghanistan", International Journal of Middle East Studies, Vol.34, No.2,2002, pp.308-309.
    ⑥ 沙赫拉尼出生于阿富汗东北部的巴达赫尚省,并在此完成中等教育。Jon W. Anderson, Richard F. Strand (eds.), Ethnic Processes and Intergroup Relations in Contemporory Afghanistan, New York:Afghanistan Council of Asia Society,1978, p.21.
    ① Nancy Hatch Dupree, "Cultural Heritage and National Identity in Afghanistan", Third World Quarterly, Vol.23, No.5, 2002, p.983.
    ② Shafie Rahel, Cultural Policy in Afghanistan, Paris:The UNESCO Press,1975, pp.35-36.
    ③ Anthony Hyman, "Nationalism in Afghanistan", International Journal of Middle East Studies, Vol.34, No.2,2002, p.309.
    ④ Nancy Hatch Dupree, "Cultural Heritage and National Identity in Afghanistan", Third World Quarterly, Vol.23, No.5, 2002, p.981.
    ① Anthony Hyman, "Nationalism in Afghanistan", InternationalJournal of Middle East Studies, Vol.34, No.2,2002, p.307.
    ② [英]安东尼·史密斯著,叶江译:《民族主义:理论、意识形态、历史》,上海:上海人民出版社,2011年,第38页。
    ③ 此处为伊斯兰教历,即指阿富汗于1919年脱离英国控制获得独立。
    ④ http://www.nationalanthems.us/forum/YaBB.pl?action=print;num= 1078310149
    ① [美]本尼迪克特·安德森著,吴叡人译:《想象的共同体:民族主义的起源与散布》,上海:上海人民出版社,2005年,第9页。
    ② P. Bajpai & S. Ram(eds.), Encyclopaedia of Afghanitsan, Vol.2, New Delhi:Anmol Publications,2002, pp.62-65.
    ③ Amin Saikal, Modern Afghanistan:A History of Struggle and Survival, London, New York:I.B.Tauris,2010, pp.60-61.
    ① 转引自Anthony Hyman, "Nationalism in Afghanistan", InternationatJonnal of Middle East Studies, Vol.34, No.2, 2002, p.308.
    ② [美]里亚·格林菲尔德著,王春华等译:《民族主义:走向现代的五条道路》,上海:上海三联书店,2010年,第9-10页。
    ③ 王建娥:《族际政治:20世纪的理论与实践》,北京:社会科学文献出版社,2011年,第73页。
    ④ The Constitution of Afghanistan 1964, http://www.afghan-web.com/history/const/const1964.html.
    ① 宁骚著:《民族与国家:民族关系和民族政策的国际性比较》,北京:北京大学出版社,1995年,第4页。
    ② Anwar-ul-Haq Ahady, "The Decline of the Pashtuns in Afghanistan", Asian Survey, Vol.35, No.7,1995, p.622.
    ③ Barnett R. Rubin, "Political Elites in Afghanistan:Rentier State Building, Rentier State Wrecking", International Journal of Middle East Studies, Vol.24, No.1,1992, p.87.
    ① Sayed A'skar Mousavi, The Hazaras of Afghanistan:An Historical, Culture, Economic and Political Study, Richmind: Curzon Press,1998, pp.171-174.
    ② 王建娥:《族际政治:20世纪的理论与实践》,北京:社会科学文献出版社,2011年,第283页。
    ③ Jon W. Anderson, Richard F. Strand (eds.), Ethnic Processes and Intergroup Relations in Contemporory Afghanistan, New York:Afghanistan Council of Asia Society,1978, p.6.
    ④ Barnett R. Rubin, "Political Elites in Afghanistan:Rentier State Building, Rentier State Wrecking", InternationalJournal of Middle East Studies, Vol.24, No.1,1992, p.79.
    ⑤ Jon W. Anderson, Richard F. Strand (eds.), Ethnic Processes and Intergroup Relations in Contemporory Afghanistan, New York:Afghanistan Council of Asia Society,1978, p.4.
    ⑥ 地区为阿富汗省之下的一级行政区划。
    ⑦ A. L. P. Burdett (ed.), Afghanistan Strategic Intelligence:British Records 1919-1979, Vol.3, Farnharm:Archive Editions, 2002, p.880.
    ⑧ Sayed A'skar Mousavi, The Hazaras of Afghanistan:An Historical, Culture, Economic and Political Study, Richmind: Curzon Press,1998, p.166.
    ① Sayed A'skar Mousavi, The Hazaras of Afghanistan:An Historical, Culture, Economic and Political Study, Richmind: Curzon Press,1998, p.162.
    ② 根据阿富汗裔学者米斯达克的研究,部分的普什图移民已融合于当地民族,开始讲达里语。这部分人约占普什图总人口的7%。Dr Nabi Misdaq, Afghanistan:Political Frailty and External Interference,London and New York:Routledge,2006,p.230.
    ③ Sayed A'skar Mousavi, The Hazaras of Afghanistan: An Historical, Culture, Economic and Political Study, Richmind: Curzon Press,1998, p.165.
    ④ Mohammad Hussain, The Hazara of Afghanistan:A Studies of Ethnic Relations, Master Degree Thesis, Montreal:McGill University,2003, p.42.
    ⑤ Jon W. Anderson, Richard F. Strand (eds.), Ethnic Processes and Intergroup Relations in Contemporory Afghanistan, New York:Afghanistan Council of Asia Society,1978, p.20.
    ① Sayed A'skar Mousavi, The Hazaras of Afghanistan:An Historical, Culture, Economic and Political Study, Richmind: Curzon Press,1998, p.169.
    ② A. L. P. Burdett (ed.), Afghanistan Strategic Intelligence:British Records 1919-1979, Vol.3, Farnharm:Archive Editions, 2002, p.881.
    ③ Eden Naby, "The Ethnic Factor in Soviet-Afghaistan Relations", Asian Survey, Vol.XX, Vol.31980, p.248.
    ④ Sayed A'skar Mousavi, The Hazaras of Afghanistan:An Historical, Culture, Economic and Political Study, Richmind: Curzon Press,1998, p.167.
    ⑤ Jon W. Anderson, Richard F. Strand (eds.), Ethnic Processes and Intergroup Relations in Contemporory Afghanistan, New York:Afghanistan Council of Asia Society,1978, p.18.
    ① A. L. P. Burdett (ed.), Afghanistan Strategic Intelligence:British Records 1919-1979, Vol.3, Farnharm:Archive Editions, 2002, pp.879-882.
    ② 因为苏联文字改革后,阿富汗的突厥民族无法读懂苏联一侧中亚民族的书籍。唯一的联系方式就是苏联的少数民族语言的广播。
    ③ [英]安东尼·史密斯著,叶江译:《民族主义:理论、意识形态、历史》,上海:上海人民出版社,2011年,第21页。
    ① EdenNaby, "The Ethnic Factor in Soviet-Afghaistan Relations", Asian Survey, Vol.XX, Vol.31980, p.238.
    ② Harold F. Schiffman (ed.), Language Policy and Language Conflict in Afghanistan and It's Neighbors, Leiden:Brill, 2012, p.43.
    ③ Sauri P. Bhattacharya, " Soviet Nationality Policy in Afghanistan", Asian Affairs, Vol.15, No.2,1984, p.126.
    ④ Eden Naby, "The Ethnic Factor in Soviet-Afghaistan Relations", Asian Survey, Vol.XX, Vol.31980, p.248.
    ⑤ Robert D. Crew, Amin Tarzi eds., The Taliban and the Crisis of Afghanistan, Cambridge:Harvard University,2008.
    ① Barnett R. Rubin, The Fragmentation of Afghanistan, New Haven:Yale University Press,2002, p.115.
    ② Anwar-ul-Haq Ahady, "The Decline of the Pashtuns in Afghanistan", Asian Survey, Vol.35, No.7,1995, p.622.
    ③ Rasul Bakhsh Rais, Recovering the Frontier State:War, Ethnic, and State in Afghanistan, New York:Lexinton Books, 2008, p.38.
    ④ Afghanistan Quarterly, Vol.35, No.3,1982, pp.91-92,转引自 Pierre Centivres, Micheline Centlivres-Demont, Th e Invention of the Afghan Nationalities,1980-2004, http://www.mei.edu/content/invention-afghan-nationalities-1980-2 004#edn6.
    ⑤ Sauri P. Bhattacharya, "Soviet Nationality Policy in Afghanistan", Asian Affairs, Vol.15, No.2,1984, p.130.
    ⑥ Anwar-ul-Haq Ahady, "The Decline of the Pashtuns in Afghanistan", Asian Survey, Vol.35, No.7,1995, p.623.
    ① Rasul Bakhsh Rais, Recovering the Frontier Sate:War, Ethnic, and State in Afghanistan, New York:Lexinton Books, 2008,, p.39.
    ② Sayed A'skar Mousavi, The Hazaras of Afghanistan:An Historical, Culture, Economic and Political Study, Richmind: Curzon Press,1998, p.176.
    ③ Dr Nabi Misdaq, Afghanistan:Political Frailty and External Interference, London and New York:Routledge,2006, p.203.
    ④ Dr Nabi Misdaq, Afghanistan:Political Frailty and External Interference, London and New York:Routledge,2006, p.203.
    ① Sayed A'skar Mousavi, The Hazaras ofAfghanistan: An Historical, Culture, Economic and Political Study, Richmind: Curzon Press,1998, p.177.
    ② David Busby Edwards, "Marginality and Migration:Cultural Dimensions of Afghan Refugee Problem", International Migration Review, Vol.20, No.2,1986, p.313.
    ③ Abdul Salam Zaeef, My Life with the Taliban, New York:Columbia University Press,2010, pp.13-14.
    ① David Busby Edwards, "Marginality and Migration:Cultural Dimensions of Afghan Refugee Problem", International Migration Review, Vol.20, No.2,1986, p.313.
    ② 费孝通:《简述我的民族研究经历和思考》,《北京大学学报》(哲学社会科学版),1997年第2期,第8页。
    ③ Amin Saikal, "Afghanistan's Ethnic Conflict", Survival, Vol.40, No.2,1998, p.116.
    ④ 黄民兴主编:《阿富汗问题的历史嬗变》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2013年,第231页。
    ⑤ Pierre Centlivre, Micheline Centlivre-Demont, "State, National Awareness and Levels of Identity in Afghanistan from Monarch to Islamic State", Central Asian Survey, Vol.19, Issue 3-4,2000, p.424.
    ⑥ Eden Naby, "The Ethnic Factor in Soviet-Afghaistan Relations", Asian Survey, Vol.XX, Vol.31980, p.250.
    ① Rasul Bakhsh Rais, Recovering the Frontier State:War, Ethnic, and State in Afghanistan, New York:Lexinton Books, 2008, p.40.
    ② Dr Nabi Misdaq, Afghanistan:Political Frailty and External Interference, London and New York:Routledge,2006, p.212.
    ③ Dr Nabi Misdaq, Afghanistan:Political Frailty and External Interference, London and New York:Routledge,2006. p.211.
    ④ Gilles Dorronsoro, Revolution Unending:Afghanistan:1979 to Present, London:Hurst & Company,2005, p.257.
    ① Sven Gunnar Simonsen, "Ethnicising Afghanistan?:Inclusion and Exclution in Post-Bonn Institution Building", Third World Quarterly, Vol.25, No.4,2004, p.710.
    ② 民族阵线的领导人为杜斯塔姆。
    ③ 关于阿富汗内战的分期参见黄民兴主编:《阿富汗问题的历史嬗变》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2013年,第237-274页。
    ② Dr Nabi Misdaq, Afghanistan:Political Frailty and External Interference, London and New York:Routledge,2006, p.203.
    ⑤ Amin Saikal, "Afghanistan's Ethnic Conflict", Survival, Vol.40, No.2,1998, p.118.
    ① Anwar-ul-Haq Ahady, "The Decline of the Pashtuns in Afghanistan", Asian Survey, Vol.35, No.7,1995, p.627.
    ② Anthony Hyman, "Nationalism in Afghanistan", InternationalJournal of Middle East Studies, Vol.34, No.2,2002, p.312.
    ③ Rasul Bakhsh Rais, Recovering the Frontier State:War, Ethnic, and State in Afghanistan, New York:Lexinton Books, 2008, p.45.
    ④ Dr Nabi Misdaq, Afghanistan:Political Frailty and External Interference, London and New York:Routledge,2006, p.213.
    ⑤ Mohammad Hussain, The Hazara of Afghanistan:A Study of Ethnic Relations, Master Degree Thesis, Montreal:McGill University,2003, p.86.
    ⑥ 更多的事例参见Ahmed Rashid, Taliban:Militant Islam, Oil and Fundamentalism in Central Asia, New Haven:Yale University Press,2010, pp.73-74.
    ① Rasul Bakhsh Rais, Recovering the Frontier State:War, Ethnic, and State in Afghanistan, New York:Lexinton Books, 2008, p.47.
    ② Gilles Dorronsoro. Revolution Unending:Afghanistan:1979 to Present, London:Hurst & Company,2005, p.271.
    ③ 参见王希恩:《‘现代民族’的特征及形成的一般途径》,《世界民族》,2007年第2期,第1-12页。
    ④ Anwar-ul-Haq Ahady, "The Decline of the Pashtuns in Afghanistan", Asian Survey, Vol.35, No.7,1995, p.622.
    ① Amin Saikal, "Afghanistan's Ethnic Conflict", Survival, Vol.40, No.2,1998, p.118.
    ② [英]安东尼·吉登斯著,龚维斌、良警宇译:《全球化时代的民族与民族主义》,北京:中央编译出版社,2002年,第103页。
    ③ [美]塞缪尔·亨廷顿著,程克雄译:《我们是谁:美国国家特性面临的挑战》,北京:新华出版社,2005年,第11-12页。
    ④ “动荡弧”一说最初见于美国智库于2000年发布的一份报告,认为从巴尔干半岛到中东、南亚,以及东南亚已成为一条动荡的弧形地带,威胁西方的利益。
    ⑤ 周平著:《多民族国家的族际政治整合》,北京:中央编译出版社,2012年,第4页。
    ⑥ 王希:《多元文化主义的起源、实践及局限性》,《美国研究》,2000年第2期,第44-90页。
    ① 王建娥:《族际政治:20世纪的理论与实践》,北京:社会科学文献出版社,2011年,第212页。
    ② [美]塞缪尔·P·亨廷顿著,王冠华等译:《变化社会中的政治秩序》,上海:上海人民出版社,2008年,第34页。
    ③ 马珂著:《后民族主义的认同建构及其启示》,上海:上海人民出版社,2010年,第41页。
    ① [英]安东尼·史密斯著,叶江译:《民族主义:理论、意识形态、历史》,上海:上海人民出版社,2011年,第21页。
    ② 王建娥:《族际政治:20世纪的理论与实践》,北京:社会科学文献出版社,2011年,第281页。
    ③ [美]菲利克斯·格罗斯著,王建娥、魏强译:《公民与国家——民族、部族和族属身份》,北京:新华出版社,2003年,第188页。
    ④ 王建娥:《族际政治:20世纪的理论与实践》,北京:社会科学文献出版社,2011年,第201页。
    ① 钱乘旦:《五个面临挑战的西方理论——西方流行理论遭遇的挑战以及中国学术的困境》,《人民论坛》,2013年第7期,第74-75页。
    ① 参见王建娥:《族际政治民主化:多民族国家建设和谐社会的重要课题》,《民族研究》,2006年第5期,第1-11页。
    ② 周平著:《多民族国家的族际政治整合》,北京:中央编译出版社,2012年,第4页。
    ③ 《马克思恩格斯全集》第3卷,人民出版社,1965年,第24页。
    ④ 彭树智著:《松榆斋百记:人类文明交往散论》,西安:西北大学出版社,2005年,第35页。
    ① 受到西方理论范式的影响,我国的一些学者也强调民族构建中的政治和制度层面的因素。但显然不全面和客观。
    ② [加]威尔·金里卡著,杨立峰译:《多元文化公民权:一种有关少数族群权利的自由主义理论》,上海:上海人民出版社,2009年,第2页。
    ③ 彭树智著:《两斋文明自觉论随笔》(第二卷),北京:中国社会科学出版社,2012年,第479页。
    ① 转引自[美]兹比格纽·布热津斯基著,中国国际问题研究所译:《大棋局:美国的首要地位极其地院战略》,上海:上海人民出版社,1998年,第49页。
    ② 彭树智著:《文明交往论》,西安:陕西人民出版社,2002年,第103页。
    ① [英]巴里·布赞、[丹]奥利·维夫著,潘忠岐等译:《地区安全复合体与国际安全结构》,上海:上海世纪出版集团,2010年,第107页。
    ② Reuven Amitai, Michal Biran (eds.), Mongols, Turks, and Others:Eurasian Nomads and the Sedentary, Brill,2005. pp.503-504.
    ③ 吴于廑著:《吴于廑学术论著自选集》,北京:首都师范大学出版社,1995年,第106页。
    ④ B.D.Hopkins, The Making of Modern Afghanistan, New York:Palgrave Macmillan,2008, p.3.
    ⑤ 《马克思恩格斯全集》第14卷,北京:人民出版社,1965年,第77页。
    ⑥ “安全困境”为国际政治理论中博弈论的一种模型,指一国追求安全的行为可能导致所有国家都不安全。参见[美]小约瑟夫·奈著,张小明译,:《理解国际冲突:理论与历史》,上海人民出版社,2009年,第20-21页。
    ① [英]珀西·塞克斯著,张家麟译:《阿富汗史》第一卷上册,北京:商务印书馆,1972年,第2页。
    ② Sultan Mahomed Khan (ed.), The Life ofAbdur Rahman, Vol.11, London:John Murray,1900, p.280.
    ③ 王绳祖主编:《国际关系史》第2卷,北京:世界知识出版社,1996年,第260页。
    ④ Pirouz Mojtahed-Zadeh, Small Players of Great Game, London:RoutledgCurzon,2004, p.8.
    ① B.D.Hopkins, The Making of Modern Afghanistan, New York:Palgrave Macmillan,2008, pp.13-14.
    ② Peter Hopkirk, The Great Game on Secret Service in High Asia, London:John Murray,2006, p.8.
    ③ 王绳祖主编:《国际关系史》第2卷,北京:世界知识出版社,1996年,第260页。
    ④ 包括信德和旁遮普地区在内的北印度原属杜兰尼王朝。19世纪初,杜兰尼王朝衰落后,这些地区逐渐失去了控制。
    ⑤ 两次战争分别发生于1804—1813年,1826—1828年。
    ⑥ 《马克思恩格斯全集》第12卷,人民出版社,1965年,第133页。
    ⑦ 引文中的“化费”为原文。[英]珀西·塞克斯著,张家麟译:《阿富汗史》第一卷下册,北京:商务印书馆,1972年,第668页。
    ⑧ 在围攻赫拉特的波斯军队中也有俄国的军事顾问。
    ① Asghar H. Bilgrami, Afghanistan and British India:1793-1907, New Delhi:Sterling Publishers,1972, p.96.
    ② B.D. Hopkins, The Making of Modern Afghanistan, New York:Palgrave Macmillan,2008, p.61.
    ③ 条约全文参见Asghar H. Bilgrami, Afghanistan and British India:1793-1907, New Delhi:Sterling Publishers,1972, pp.312-315.
    ④ 1857年,印度爆发民族大起义后,英国政府收回了东印度公司对于印度的管理权,印度成为英国政府直辖的殖民地。
    ③ Chahryar Adle, Irfan Habib, History of Civilizations of Central Asia, Vol. V, Paris:UNESCO Publishing,2003, p.399.
    ① 1877年,英国女王维多利亚被授予“印度女皇”的称号。[英]珀西·塞克斯著,张家麟译:《阿富汗史》第二卷上册,北京:商务印书馆,1972年,第847-848页。
    ② Chahryar Adle, Irfan Habib, History of Civilizations of Central Asia, Vol. V, Paris:UNESCO Publishing,2003, p.342.
    ③ Chahryar Adle, Irfan Habib, History of Civilizations of Central Asia, Vol. VI, Paris:UNESCO Publishing,2005, p.108.
    ④ [英]珀西·塞克斯著,张家瞵译:《阿富汗史》第二卷上册,北京:商务印书馆,1972年,第865-866页。
    ① 赵军秀:《英国与1885年平狄危机》,《首都师范大学学报》(社会科学版),2001年第1期,第99页。
    ② [英]珀西·塞克斯著,张家麟译:《阿富汗史》第二卷上册,北京:商务印书馆,1972年,第938页。
    ③ Asghar H. Bilgrami, Afghanistan and British India:1793-1907, New Delhi:Sterling Publishers,1972, pp.205-206.
    ① M. Hassan Kakar, A Political and Diplomatic History of Afghanistan, Leiden:Brill,2006, p.179.
    ② Vartan Gregorian, The Emergence of Modern Afghanistan, Stanford:Stanford University Press,1969, p.158.
    ③ F.O.Russia 1728, "Memorandun Respecting Russia and Afghanistan", GP.Gooch (ed.), British Documents on the Oringins of the War:1898-1904, Vol.IV, London:Stationary Office,1947, p.515.
    ④ F.O.371/320, "Anglo-Russian Convention Respecting Afghanistan", GP.Gooch (ed.), British Documents on the Oringins of the War:1898-1904, Vol.IV, London:Stationary Office,1947, pp.541-544.
    ⑤ N 8664/59/97, "Colonel Humphrys to the Marquess Curzon of Kedleston", Correspondence Respecting Afghanistan (Britain Foreign Office Files for India, Pakistan and Afghanistan,1947-1980), PartI,1922, pp.28-29.
    ⑥ A. L. P. Burdett (ed.), Afghanistan Strategic Intelligence:British Records 1919-1979, Vol.1, Farnharm:Archive Editions, 2002, p.163.
    ① 参见Basil Dmytryshun, Fredrick Cox (eds.), The Soviet Union and the Middle East:A Document Record of Afghanistan, Iran and Turkey, Princeton:The Kinngston Press,1987, pp.123-126.
    ② Basil Dmytryshun, Fredrick Cox (eds.), The Soviet Union and the Middle East:A Document Record of Afghanistan, Iran and Turkey, Princeton:The Kinngston Press,1987, p.118.
    ③ A. L. P. Burdett (ed.), Afghanistan Strategic Intelligence: British Records 1919-1979, Vol.1, Farnharm:Archive Editions, 2002, pp.679-680.
    ① N 8664/59/97, "Colonel Humphrys to the Marquess Curzon of Kedleston", Correspondence Respecting Afghanistan (Britain Foreign Office Files for India, Pakistan and Afghanistan,1947-1980), Parti,1922, p.l.
    ② “安全化”是国际安全研究的重要概念,意指将一个“公共问题”人为和主观地贴上“安全的标签”,并以此要求相应的权利,以便通过各种手段应对威胁。换言之,安全化是以“存在性威胁”理由,构建安全的认识。参见[英]巴瑞·布赞、[丹]奥利·维夫、[荷]迪·怀尔德著,朱宁译:《新安全论》,杭州:浙江人民出版社,2003年,第32-37页。
    ② Basil Dmytryshun, Fredrick Cox (eds.), The Soviet Union and the Middle East:A Document Record of Afghanistan, Iran and Turkey, Princeton:The Kinngston Press,1987, p.82.
    ③ A. L. P. Burdett (ed.), Afghanistan Strategic Intelligence:British Records 1919-1979, Vol.2, Farnharm:Archive Editions, 2002, pp.667,669.
    ① Vartan Gregorian, The Emergence of Modern Afghanistan, Stanford:Stanford University Press,1969, pp.378-379.
    ② [俄]A.利亚霍夫斯基著,刘宪平译:《阿富汗战争的悲剧》,北京:社会科学文献出版社,2004年,第12页。
    ① "Memorandum from the Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs (Jones) to the Under Secretary of State's Special Assistant for Communist Econimic Affairs (Terrill) to the Acting Securety of State". September 12,1959, Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS),1958-1960, Vol.XV, p.280.
    ② A. L. P. Burdett (ed.), Afghanistan Strategic Intelligence:British Records 1919-1979, Vol.2, Farnharm:Archive Editions, 2002, pp.123-154.
    ③ "Memorandum from the under Assistant Secretary of State (Herter) to President", November 8,1958, Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS),1958-1960, Vol.XV, p.248.
    ④ Maurice Williams, Retrospective Review of US Assistance to Afghanistan:1950-1979, No.PDC-0085-I-00-6095, USAID, 1988, p.31.
    ⑤ Amin Saikal, Modern Afghanistan:A History of Struggle and Survival, London, New York:I.B.Tauris,2010, pp.123-124.
    ⑥ Maurice Williams, Retrospective Review of US Assistance to Afghanistan:1950-1979, No.PDC-0085-I-00-6095, USAID, 1988, pp.31-32.
    ⑦ 1960年,阿富汗尼对美元的官方汇率为20:1,,自由汇率为41.89:1。如果按后者计算,第一个五年计划的预算折合约2.23亿美元。
    ⑧ Maurice Williams, Retrospective Review of US Assistance to Afghanistan:1950-1979, No.PDC-0085-I-00-6095, USAID, 1988, p.31.
    ① 早在19世纪末,俄国已将铁路修到了阿富汗的西北边界。从赫拉特到阿苏边界的高速公路与这条铁路对接。
    ② 1968年,苏联与阿富汗签订了经济和技术合作协定,苏联援建的项目主要集中在北部地区。参见Basil Dmytryshun, Fredrick Cox (eds.), The Soviet Union and the Middle East:A Document Record of Afghanistan, Iran and Turkey, Princeton: The Kinngston Press,1987, pp.151-167.
    ③ Maurice Williams, Retrospective Review of US Assistance to Afghanistan:1950-1979, No.PDC-0085-I-00-6095, US AID, 1988, p.32.
    ④ "Memorandum of a Conversation", June 24,1958, Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS),1958-1960, Vol.XV, p.227.
    ⑤ Amin Saikal, Modern Afghanistan:A History of Struggle and Survival, London, New York:I.B.Tauris,2010, p.124.
    ① N.A.Bulgannin, N.S.Khrushchov, Vistit of Friendship to India, Burma and Afghanistan, Moscow:Foreign Languages Publishing House,1956, pp.202-203.
    ② 我国一些学者认为,美国的目标是将阿富汗纳入西方阵营,使其成为反苏的前沿。从美国解密的档案来看,这一观点值得商榷。美国只是希望阿富汗保持独立,而非将其纳入势力范围。Maurice Williams, Retrospective Review of US Assistance to Afghanistan:1950-1979, No.PDC-0085-I-00-6095, USAID,1988, pp.12-13.
    ③ " Memorandum from the Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs (Rountree) to the Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs (Murphy)", June 23,1959, Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS), 1958-1960, Vol.XV, pp.277-278.
    ④ 参见李琼:《苏联、阿富汗、美国:1979—1989年三国四方在阿富汗地区的一场博弈》,上海:华东师范大学博士论文,2007年,第25-26页。
    ⑤ "Memorandum from the Under Secretary of State (Herter) to the President", November 8,1958, Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS),1958-1960, Vol.XV, p.248.
    ⑥ Angelo Rasanayagam, Afghanistan:A Modern History, London, New York:I.B.Tauris,2003, p.34.
    ① 此表仅列出主要的发展援助,并不包括对阿富汗的货币支持、食品和安全援助(PL480)等其它的援助项目。
    ② Maurice Williams, Retrospective Review of US Assistance to Afghanistan:1950-1979, No.PDC-0085-I-00-6095, USAID, 1988, p.9.
    ① " Memorandum from the Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs (Rountree) to the Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs (Murphy)", June 23,1959, Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS), 1958-1960, Vol.XV, p.279.
    ② Maurice Williams, Retrospective Review of US Assistance to Afghanistan:1950-1979, No.PDC-0085-I-00-6095, USAID, 1988, p.19.
    ③ "Memorandum of a Conversation", June 24,1958, Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS),1958-1960, Vol.XV, p.231.
    ④ Maurice Williams, Retrospective Review of US Assistance to Afghanistan:1950-1979, No.PDC-0085-I-00-6095, USAID, 1988, p.22.
    ⑤ 即提出“经济成长阶段理论”的美国著名经济学家。
    ⑤ "Memorandum from the President's Special Assistant (Rostow) to President Johnson", March 25,1967, Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS),1964-1968, Vol.XXV, p.1069.
    ① 即如今美国“行政管理和预算局”(office of Management and Budget)的前身。
    ② "Memorandum from the Direstor of the Bureau of the Budget (Zwick) to President Johnson", March 24,1968, Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS),1964-1968, Vol.XXV, p.1084.
    ③ Maurice Williams, Retrospective Review of US Assistance to Afghanistan:1950-1979, No.PDC-0085-I-00-6095, USAID, 1988, p.41.
    ④ 学术界关于苏联出兵阿富汗的动机大致有“防御论”和“进攻论”两种看法。如今,大多数学者认为苏联出兵是为了防止苦心经营多年的阿富汗落入西方之手,以及防止伊斯兰主义对于苏联中亚共和国的威胁。参见黄民兴主编:《阿富汗问题的历史嬗变》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2013年,第202-210页;李琼:《苏联、阿富汗、美国:1979—1989年三国四方在阿富汗地区的一场博弈》,上海:华东师范大学博士论文,2007年,第52-55页。
    ⑤ Richard P.Cronin, Afghanistan-. Soviet Invasion and U.S. Response, CRS (DNSA), IBB0006,1982, p.1.
    ① Barnett R. Rubin, The Fragmentation of Afghanistan, New Haven:Yale University Press,2002, p.196.
    ② [俄]A.利亚霍夫斯基著,刘宪平译:《阿富汗战争的悲剧》,北京:社会科学文献出版社,2004年,第274页。
    ③ Richard P. Cronin, Afghanistan:United Nations-Sponsored Negotiations and Annotated Chronology and Analysis, CRS (DNSA),87-792F,1986, p.20.
    ④ 事实上,1982年,联合国就发起了关于阿富汗问题的日内瓦会谈。从这时起到1988年《日内瓦协议》的签订,各方共进行了十一轮会谈。
    ⑤ Anwar-ul-Haq Ahady, "The Changing Interests of Regional Powers and the Resolution of Afghan Conflict", Asian Affairs, Vol.21, No.2,1994, p.88.
    ① Barnett R. Rubin, The Search for Peace in Afghanistan:From Buffer State to Failed State, New Haven:Yale UniversityPress,1995,p.95.
    ② Anwar-ul-Haq Ahady, "The. Changing Interests of Regional Powers and the Resolution of Afghan Conflict", Asian Affairs, Vol.21, No.2,1994, pp.88-92.
    ③ Anthony Hyman, "Russia, Central Asia and the Taliban", in William Maley edt., Fundamentalism Reborn? Afghanistan and Taliban, London:Hurst & Company,1998, p.104.
    ④ Anwar-ul-Haq Ahady, "Saudi Arabia, Iran and the Conflict in Afghanistan", in William Maley edt, Fundamentalism Reborn?:Afghanistan and Taliban, London:Hurst & Company,1998, p.123.
    ① Anthony Hyman, "Russia, Central Asia and the Taliban", in William Maleyedt., Fundamentalism Reborn?: Afghanistan and Taliban, London:Hurst & Company,1998, p.106.
    ② Anwar-ul-Haq Ahady, "Saudi Arabia, Iran and the Conflict in Afghanistan", in William Maley (ed.), Fundamentalism Reborn?:Afghanistan and Taliban, London:Hurst & Company,1998, p.133.
    ③ [美]贾恩弗朗哥·波奇著,陈尧译:《国家:本质、发展与前景》,上海:上海人民出版社,2007年,第23页。
    ① [西]胡安·诺格著,徐鹤林、朱伦译:《民族主义与领土》,北京:中央民族大学出版社,2009年,第40页。
    ② Sultan Mahomed Khan (ed.), The Life of Abdur Rahman, Vol.11, London:John Murray,1900, p.150.
    ③ 西北边境省已于2010年更名为“开伯尔—普赫图瓦省”(Khyber-Pakhtunkwa),首府为白沙瓦。俾路支省的首府为奎达。
    ④ 转引自S.M.M.Qureshi, "Pakhtunistan:The Frontier Dispute between Afghanistan and Pakistan", Pacific Affairs, Vol.39, No.1/2,1966, p.99.
    ⑤ https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/pk.html
    ⑥ Muhammad Mushtaq, "Managing Ethnic Diversity and Federalism in Pakistan", European Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.33, No.2,2009, p.283.
    ① 呼罗珊指波斯帝国的东部地区,基本上与当今的阿富汗重合。Olaf Caroe, ThePathans:550 B.C.-A.D.1957, London: Macmillan,1958, p.xiv.
    ② 阿富汗边界两侧相邻的部落迁徙非常频繁。Olaf Caroe, The Pathans:550 B.C.A.D.1957, London:Macmillan,1958, p.346.
    ③ Olaf Caroe, The Pathans:550 B.C.-A.D.1957, London:Macmillan,1958, p.v.
    ④ 其中的一些部落分布于阿富汗东部地区。
    ① Christine Neolle, The Interaction between State and Tribe in Nineteen-Century Afghanistan, Doctoral Dissertation, Berkeley:University of California,1985, p.276.
    ② Olaf Caroe, The Pathans:550 B.C.-A.D.1957, London:Macmillan,1958, p.347.
    ③ 国外学术界对于帕坦人研究非常深入,本文在第一章已有所涉及,在此不再赘述。参见Fredirk Barth, Features of Persons and Society in Swat Collected Essays on Parthans, London:Routledge & Kegan Paul,1981.C.M.Enriqez, The Pathan Borderland:A Consecutive Account of the Country and People on the beyond the Indiam Frontier from Chitral to Dera Islmail Khan, Thacker, Spink & CO,1921. Akbar S.Ahmed, Pukhtun Economy and Society:Traditional Structure and Economic Development in Tribal Society, London:Routledg & Kegen Paul,1980. Richard Tapper (ed.), Tribe and State in Iran and Afghanistan, London and New York:Routledge,2011.
    ④ B.D.Hopkins:The Making of Modern Afghanistan, New York:Palgrave Macmillan,2008, p.75.
    ⑤ Olaf Caroe, The Pathans:550 B.C.-A.D.1957, London:Macmillan,1958, p.348.
    ① Arnold Fletcher, Afghanistan:Highway of Conquest, New York:Cornell University Press,1965, p.163.
    ② Richard Tapper (ed.), Tribe and State in Iran and Afghanistan, London and New York:Routledge,2011, p.181..
    ③ Sultan Mahomed Khan (ed.), The Life of Ab'dur Rahman, Vol.11, London:John Murray,1900, p.149.
    ④ H. Caldwell Lipsett, Lord Curzon in India:1898-1903, London:R.A.Everett & CO.,1903, p.30.
    ⑤ Arnold Fletcher, Afghanistan:Highway of Conquest, New York:Cornell University Press,1965, p.164.
    ⑥ 拉赫曼的理由是英印派出的使团由罗伯兹(Lord Roberts)率领,由于后者是前进政策的簇拥,在阿富汗声名狼藉。使团因此没有安全保障,而且可能影响英属印度和阿富汗的关系。Sultan Mahomed Khan (ed.), The Life of Abdur Rahman, Vol.II, London:John Murray,1900, pp.155-156.
    ① Sultan Mahomed Khan (ed.), The Life ofAbdur Rahman, Vol.11, London:John Murray,1900, p.156.
    ② Sultan Mahomed Khan (ed.), The Life of Abdur Rahman, Vol.11, London:John Murray,1900, pp.157-158.
    ③ 条约全文参见[英]珀西·塞克斯著,张家麟译:《阿富汗史》第二卷下册,北京:商务印书馆,1972年,第1233-1237页。
    ③ Arnold Fletcher, Afghanistan:Highway of Conquest, New York:Cornell University Press,1965, p.167.
    ⑤ 这次起义的详尽论述参见Unknown, The Risings on the North-West Frontier, Allahabad:Pioneer Press,1898.
    ① Arnold Fletcher, Afghanistan:Highway of Conquest, New York:Cornell University Press,1965, p.169.
    ② Lovat Fraser, India under Curzon & After, London:William Heinemann,1904, p.41.
    ③ H. Caldwell Lipsett, Lord Curzon in India:1898-1903, London:R.A.Everett & CO.,1903, pp.26-30.
    ④ 这种缺乏明确主权归属的处理方式为后来的普什图尼斯坦问题埋下了隐患。
    ⑤ 1932年,英印政府正式将西北边境省划分为定居区和部落区两部分。
    ⑥ 20世纪初,英国出版了大量的关于寇松在印度统治的书籍,其中也有全面介绍“西北边境省”的历史、地理、人口、文化和宗教的专著。参见British India Government, Imperial Gazetter of India, Provincial Series:North-West Frontier Province, Oxord:Horace Hart,1908.
    ⑦ Arnold Fletcher, Afghanistan:Highway of Conquest, New York:Cornell University Press,1965, p.189.
    ⑧ P. Bajpai & S. Ram(eds.), Encyclopaedia of Afghanitsan, Vol.3, New Delhi:Anmol Publications,2002, p.38.
    ① A. L. P. Burdett (ed.), Afghanistan Strategic Intelligence:British Records 1919-1979, Vol.1, Farnharai:Archive Editions, 2002, p.39.
    ② [英]珀西·塞克斯著,张家麟译:《阿富汗史》第二卷下册,北京:商务印书馆,1972年,第1125页。
    ③ 自1914年起,帕坦人就开始反抗英印政府的统治。第三次英阿战争期间,帕坦人与英军进行了激烈的对抗。详情参见General Staff Army Headquarter (ed.). Operations in Waziristan:1919-1920, India,1921.
    ④ FO 371/1990, FO 371/6750, A. L. P. Burdett (ed.), Afghanistan Strategic Intelligence:British Records 1919-1979, Vol.1, Farnharm:Archive Editions,2002, pp.95-96,181-187.
    ⑤ Mukulika Banerijee, The Pathan Unarmed:Opposition & Memory in North West Frontier, Karachi:Oxford University Press,2000, p.43.
    ① British India Government, Imperial Gazetter of India, Provincial Series:North-West Frontier Province, Oxord:Horace Hart,1908, pp.86-87.
    ② India Govrnment General, India Education Policy, Calcutta:Superintendent Government Printing,1915, pp.1-2.
    ③ 伊斯兰学院是如今白沙瓦大学的前身,爱德华学院如今也并入白沙瓦大学。
    ④ 林承节著:《殖民统治时期的印度史》,北京:北京大学出版社,2004年,第61页。
    ③ Olaf Caroe, The Pathans:550 B.C.-A.D.1957, London:Macmillan,1958, pp.429-430.
    ⑥ 该党主要在西北边界省的定居地区活动。
    ⑦ Jeffery J.Roberts, The Origins of Conflict in Afghanistan, Westport:Praeger,2003, p.55.
    ① 殖民时期西北边境省的最后一位省督卡罗伊持此观点,但当时的一些印度报纸宣传红衫党的目标是建立一个独立的“普什图尼斯坦”国。这也反映了红衫党政治目标的模糊性。Olaf Caroe, The Pathans:550 B.C.-A.D.1957, London: Macmillan,1958, p.432.Times of India, August 17,1947,转引自Arnold Fletcher, Afghanistan:Highway of Conquest, New York:Cornell University Press,1965, p.249.
    ② MukulikaBanerijee, The Pathan Unarmed:Opposition & Memory in North West Frontier, Karachi:Oxford University Press,2000, p.44.
    ③ 美国学者杜普雷认为“红衫党”的两位领导人抵制全民公决。[美]路易斯·杜普雷著,黄民兴译:《阿富汗现代史纲要》(内部资料),西安:西北大学中东研究所,2002年,第66-67页。
    ④ 原名米尔扎·阿里·汗(Mirza Ali Khan),是北瓦济里斯坦地区著名的宗教人士。详情参见A. L. P. Burdett(ed.), Afghanistan Strategic Intelligence:British Records 1919-1979, Vol.3, Farnharm:Archive Editions,2002, pp.607-612.
    ③ Robert Wilkinson-Latham, North-West Frontier:1837-1947, London:Osprey Pubishing,1977, pp.28-29.
    ⑧ Olaf Caroe, The Pathans:550 B.C.-A.D.I 957, London:Macmillan,1958, pp.437-438.
    ① Arnold Fletcher, Afghanistan:Highway of Conquest, New York:Cornell University Press,1965, p.249.
    ② " The Secretary of State to the Minister in Afghanistan (Engert) ", November 23,1943, Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS),1943, Vol.IV, p.34.
    ③ E 5232/714/97. "Conversation with the Afghan Ministrer", Correspondence Respecting Afghanistan (Britain Foreign Office Files for India, Pakistan and Afghanistan,1947-1980), PartI,1947, pp.39-40.
    ④ F 14471/9774/97, "Position of the North-West Frontier Tribes:Policy of Afghan Government", Correspondence Respecting Afghanistan (Britain Foreign Office Files for India, Pakistan and Afghanistan,1947-1980), PartI,1947, p.64.
    ⑤ Arnold Fletcher, Afghanistan:Highway of Conquest, New York:Cornell University Press,1965, p.251.
    ① F 1157/1157/97, "Afghanistan:Annual Report for 1947", Correspondence Respecting Afghanistan(Britain Foreign Office Files for India, Pakistan and Afghanistan,1947-1980), Part 2,1948, p.3.
    ② "Airgram from the Embassy in Afghanistan to the Department of State", December 26,1964, Foreign Relations of the UnitedStates (FRUS),1964-1968, Vol.XXV, p.1049.
    ③ F 273/1061/97, "Conversation between the Secretary of State and the Afghan Ambassador", Correspondence Respecting Afghanistan (Britain Foreign Office Files for India, Pakistan and Afghanistan,1947-1980), Part3,1949, p.l.
    ④ F 5966/1061/97, "Future of the North-West Frotier Province", Correspondence Respecting Afghanistan (Britain Foreign Office Files for India, Pakistan and Afghanistan,1947-1980), Part 3,1949, p.10.
    yi5 E 5713/714/97, "Afghan Campaign in Favor of Afghanistan", Correspondence Respecting Afghanistan (Britain Foreign Office Files for India, Pakistan and Afghanistan,1947-1980), PartI,1947, p.60.
    ② 主要指如今的联邦直辖部落地区,而非西北边境省。
    ③ F 9585/1061/97, "Conversation between the Secretary of state and the Afghan Ambassador", Correspondence Respecting Afghanistan (Britain Foreign Office Files for India, Pakistan and Afghanistan,1947-1980), Part3,1949, pp.17-21.
    ④ F 8793/1061/97, "Faiz Mohammed Khan to Mr.Bevin", Correspondence Respecting Afghanistan (Britain Foreign Office Files for India, Pakistan and Afghanistan,1947-1980), Part 3,1949, p.20.
    ① FA 1011/1, "Afghanistan:Annual Review for 1950", Correspondence Respecting Afghanistan (Britain Foreign Office Files for India, Pakistan and Afghanistan,1947-1980), Part 5,1951, pp.1-4.
    ② " Memorandum by the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Earstern, South Asian, and African Affairs (Jernegan) to the Acting Deputy under Secretary of State (Murphy)", November 28,1953, Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS),1952-1954, Vol.XI, Part 2, p.1405.
    ③ "The Secretary of State to Ambassador", Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS),1950, Vol.V, p.1045.
    ④ FA 1011/1, "Afghanistan:Annual Review for 1950", Correspondence Respecting Afghanistan (Britain Foreign Office Files for India, Pakistan and Afghanistan,1947-1980), Part 5,1951, p.2.
    ① A. L. P. Burdett (ed.), Afghanistan Strategic Intelligence:British Records 1919-1979, Vol.4, Farnharm:Archive Editions, 2002, pp.711-712.
    ② "Memorandum of Conversation, by the Officer in Charge of Pakistan-Afghanistan Affairs (Thacher)", September 18, 1954, Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS),1952-1954, Vol.Ⅺ, Part 2, p.1417.
    ③ "The Ambassador in Afghanistan (Ward) to the Department of State", December 2,1954, Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS),1952-1954, Vol.Ⅺ, Part 2, p.1434.
    ④ 第一次是在1952年普什图尼斯坦问题爆发时,巴基斯坦对阿富汗的石油产品实施禁运。根据美国的外交档案披露,巴基斯坦封闭边界得到了美国的授意,其目标是使阿富汗经济恶化,从而迫使达乌德下台。"Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Afghanistan", June 24,1955, "Telgegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Pakistan", July 12,1955, "Letter from the Secretary of State to the United States Representative at the United Nations (Lodge)", February 15,1955, Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS),1955-1957, Vol. Ⅷ, pp.165-166, 187-189.
    ① "Memorandum of a Conversation", June 24,1958, Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS),1958-1960, Vol.XV, p.303.
    ② "Telegram from the Embassy in Afghanistan to the Department of State", March 14,1961, Foreign Relations of the UnitedStates (FRUS),1961-1963, Vol.XIX, p.21.
    ③ "Telegram from the Embassy in Afghanistan to the Department of State", March 14,1961, Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS),1961-1963, Vol.XIX, pp.21-22.
    ① "Telegram 52513 from the Department of State to Embassy in Afghanistan", Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS),1969-1972, Vol.E-7, pp.1-3.
    ② Richard Newell, "Foreign Relations", in Louis Dupree, Linette Albert (eds.), Afghanistan in the 1970s, New York: Praeger Publishers,1974, p.86.
    ③ A. L. P. Burdett (ed.), Afghanistan Strategic Intelligence:British Records 1919-1979, Vol.4, Farnharm:Archive Editions, 2002, p.768.
    ④ Farhan Hanif Siddiqi, The Politics of Ethnicity in Pakistan, London and New York:Routledge,2012, p.1.
    ① "Telegram 616 from the Embassy in Afghanistan to the Department of State", Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS),1969-1972, Vol.E-7, pp.1-6.
    ② Olaf Caroe,The Pathans:550 B.C.-A.D.1957, London:Macmillan,1958, p.347.
    ③ A. L. P. Burdett (ed.), Afghanistan Strategic Intelligence:British Records 1919-1979, Vol.4, Farnharm:Archive Editions, 2002, p.852.
    ④ Muhammad Mushtaq, "Managing Ethnic Diversity and Federalism in Pakistan", European Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.33, No.2,2009, p.283.
    ⑤ 刘金质著:《冷战史》(中册),北京:世界知识出版社,2002年,第584-585页。
    ⑥ 黄民兴:《试析冷战在中东的分期和特点》,《史学集刊》,2011年第3期,第41页。
    ① "Airgram from the Embassy in Afghanistan to the Department of State", December 26,1964, Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS),1964-1968, Vol.XXV, pp.1048-1049.
    ② A. L. P. Burdett (ed.), Afghanistan Strategic Intelligence:British Records 1919-1979, Vol.4, Farnharm:Archive Editions, 2002, pp.841-842.
    ③ Ali Banuazizi, Myron Weiner (eds.), The State, Religion and Politics, Syracuse:Syracuse University Press,1989, pp.290-291.
    ① Shibil Siddiqi, Global Youth Fellow:Afghanistan-Pakistan Relations:History and Geopolitics in a Regional an d International Context, Walter and Duncan Gordon Foundation,2008, p.34, http://www.gordonfn.org/resfiles/siddi qi afghan-pak%20fina12.pdf
    ② 彭树智、黄杨文著:《中东国家通史·阿富汗卷》,北京:商务印书馆,2000年,第352页。
    ① [英]安东尼·吉登斯著,田禾译:《现代性的后果》,南京:译林出版社,2011年,第1页。
    ② 国内学者关于阿富汗中立外交已有较为系统的探讨,在此稍有涉及。本文着眼于从整体上分析殖民主义的挑战,以及阿富汗对此的回应。而中立外交正是这种回应。关于阿富汗中立外交参见黄民兴主编:《阿富汗问题的历史嬗变》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2013年,第38-80页。
    ① Sultan Mahomed Khan (ed.), The Life ofAbdur Rahman, Vol.11, London:John Murray,1900, pp.147-148,280.
    ② 查希尔上台后也有同样的看法。Vartan Gregorian, The Emergence of Modern Afghanistan, Politics of Reform and Modernization,1880-1946, Stanford:Stanford University Press,1969, pp.321,375.
    ③ Jeffery J.Roberts, The Origins of Conflict in Afghanistan, Westport:Praeger,2003, p.ix.
    ④ Audrey Kurth Cronin, "Thinking Long on Afghanistan:Could it Be Neutralized? ", The Washington Quarterly, Vol.36, No.l.
    ① Sultan Mahomed Khan (ed.), The Life of Abdur Rahman, Vol.11, London:John Murray,1900, pp.59-60.
    ② 在其他亚非国家的近代史上也存在这种现象,即外部资本、文化和政治影响的渗透。但与这些国家比,阿富汗显然更为贫弱,外部的依赖和渗透表现的也更为突出。
    ① 一种方案为中亚国家经由阿富汗和伊朗从波斯湾出海,另一种方案为经由阿富汗从巴基斯坦的卡拉奇港出海。这两条路线要比中亚国家通过俄罗斯出海近的多,而且也能减轻对于俄罗斯的依赖。
    ① [法]费尔南·布罗代尔著,刘北成、周立红译:《论历史》,北京:北京大学出版社,2008年,第34页。
    ② [美]弗雷德里克·巴特著,黄建生译:《斯瓦特巴坦人的政治过程:一个社会人类学研究的范例》,上海:上海人民出版社,2005年,第193页。
    ① 王建娥:《族际政治:20世纪的理论与实践》,北京:社会科学文献出版社,2011年,第281页。
    ① 马克思、恩格斯:《马克思恩格斯选集》(第一卷),人民出版社,1972年,第10页。
    ② 彭树智著:《两斋文明自觉论随笔》(第一卷),中国社会科学出版社,2012年,第6页。
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