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The TRIPS Agreement introduced a minimum global standard for the protection and enforcement of nearly all categories of intellectual property rights: patents, trademarks, copyrights, and undisclosed information, including those applying to Pharmaceuticals. The Agreement was the result of a decade-long campaign by a coalition of industries in the United States and other developed countries that united to secure a new international system for the protection of intellectual property that could be enforced through trade sanctions.
     Disappointed by the inability of WIPO to initiate global standardization and harmonization of IP standards, the pharmaceutical, computer software, publishing, and entertainment industries in the United States and other developed countries cooperated to form their own internal alliances and to lobby politicians to support enhanced intellectual property protection. This strengthened alliance then worked with industry and political leaders in developed world to motivate the importance of globalizing IP protection. While they were cementing their intercontinental business alliances, these forward thinking industries convinced first the U.S. Trade Representative and then the E.U. and Japanese trade representatives that GATT was the forum within which intellectual property protection should be pursued. Although developing countries tried to create a coalition of the unwilling, the United States used its new Section 301 to discipline recalcitrant nations and to split the alliance. Reacting to competition from generic producers, the U.S. and E.U. pharmaceutical industries played a lead role in TRIPS Agreement negotiations. At the end of the negotiation, its principal negotiator stated that the industry had achieved all of its aims: controlling the process and the content.
     The resulting TRIPS Agreement covers basic principles, standards, and use of patents, enforcement and dispute settlement mechanisms, and multiple other subjects, many of which are tilted in favor of IP owners and against the interests of IP users. Under its key patent provisions, member countries must provide patent protection for a minimum of twenty years from the filing date of a patent application for any invention, including a pharmaceutical product or process that fulfils the criteria of novelty, inventive step and usefulness. Although preceding multilateral agreements concerning patent rules in both the developed and developing world had allowed policy-based discrimination between fields of invention, for example by excluding medicines, Article 27.1 expressly outlawed such discrimination. Similarly, it was no longer permissible to discriminate routinely against imports in favor of locally produced nroducts, thus allowing major pharmaceutical companies to control the place of production despite illusory promises to undertake technology transfer. Because of Article 28, the major pharmaceutical producers secured exclusive rights to exclude others from "making, using, offering for sale, selling, or importing" patented pharmaceutical products or products made with a patented process. In addition, Article 39.3 protects undisclosed information (including clinical test data) from "unfair commercial use," a provision that may ultimately be interpreted to impede registration of generic drugs even where patent bars are overcome.
     Admittedly, there are important flexibilities in TRIPS Agreement, discussed in detail in Section 5, including autonomy under Article 6 to establish international exhaustion rules, which would thereby permit parallel importation, and authority under Article 31 to issue compulsory licenses and under Article 30 to grant limited exceptions to patent holders' right to exclude competition, but the undeniable effect of the TRIPS Agreement has been to consolidate the economic power and monopoly privileges of the proprietary drug industry. Given its pre-existing advantage in conducting research and development, the developed world's drug industry secured near absolute competitive advantage over the developing world's via the TRIPS Agreement. This advantage will eventually result in the net transfer of billions of dollars from the impoverished south countries to the affluent north countries.
     At the time of its passage, many public health specialists in both developed and developing countries seemed unaware of the looming consequences of a rising tide of patent protection on the treatment of diseases. However, the burgeoning AIDS crisis quickly caught people's attention, especially given the astronomical cost of triple-therapies brought to the market in the mid-1990s. As the developing world confronted the reality of tens of millions of HIV infections and the unaffordability of billions of patent-protected pills, critics questioned the deal that had been struck in the Uruguay Round. Early critics were joined later by more mainstream sources, many of whom offered their own critique of radical IP protectionism, including the prestigious U.K. Commission on Intellectual Property Rights, the UNDP, the World Bank, UNTACD, and even the WTO itself in collaboration with the WHO.
     Even after codifying a universally higher standard of patent protection for the pharmaceutical industry in the TRIPS Agreement, the United States and it allies continued its existing pro-pharmaceutical trade policy by threatening developing countries such as Thailand, South Africa, and Brazil with trade sanctions because they refused to grant greater TRIPS-plus rights to patent holders and/or because they proposed using TRIPS-compliant means to access more affordable medicines.
     Faced with the existing or emerging gravity of public health problem, it is an urgent need for developing countries to take combined effort in future related negotiations and try to make preferable amendments to the TRIPS Agreement. Before this long-term goal is attained, developing countries should utilize all the legal flexibilities within the TRIPS Agreement framework to help solve their public health problems. This article is mainly aimed at a systematic analysis of the relevant provisions of TRIPS Agreement and other legal documents, with a view to putting forward some specific policy suggestions for developing countries. This article is divided into five sections. Section 1 first looks back at the history of IP international protection and the role of GATT in enhancing its protection. Then will turn to the difficult emergence of TRIPS Agreement during the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations. This will help understand how a revolution in IP protection brought about by TRIPS Agreement was possible and why it happened in the framework of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.
     Section 2 analyses the TRIPS Agreement as a whole and assesses its specific impact on the international pharmaceutical IP agenda. The analysis and assessment are necessary steps to understand the interaction between the advanced pharmaceutical industry in developed countries and the international pharmaceutical IP agenda. First, the section analyses major elements of TRIPS Agreement (general provisions and basic principles, dispute settlements, enforcement, TRIPS Council and the system of notification). Second, the section reports on TRIPS Agreement major flaws, and focuses mainly on its lack of effectiveness in the elimination of anti-competitive practices and insufficient assistance to countries with low IP capacities. Finally, the section examines and elaborates on TRIPS Agreement pharmaceutical IP agenda. The section concludes that the newly established international pharmaceutical IP agenda, as well as the IP system generally, is highly correlated with the position and interests of the advanced pharmaceutical industry bases in developed countries.
     The deep divide between north and south did not vanish with the coming into effect of the TRIPS Agreement in 1995. On the contrary, the resentment of developing countries and LDCs increased as the revolution caused by TRIPS Agreement in terms of the global level of IP protection became more and more evident. Section 3 provides a brief overview of the opposition of developing countries and LDCs to TRIPS Agreement in general, and to its pharmaceutical IP agenda in particular, between 1996 and 1999. The section demonstrates the developing country's resentment to TRIPS Agreement by examining the official statements and demands of WTO members during the ministerial conferences of 1996, 1998 and 1999.
     Although the establishment of the TRIPS Agreement clearly required a considerable effort on the part of IP advocates, exploiting TRIPS Agreement benefits and preserving its achievements proved to be an equally challenging task. As the controversy surrounding TRIPS Agreement intensified, particularly from 1999, IP advocates, such as the advanced pharmaceutical industry in developed countries, were, for the first time, on the defensive. Section 4 links the industry's strategies and activities concerning the exploitation and preservation of TRIPS Agreement to the EU's IP approach and operations. First, the section focuses on the declarative level, describing the views of the EU and of its member states concerning the TRIPS Agreement. Second, the section analyses the operational level, assessing TRIPS-related activities of both the advanced pharmaceutical industry in Europe and the EU itself. Finally, the section puts great emphasis on the combined efforts of the industry and of its regional and international IP allies. This provides a more comprehensive insight into the common sentiments, goals and strategies shared by IP advocates globally. While reflecting the interests of the pharmaceutical industry based in developed countries, the TRIPS Agreement constitute huge legal obstacles which will hinder the developing countries' efforts to solve public health. Strengthened protection of pharmaceutical IP is to have significant impact on the prices of drugs, making it even more difficult for millions of patients in poor countries to access life-saving medicines. In Section 5, it is argued that, to help resolve public health problems in the long run, developing world should take combined effort in future related negotiations and try to make permanent and preferable amendments to the TRIPS Agreement. In the short term, however, developing countries should utilize all the legal flexibilities within the TRIPS Agreement framework to make life-saving drugs more accessible and affordable. The section focuses on a systematic analysis of the relevant provisions of the TRIPS Agreement, Doha Declaration, Paragraph 6 Implementation Decision and the General Council Chairman's Statement and then put forward some specific policy suggestions for developing countries.
1 参见 J.H. Reichman,The TRIPS Agreement Comes of Age: Conflict or Cooperation with the Developing Countries? Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law,Summer, 2000。
    1 参见 WTO, Guide to GATT LAW and Practice, 6th ed., Geneva, 1995, 第 3 页。
    2 参见 Suggested Charter for an International Organization of the United Nation, Washington DC, US Department of State Publication 2598, Commercial Policy Series 93,1946。
    3 在此之前的 1947 年 1 月 20 日至 2 月 25 日,一个由技术专家组成的起草委员会已经在纽约的成功湖(Lake Success)举行过一次会议。参加起草委员会的报告,UN document EPTC/34 (March 5, 1947)。
    1参见 WTO, Guide to GATT LAW and Practice, 6th ed., Geneva, 1995, 第 5 页。
    2参见 WTO, Guide to GATT LAW and Practice, 6th ed., Geneva, 1995, 第 6 页;以及 GATT/CP/86 (December 7, 1950)。
    2 该报告于 1987 年 11 月 10 日通过,参见 BISD 34S/83。根据 GATT 第 12 及 13 条、1979 年 11 月 28 日的《关于通知、磋商、争端解决及监督的谅解(Understanding on Notification, consultation, Dispute Settlement and Surveillance)》及其附件、1982 年 11 月 29 日的部长宣言、以及 1984 年 11 月 30 日的《关于争端解决的决定(Decision on Dispute Settlement)》,当一缔约方认为其根据 GATT 可直接或间接享有的利益受到“剥夺或损害(nullified and impaired)”,该缔约方可以要求与其认为有过错的其他缔约方进行磋商。如果磋商失败,它可以要求成立专家组就有争议的问题作出决定。专家组报告需要交由“全体缔约方(CONTRACTING PARTIES)批准。在 GATT 体制下,专家组报告的批准需得到各缔约方的一致同意。这意味着,败诉的一方可以投票反对专家组报告并将其否决。实际上,不少专家组报告的批准都被无限期地“推迟”。
    3 参见 WTO, Guide to GATT LAW and Practice, 6th ed., Geneva, 1995, 第 290 页。
    1 参见 BISD30S/107。
    2 BISD30S/107,para.53.
    3 参见 BISD 36S/345。
    4 参见 WTO, Guide to GATT LAW and Practice, 6th ed., Geneva, 1995, 第 582 页。
    5参见 WTO, Guide to GATT LAW and Practice, 6th ed., Geneva, 1995, 第 583 页。
    6 参见 Hartridge、Subramanian: “Intellectual Property Rights: The Issues in GATT”, (1989)22 Vanderbilt Journalof International Law。
    1 参见 Hartridge、Subramanian: “Intellectual Property Rights: The Issues in GATT”, (1989)22 Vanderbilt Journal of International Law。
    2 参见 L/4817 及 L/5382。序号以 L 开头的文件是指 GATT 秘书处自 1952 年以来出版的一般文件。
    3 参见 BISD 29S/19。
    4 参见 WTO, Guide to GATT LAW and Practice, 6th ed., Geneva, 1995, 第 582 页。
    5 理事会平均每月举行一次会议。各缔约方一般都是派驻日内瓦的最高级别的贸易官员出席会议,同时由国内派来或驻日内瓦的各类专家陪同。
    6 与此同时,一名 WIPO 的工作人员也参加了专家小组的讨论。根据专家小组的报告,该工作人员并未发挥积极作用。
    1 参见 L/5878。
    2 在 WIPO 网站(上可以获取这些协定的文本以及这些协定的最新成员情况。
    1 参见 PREP.COM(86)SR/3(April 11,1986)。
    2 参见 PREP.COM(86)W/47/Rev.2(July 30, 1986)。
    3 参见 PREP.COM(86)W/47/Rev.1(July 16, 1986)。
    4 参见 PREP.COM(86)W/49/Rev.2(July 29, 1986)。
    5 参见 Document Min. DEC(September 20, 1986)。
    1 参见 GATT Document 1405(February 5, 1987)。
    2 参见 GATT Document 1405(February 5, 1987)。
    1 参见下列国家提交的建议书:美国,MTN.GNG/NG11/W/14(October 20, 1987);瑞士,MTN.GNG/NG11/W/15(October 26, 1987);欧共体,MTN.GNG/NG11/W/16(October 20, 1987)及MTN.GNG/NG11/W/26(July 17, 1987);日本,MTN.GNG/NG11/W/17(November 23, 1987)。1988 年初,北欧国家也提交了一份建议书,MTN.GNG/NG11/W/22(February 12, 1988)。
    2 泰国、墨西哥及巴西提交了书面声明,分别是 MTN.GNG/NG11/W/27(September 21, 1988),MTN.GNG/NG11/W/28(October 19, 1988)及 MTN.GNG/NG11/W/30(October 31, 1988)。其中巴西在声明中建议限制未来协定的范围。
    3 参见 Document MTN.TNC/11(April 21,1989)。
    1 参见 Document MTN.TNC/11(April 21,1989)。
    2 参见 Document MTN.TNC/11(April 21,1989)。
    3 澳大利亚,MTN.GNG/NG11/W/35(July 10, 1989);印度,MTN.GNG/NG11/W/37(July 10, 1989);北欧国家,MTN.GNG/NG11/W/36(July 10, 1989);瑞士,MTN.GNG/NG11/W/38(July 10, 1989)。
    4 参见 MTN.GNG/NG11/W/57(December11, 1989)。
    5 参见 MTN.GNG/NG11/W/48(October 26, 1989)。
    6 参见 MTN.GNG/NG11/W/55(December 8, 1989)。
    7 参见 MTN.GNG/NG11/W/51(November 29, 1989)。香港是 GATT 的缔约方,后来作为独立关税区成为WTO 的成员。
    1 参见 MTN.GNG/NG11/W/68(March 29, 1990)。
    2 参见 MTN.GNG/NG11/W/70(May 11, 1990)。
    3 日本的建议书标题为“TRIPS 法律文本的主要内容(Main Elements of a Legal Text for TRIPS)”,参见MTN.GNG/NG11/W/74(May 15, 1990)。
    4 瑞士的建议书标题为“保护与贸易有关的知识产权关税与贸易总协定修正案草案(Draft Amendment on General Agreement on Tariff and Trade on the Protection of Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights)”,参见MTN.GNG/NG11/W/73(May 14, 1990)。
    5 这 12 个发展中国家是阿根廷、巴西、智利、中国、哥伦比亚、古巴、埃及、印度、尼日利亚、秘鲁、坦桑尼亚和乌拉圭。参见 MTN.GNG/NG11/W/71(May 14, 1990)。
    6 参见“Communication from Chile”, MTN.GNG/NG11/W/72(May 14, 1990)。
    7 指上述发展中国家提交的建议草案。
    8 “Draft text on Geographical Indications, Communication from Australia”,参见 MTN.GNG/NG11/W/75(July 13, 1990)。
    1 MTN.GNG/NG11/W/68 表示是欧共体的文本;MTN.GNG/NG11/W/70 美国提交的文本;MTN.GNG/NG11/W/71 则是所谓的“发展中国家”文本;MTN.GNG/NG11/W/73 是瑞士的文本;MTN.GNG/NG11/W/74 则是日本的文本;MTN.GNG/NG11/W/75 则是澳大利亚关于地理标识的文本。
    2 参见 MTN.GNG/NG11/W/76(July 23, 1990)。
    3 这些部分有:第一部分(包括序言与协定目标);第四部分(关于争端解决与防止);第七部分(过渡安排);第八部分(组织安排)。
    1 当谈到“相关的国际组织”时,发展中国家代表想到的可能是 WIPO。智利就在其意见书中公开提及 WIPO,参见“Communication from Chile”, MTN.GNG/NG11/W/72(May 14, 1990)。根据一些发展中国家的意见,WIPO 作为联合国的一个下属组织,是避免实施制裁的更好保障。不管怎样,在 WIPO 框架下的制裁都不会是“与贸易有关的”。
    2 参见 MTN.GNG/NG11/W/76(July 23, 1990)。
    1 Ross and Wasserman, “Trade- Related Aspects of Intellectual Property” , The GATT Uruguay Round: A Negotiating History(1986-1992), vol.Ⅱ, T.P. Stewart, ed., p2212.
    4 参见 MTN.GNG/NG11/25(October 8, 1990)。
    5 参见 MTN.GNG/NG11/27(November 14, 1990)。
    6 此处指发展中国家提交的草案文本,即 MTN.GNG/NG11/W/71(May 14, 1990)。
    1 Ross and Wasserman, “Trade- Related Aspects of Intellectual Property” , The GATT Uruguay Round: A Negotiating History(1986-1992), vol.Ⅱ, T.P. Stewart, ed., p2232.
    3 参见 Document MTN.TNC/W/35/Rev.1(December 3, 1990)。
    1 瑞士联邦知识产权办公室在国家事务局出版的《世界知识产权报告(World Intellectual Property Reports)》上发表了一份关于 TRIPS 谈判的直言不讳的报告,指出了仍然存在的分歧,并特别提到了专利的强制许可。 另参见 T. Cottier, “The Prospects for Intellectual Property in GATT”, (1991) 2 Common Market Law Review。
    2 参见“Proposal for the Establishment of a Dispute Prevention System in Respect of Transfer of Technologies”, MTN.GNG/TRIPS/W/1(July 14, 1990)。
    3 建议书由哥伦比亚代表该集团提交。参见 MTN.GNG/TRIPS/W/2(October 16, 1990)。
    1 参见 Haochen Sun,A Wider Access to Patented Drugs under the TRIPS Agreement,Boston University International Law Journal, Spring, 2003。
    2 参见 Rochelle Cooper Dreyfuss, Argentina’s Emerging Standard of Intellectual Property Protection: A Case Study of the Underlying Conflicts between developing Countries, TRIPS Standards, and the United States, Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law,Spring 2001。
    3 参见 J.H. Reichman,The TRIPS Agreement Comes of Age: Conflict or Cooperation with the Developing Countries? Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law,Summer, 2000。
    1 J.H.Reichman and David Lange, Bargaining around the TRIPS Agreement: the Case for Ongoing Public-Private Initiatives to Facilitate Worldwide Intellectual Property Transaction, 9 Duke J. Comp. & Int’l L. 11, Fall, 1998.
    2 Terence P. Stewart, ed. The GATT Uruguay Round: A Negotiating History(1986-1994), Kluwer Law Internatioal, 1999, pp501-543.
    3 Terence P. Stewart, ed. The GATT Uruguay Round: A Negotiating History(1986-1994), Kluwer Law Internatioal, 1999, pp478-489.
    4 Mohamed Omar Gad, Top-Down Rule-Making: Negotiating the TRIPS Pharmaceutical-Related Patent Provions, The London Institute of international Banking, Finance and Development Law Ltd, No. 45, 2003.
    5 参见 GATT(1991), Document MTN.TNC/W/89/Add.1。
    6 J. H. Reichman,“Securing Compliance with the TRIPS Agreement after US v. India”, J. Int' l Econ. L. p585, 1998.
    1 Terence P. Stewart, ed. The GATT Uruguay Round: A Negotiating History(1986-1994), Kluwer Law Internatioal, 1999, pp453.
    2 J.H.Reichman and David Lange, Bargaining around the TRIPS Agreement: the Case for Ongoing Public-Private Initiatives to Facilitate Worldwide Intellectual Property Transaction, 9 Duke J. Comp. & Int’l L. 11, Fall, 1998.
    3 Thomas F. Cotter, Market Fundamentalism and the TRIPS Agreement, 22 Cardozo Arts & Ent LJ 307, 2004.
    4 Carlos M Correa, Intellectual Property Rihgts, the WTO and Developing Countries: The TRIPS Agreement and Policy Options, Zed Books Ltd, 2000, p7.
    5 出于行文通顺的需要,本文可能会在某些地方将 WTO 的成员笼统地称为“成员国”,但实际上 WTO 成员中也包括一些非主权国家的独立关税区,如我国的香港地区、台湾地区等。
    2 关于 WTO 自 1995 年以来的争端解决情况的详细和系统分析,可参见朱榄叶编著:《世界贸易组织国际贸易纠纷案例评析》,法律出版社 2000 年版;朱榄叶编著:《世界贸易组织国际贸易纠纷案例评析 1995-2002》,法律出版社 2004 年版;以及 WT/DS/OV30。
    3 参见朱榄叶编著:《世界贸易组织国际贸易纠纷案例评析 1995-2002》(下册),法律出版社 2004 年版,第 803 页,“加拿大-药品专利保护”。
    1 转引自 James Thuo Gathii, What History Teaches Us about the International Protection of Intellectual Rights: The Case of Least Developed Countries,; 另请参见 Bolderin & Levine, Against Intellectual Monopoly, Chapter 4, p1,。
    1 Maskus, K.E., Intellectual Property in the Global Economy, Institute for International Economics, 2000.
    2 参见 UNCTAD, Least Developed Countries 1998 Report (1999:162)。
    1 参见 WTO—Council fro TRIPS(Annual Report 1998a:5)。
    2 参见 Communication from Colombia, WT/GC/W/316(September 14, 1999)。
    3 参见 Communication from Kenya on Behalf of the Africa Group, WT/GC/W/302(August 6, 1999)。
    4 参见 WTO—Council fro TRIPS(Annual Report 1998a:5)。
    1 UNCTAD, “TRIPS and Developing Countries”, p30, Document no. UNCTAD/ITE/1.
    1 Michael Blakeney , Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights: A Concise Guide to the TRIPS Agreement, Sweet & Maxwell, 1996, p85.
    2 UNCTAD, “TRIPS and Developing Countries”, p33, Document no. UNCTAD/ITE/1.
    3 Michael Blakeney , Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights: A Concise Guide to the TRIPS Agreement, Sweet & Maxwell, 1996, p88.
    4 Ross and Wasserman, “Trade- Related Aspects of Intellectual Property” , The GATT Uruguay Round: A Negotiating History(1986-1992), vol.Ⅱ, T.P. Stewart, ed., p2292.
    1 WTO, The World Health Report 1997, p29.
    1 Mohamed Omar Gad, Top-Down Rule-Making: Negotiating the TRIPS Pharmaceutical-Related Patent Provions, The London Institute of international Banking, Finance and Development Law Ltd, No. 45, 2003.
    2 Jacques J Gorlin, An Analysis of the Pharmaceutical-Related Provisions of the TRIPS Agreement, Gorlin Group, 2000.
    3 如某成员 TRIPS 协定实施过渡期尚未届满,该成员并无义务实施该协定,因而也无需为药品提供专利保护。但它仍有义务提供某种方式,以便人们为药品和农药提出专利申请,申请人也可能因此获得优先权。
    4 Bryan C. Mercurio, TRIPS, Patents, and Access to Life-Saving Drugs in the Developing World, 8 Marq. Intell. Prop. L. Rev. 211, Summer 2004.
    5 Jacques J Gorlin, An Analysis of the Pharmaceutical-Related Provisions of the TRIPS Agreement, Gorlin Group, 2000.
    1 Jacques J Gorlin, An Analysis of the Pharmaceutical-Related Provisions of the TRIPS Agreement, Gorlin Group, 2000.
    1 参见 MTN/GNG/NG11/17。
    2 根据 TRIPS 协定第 39.2 条的注释 10,“‘违反诚实商业行为的方式’应至少包括违反合同、泄密以及诱导违约,且应包括第三方取得未披露信息,如果该第三方知道或因严重疏忽未能知道未披露信息的取得涉及此类做法。(’a manner contrary to honest commercial practices’ shall mean at least practices such as breach of contract, breach of confidence and inducement to breach, and includes the acquisition of undisclosed information by the third parties who knew, or were grossly negligent in failing to know, that such practices were involved in the acquisition.)”。
    1 Frederich M. Abbott, The Enduring Enigma of TRIPS: A Challenge for the World Trading System, Journal of International Economic Law, 497, 1998, pp1-26.
    2 WTO, The World Health Report 1997, p17.
    3 EFPIA’s postion paper, TRIPS and the Millennium Round, 1999, p2.
    1 关于新加坡部长会议的各类声明,可参见序号以 WT/MIN(96)/ST 开头的 WTO 文件。
    2 Vice Minister of Foreign Trade, Colombia (WTO-Ministerial Conference 1996a), Document WT/MIN(96)/ST/23.
    3 Minister of Commerce and Industry, Botswana (WTO-Ministerial Conference 1996b), Document WT/MIN(96)/ST/76.
    1 Vice Minister of Foreign Relations, Paraguay (WTO-Ministerial Conference 1996c), Document WT/MIN(96)/ST/75.
    2 Minister of Commerce and Industry, Bangladesh (WTO-Ministerial Conference 1998b), Document WT/MIN(98)/ST/60.
    3 Minister of Trade, Kenya (WTO-Ministerial Conference 1998c), Document WT/MIN(98)/ST/43.
    4 Minister of Commerce and Industry, Botswana (WTO-Ministerial Conference 1998d), Document WT/MIN(98)/ST/110.
    5 Secretary of State for Industry and Trade, Dominican Republic (WTO-Ministerial Conference 1998e), Document WT/MIN(98)/ST/117.
    1 参见 Communication from Kenya (WTO-General Council 1999h), Document WT/GC/W/302。
    2 参见 Communication from Venezuela (WTO-General Council 1999e), Document WT/GC/W/282。
    3 参见 Communication from Venezuela (WTO-General Council 1999e), Document WT/GC/W/282。
    4 参见 Communication from Venezuela (WTO-General Council 1999e), Document WT/GC/W/282。
    5 参见 Communication from Colombia (WTO-General Council 1999i), Document WT/GC/W/316。
    6 参见 Communication from India (WTO-General Council 1999l), Document WT/GC/W/352。
    1 参见 Communication from India (WTO-General Council 1999l), Document WT/GC/W/352,第 2 页。
    2 参见 Communication from India (WTO-General Council 1999l), Document WT/GC/W/352,第 3 页。
    3 参见 Communication from CEFTA and Latvia (WTO-General Council 1999g), Document WT/GC/W/275。
    4 参见 Communication from CEFTA and Latvia (WTO-General Council 1999g), Document WT/GC/W/275。
    5 参加 Communications from the Africa Group, Colombia, Venezuela。另参见 Communication from Canada, (WTO-General Council 1999f), Document WT/GC/W/256。
    6 参见 Communication from Canada, (WTO-General Council 1999f), Document WT/GC/W/256。
    1 Minister of Commerce, Industry and Production, Pakistan (WTO-Ministerial Conference 1999b), Document WT/MIN(99)/ST/9; Minister of Commerce and Industry, Bangladesh (WTO-Ministerial Conference 1999c), Document WT/MIN(99)/ST/17; Minister of Industry and Trade and Development, Cameroon (WTO-Ministerial Conference 1999g), Document WT/MIN(99)/ST/88; Minister of Commerce, Industry and Handicrafts, Morocco (WTO-Ministerial Conference 1999d), Document WT/MIN(99)/ST/29; Minister of Commerce and Handicrafts, Senegal (WTO-Ministerial Conference 1999e), Document WT/MIN(99)/ST/61.
    2 Minister of Commerce, Industry and Production, Pakistan (WTO-Ministerial Conference 1999b), Document WT/MIN(99)/ST/9.
    3 Minister of Commerce and Handicrafts, Senegal (WTO-Ministerial Conference 1999e), Document WT/MIN(99)/ST/61.
    1 参见 WIPO—International Bureau (2000), Document WIPO/IPTK/RT/99/7; WIPO Secretariat(2001), Document WIPO/GRTKF/IC/1/3。
    3 参见 WIPO—International Bureau (1999), Document WIPO/IPTK/RT/99/2。
    4 参见 Communication from Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Nicaragua, and Peru (WTO-General Council 1999n), Document WT/GC/W/362;Communication from Cuba, Honduras, Paraguay, and Venezuela (WTO-General Council 1999k), Document WT/GC/W/329;Minister of Commerce and Industry, India (WTO-Ministerial Conference 1999a), Document WT/MIN(99)/ST/16。
    5 参见 Communication from Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Nicaragua, and Peru (WTO-General Council 1999n:1)。
    6 参见 Communication from Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Nicaragua, and Peru (WTO-General Council 1999n:1)。
    1 参见 Communication from Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Nicaragua, and Peru (WTO-General Council 1999n:1-2);Communication from Cuba, Honduras, Paraguay, and Venezuela (WTO-General Council 1999k)。
    2 参加 Statement by Pakistan (WTO-Ministerial Conference 1999b:4)。
    3 参见 WIPO(1998b), Document WIPO/INDIP/RT/98/4E。
    4 参见 WIPO(1998b), Document WIPO/INDIP/RT/98/4E,第 2-3 页。
    5 参见 WIPO(1998b), Document WIPO/INDIP/RT/98/4E,第 2 页。
    6 参见 WIPO(1998b), Document WIPO/INDIP/RT/98/4E,第 3 页。
    7 参见 Communication from Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Nicaragua, and Peru (WTO-General Council 1999n:2);Communication from Cuba, Honduras, Paraguay, and Venezuela (WTO-General Council 1999k:2)。
    8 参见 Communication from Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Nicaragua, and Peru (WTO-General Council 1999n:2);Communication from Cuba, Honduras, Paraguay, and Venezuela (WTO-General Council 1999k:2)。
    1 Secretary of State for Industry and Trade, Honduras (WTO-Ministerial Conference 1999f); Communication from Venezuela (WTO-General Council 1999e:2); Communication from India (WTO-General Council 1999h:3-4).
    2 参见 Communication from Kenya on behalf of the Africa Group (WTO-General Council 1999h:3)。
    3 参见 Communication from Kenya on behalf of the Africa Group (WTO-General Council 1999h:3);Communication from Cuba, Dominican Republic, Egypt, El Salvador, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Sri-Lanka and Uganda (WTO-General Council 1999m:4), Document WT/GC/W/355。
    4 参见 Communication from Kenya on behalf of the Africa Group (WTO-General Council 1999h:3)。
    5 Jan McGirk, A Tribe Goes Into Battle Over the 'Evil Twins' of Colombia,Independent (London), 1999, p8.
    1 Office of Prime Minister, United Kingdom, (2000)。
    2 参见 Communication from India (WTO—General Council 1999b), Document WT/GC/W/225;Communication from Venezuela (WTO-General Council 1999e:2);Communication from Kenya on behalf of the Africa Group (WTO-General Council 1999h:3-4)。
    3 参见 Communication from Venezuela (WTO-General Council 1999e:2); Communication from Cuba, Dominican Republic, Egypt, El Salvador, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Sri-Lanka and Uganda (WTO-General Council 1999m:27)。
    1 Commission of the European Communities—DG Trade(1999c).
    2 参见 Statement circulated by Sir Leon Brittan QC, Vice President of the European Commission, Document WT/MIN(98)/ST/76(WTO—Ministerial Conference, Second Session,1998a)。
    3 Commission of the European Communities—DG Trade(1998a).
    4 参见 European Parliament Committee on External Economic Relations,(1996:8), Document A4—0320/96。
    1 UK, Department of International Development, Report on World Trade, 2000, p45.
    1 IFPMA, Position Paper on TRIPS, 1995, p16.
    2 VFA, 1999 Annual Report, 2000, p19.
    1 EFPIA, Position Paper on TRIPS, 1999, p2.
    1 参见 WTO-Dispute Settlement Body, India—Patent Protection For Pharmaceutical and Agricultural Chemical Products—Request for Consultation by the EC(1997b), Document WT/DS79/1。关于该争端的详细分析与评述,可参见朱榄叶编著:《世界贸易组织国际贸易争端案例评析》,法律出版社 2000 年版,第 426-439 页。
    2参见 WTO-Dispute Settlement Body, India—Patent Protection For Pharmaceutical and Agricultural Chemical Products—Request for the establishment of a Panel by the EC(1997c), Document WT/DS79/2。
    1 参见 WTO-Dispute Settlement Body, India—Patent Protection For Pharmaceutical and Agricultural Chemical Products(1997c:2), Document WT/DS50/R。
    2 参见 WTO-Dispute Settlement Body, India—Patent Protection For Pharmaceutical and Agricultural Chemical Products(1997c:2), Document WT/DS50/R。
    3 参见 WTO-Dispute Settlement Body, India—Patent Protection For Pharmaceutical and Agricultural Chemical Products—Notification of an Appeal by India under paragraph 4 of Article 16 of the Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes(1997a), Document WT/DS50/6。
    4 参见 WTO-Appellate Body, India—Patent Protection For Pharmaceutical and Agricultural Chemical Products—Reports of the Appellate Body(1997:34), Document WT/DS50/AB/R。
    5 参见 WTO-Dispute Settlement Body(1998a:1-7), Document WT/DSB/M/40;WTO-Dispute Settlement Body(1998b:16), Document WT/DSB/M/45。
    6 参见 EC—India patent dispute, report issued by DSB, Document WT/DS79/R。
    7 参见 EC—India patent dispute, report issued by DSB, Document WT/DS79/R。
    1 参见 EC—India patent dispute, report issued by DSB, Document WT/DS79/R。
    2 参见 EC—India patent dispute, report issued by DSB, Document WT/DS79/R。
    3 参见 EC—India patent dispute, report issued by DSB, Document WT/DS79/R。
    4 参见 EC—India patent dispute, report issued by DSB, Document WT/DS79/R。
    5 参见 WTO-Dispute Settlement Body(1998d:14), Document WT/DSB/M/48。
    6 参见 WTO-Dispute Settlement Body(1998b:25), Document WT/DSB/M/51。
    7 参见 WTO-Dispute Settlement Body Status Report by India (1999a), Document WT/DS50/10/Add.4。
    1 参见 EC—India patent dispute, report issued by DSB, Document WT/DS79/R,Annex 4。
    2 参见 EC—India patent dispute, report issued by DSB, Document WT/DS50/R,Annex3。
    3 关于该争端的详细分析与评述,可参见朱榄叶编著:《世界贸易组织国际贸易争端案例评析 1995-2002》(下册),法律出版社 2004 年版,第 803-816 页。
    1 参见 SPCs—EEC Directive No.1768/92。
    1 参见 United Nations Development Programme: Millennium Development Goals (Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases" targets),。
    2 2003 年 9 月 22 日,世界卫生组织艾滋病的传播已成为全球性危机。 参见 WHO Fact Sheet 274 (Sept. 2003),。
    3 据世界卫生组织 2003 年的统计,有近六百万的艾滋病感染者迫切需要进行药物治疗,否则他们将在两年内死亡。尽管如此,仍只有不到 40 万发展中国家的艾滋病患者能得到抗逆转录病毒治疗,其中非洲约有10 万人。参见 WHO & UNAIDS, Treating 3 Million by 2005: Making it Happen: The WHO Strategy, 5 (2003),。
    4 在非洲各国,诸如心血管疾病、癌症以及糖尿病等非传染性疾病的发病人数正明显上升。根据世界卫生组织非洲地区办公室的报告,如果这一趋势得不到控制,到 2020 年,非洲地区 60%的死亡将是由非传染性疾病所导致的。而在 1990 年,这一比例是 41%。 参见 WHO, Noncommunicable Diseases: Regional Strategy for 2000-2010(Aug.28-Sept.2, 2000),。
    1 在过去的三十多年里,《财富》杂志全球 500 强的公司中,药品行业一直最盈利的行业。参见 Scott Gottlieb, Drug Companies Maintain "Astounding" Profits, 324 B.M.J. 1054 (2002)。
    2 参见 Donald G. McNeil Jr., Indian Company Offers to Supply AIDS Drugs at Low Cost in Africa N.Y. TIMES, Feb. 7, 2001, 07 AIDS.html。
    3 Mark Schoofs, Clinton Program Would Help Poor Nations Get AIDS Drugs, WALL ST. J., Oct. 23, 2003.
    4 各大药品公司也曾通过 WHO 的加速药品获取倡议(Accelerating Access Initiative)提供折扣药品。但是,该倡议进展迟缓,在2000年5月至2002年3月之间,只有36000病人因该倡议而受益。参见WHO & UNAIDS Progress Report, Accelerating Access Initiative: Widening access to care and support for people living withHIV/AIDS 1-2 (June 2002)。
    1 参见 Report of the Commission on Macroeconomics and Health, Analysis of the Costs of Scaling Up Priority Health Interventions in Low-and Selected Middle-Income Countries (Appendix 2), cmh, cmh_report&language=english。
    2 关于美国利用双边和地区论坛进一步提供知识产权保护水平的承诺,可参见 Peter Drahos, Bilateralism in Intellectual Property (2001),。
    1 参见 Michael Bailey, Ruth Mayne & Dr. Mohga Smith, Fatal Side Effects: Medicine Patents under the Microscope, (Feb. 2001),。
    2 用 Edmund Pratt of Pfizer 先生自己的话说,“药品工业的团结使我们能够建立全球性的私人与政府相结合的强大网络,并为 TRIPS 协定的产生奠定了基础”。出处?
    3 实际上,在 TRIPS 协定通过不久,智利、南非等一些发展中国家外资药品生产设施便不断减少。
    4 仿制药生产者如果可以将仿制药与专利药品进行生物成分和特性的比较,便可以避免昂贵、费时且充分性的临床试验。关于未披露数据合理使用的详尽分析,可参见 Carlos Correa, Protection of Data Submitted for the Registration of Pharmaceuticals: Implementing the Standards of the TRIPS Agreement (2002)。
    1 参见 World Bank, World Development Indicators 2000, Table 5-12 (2000)。
    2 毫无疑问,美国和欧洲的谈判代表深知,专利保护的强化将对药品价格产生何种影响。他们正是在药品公司代表的要求和帮助下进行谈判的。同样,印度和巴西似乎也知道新的知识产权保护协定意味着什么,但美国却使用威胁和分化战略,阻止发展中国家形成一个立场一致的联盟。这些发展中国家原本反对将以垄断为基础的知识产权保护置于多边“自由贸易”协定之中。美国分化发展中国家的主要工具便是特别 301条款,以及 19U.S.C. § 2242 (2003) 中规定的贸易制裁手段。关于美国使用双边威慑的历史,可参见 Peter Drahos & John Braithwaite, Information Feudalism: Who Owns the Knowledge Economy (2003)。
    3 参见 Report of the Commission on Intellectual Property Rights, Integrating Intellectual Property Rights and Development Policy (2002), papers/pdfs/final_report/ciprcoverintrofinal.pdf。
    4 参见 United Nations Development Programme, Human Development Report 2001: Making New Technologies Work for Human Development (2001),。
    5 World Bank, Intellectual Property: Balancing Incentives with Competitive Access in GLOBAL ECONOMIC PROSPECTS, 129-50 (Washington, D.C. 2001),
    6 UNCTAD-ICTSD, Intellectual Property Rights: Implications for Development,
    7 WTO Agreement and Public Health: A Joint Study by the WHO and the WTO Secretariat (2002).
    8 知识产权原教旨主义泛指一种较为激进的知识产权保护理论,该理论认为知识产权和一般的财产权一样,是一种自然权利,甚至可以包含在人权的范围之内。根据这一理论,一个国家不管其经济和社会发展水平如何,也不管其是否面临严重的公共危机,都应该对知识产权提供充分的保护。与之相对立的理论则主张,知识产权保护主要是一个公共政策问题,各国可以根据自身经济和社会发展水平,来决定是否保护以及如何保护知识产权。
    9 1999 年至 2000 年期间,泰国在国内一些非政府组织的要求下,根据 TRIPS 协定的规定利用强制许可进行药品生产。但由于美国威胁对泰国进行贸易制裁,泰国最终只能放弃这一计划。
    1 关于美国对巴西在这方面进行的 WTO 申诉,可参见 Ellen t'Hoen, TRIPS, Pharmaceutical Patents, and Access to Essential Medicines: A Long Way from Seattle to Doha, 3 Cm. J. INT'LL. 27, 30-33 (2002)。
    2 参见 Pharm. Mfrs. Ass'n of S. Africa v. President of the Republic of S. Africa, Case No. 4193/98 (filed Feb. 18, 1998)。在引起强烈的国际公愤后,该案件被无条件撤诉。
    3 发展中国家并不认为差别定价的办法能够解决它们的问题。关于发展中国家所做努力的详尽分析,可参见 Frederick M. Abbott, The Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health: Lighting a Dark Corner at the WTO, 5 J. INT'L ECON. L. 469, 480-90 (2002)。
    4 参见 U.S. Statement at TRIPS Council Meeting, pipermail/pharm-policy/2001-June/001175.html。
    5 参见 Communication from the European Communities and Their Member States, IP/C/W/280 (June 12, 2001)。
    1 参见 Developing Country Group's Paper, IP/C/W/296 (June 29, 2001); Draft Ministerial Declaration -- Proposal from a Group of Developing Countries, IP/C/W/312 (Oct. 4, 2001)。
    2 参见 Ministerial Declaration pmbl., Contribution from Australia, Canada, Japan, Switzerland and the United States, IP/C/W/313 (Oct. 4, 2001),; Non-Paper, Contribution from Canada, the Czech Republic, Japan, New Zealand, Switzerland and the United States,。
    1 Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health, Ministerial Conference, Fourth Session, Doha, Nov. 9-14 2001, WT/MIN(01)/DEC/2 (Nov. 20, 2001).
    2 Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health, Ministerial Conference, Fourth Session, Doha, Nov. 9-14 2001, WT/MIN(01)/DEC/2 (Nov. 20, 2001).
    3 第 6 款谈到的是强制许可(compulsory licenses),而 TRIPS 协定第 31 条使用的含义更广泛的“未经授权使用(unauthorized use)。后者既包括强制许可,也包括非商业性的政府使用。
    2 Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health, Ministerial Conference, Fourth Session, Doha, Nov. 9-14 2001, WT/MIN(01)/DEC/2 (Nov. 20, 2001).
    3 参见 Extension of the Transition Period under Article 66.1 of the TRIPS Agreement for Least-Developed Country Members for Certain Obligations with Respect to Pharmaceutical Products, IP/C/25 (July 1, 2002)。
    4 参见 Least-Developed Country Members -- Obligations under Article 70.9 of the TRIPS Agreement with Respect to Pharmaceutical Products, WT/L/478 (July 12, 2002)。
    6 参见 Statement on the Considerations for Paragraph 6 Modalities Delivered by Kenya on Behalf of the African Group, Brazil, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Jamaica, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Thailand at the TRIPS Council Meeting on March 5, 2002, IP/C/M/35 (Mar. 22, 2002);Joint Communication from the African Group in the WTO, IP/C/W/351 (June 24, 2002);Communication from Brazil on behalf of Bolivia, Brazil, Cuba, China, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Peru, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Venezuela, IP/C/W/355 (June 24, 2002);South African Non-Paper on Substantive and Procedural Elements of a Report to the General Council under Paragraph 6 of the Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health, Job(02)/156 (Nov. 5, 2002);Communication from Kenya, the Coordinator of the African Group, IP/C/W/389 (Nov. 14, 2002)。
    1 2002 年 9 月 17 日,世界卫生组织表示,“第 30 条中的有限例外与公共原则最为契合。这种解决办法可以使 WTO 成员获取迅速有效的授权,以许可第三方生产、出售和出口药品或其他健康技术,并满足公共健康需要。英国知识产权委员会也持相同的看法。参见 WTO Council for Trips, Statement by the Representative of the WHO, Sept. 17, 2002,。
    2 这些措施包括平行进口、放松 TRIPS 协定第 31(f)条中的“主要供应国内市场(predominantly for the supply of domestic market)”规则,以及使用 TRIPS 协定第 30 条中的有限例外规则等。
    3 Communication from the United States, IP/C/W/340 (Mar. 14, 2002); Second Communication from the United States, IP/C/W/358 (July 9, 2002).
    2 参见 Draft Implementation 28 of Paragraph 6 of the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health, JOB(02)/217 (Dec. 16, 2002),。
    1 美国在疾病范围问题上的立场是,第六款解决方案只能涉及有艾滋病、疟疾、肺结核及其他同等规模和同等严重的传染病有关的重大健康危机。参见Second Communication from the United States, IP/C/W/358 (July 9, 2002)。
    2 2002 年 12 月 20 日,TRIPS 协定理事会主席(墨西哥的 Eduardo Perez Motta 大使)告诉 WTO 总理事会,紧张的措施未能解决在疾病范围方面存在的分歧。参见 WTO Press Release, Press/329, Supachai Disappointed Over Governments' Failure to Agree on Health and Development Issues (Dec. 20, 2002),。
    4 WTO, Implementation of Paragraph 6 of the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health, (Sept. 1, 2004) WT/L/540. 2005 年 12 月,WTO 各成员同意将第 6 款实施决定作为对 TRIPS 协定的永久性修改。这一修改须得到 WTO 三分之二的成员批准才能生效。到 2007 年 4 月底,只有美国、瑞士、萨尔瓦多、韩国、挪威、印度和菲律宾 7 个成员批准了该修改。但在此之前,实施决定本身仍具有豁免性的效力。
    5 The General Council Chairperson's Statement (Aug. 30, 2003),
    1 参见 Implementation of Paragraph 6 of the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health, (Sept. 1, 2004) WT/L/540。
    1参见 Implementation of Paragraph 6 of the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health, (Sept. 1, 2004) WT/L/540。
    1 参见 Implementation of Paragraph 6 of the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health, (Sept. 1, 2004) WT/L/540。
    1 参见 The General Council Chairperson's Statement (Aug. 30, 2003)。
    2 巴西曾在 2003 年表示,它要从印度进口三种仿制的抗逆转录病毒药品。这很好地表明了未来的争吵将如何进行。参见 Brazil May Break Patents on Merck & Co., Roche, Abbott Labs AIDS Drugs (Aug. 21, 2003),。
    1 参见 The General Council Chairperson's Statement (Aug. 30, 2003)。
    1 参见 Implementation of Paragraph 6 of the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health, (Sept. 1, 2004) WT/L/540。
    2 参见 Implementation of Paragraph 6 of the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health, (Sept. 1, 2004) WT/L/540。
    3 它们分别是 Organisation Africaine de la Propriete Intellectuelle (非洲知识产权组织,共有 16 个成员国) 和 African Regional Industrial Property Association (非洲地区工业产权协会,共有 15 个成员国)。
    4 参见 Implementation of Paragraph 6 of the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health, (Sept. 1, 2004) WT/L/540。
    1 参见 Implementation of Paragraph 6 of the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health, (Sept. 1, 2004) WT/L/540。
    1 参见 The General Council Chairperson's Statement (Aug. 30, 2003)。
    2 美国政府和药品行业一直担心,巴西、中国和印度的仿制药品行业将会“滥用”这种“为出口而生产”的体制,来获取仿制药品出口市场。参见 U.S. Latest Conditions on Paragraph 6 -- Illusory Humanitarian Sales,。
    1 参见 Tamar Kahn, Clinton Aspen to Cut Price of AIDS Drugs, Bus. DAY (Cape Town), Oct. 24, 2003,。
    2 参见 Implementation of Paragraph 6 of the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health, (Sept. 1, 2004) WT/L/540。
    1 参见 Implementation of Paragraph 6 of the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health, (Sept. 1, 2004) WT/L/540。
    2 The General Council Chairperson's Statement (Aug. 30, 2003),
    1 参见 Rene Shen, WTO to Close Deal on Medicines Supply, pipermail/ip-health/2003-August/005139.html。
    2 参见 Rene Shen, WTO to Close Deal on Medicines Supply, pipermail/ip-health/2003-August/005139.html。
    1 参见 Implementation of Paragraph 6 of the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health, (Sept. 1, 2004) WT/L/540。
    2 参见 Implementation of Paragraph 6 of the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health, (Sept. 1, 2004) WT/L/540。
    1 参见 Novartis Receives EMR for Glivec,。
    2 参见 Carlos Correa, Integrating Public Health Concerns into Patent Legislation in Developing Countries, Section X.2 (2000),。
    1 参见 Bernard Simon, Curtailing Medicines from Canada, N.Y. TIMES, Nov. 11, 2003, C1。
    2 参见 Medecins Sans Frontieres Access to Essential Medicines Campaign and the Drugs for Neglected Disease Working Group, Fatal Imbalance: The Crisis in Research and Development for Drugs for Neglected Diseases, 2001/fatal/fatal.pdf。
    3 参见 World Health Organization, Accelerating Access Initiative, Widening Access to Care and Support for People Living with HIV/AIDS Progress Report (June 2002),。
    4 参见 Medecins Sans Frontieres Access to Essential Medicines Campaign and the Drugs for Neglected Disease Working Group, Fatal Imbalance: The Crisis in Research and Development for Drugs for Neglected Diseases, 2001/fatal/fatal.pdf。
    1 参见 James Love, Compulsory Licensing: Models for State Practice in Developing Countries, Access to Medicine and Compliance with WTO TRIPS Accord paras. 35-42,。
    1 参见 Robert Weissman, A Long, Strange TRIPS: The Pharmaceutical Industry Drive to Harmonize Global Intellectual Property Rules, and the Remaining WTO Legal Alternatives Available to Third World Countries, 17 U. PA. J. INT'L ECON. L. 1069, 1075-94 (1996)。
    1 这种药品是由三种不同的抗逆转录病毒药品合成的单个片剂,也被 WHO 认为是在世界范围内抗击艾滋病的重要药品。参见 WHO, Scaling Up Antiretroviral Therapy in Resource-Limited Settings: Treatment Guidelines for a Public Health Approach, 9-13, guidelines.pdf。
    2 参见 Kaiser Daily HIV/AIDS Report, FDA Approves Antiretroviral Drug Combination of Roche's Invirase, Abbott's Norvir,;Lawrence K. Altman, U.S. Speeding Up Approval Steps for AIDS Drugs, N.Y. Times, May 17, 2004。
    1 Colleen Chien, Cheap Drugs at What Price to Innovation: Does Compulsory Licensing of Pharmaceuticals Hun Innovation?, 18 BERKELEY TECH. L. J. 853 (2003).
    2 Competition Commission Finds pharmaceutical firms in contravention of the Competition Act, 16 October, 2003.
    3 Competition Commission Finds pharmaceutical firms in contravention of the Competition Act, 16 October, 2003.
    4 Competition Commission concludes an agreement with pharmaceutical firms, 10 December, 2003.
    1 参见 Implementation of Paragraph 6 of the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health, (Sept. 1, 2004) WT/L/540。
    1 参见 WTO, Canada -- Patent Protection of Pharmaceutical Products, Report of the Panel, WT/DS114/R (March 17, 2000)。
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