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Family enterprise, as an important part in world economic history and one of the oldest forms of enterprise, started to become an independent research field only since middle to late last century. All the family enterprise owners can not avoid the problem of power transfer because of the limitation of human life and the limitless of enterprise's life, but the way how to transfer the leadership is a complex process, which will directly affect the family enterprise whether they can pass the transition period smoothly and keep on expanding or not. Therefore, the succession became one of the focuses that caught highly attention from those family enterprise experts.
     Generally, the scholars thought the basis of guarantying the family firm's succession effectively is drawing up the plan ahead of time. An effective plan of succession include at least: choice and train successor, formulate vision and strategy, determine the role's of predecessor and discuss the succession with benefit counterparts. On the face of it, choosing successor is the foundation and the most important thing of the successor plan.
     The family firms in mainland of China were basically founded after reform and open. Most family firms' founders are over 60 years old and the family second or third -generations have entered the firms. So the founders have to face the succession. How to choose the most appropriate successor is the underlying link of the family firm's smooth extension. Furthermore, formulating the choice standard is the key point. The research was not still common in domestic and foreign, which specially aimed at the China family firm's choosing successor to be less and lacked to the induction and the summary about family firm's succession under the China specific economic environment and the cultural atmosphere.
     Based on the specific environment and the cultural influence, the thesis studies the choosing successor through the on-the-spot investigation research and the fundamental research, which studies the family firm's sample at Minnan area. Firstly, the thesis defines some often used but fuzzy concepts and formulates some important assumed condition. The thesis summarizes the China family firm's characteristic, in particular property right characteristic and authority structure characteristic. It is found that the control power of China family firms could be layered. With the exterior social environment, special legal system environment changed, the property right structures have different control power configurations. However, the "core" of control power is still kept in family. Hereby, the key of family firm's succession is transferring the "core" of control power. The research on family firm's choosing successor has the important reality and the theory significance.
     Secondly, sampled with family firms at Minnan area, the thesis studies the influence factors of choosing successor through questionnaire survey and interview. The result shows that the phenomenon of Chinese family benefit community is so obvious that the family benefit is composed of the enterprise benefit; the founder is the leadership of succession; the family's harmony is a profitable target of succession.
     Based on the accountant profit and amenity potential being two most important contents of choosing successor, the research establish the choosing successor model. According to individual request, the founder chooses candidate who could gain effectiveness maximization to be the successor through balancing the effectiveness of the accountant profit and amenity potential.
     Thirdly, the research determines two parameters in the above choosing successor model according to analysis family firms at Minnan area. Based on the two parameters, we may understand China family firm founders' balancing attitude for the accountant profit and amenity potential, which also provide the foundation for the founder training the latent successors with a clear goal.
     Lastly, using the present model, the research analyzes the typical case in China.
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