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     基于这些影响,布什政府迅速调整国家层面的教育政策,并及时出台《美国高等教育机会法案》,以期缓解美国教育特别是美国高等教育所遭受的负面影响。然而更为全方面的应对国际金融危机的教育对策产生自2009年1月20日登上历史舞台的奥巴马政府。巴拉克·侯赛因·奥巴马(Barack Hussein Obama Jr.)上台后,在副总统约瑟夫·拜登(Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden, Jr)以及教育部长阿恩·邓肯(Arne Duncan)的协助下,提出新一届政府的教育愿景,并及时制定新的教育财政计划。而更为具有实践价值的在于2009年2月17日签署通过的《美国恢复与再投资法案》,该法案涉及到科技、能源、环境保护、教育、医疗等各类领域,对全面应对金融危机提供了法律上的保障,该法案对教育领域的投资力度也在不断加大。而美国政府的教育对策能否良好的应对当前国际金融危机对美国教育的严重影响,也将随着实践的开展而逐步明朗。本研究在内容上,从国际金融危机对美国教育领域的影响进行研究,进而有针对性的探讨美国联邦政府所实行的各种教育应对策略,最后结合我国教育领域遭受国际金融危机的影响的现实情况,提出符合我国国情的几点启示性建议。此外,从美国的具体教育行动中剖析出行动背后的战略思想即如何将应急措施与教育规律和教育发展长远战略相结合也是本研究的意义所在。
In July 2007,the global financial crisis which was caused by the U.S. sub-loan crisis seriously striked on the various types of economies.Recession in the global economy, the field of education in the United States has also been a huge impact, the performance on which schools finance in the United States, the American school functions,and the impact of American students.
     Based on these effects, the Bush administration took the rapid adjustment of education policy at the national level, and the timely introduction of "Higher Education Opportunity Act of the United States", with a view to alleviate the U.S. education, especially higher education suffered a negative impact. But more to deal with all aspects of the international financial crisis arising from the education strategies January 20,2009 Obama Government on the stage of history. After Barack Hussein Obama Jr. came to power,with the assistance of the Vice President Joseph·Biden, as well as Minister of Education Arne "Duncan, the Government proposed new vision of education and the timely development of new education financial planning. And more practical value lies in the February 17,2009 through the signing of " American Recovery and Reinvestment Act ", the bill related to science and technology, energy, environmental protection, education, health care and other areas, provides legal protection for a comprehensive response to financial crisis, the bill on investment in the field of education is also increasing. Whether the United States Government's education Countermeasures could well respond to the current international financial crisis which is seriously affected on education in the United States, the practice will be carried out gradually clear.
     The contents of this study, researches from the impact of international financial crisis on which the field of education, and explores targeted by the U.S. federal government to deal with the implementation of various educational strategies, the final combination of the field of education in our country suffered the effects of international financial crisis with the reality of our country's situation, proposes Several recommendations enlightenment. In addition, in the analysis of the strategic thinking behind which specific education from the United States action is that,how to constitute contingency measures and the law of education and educational of long-term strategic development is also a significance of this study.
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