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The research on rural financial ecology has important theoretical and practical significance for implementing the scientific development view and for constructing socialism's harmonious society and countryside renewal. For Xinjiang, an under developed province in the National Minority Region of the remote west and a large agricultural province, the rural financial growth is crucial for the development of both the agriculture and the rural economy. Rural finance sector has experienced tremendous growth since the 1978 economic reforms in Xinjiang. However, the financial ecological imbalance of rural finance hinders the sustainable development of rural economy in Xinjiang. Based on the current rural economic development trends in Xinjiang, this study describes the state of the province's rural financial ecology and the representation the reality through its evaluation. This research further reveals the interactions among individual factors and future effects to the efficiency and stability of the entire financial ecology system. The aim of this paper is to advance the understanding and accurate grasping of the laws of operation of the financial ecology system. This study discusses the optimization methodologies of the province's rural financial ecology from the view of basic laws of market economy. The motivation is to provide the premise and foundation to the local government and decision makers for designing policy objectively and effectively intervening in the macroeconomy. This study contributes to the extant literature by addressing issues related to the area of rural financial ecology, which is an under researched field. This research also provides a theoretical references and technical framework for policy makers for rural financial regime reform and scholars studying this field.
     This study is guided by the fields of Finance, Agricultural Economics, Developmental Economics, and Econometrics. The applied methodology uses examples and standardization, both quantitatively and qualitatively. The paper constructs the rural finance ecological evaluation system and describes the rural financial ecology development in Xinjiang. Based on this construct, this paper also analyzes the factors which serve as barriers to the development of the rural financial ecology and provides ideas and countermeasures for optimizing rural financial ecology in Xinjiang.
     This research consists of four sections totaling nine chapters. In the first section, the author provides background and motivates the significance of this research. It further reviews the evolution of the financial ecology theory and the state of both foreign and domestic research. It also outlines the research structure and methodology. The paper interprets and defines the connotation of the rural financial ecology theory, and describes the evaluation of the system characteristics, construction and functions. This section further analyzes the interactive-relationship mechanism between rural financial ecology and the development of the rural economy.
     The second part firstly described the evolution and status of Xinjiang rural financial ecology subject from the angle of the system development of rural financial institution, development level analysis of rural finance, empirical analysis between the rural financial development and rural economic growth relationship, new features and tendency of financial service requirements change and introduced briefly the ecology regulation mechanism improvement, ecology environment of rural finance. Secondly, rural financial ecology evaluation system including the quantitative and qualitative assessment system was established, Analytic Hierarchy Process and Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation method was used for quantitative evaluation, questionnaire was used for qualitative evaluation, comprehensive evaluation model of rural financial ecology was designed for comprehensive evaluation of Xinjiang rural financial ecology. In addition, advancement index was used to reveal the developmental tendency of Xinjiang rural financial ecology, the comparison index was used to analyze the deference between Xinjiang rural financial ecology and the whole country. Rural financial development level , rural law and credit environment had a great influence on rural financial ecology, Xinjiang rural financial ecology was at the general grade, however, the whole advancement index was improved with the time going on and near to the average level of the whole country.
     The third part was based on the evaluation results of Xinjiang rural financial ecology and analyzed the five restriction factor of Xinjiang rural financial ecological construction, rural financial ecology is not good, supply and demand of rural financial resource was not in balance, risk transfer and compensation mechanism was lost, self-regulation was lack of at rural financial market and rural financial environment was worse. Therefore, a general scheme was presented to improve the Xinjiang rural financial ecology, including the objective, contents, practical significance, guiding ideology, principle and thought, meanwhile, optimizing countermeasures of Xinjiang rural financial ecology was emphasized, competition and cooperation of rural financial system, clear and multiple property right system will be established, competition mechanism of rural financial market will be improved, introduction and reflux mechanism of rural fund will be established, and financial risk separation, share and compensation mechanism will be improved , the rural capital market will be cultured and developed, rural financial service mode and means will be innovated and the rural financial ecological environment will be optimized absolutely.
     The imbalance of rural financial ecology has embarrassed the rapid development of Xinjiang rural economic, however, the optimization of rural financial ecology will focus on the dynamic adjustment and gradual balance for the subject, ecology regulation and ecology environment of rural financial ecology. Finally, achieve a vigor subject, high efficient regulation, harmonious environment, accelerate the sustainable development and harmonious progress of Xinjiang rural financial and economic.
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