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本论文研究基于VRML交互式虚拟产品设计坊的设计和实现。阐述了虚拟现实、虚拟现实技术以及基于VRML的虚拟现实技术的概况,探讨了在第二代Web上的VRML虚拟境界的生成技术,提出了在虚拟产品设计中用Java Applet借助VRML的外部程序接口EAI访问VRML虚拟境界及人-机交互地生成VRML虚拟空间的方法。根据目前国内外虚拟现实的研究现状,利用VRML提供强大的Java脚本语言能力和Java内建的Internet网络支持,探讨在Internet上使用VRML进行构造交互式虚拟现实环境的研究和应用。
     本论文重点研究了交互式虚拟产品设计坊空间生成技术及其设计和实现。利用3D Studio MAX R4强大的三维建模和输出功能,将三维场景转化为VRML2.0文件格式输出,从而为建造虚拟现实世界提供了极大的方便。通过VRML的Script节点和浏览器外部编程接口EAI两种机制来扩展VRML场景。利用Java语言来创建程序脚本,从而控制和改变VRML虚拟空间。讨论了VRML技术与其他数据访问技术相结合,实现对数据库实时交互的技术实现方法,并简要阐述了相关技术规范的语法结构和技术要求。
     论述了通过利用TCP/IP协议下的Java Socket网络通讯机制以及构造相应的网络通信数据包等方法,实现虚拟产品空间的生成。论文通过建立虚拟产品设计坊来探讨交互式虚拟现实技术在Internet中的实际应用。
The paper studys the designing and achieving of the interactive designing studio of virtual products based VRML. Expatiated the general situation survey of virtual reality, technology of virtual reality and virtual reality based VRML, and discussed the creating technology of VRML vitrual bourn at the second Web. Bring forwarded the mehtod to use Java Applet in virtue of the external application interface (EAI) of VRML accessing VRML virtual bourn and to create VRML vritual space interactive
    with person and machine. Based the study actuality of virtual reality about inside and
    outside of nation, using the power of Java script language which provided by VRML and Internet network sustain in Java. Discussed the study and application about creating the interactive virtual reality environment used VRML in Internet.
    The paper studys the space creating technology and designing and achieving of the interactive of vitual product designing studio. Changed the 3D bourn into VRML2.0 file format with the power of 3D modeling and output function of 3D Studio MAX R4. providing the huge facility for creating the vritual reality world thereby. Expanding the VRML bourn with the Script node and EAI of VRML. Using the Java language to create the programe script, controled and changed the virtual space about VRML thereby. Discusssed VRML technology combined with other technoloy of data visited, achieved the method to interactive with database in real time, and expatiated the expression structure and technology require of technology criterion in simple.
    The paper discussed the method about using the mechanism of Java Socket network communication under TCP/IP protocol and creating corresponding network communicate data bag. realizing the created of virtual product space. The paper discussed the true application of interactive virtual reality technology in Internet with founding the designing studio of virtual product.
    At last the paper prospected the developing of VRML and its extending of true
    application in the future.
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